Showing posts with label Anti-Asian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Asian. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

USPS and DeepState targeting

I would like to be able to write a letter and have it printed and mailed by USPS. This request is due to the surveillance by local PD and Fusion centers monitoring my whereabouts and targeting me. 
Due to the FISA and DoD 5240.1R surveillance as a discriminatory practice against Americans born to at least one foreign national parent and one US military parent:- the local police and State actors already tamper with my mail and critical financial related matters. This way they degraded my life and eroded my human rights.
They know the contents of my communication as I write them due to Surveillance monitoring. So for the local USPS (probably involved in monitoring my mail) to allow a service to mail the letter would spare me the travel, and an in person incident by Gangstalkers and privately contracted Defense employees.

In 2020-2021 they targeted me each time I printed an eBay shipping label since they do not permit home pickup for my location.
There were Gangstalkers in town, following and obstructing my driving from in front of me. In 2022 I learned eBay allows printing of the label from the USPS. And this eased the immediate targeting on days I left the house. I limited days I left the house to 1 or 2 days because of death threats attempts on my life including bodily harm since Spring of 2021.

My human rights and freedom is limited here. And the local library also participates in targeting when I print letters. The local Staples also seems to be accessible to perpetrators:- noting additional charges from printing during the closed New Year's Day. It appears the local perpetrators printed 3-4 additional copies of my affidavit on January 1st-Jan 3rd 2021.  After I paid and sent an affidavit to a civil rights group in 2020.

The psychological damages are also making my life tedious. 

if anyone can/will help me

Today, I left this review for Planet Fitness in Quakertown, PA. I am posting it due to the history of white supremacy groups in the local area. And due to attacks to me, and my 2 deceased siblings. We are mixed-race 1st generation Japanese-Americans who would have had beautiful lives as "haafu" in Japan. Our father was a USAF officer.

Instead, my family fell pray to USA white domestic terrorism AND Anti-Asian sentiment since 9/11.
I paid for 11mos and annual fee despite feeling unsafe by the 3rd or 4th month.
 Here's my review:

The member who harassed me.was not someone I know. And being told to accept his white privilege slave mentality of telling me what to do while I was on the treadmill, working out was extremely uncomfortable. 
Though I keep my life to myself, this incident got back to my 70+ year old mother who was upset.

I would appreciate a refund since I don't feel that the harassment and employees siding with this member (socially) was warranted. He was rude, intended to harass me, and was very obviously angry and hostile after the incident.

I felt very uncomfortable at this location, in my Hometown USA as an Asian-American during the pandemic. It added to the PTS of other random attacks by people in the community as Anti-Asian hate incidents.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Because of the bad ones in the group

Several years have passed since I joined a German-based, international, healing community. And, I've stuck with it somewhat shamefully because I can practice on my own, and worked through decades of trauma from USA persecution and racism. Yet, it is German-based, and within it lurk people who have an intense hatred of me for being of mixed-race hapa, Asian, and Japanese descent. Though I joined the community in a diverse place- Hawaii. So the initial community was much more diverse and accepting. And only 1 serious incident of an older German (immigrant?) woman who attacked me in front of everyone because to her, I am a brown thing that she could not believe speaks English. Today, in 2021;- her outright behavior would be akin to a hate crime.  Yes, in a healing group. 
Today, I'm reflecting on that incident as 1 of 3 strikes in my personal safety manual. 

The 2nd strikeout in 2020, was surprisingly from an elderly Phillipino woman who, I was told to contact on the East Coast. When I contacted her and told her I came from Hawaii and am Japanese-American, she responded quickly with an outright statement of hatred from Japanese people. I smugly listened to her rant about her hatred of my background, blaming me and others of my kind for war issues long ago. This is what the Healing group of Bruno Groening Circle of Friends has in store for me.

Yesterday, was the 3rd strikeout as I clicked into the East Coast IGR. A place online where my full name and town location is posted in front of everyone. It makes me an easier target for racists in person. So, even though I thought things were positive- the community leader obviously stated that I was not being positive when I began to tell of my healing from SRA. A lengthy process that started before I left Hawaii and asked to heal from it. The Community leader immediately interjected that I was not being positive. I had only wanted to report that I was through my 3+year regelungen since I made the request, and had had a successful meeting about writing a co-authored book with another person.  
It seems consistent with some of the Circle of Friends that they wish harm on me, thus my healing is a negative thing. It's not the first time since I've had to try and work with the Success Report Writer main editor whose personal politics do not agree with me, and whose voice is very rude in how she talks about immigrants because she helps them. Among other things, I am the daughter of at least one Japanese foreigner who naturalized to the USA and my US State Actor father. 

Their tone is rude. And instead of the group implementing some type of diversity training for the USA leaders;- I am told to do "Einstillen" for the issue. I am writing this article and posting privately, in the event that a Neo-Nazi or another Anti-Japanese person hands out my personal information or takes it upon themselves to harm me further. 

And, in the hindsight of this group potentially being a Bundestag run front;- I am still uncertain. The trauma-based mind control may be as simple as the image of a Nazi-run Germany. And my unworthiness in being able to secure much in life without God. Though I've managed to write my way through real hate crimes I've survived, I feel that the scrutiny and judgment of some of the leaders are harmful to me. So, again, it's my time that is wasted and my being used as the persecutory example in front of the group. I'm in my mid 40's. This is unacceptable. Yet I post here since I will be told to do Einstillen for it. And I have done Einstillen for the group to be cleansed of its outright hatreds. 

That wasn't what I signed up for. And, like other groups;- it only takes one bad person to do harm to me to end my life. I am grateful for my life and those who helped me survive many many attempts on my life, and to God. Though I don't see safety in this group for me. I cannot martyr myself so that I have peaceable healing since I am criticized for belonging to this and any religious institution that Americans disapprove of. Including Americanized forms of Buddhism.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Retracing Racial Norms

Sample slides of the Presentation

 "Retracing racial norms: Politics and it's impact on modern diversity training"  is a brief overview of my viewpoint. Recent "anti-Asian" hate crimes diversity training seemed to lightly address common racist views. And, I don't believe from my own experience that people are independently being mindful after the diversity trainings. Some, are going through recent required trainings and lashing out with hostility anyway.   My opinions are due to the contents of diversity training impacting my "international" life as a family member in a foreign family. And because of this fact, my opinions diverge from the popular domestic trends. As a lifelong activist, and "mixed race" Asian- American, I find that academics who have not lived through decades of hate crimes don't represent my views. So, This is my presentation of the not "sugar coated"  version of diversity related issues. And, is not so academic as I have forged my path outside of US institutional abuses. 

There is a pdf version that Will be made available with the full presentation deck.