Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Presidential Smear in Media

How is it that the ENTIRE Judiciary Branch of the Federal government has seemingly vanished?!
Were they shut down?
Trump's Twit and Tweet along with the entire Media smear tell me that the Judicial Branch has taken a much needed Vay-Kay for the next 4 years (and 2 months). The Judicial attorneys were supposed to PREVENT media and press coverage on (ESPECIALLY) Mr. President &/or MS. President.

Presidential Tycoon the APP
How does this newly elect surrender his Twitter app?  On camera, while taking the Presidential oath Mr. Trump will hand over his cell phone & mobile computers like a school child in elementary school? To ease his pain, a game app called Presidential Tycoon can be played.
  • The Presidential Tycoon app includes;- don't feed and take care of unrelated Americans to shove more money in your kids bank accounts.  Tapped relentlessly, Trump-doo birds flock above the White Jail House. 
  • Secret Russian Service agents can be bought for less than Obama-care payments to throw the entire Judicial branch and any Senate and house opposition into Mexican Wall building grunt work (along with their bank accounts).
  • Terrorist connex to rush to Presidential Tycoon's aid to pirate weapons shipments and liason payment to other governments who will sink US military vessels in the South China Sea and Sea of Japan.  Presidential Tycoon receives more money in military contractor secret bank accounts. 
  • Beware of the Presidential Tycoon when he sinks Manhattan. Blown infrastructure deal with terrorist cover up adds 20 Billion to his private stock held in escrow at an offshore bank account by the VLADIATOR.
  • Presidential Tycoon gets bonus points when he kicks puppies at his next visit with North Korean menace Kim Jong-leur


Saturday, January 07, 2017

USA& Vietnam to replace Japan

Heard through grapevine that the USA cannot afford to maintain its security agreement with Japan. As recourse to Pentagon budget cuts, the USA will be making preparation to settle into Vietnam as a crucial Asian logistical & strategic move. 
The USA is not in support of TPP and Japanese business as of now.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Chrysanthemums & Rose Petals for USS Langley - 75th Pearl Harbor

My personal hero, who took me to Philly lunch many weekends, Pearl Harbor Survivor remembered.
Yesterday, I made the trip to visit Pearl Harbor's Arizona Memorial and the USS Missouri.  I went, for my late "American Grandpa", who is my father's uncle. Since I am over 10 years younger than all of my cousins, I was like an only child on the weekends with him, his brother, mom, sister, and my the other hateful aunts that he instructed to "try to be nice to her" for as long as I could remember. Uncle Eddie, told me about that day at Pearl Harbor and his duty on the USS Langley gunner that avoided getting hit that day. And that he could only return to clean up while referring me to the framed full crew photograph on the wall of his Upper Darby home. So, yesterday December 7, 2016, I scattered the rose petals and yellow mums at the Arizona Memorial, heartfelt.

Despite Uncle Eddie being a gunner, having only two silver stars from Iwo Jima and the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. My mom, fearing for my life, let me go to lunch with him & to the candy shop. It was a regular weekend at great-grand mom's to hear the fight that he'd been through too much and should stay away from me (offensive names withheld).  Instead, he argued that he'd done the fighting so he could do what he wanted to do. My mom, being Japanese, was someone Uncle Eddie visited with and they would talk in our living room many Sundays. Later 2009, before I came to Hawaii;- he dropped off his Langley mission cards for me to check out. He also was the biggest motivating piano teacher in hindsight, since he "brought me up" not naive about my musical studies and shared his love of music with me.

Yesterday, I didn't know what to say to the living treasured Pearl Harbor Survivors. I remember Uncle Eddie telling me that, "Yeah they want me to come out there, but I don't, nah, dont wanna make the trip." It was like an indicator that he was always pressing to be forward thinking. I remember days he'd show up at the house from cleaning up 9-11 with the FDR hat on. He lived a life of service to the USA, even though he parted from the US Navy so long ago. I always was in awe of him and his inner strength.

I, being born a dual national of Japan and USA,  rarely received a gift of any kind (no graduation cards either) from my father's family members since they would fight and bicker  and cause headaches for Uncle Eddie because they hate me, even as a 6yr old. So I always felt that his time was more precious to me and my late brother. He'd give me a few bucks here and there where he could sneak it in and tell me to hang onto it. That, at this level, it was more individual healing and learning for past events as our interpersonal way of making amends. 
I hope, that there are more of us who choose to honor our fallen appropriately (like Uncle Eddie did every weekend). And, that we can move forward to make peace.

On December 7, 2016
I stopped by a local florist who gave rose petals and the mus to me for my visit. I am grateful for her kindness. The Arizona Memorial ticket was free. I did make some small purchases for momentos of the day since it has always been a family weekend topic in the USA. The box of Cracker Jacks I ate at the USS Missouri was the only one I saw, but it was expired by a couple weeks. Thanks to da Braddah for kamaaina water. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

USA Business for Japanese relation

  • Recommend Japan limit USA tourist spending to Vacation packages and meals.
  • I have been experiencing heightened violence from some USA citizens with particular hatred of JAPAN. And, there has not been ANY assistance from the USA government programs.

The USA has not given anything to support business for ABAC size or larger.
Rather, since 1996, there has been direct interference with my personal life from the Clinton Boys as well as the Bush business elite. This includes, directly preventing me from leaving the USA to return to my home Country of Japan after completing college. In Hawaii 2009+ I was met at the Honolulu airport by a member of Obama's local Hawaiian secret services team;- He prevented my vacation on my own terms and returning to my life. Local Honolulu police department cooperated with him and guaranteed my abduction.

They, meaning the higher level individuals; - committed identity theft and destroyed my financial integrity as well as much of my work integrity (as I am unable to return to work on the mainland).
Since I have been in Hawaii;- I have attempted to document the issues that the Americans/ US GI's/ and Other USA citizens have created to cause more political rifts with Japan.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Focus plan this week.

I'm stumped, this week 

My life has been for others, for my brother to live, not for me. He left the planet and left me with the difficult part I thought I could see through to a positive end in 5 years (by 2014).  Now 2016, things have spun out of control and I don't think I can fix it alone, or go back to Philly  to work on my startup. 
I'm cringing at the USA politicians and the backdrop that has been created. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

My legal issues with US military personnel off duty

USA military in my life since Hawaii 2009 and APEC 2011 :- the following 2 Military personnel & contractors have damaged my safety and 
Financial integrity.
2/2009-3/2012- interference from a member of Obama's Hawaii based secret service. Worst:- Attempted to kill me and drive off with me half hanging out truck window;- Mililani, HI.  Made police report that disappeared when Honolulu Police Department lost many police reports in that time frame. This was despite the impression management and the Chinese-Hawaiian Secret Service Agent's motive to bring guns to Hawaii. 
Later in 2014? I was approached during a house interrogation with my housemates involving the same agent. I filed for a TRO finally due to some backup. The Federal Agent named with his attorney filed lawsuit(s) against my attorney to complicate the restraining order. After 6 mos it ended as what I initially offered at the first hearing;- TRO dismissal with prejudice. 
Hawaii State also tried to impose unconstitutional law on me saying that I will have to leave the state within 180days. I left within 180days to Japan and went to Ginza, Tokyo. I then returned to Hawaii.

2013:- I was attacked by a Navy Chief who was also a submarine nuclear engineer & friend for some time. He was out of control drinking and HPD watched me fight off the 190lb man for appx 20min. I was appx 119lbs at the time. I refused medical attention. They threatened to arrest me if I did not comply. This resulted in huge hospital bills so that the Honolulu prosecutor could drop all charges after failing to contact me, to avoid felony implications for the Navy Chief.

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Jabbah da hot- Hawaiian Islands

The Navy's top-secret program to create a job of the hut is nearing completion. Thousands of Local navy wives are to have liposuction performed in the next coming months. This humanitarian and top secret effort is part of a top secret AI project to collectively take all cellulite and creates a Starish Wars Jabbah da hut and to bring it life with a re-animation syrum and new artificial intelligence AI OS. The application of this A.I. Will be tested in desert warfare situations early 2016.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Teach Hawaii's children about the Mason-Dixon line!!!

Hawaii State seems to be a place that makes Foreign ideas of slavery acceptable to many residents because it is a temporary means to an end;- and serves the moment rather than their future. Hawaii State's school system and educators ares definitely tied up with the overthrown Hawaiian government by the USA and they haven't moved forward or learn much about those things that make America what it is.  Bringing Hawaii up to speed with their land/property laws, ideas of fixed rent/ say RENT CONTROL!!!, or maintaining a respectable society that isn't groveling at the feet of Foreigners with money.

Most of us from East Coast USA are used to going on school trips yearly, if not bi-annually to see the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, the Capitol Building, Monticello, Statue of Liberty, The Underground Railroad, Valley Forge, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier just to name a few places. This is something practically inaccessible and uninteresting to most of Hawaii's youth and their parents.

They also seem to NEVER have heard of the Famous Mason-Dixon line. The line that divided the Free states from the Slave states.  And the older Hawaiian residents argue, minus googling, about the location of it as if I have never seen it the hundreds of time I made the drive from my home state of PA to Washington DC as an intern or organizer.

Mason-Dixon Line, boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland (running between lat. 39°43−26.3”N and lat. 39°43−17.6”N), 
Read more: Mason-Dixon Line |

Japanese American woman perspective- APEC from the USA side

Today I' writing after much contention as it was my goal and intention to create more peace. The people working against me and the intentions of my Japanese grandfather Kikuchi, Hirokatsu who was a Governor in Japan's Akita prefecture. As his granddaughter, I should be protected under provisions made by the Vienna Convention. However, throughout my life the USA has detained me from leaving to Japan and China by not only squandering my accounts, damaging and not delivering mail, but cancelling my plane tickets as they see fit.
 I was asked to leave Hawaii for the East Coast USA springtime 2014. However, since the Patriot Act created this hostile environment on the East Coast for me with Homeland Security;- I am unable to accomplish even small tasks and am fearful for my life.

 In the past near decade I have been assaulted financially, physically, politically, sexually by those who claim to work for the United States government, Navy, Army, Marines, CIA, not excluding US politicians with private interest in starting a war between Japan and China.   This includes men who claim they are connected to President Obama's personal security when President Obama visits the Hawaiian  Islands.  The total of the damage has left me poverty stricken & homeless in Hawaii since I was forced into the Hawaii Bar scene by a federal agent from a well known Hawaiian/Chinese family;- who also behaved as a pimp taking all of my earnings for most of 2 years; in order to instigate future lawsuits due to his family's pre-existing problem that compromises his role in a Security requirement of good credit. This is all despite my role within my international family & USA at Hawaii's hosted Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2011;- goal; to bridge and connect Japan &; USA (TPP) in a more peaceful way for a new generation of business leaders.

My daily life in Hawaii is less than desirable. Most of the 3rd & 4th generation Asian-Americans in Hawaii still speak with a speech impediment and out rightly show their Hatred of New York and laugh at the demise of the city for 9-11. I still wonder how it is that these people are even acceptably American as they direct their hatred at me for being raised on the East Coast. I may have been born with dual citizenship;- however I actually find New York state more of a home than other places on the Urban east coast. If I were to reside in Hawaii;- I would want to see already proven senators and representatives from Urban America make a run in Hawaii to bring it up to a modern speed. The antiquated Asian slavery and rights system this state still upholds in reality is heartbreaking.
Many of the "well off" Hawaiian families seem to sponsor Asian "mail order brides" and choose to work overtime on destroying sexual equality at most levels of their society. Personally for me as an American woman who lived with a female Republican senator who passed Roe Vs. Wade;- The business climate in Hawaii is incontestably sexist and harmful to my psychological and emotional health. Hawaii's business climate does not allow for differences to work to a greater end goal. It is very much about men controlling the women who have business interest. And, then the women here are petty and undermine each other due to jealousy and small mindedness. The men here have no respect, and most of the women here are bent into subservient Asian roles;- where even politicians are largely swayed to vote on bills by 'Cultural' preferences instead of American standards of equality and decency. I don't care to live in a state run by a Japanese-American