Showing posts with label shipping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shipping. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Solar Radiation Management

A glimpse of handful of my Solar Radiation Management (SRM) related pics. Available for use or reprint - please contact for use.

Solar Radiation Management includes the deployment of reflective nanoparticles to block Radar and UV rays. There are technologies that use some types of UV radiation signals frequencies today. However the debate rages over shipment protections and security, versus the disruptive particulate matter shutting down the ability for all types of life forms to fuel or feed themselves- from photosynthesis to human digestion.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Company;- No Hire on Implants, ANY implants.

A couple of other thoughts;-
If my company is underway  at some point. It will not be hiring anyone who has any type of pre-existing implants or independently adds implants, especially silicon. This is for a reasonable security measure due to easy insertation of electronic implants for mind reading, location, and remote surveillance. There may be some exceptions of new prosthetics (which is not a health condition in and of itself) if bio-compatible with above mentioned surveillance methodologies.

Additionally;- due to the small size of the company;- anyone who does not follow a suitable diet plan at the discretion of the company will not be hired. Health is in order to ensure the longevity of the company and any contracts it signs with other parties.
Additionally, some positions are not allowed to be vacated for over a minimum period of 2 years. Ensuring contract viability includes the health and well being, within good reason, of the employee(s).

Saturday, April 08, 2017

USA agencies at fault- Japan EXIM 2017

USA government Agencies that have held and demonstrated  lethal intention towards me;
1. Quakertown Police Department (PA)
2. Richlandtownship Police Department (PA)
3. Department of Homeland Security
4. Central Intelligence Agency
5. Honolulu Police Department
6. Secret Service
7. Department of Education - Navy Seal Trainer, Marine Corps Martial Arts Program trainer
8. U.S. Navy & NCIS
9. USAF OSI (since my birth)

None of these agencies allow for me the requirement of safety that under the Vienna Convention I am not required to appear in court for any matter. Obviously this is due to EXIM political security. Most agencies threaten my arrest, even as a victim of lethal intentions within the USA and by any individual employed by the above listed government agencies.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Get Hawahi out of Shipping

7 years of being abused by Hawaii state doesn't go unnoticed. To even thibgd out or to level the playing field;- play Hawaii local rules in Japan and beat them up, throw them in Job to negate their shipping and EXIM related employment.
issue felonies to those who have any connection to Hawaii and support those who are encouraged hurtful practices and create complications for those in Hawaii.
Hawaiian like to be America's pet to wreck Asia.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Aqua-plantpod Hab wall- in supermarkets

2011 Vegilogi - Aqua-plantpod Hab Walls; aquaculture garden pod wall for grocery stores

Goal: Eliminate mass Shipping of conventionally grown leafy green produce.
Health goals;- provide non-irradiated food, limit range of travelling contaminants

Investigated Aqua-(pod) culture technology currently;-  For grocery stores/ Vegilogi Lifestyle Hab.

One thing that I have never liked, the amount of nutrition vs. amount of chemicals in transported with produce. The most pronounced thing in my mind as a vegan for the past 20 years is that the quality of more selective organic and chemical free meal replacement powder that need water or other liquid hydrator were nutritionally effective. The luxury of consuming plump lettuce leafs, and conventionally grown produce to constitute a salad with high water content & pesticide exposure has diminished in significance. This is aside from the need to adjust for a macro/micro-biotic lifestyle that is more congruent with one's environment by keeping plant species within their climate range and naturally occurring habitat. All to deter the need to ship such vegetables, and or fruits and their contaminants such as molds and small pests.

So, Vegilogi Aqua-plantpod Hab. does not seem that it would not work in several instances due to higher maintenance of cleaning what I see as a wall display. The perfect wall display would have  live, edible, hydroponic/aqua culture plants without soil contaminants being present and clean hoses and in event where mold occurs. At first seemed the aqua-pod wall seemed feasible due to sprayers over already picked produce. To be contaminant free from human touches it seems that the system would really need to be more contained with a pod vending conveyor belt. 

Ideally, if this weren't such a Dept. of Health issue;- the Aqua-plantpod walls could exist as a complete yet enclosed community garden or community agriculture projects supported from Solar energy to maintain pumps and temperatures. Existing community agriculture communities are generally privileged with acreage. However, part of the idea behind in store installation is to encourage Aqua-culture pods being used in elementary schools & communities across the globe as a way to take social responsibility in lower-income communities where children can learn how to eat healthy.

Another big part of the motivator is to bring fresh, clean, non-irradiated food back to the plate as a biological reset. Most all food shipments today are irradiated at some point in the process, or at least through the East Coast & Pennsylvania from my private sources. That may however, be negligible in comparison to current produce pile shopping style displays that can smell like mold from uncleaned quantity driven displays (ones noted at Langley, VA to Kailua, HI). The smaller Aquaculture plant pod wall designs should fit within refrigerated shipping container as a small display for vending POP.
  1.  The POP (point of purchase) should enable the consumer to take the plant home intact to plant in a soil based medium or to continue to live for consumption within a week of purchase. Print out basic instructions, receipt, app development for instruction, etc.
  2. Benefits to the store are a live, beautiful display of fresh edible greens. 

2011 Vegilogi Product Needs:
General Specs:
  • Aquaculture-pod wall fixture 6'-10' or 16'-20'- 2 options: 1. entire wall enclosed  or 2. not enclosed. 
    • conveyor system to work unenclosed wall to rotate for maintenance
    • enclosed system to have a dispenser & POP outlet for the pod(s)
    • easy access to remove flush/clean hoses running through aqua pods. 
    • employees or IC's who can maintain & restock Aqua-plantpod Hab wall(s) and have background. All vegetables/plants grown on site. - will require a time commitment for new growth. 
    • ie,. Butterhead lettuce, Oak leaf lettuce, Arugula, Herbs, possible sprouts,  Aqua-plantpods to contain plants that can be taken home as is and plugged into a compatible home system for growth, or removed from the pods for current consumption.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Green Paper - Private Shipping - Disaster Recovery vs. Old Grid living

my personal Notes: While going through some urbanesque (urban-like) survival, some environmental concerns do come to the forefront with Supply Chain. I want to see a less toxic personal home use supply chain that may succumb to extreme loss for a period of 80-100 years with global population growth.

For my private shipping Goals;- elimination of unnecessary weight in cargo
elimination of unnecessary product shipments while natural disasters ensue

Global Initiative Goal:  Make metals recycling of containers & appliances UNNECESSARY in public use.

Vegilogi's Goal: 
Eliminate use of metal cans & related mined materials for daily use food pantry item foods from the supply chain. Replace with least toxic storage option.
  • Shorten Product warehouse storage time on daily pantry items - 
    • Shorten Expiration and move product out of warehouse as "stock" mandatory 2 year minimum on warehouse stored product with 3.5-3.9 year total shelf life from production. 
    • Reduce warehouse storage time on unnecessary food items such as Candies to holding stock for less than 1.5 years
    • Increase warehouse storage facilities for survival goods in cans to 15+ years with more subsidies to warehouse canned food stocks.
  • Shorten Product to Retail Purchase
  • Change packaging for fish, meats, seafood, pet foods, soups - impress dehydrated foods as storage method. 
  • Refocus on hydration supply to re-hydrate such foods - Hydrators.
  • Can be interpreted as moving "healthy/ natural foods"
  • Increase reuse incentive of plastic containers that house dry goods;- supplement powders, grains, dehydrated edible plant matter & other protein based nutritional sources.
  • Promote shipment of personal water filtration bottles & reduce any canned hydration or recreational drink stocks.
  • Reduce number of personal kitchens with pots, pans, and metal cooking utensils. 
    • Reduce public sales of personal use/household metals
    • Increase disaster recovery stock of portable personal cooking burners (solar or gas @warehouse storage) 
      • note:# urban survival burner can: make a 30min heat sourced burner from tuna/pet food sized can with tightly rolled corrugated cardboard inside, minimal candle wax (prolong burn), and long burning wick to start.can be placed in a larger empty coffee can to warm things and trap some heat.
    • implement used/broken pot/pans & utensils collections to prevent landfill burial
The use of Cans - BPA-Free or not should be a "Survival Only item" rather than a storage method for daily pantry items that need short storage. Acid based foods that deteriorate packaging need to be reduced as well.  One of the most pertinent issues then becomes continual transport of non-hazmat goods and use of shipping systems geared towards transport of food/liquids. This is in part to reduce EX-IM liability of potential terrorist threats that could easily be hidden in metal container packaging.
I cannot insure the integrity of entire team that I would have to rely on. I have had to consider the requirements of the goods I would ship. I looked at the US GOVT as a model;- and their requirements are different and allow metal items to be shipped domestically & internationally as single packages with personal liability on the sender.
However, as a larger company;- I would not want to incur that liability of metal items being sent.
China & other nations that take actions against democracies, have engineered plastics to resemble weights, densities and textures of natural materials and also disguised toxins as food ingredients.
My focus has been to set the HULOTOXIGEN standard high. This lends itself to a perishable cargo or a cargo that is not haz-mat or chemically complex of human design. Use of mobile refrigeration container units and their storage could be employed across Grids as plug-ins and singular vending sites (with solar compatibility as a mandatory requirement).
To reduce the cost to the shipper and insure a sufficient number of the units, there needs to be a demand. Current American home kitchen standards do not support this type of business to exist with profitability to maneuver the current economic platform in North America. Globally, this type of business has potential to reach even more remote communities with a sufficient power supply;- even a solar converter, to provide the community with a weekly-bi-weekly fresh food source and cooking station for dry/ preserved foods.  

A more extreme viewpoint (or more living like a New Yorker) that I have concluded so as to develop my company values. I don't believe that every home deserves or needs what has become commercial/restaurant quality kitchen equipment in comparison to food standards from 70 years ago using most famous cookbooks from 1950's7 60's as a basis. The reality of old or uncleaned and thrown away kitchen appliances is the loss of metal resource and landfill space used.

Goal: Eliminate large personal kitchen appliances in private condo/homes
or America (specific): Government subsidies for kitchen appliance use & maintenance (purchase, utility, shipment) of large personal/family kitchen appliances to process & cook foods for families with children.
1. To reduce Shipping Insurance damages and loss of materials/goods
2. Redistribute cost of single person home appliances & depreciation (due to transience and unoccupied time) to support restaurant & convenience and vending services.
  •     Immediate cost of utilities also included in vending/ convenience store products
3. Kitchen square footage can be re-allocated to emergency shelter space without new construction (more for USA/Canada than Tokyo, Japan). Possible to implement Government payment or tax incentive for emergency shelter housing to participating homeowners.
4. Re-organize distribution of refrigeration units on the Grid - Small Convenience stores & grocery. - in power out, Grid power gone.
5. Re-train consumer habit of continual refrigeration for large quantities of sauces and condiments, the beer fridge, cold storage of "power/meal bars" includes installation of solar panels for pre-existing personal kitchen units.

2011 Vegilogi, LLC Product Needs:
  • Reusable &  plastic-flex see through packaging or bulk packaging for fresh or prepared food - oxygenated/ fresher needs to be reusable & strong for units. Vegetables/ Fruits requirements to be - 
    • Live enough to be taken out of the package at point of purchase
    • Stays fresh in H20/water for 3-5 days without any refrigeration.
  • contaminant free: wime barrel style to contain breakages (see through window) buoyancy

America Specific: 
USA refrigeration is mainly used for hydration, frozen veggies (that incur frostbite), desserts, sauces, beer, eggs, milk, Peanut butter, cheese, and incurs a large waste of fresh vegetables & fruits, breads, and luncheon meats & cheeses (speculative due to high volume of sandwich/sub/hoagie shops).
Even without a refrigeration unit in the personal home: Current  (not expired)  liquid  hydration/ Hydrators can be secured in aseptic packaging and reconstituted such as almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk. Non-vegan items could still include high-quality dehydrated eggs for omelettes, crepes, scrambled eggs for personal home use. Dehydrated eggs still serve as a protein source and would cook quickly over emergency burners on a downed grid. Traditional butter keeps out in a covered butter dish at a cooler room temperature and fresh oils could be used if there is still burner/ stove top cooking in the household with use of a thin pizza pan.

   2011 Vegilogi, LLC Product Needs*:  
  • high-quality dehydrated eggs (vegan equivalent)
  • Dehydrated Pepperonis (vegan possible?
  • Science adding oil to a dry parmesean style - mozzerella cheese type protein powder base (make stringy reconstitution) 
  • Spice packet for a dehydrated cauliflower or traditional crust
  • Dehydrated pizza sauce
  • Hydrators:- Requirements;- flavorful for addition to dehydrated proteins & foods, without refrigeration stays preserved in aeseptic packaging or other non-metal & contaminant free packaging.

 *Note: the above products should be able to be cooked on "basic" urban survival burner can
# urban survival burner can: make a 30min heat sourced burner from tuna/pet food sized can with tightly rolled corrugated cardboard inside, minimal candle wax (prolong burn), and long burning wick to start.can be placed in a larger empty coffee can to warm things and trap some heat.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Japan sea wall in ocean

If China nuked/ sent missiles at the nuclear reactors Iin Japan at once, it would create a natural defensive barrier over many kilometres. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

American concept of "home"

Experiential learning has transcended typical rural boundaries online. A man who returned to land from RIMPAC drills said to me;-  "no it's just that we miss home." He said that in response to  My dismay with the "white girl" syndrome From white USA soldiers returning. So, this USA soil mindset is that USA Homeland is to be most supportive of white women. This man returns and only wants to support white women after being abroad, despite other attractive American women of other racial descent being single and available. Reinforced by the RIMPAC drills having people of different races and countries that weren't white, so a white mindset  in the USA who "isn't white" doesn't belong. And, that other races in the USA should support this idea to make as reality. This is aside from the fact that there are European countries with White people. 
So understanding that this is a common definition of what Americans call home;- why should I do anything to support their version of home that moves to exclude me and threaten my "no -white" American life. 
I am grateful for the verbal exchange, however;- it lends itself to a capitalist way of thinking of the world that favours propagation of only all white/Caucasian families. As my siblings have already been murdered by USA racists & racism, it is an understanding that those of us who are not white are merely an American grounded cat's paw reaching into foreign nations. 
Why USA soldiers don't embrace the diversity of the USA Homeland is detrimental to my future, even without my having made an EXIM attempt for the USA that I am pondering today. 
I've even had this type of conversation with sailors/soldiers of other nations. They see the USA men/soldiers dock and leave bases in segregated groups based on race. They find it astonishing that the sailors all run the same ship yet seem to have an intense hatred for each other by race, by USA locales, when departing for R&R. 
It is a ridiculous notion for me to continue to tolerate, as a minority and mixed race and nationality female in the USA. My tasks are only compounded by problems that the USA has made clear are based in Nationality first. Clearly I'm merely a cat's paw and pawn to the USA, and some days I am no one, and others thee USA fears their own hurting me as I can also be a great liability to the USA. There is no consistency that makes for a stable life and business platform for me to remain living, especially in the USA.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hawaii needs to end sex trafficking

The Old Hawaii needs to grow up into the Western world. The local born crowd revels in the decadent trades and human trafficking as a secondary source of income. It is also way they can import and export terrorism to promote the old idea that Hawaii is not a part of the United States. That is in addition to their sale of children to foreign countries, kids who run off to the mainland with pimps, & women forced into the sex trade where there is a continual massive slippery slope of blackmail.
Those in the human labor "industry" sometimes gain outside financial support from undefined Muslim business interests. While the same women are prostitutes for the US military that resides in Hawaii, the local law enforcement virtually gives them free reign by having a blind eye to these trafficked workers to physically attack other women and families. Maybe in comparison to mainland USA, there should be a wider definition of prostitution. I have heard stories from Bar owners who have received fines for their Hostesses being engaged in prostitution. This was frequently due to undercover officers propositioning women in their establishments for prostitution. The frequency of men propositioning women for prostitution or sex in any Hawaii public location is very high. It is unlike the Mainland USA where prostitution

The maturity of both military and non-military officers and housewives who participate in the Hawaii and Transient Vegas sex worker industry is a gateway for human trafficking to remain enabled in the Hawaiian islands.

I feel redundant saying this and personally feel it may make some matters worse. if Hawaii state and City of Honolulu were to shut down most exotic dancer clubs and hostess bars;- it would put an immediate end to the above ground use and crimes against dancers and other women who prostitute out of the hostess clubs. 

From my personal experience, corrupt law enforcement is able to take money from women in the industry and use it directly against the women's domestic violence support attorneys and social workers.

 It is self defeating for Hawaii to keep so many hostess bars open, since most of the same women are in circulation and supposedly own homes elsewhere in the United States, take up to 10k to foreign countries they are from, or are trying to pay legal or hospital bills from Domestic Violence issues and stalkers and having to move off island.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Focus plan this week.

I'm stumped, this week 

My life has been for others, for my brother to live, not for me. He left the planet and left me with the difficult part I thought I could see through to a positive end in 5 years (by 2014).  Now 2016, things have spun out of control and I don't think I can fix it alone, or go back to Philly  to work on my startup. 
I'm cringing at the USA politicians and the backdrop that has been created. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Globalized Clothing is "Fashion"

Globalization of the world is happening. One thing that containers and shiploads of clothes contains is the globalized interpretations of what used to be cultural prints and patterns. 
No longer on homespun from a loom, the "tribal" designs have left villages and virtually evaporated. Instead, there is a cacophony of "culturally or tribal" inspired design from the Caucasian globalism fashion regime. The stores that plague the American landscape in heinous strip mall force contain the battered products of a sweatshop global culture. 
They say, if it weren't for globalization and America, these workers would be penniless. 
Penniless is more affordable and luxurious compared to the garbage heaps and toxic air America's globalized tribal village has created abroad.
That is of course, while the American Elite remain harsh and progressive critics of using anything except organic fabrics. It's all gotten to be too late before the next population Explosion.


There is nothing else in my mind than

"You either are or you aren't for me."

My life is lonely waiting on TPP agreement;- I used to be a classical piano teacher, business organizational consultant, bartender. Hawaii is full of unsavory and inappropriate as well as life threatning people. Those  who wouldn't even qualify to host a foreign exchange student due to the broken family structures really are the most inappropriate in making comments. They don't even have a wholesome American Family let alone fit a high standard of the definition of success by American standards. Instead I'm being bombarded with criticisms by Hawaii's FOB 3rd world prostitutes who latch onto the rich men here as success is huge in their home country for the $150 or so going price for prostitutes. I've learned to hate the speech impediment or Asian foreign accent on English as the people are extra numb and abusive to tolerate. Emotionally it's like hearing nails on a chalkboard screeching.  It's not only aggravating, it is like its America's way of shafting the TPP with Japan before it is finished in completion.
This goes for 
1. the long range business plan, 
2. my family is treated more harshly due to their political friends negatively impacting my life;- ie., killing my brother so he wouldn't be at my wedding (which didn't happen). A DOD employee contacted me to tell me even my family would be considered terrorist if they threatened my life at this point. @ 2005.
3. People I let close to me who really aren't qualified to speak to me about the long range business plan. 
4。Racists hiding behind the polite, cordial, and nice veil. Not for me.
5.  Men who want an intimate relationship. And bad-mouth me because of their own deficiency that is not for me.

You  are for me or aren't for me. If I'm not "happy" it's because you aren't for me or necessarily against me and I have to tolerate being there. There is no bringing in anyone to the Plan. So, there is no use for extra people who can jeopardize our goals for the 11million+ who have families to support. And, that number is expected to quadruple in the next 25years.

 My Father and my Mother are politically askew from good intentions towards me, have been accomplice to their Republican friends in dismantling my life in order to propagate WW3. Legally they are entities who met minimal accommodations and both broke child abuse laws (more so my mother on a daily basis than my father) and pilfered what was left for me by my Great-grandmother. My mother, initially part of the Imperial Japanese Household Security and my Father, EX- USAF OSI are both ostracized from the family. I have tried my best through an extremely abusive and life threatening environment to survive on behalf of the PEACE concept. 
I am at a point where, my instructions since childhood as an Agent of Japan and serving my Emperor seem futile. Though, my sentiment is to terminate this relationship as there is no one who is helping to improve my life to a reasonable mode of living. Everyone who knows of this plan and has money to gain or loose threatens me with legalities, and so I have remained with my "Vow of Poverty" I was forced to realize in 1996 if I was to continue my life.

Since I have been in Hawaii;- I was unwillingly detained by a Navy Seal trainer and Martial artist and tossed into the Hawaii sex industry. He forced me to surrender money I made, if it wasn't stolen from me along with other pieces of my identity. This is due to his parents' ineptitude financially. He also identified hisself as a Federal Agent and a VIP body guard. He explained he had to do this to me so that he could protect his own "credit rating" to keep his job. Due to this initial violation of my personal well being, It opened the doors to more attacks from the Hawaii military & sex industry, as well as the local security companies and Honolulu Police department;- all involved in sex trafficking or illegal narcotics to some degree. 

This Hawaii is tired. It would be refreshing to have new security move into the area and more constraints on soldiers at all levels;- as they are to take orders and fail at being better civilian business people.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

May 2016 - my EX-IM notes

Elimination and *Action Plan + minimum constraints
  • Everyone has their own agenda
  • Some do marketing to "unite" it under a common cause
  • Race/national issues unwelcome
  • Refrain from using the word "Culture"
  • Business requirements to be met
    • not personal agendas of Others who create issues
  • There are no lawsuits at this level, only War(s).

Too Violent                vs.               Intelligent (Makes appropriate decision, maximizes cooperation)
Untrustworthy            vs.              Subversive ( Proven Works in favor of organization)
Steal from System      vs.              Personal Wealth (including education & experience)
(Steal from Business)

wrong mindset:   Military members work in teams against civilian initiative & corporate global agenda - Compromise integrity of mission especially using JAG's and free resources. 

*Eliminate those who compromise integrity

Looking for those who are 
  1. non-violent
  2. Non-Government  (not working for charitable causes either)
  3. Don't sway because of money
  4. Dedicated to cause or belief
*Set up business to see who steals

wrong mindset:  Qualifier mindset that must be eliminated:- Military Tourism = not international credibility.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Quotation for the day

"Whoever has not learned to look behind the scenes will be duped time and again by promises and flattering words." ~ Bruno Groening, mystic

Japan Trans-Pacific Partnership

Last night the Japan Rep who I met at ABAC 2011, a older white haired Caucasian man from Bucks County;- stopped by my stage. It finally made sense that his collegues and/or friends pressured my brother's death nearly 11 years ago in this volatile world of EX-IM. 
I'm tragically disgusted with what I realized, and that they are making me a laughing stock. 
I am not at all happy, and I agree with my family in discontinued business with the Caucasian-Americans, women included.

Whites are violent back stabbers who find the longterm game more satisfying and gratifying in their executions/murders of non-whites. I'm not sure that business with African-Americans will be much better as I have already experienced their agenda against Caicasian racism. They are biased at pushing their agendas and offer no internal domestic help that is actually appropriate for an international field.

Though, I've found some of the Russians (not the Georgia born) quite agreeable. I question their possession by Christianity in the ASEAN Environment. It is my biggest concern.

My current death menace is back

In Hawaii the term Export-Import is a salacious word to the majority. It connotates foreign car models & porn stars. I = neither. Yet it is still a source of amusement for the male population on the island knowing they destroyed any decent career I may have had from the USA as a political liaison in Export-Import.
They made it easy for the Chinese-Hawaiian descent Federal Agent & military contract trainer who hijacked me from my vacation at the Honolulu airport to rob me and put me in the Sex industry 6 years ago. (He is someone who also proudly claims he has purchased women on his credit card and trafficked them to the Vatican in hearsay, as well as grilling me as to if I could obtain weapons for Hawaiian Nation). My credit was completely annihilated. He gave my ID to someone else. I've been fighting to retain minimal living standards here in Hawaii, and I can't go back to the mainland in this kind of disrepair. He annihilated my financial security. 
My depression is starting to become overwhelming. I can only "dance" as licensed by the Honolulu Liquor Comission that has previously "given away" my identity information to Chinese biased authorities on this island. 
The Hawaii population thinks it's amusing. They have embarrassed me in front of an international audience of tourists and some of my relatives;- not to mention other countries where my family's business connections have been more than aggravated. Each time I have a suitable living environment he, without incvitation, has "stopped by", stolen information or keys and called me crazy and threatened to harm me. 33black belts and 6 grandmaster ranks in various arts- he is impossible for me to contend with anymore.
My newest concern is his "poverty due to helping his parents current debts. Current debts they hold from their housing association. He incurred job loss as a paramedic possibly from harming me over 5 years go. He teaches martial arts privately to children of Kailua families at a church, among his other adult students.

I'm afraid he will kill me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Make International Trade a NGO issue. UN protections only.

TPP, Presidential Candidates, and new EX-IM

The United States does not need international trade. Every single presidential candidate running this season seems to agree. I waited 6 years for the ASEAN nations Japan partner to join in negotiation for the TPP in 2011. I have waited another 5 years to hear that my favorite Hillary Clinton @doesn't like the deal", mind you that I  rep'd the USA. And last night I got a reminder from an Asian rep type person that I should QUIT my current job in the USA. That leaves me without income at all AND no social services support. The USA still hasn't lightened up since dropping the Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nearly a year ago in  2005, my 3rd party intermediary was terminated. It left me running for my life from the staunch republican interest and  without sufficient support in the USA. That is despite my meagre attendance at APEC 2011 for a show of face & Japan announcing they would enter into TPP negotiation talks  with the USA.

 The special missions that ran through China and other parts of Asia circa WW2 helped open conversation for trade with the USA. The post-Vietnam war era lead to more Recon efforts of Asia and new marriages and family relations with  America's United States and Asian nations. Only a generation away, ASEAN countries have mostly decided to try and accept a "Deal" to do trade with the USA. Despite USA Armed Forces' interest in opening certain trade routes;- some people, especially in ASIA,  disagree that it should be US  military initiated.

I'll add more later... I'm just about ready to step out of the USA, as there is no indicator that the US Military will cease to hinder my well being. Additionally that there may be some "gang wars" and assassinations to hit the Hawaii & NY domestic shippers;- as it has come to my personal attention, so does my life feel in greater jeopardy today.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Global Shipping & Shutdown. Domestic handling only.

Quickie Summary:
The heightened consequences in EX-IM regulation have prompted some businesses to begin plans to Shutdown after clearing and shipping out their major inventories. This will take on a new online buying trend, as it will supersede other regular quarterly Fashion releases.  Soon only domestic buyers who have brought in product prior to the "at Large" shutdown will be able to have ample stockpiles to provide to the rest of the Online purchasing community. WW3 preparations are going to saturate the global demand for a 3-6 year buying spell as international warehouses exchange goods.
This should also assist with global safety and regulation issues. More focused searches can be done more effectively.
Searches for hidden weapons, and weapons of mass destruction carried in more ample cargo ( not boxes of shoes and other common goods) will have more attention from security. However, the initial common goods (shoes, clothing) shipments will take time and be delayed without an appropriate trained workforce to check individual package integrity for weapons components. This may cause delay at shipyards and initial heightened security measures for masses of shipping containers. That is until an appropriate workforce is trained, scrutinized, and hired. However, ship while weather is fair.
Additionally, this should result in some reallocation of workers to focus on growing internal/domestic issues with migrant populations and safeguarding their homeland supplies. If WW3 does ensue, this domestic common goods surplus should be enough to last 8-14 years in the worst case scenario.

Friday, November 20, 2015

USA should take Hawaiian tribal funds

Since M-16's were prevalent with dozens of snipers at APEC 2011, and even a Hawaiian-Chinese Kahuna & Olohei was sent to the airport to interfere with my Japanese-USA business plan;- it seems that USA should make efforts to freeze and or confiscate funds of the Hawaiian tribe. The USA is using Hawaiian tribes to interfere with international Efforts to maintain a peaceable business environment and to exacerbate war interests by side-stepping head on attacks to private individuals, families, and other international interest. 
They also make zero reparations and the Hawaiian tribal community (whether carrying a U.S. Passport or not) is making advances towards War between Other Asian nations from USA territory/lands.