Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Retracing Racial Norms

Sample slides of the Presentation

 "Retracing racial norms: Politics and it's impact on modern diversity training"  is a brief overview of my viewpoint. Recent "anti-Asian" hate crimes diversity training seemed to lightly address common racist views. And, I don't believe from my own experience that people are independently being mindful after the diversity trainings. Some, are going through recent required trainings and lashing out with hostility anyway.   My opinions are due to the contents of diversity training impacting my "international" life as a family member in a foreign family. And because of this fact, my opinions diverge from the popular domestic trends. As a lifelong activist, and "mixed race" Asian- American, I find that academics who have not lived through decades of hate crimes don't represent my views. So, This is my presentation of the not "sugar coated"  version of diversity related issues. And, is not so academic as I have forged my path outside of US institutional abuses. 

There is a pdf version that Will be made available with the full presentation deck. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Retaliation by HPD in addition to driving me into destitute.

In addition to many other violations of my free will. I have not made a formal complaint to the HPD head as they have a history of harassment & poor conduct, as well as retaliate against women. However, they are retaliating anyway due to the changes on Oahu, past friendships, & damage done to my livelihood & career & social life from some of their relationships.
They have been bulldozing me with their new state system since the department changed it's leadership. And, I have recently just seen the tip of the iceberg in retaliation while someone else is demanding their record be cleared of ANY court matters that passed. This is current & of this past month and a half. I am writing since I am fearing for my life at this point. I am also unwilling to work in their industry they had pushed me into & kept me in due to insurmountable cost of damages on a regular basis to my body, person, and any belongings and or rental issues, which does not exclude the Trainer which one PD referred to as a pimp nearly 7 years ago. This is real, and should anything more adverse happen to me due to some respect if any left for Japan-USA security agreement & or Export Import politics; this last part lies in the hand of the State of Hawaii by the United States for attempted murder of me, especially after learning I attended APEC 2011. They are proud to harm me, I have no doubt NOT to put trust in those people who have resided in this state for decades.

Two examples of minor police harassment are as follows;-
To sue Hawaii State for police harassment on 2 occasions when I had a temporary restraining order to serve and they ignored the TRO ansd conversely
Harassed me for NOT driving  a parked & not removed from the owners possession vehicle in a Grand theft auto charge made by the TRO recipient, a male. His vehicle was parked at his home that we shared. 

The 2nd at a later date after a landlord had sexually harassed, coerced, & threatened me if I tried to leave & also stole some of my valuables in addition to attempting to keep my other posessions.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Globalism & NWO

 It's become very clear as this Hawaii Security exercise has shown me;-
1. The Feds and airport authorities are manipulating visitors
2. The Police are interested in controlling drugs and being involved with visiting extensions and members of overseas cartels (some who have federal security clearances and businesses on the islands)
3. omidiyar's crowd (possibly Yamaguchi gumi contractors and brown-no sees) I was warned about most likely manipulate the English version of Craigslist. For me, I have been "set up" 3x to be financially & legally hit badly with living space rentals. 5x to be exact with destruction of my physical belongings, computers, and other financial issues. 
This has left me without a stable and secure residence in which I can sleep peacefully.

With the ensuing war talk with Japan and China that has increased, life for me in Hawaii has gotten substantially intolerable. 
I am severely depressed from 6 years of sexual harassment and assaults. Most have happened from those who work at a federal level and with connection to the Hawaii police (last incident in January). 

The local Asian men are unacceptable in large part due to their drunkenness and common greetings. They generally try to engage a woman in sex without dating conversation. They are immature and abusive. 

I have survived largely due to those who are East Coasters. The difference is huge in that there is some sort of intellectual conversation and general appreciation of and liking of a person- I think that is mutual. 
However they are few and far between


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Re: my ex-I'm biz plan

I definitely cannot be successful with Hawaii State & local federal involvement. I'm barely alive and surviving on Oahu. 
Definitely a project for Philadelphia, Ny, DC only. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Japan & Tokyo, PLEASe kick Out USA bases

The U.S. Military and its contractors have terrorized me since arriving in Hawaii. The Deaths of my sister and brother, as well as my fathers abuse of my mother were all prompted by U.S. military and their domestic White supremacist terrorists in PEnnsylvania. The African-American men only offer to pimp me out to other Asian business men or I don't have livable work here in the USA/Hawaii. I am quite certain this is all an attack on my Mother's family, as our deaths are communication to sever ties with Japan. I beg Japan/Tokyo to support removal of all U.S. Military bases.  
I am continually stalked and terrorized by USA men in military, domestic US terror groups, and other private citizens. It has been relentless over 40 years of my life. Please make it stop Nov 20th, 2015.

"It's hard not to say you U.S. Men are as bad as the Muslim Terrorists to my Japanese family."

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Liberals, Conservatives, & Media

I am writing from my uniquely halvsie, bi-racial perspective yet again. The last bout of negotiations with N. Korea and Bush's cabinet came under attack in a personal conversation I had with a national media person. He really didn't seem to care that he jumped down Bush's throat for having anything to do with defending Japan. This person also really was mindless of my feelings, in that my family is Japanese. I made a said to him, at that point, on this issue I admire him (Bush). Yes, I'm registered green party. Though I vote the best way I can... humanely.

I think there are a significant number of Democrats and like people who really just jump on the Bash Bush bandwagon and are lead like lambs. There is an unintelligent side to American politics. The American side of "American politics". Yes, that includes me. Especially me. I paid in excess of $10,000 to Green Corps and the University of Montana to learn about American citizen politics, worked my tail off, and got slammed real hard for not being white. Even in the "Liberal corps". Yes I understand what things are, what things aren't and choose to try and save my butt the best way I can. however, I have gone for 31 years trying to fit into a society that only harms me because I'm not white, I'm Half Japanese and they attach their own jealous sentiment to how they treat me, thus adding to the misery. It is very difficult to live in a place where the people are rotten by nature; a festering pit full of chemically laden prunes that recirculate their diarrhea to refine their own level of rottenness.

That is today's opinion from this 1st generation American halvsie.