Showing posts with label service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label service. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

USPS and DeepState targeting

I would like to be able to write a letter and have it printed and mailed by USPS. This request is due to the surveillance by local PD and Fusion centers monitoring my whereabouts and targeting me. 
Due to the FISA and DoD 5240.1R surveillance as a discriminatory practice against Americans born to at least one foreign national parent and one US military parent:- the local police and State actors already tamper with my mail and critical financial related matters. This way they degraded my life and eroded my human rights.
They know the contents of my communication as I write them due to Surveillance monitoring. So for the local USPS (probably involved in monitoring my mail) to allow a service to mail the letter would spare me the travel, and an in person incident by Gangstalkers and privately contracted Defense employees.

In 2020-2021 they targeted me each time I printed an eBay shipping label since they do not permit home pickup for my location.
There were Gangstalkers in town, following and obstructing my driving from in front of me. In 2022 I learned eBay allows printing of the label from the USPS. And this eased the immediate targeting on days I left the house. I limited days I left the house to 1 or 2 days because of death threats attempts on my life including bodily harm since Spring of 2021.

My human rights and freedom is limited here. And the local library also participates in targeting when I print letters. The local Staples also seems to be accessible to perpetrators:- noting additional charges from printing during the closed New Year's Day. It appears the local perpetrators printed 3-4 additional copies of my affidavit on January 1st-Jan 3rd 2021.  After I paid and sent an affidavit to a civil rights group in 2020.

The psychological damages are also making my life tedious. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

My legal issues with US military personnel off duty

USA military in my life since Hawaii 2009 and APEC 2011 :- the following 2 Military personnel & contractors have damaged my safety and 
Financial integrity.
2/2009-3/2012- interference from a member of Obama's Hawaii based secret service. Worst:- Attempted to kill me and drive off with me half hanging out truck window;- Mililani, HI.  Made police report that disappeared when Honolulu Police Department lost many police reports in that time frame. This was despite the impression management and the Chinese-Hawaiian Secret Service Agent's motive to bring guns to Hawaii. 
Later in 2014? I was approached during a house interrogation with my housemates involving the same agent. I filed for a TRO finally due to some backup. The Federal Agent named with his attorney filed lawsuit(s) against my attorney to complicate the restraining order. After 6 mos it ended as what I initially offered at the first hearing;- TRO dismissal with prejudice. 
Hawaii State also tried to impose unconstitutional law on me saying that I will have to leave the state within 180days. I left within 180days to Japan and went to Ginza, Tokyo. I then returned to Hawaii.

2013:- I was attacked by a Navy Chief who was also a submarine nuclear engineer & friend for some time. He was out of control drinking and HPD watched me fight off the 190lb man for appx 20min. I was appx 119lbs at the time. I refused medical attention. They threatened to arrest me if I did not comply. This resulted in huge hospital bills so that the Honolulu prosecutor could drop all charges after failing to contact me, to avoid felony implications for the Navy Chief.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

My most recent letter to Starbucks

Many times I am a customer at Starbucks here on Oahu, your staff makes me look like I have a problem. Today, I decided to write because I purchased a toasted bagel, and they gave me only 1jam packet. I took a photo so you can see how a thin layer covers the surface area of only 1&1/2 of the bagel. 
Otherwise I am unhappy with the racism directed at me from some of your "Caucasian" baristas who say they can't understand  my English. I'm 41 and attended Ithaca College and Cornell University and have been a PR spokesperson for environmental groups and currently do volunteer for an international spiritual 501c3 as well as Hawaii for Hillary. I also happen to have been a USA rep for EX-IM as I have a somewhat political but definitely corporate founding family relatives in Japan. I know people judge by appearances here in Hawaii. 
I also wish you would have almond milk on your menu. My nutritionist dislikes my eating soy, grain, fruit. I am allowed nuts, coffee, tea, and veggies, avocado. I saw the rewards program is changing and so I want to tell you;- I will have to switch to Coffee Bean entirely:- because they have almond milk. And for a little more their bagels (convenience for me) have PB on them and I can take bananas off. I am not supposed to eat fruit with any other foods. 
Additionally, dairy Milk is expensive on this island. Aside from my veganism;- many people here regularly drink soy and almond milk, which is also less expensive at the market. 
I love the convenient locations of Starbucks;- but if $ for $ I have to choose between you and Coffee Beanery;- they will win.