Sunday, July 17, 2022
Solar Radiation Management
Monday, February 07, 2022
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
By Angela ‘Kikuchi’ Kneale
Feb. 2022
International familial diplomacy is no longer a ‘welcome’ freedom in the USA. The emergence of a Department of Defense surveillance manual, active since the 1980s, is only one of the horrendous tortures modern USA persecution has to offer. The lives of many 1st generation Americans who legally immigrated and for those connected – born in the USA to one US military parent – have changed drastically since 2001. For the American relatives of ‘foreign official’ families affiliated abroad in ally nations such as Japan;- the USA’s been about as friendly as ‘vegan friendly’ is in a Hawaii steakhouse.
Or as Japanese-American friendly as an Abomb terrorist nation, the USA can be to a new generation that existed to bridge informal diplomacy.
Yes, there have been deaths, torture, and persecution. That is to say, over the past 50 years in addition to the targeted global hate crimes rally of Asian-American persecution and Asian persecution by former U.S. President Donald Trump. Other state actors still find reasons to use the deaths against the family members as a form of blackmail and extortion –meaning the threat of unwarranted and arbitrary conviction of the family members looms overhead, while corrupt State Actors coordinate their narrative. Their slanderous accusations stand with congruency to the DoD 5240.1R manual. This Defense manual alerted and made an impact on the perception of the condoned violations of basic human rights since the 1980s.
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
One US Parent and One foreign national at the time of birth
Only a cutting-edge international legal challenge remains for some of us born in the USA to only 1 USA national parent at the time of our birth– to challenge the USA military’s involvement in a new-old form of human trafficking of foreign nationals and children through marriage and childbirth. And to purposely force many into the USA sex industry (albeit domestically legal with a huge slippery slope). It’s not only a form of entrapment, but a form of hostage-taking, and for some torture. A place where minority women from highly respected international families have been paraded at the typical USA meat markets, naked for the world to see America’s dominance. A place where state-sanctioned rape is protected by impunity, corporate and state-funded birth control and abortions. Where ethnic minority women are told by “Don’t be a statistic” as a threat to lowering our already low quality of living for non-compliance with the USA social methodology for ethnic subservience.
A place where police and most Americans turn the blind eye so the other eye can get a better view of the torture and persecution. It’s a place where the Military man and his attorney have used the legal system to feign superiority by committing embezzlement and forced technical trafficking of their spouse and children. The America that changes swiftly based on mainstream media (MSM) alerting its public agents to attack minority groups to affect foreign policy – RICO ACT racketeering violations in plain view. And a place where men on public buses have talked about taking away a woman’s bed given as a gift after frequenting her multiple times. Capitalism became a form of politically tearing people and persecuting them in the United States. And it’s a silent battle that pushes souls to total destruction.
Community abuse exists in small USA heritage towns like in Bucks County, PA seated near the Delaware River. It’s a place where the average American plays their fantasy of
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
Japanese conquest by repeatedly attacking a Loving Day family and picking off the children over decades so that there is no next generation. There is barely a fine shroud between white supremacy and patriots. And other minorities gain a foothold by participating in persecuting and torturing descendants of USA’s only domestic adversary, Japanese-Americans.
It’s the dark side of the Patriot Act and the flip side to early FISA implementation in a world where the International Court of Justice doesn’t accept cases prior to1999 at its inception. And, a world where no one has heralded a tribunal to address the USA’s persecution of people and spread of racism and discrimination to leverage wars and defense sales.– Being born to a foreign national who married a US military person;- it is why the ‘gray area’ or being technically stateless despite being barely ‘functional’ USA citizens exists.
To tackle FISA surveillance and cyber-attacks issues with expertise, single-handedly as an ordinary citizen is an enormous task. Most US domestic family lawyers ignore all
foreign or international laws in relation to US civil rights as common practice. Transnational normalization of human rights-related law is scant and insufficient for
many individuals to find support within the United States. Tackling the international legal realm of cyber-attacks through satellite (space-based) and modern signals intelligence (SigInt) methods is nearly impossible to find for domestic issues.
The pandemic shut many civilians out of business and safe employment that accommodates international business requirements and expectations.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) employees have had their own agenda by refusing, stalking, and targeting Asian-American minorities to affect the supply chain with other locals. Their behavior is similar to how some Human Services benefits for 1st generation Americans and immigrants were denied, or lost by persecutory state actors
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
in Pennsylvania since at least the 1970s. It’s a type of malfeasance that is intended to force new citizens into FISA monitoring and/or participation as unregistered foreign agents.
These typical patriots engage in widespread “not American enough” persecution amidst handing ICE paperwork to American-born jus soli and jus sanguinis Americans who had one military parent and one foreign parent. Recently, in late 2021 after contacting my senator’s office;- his office staff who decided not to understand what I said urged me to fill out an N-600 form – a form for non-Americans who are not born in the USA to get citizenship– This is how icy cold local and state governments are today. They basically shout, “Don’t contact us, we’ll mess up your paperwork and your life” to those of us who would otherwise have opportunities to create peaceable international commerce from the USA.
While writing to the United Nations is “a last resort”, there are few if any remedies to correct and end the impunity and malfeasance by state actors. These state actors only need to drop an email to a state office or notary tag to delete our plates out of malice and get us killed at a traffic stop.
Why? One possibility is to sell our identities to private military contractors, traffickers, or others seeking a smooth entry to the USA and exit to our foreign nation. The money they are paid makes their private operations lucrative to anyone willing to take the job.
Many first-generation Americans are heavily targeted due to the FISA surveillance abuse. And, the types of FISA abuse vary in magnitude from text surveillance bots to full-on gang stalking and ambient backscatter communications inundating the auditory spectrum. There are Americans who adversely impact civil rights because they are
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
against the new generation of American immigrants and their children. There is no end to the misuse of patented cyber methodologies to harass the targets during political shifts in USA’s foreign policy and trade. Consider this patent for example that has a possible direct link to Bill Clinton’s supporters:
Patent No. 0272906A1- Intelligent Technologies International, Inc.- "Vehicle Monitoring Using Cellular Phones" - Oct. 30, 2007, November 06, 2008.
"[0043] The cellular phone system, ubiquitous internet, or other telematics communication device, is shown schematically in FIG. 2 of the parent '363 application and outputs to an antenna. The phone system or telematics communication device (34) can be coupled to the vehicle interior monitoring system in accordance with any of the embodiments disclosed herein and serves to establish a communications channel with one or more remote assistance facilities, such as an EMS facility or dispatch facility from which emergency response personnel are dispatched. The telematics system can also be a satellite-based system such as provided by Skybitz."
This crescendos to actual developments in modern hostage-taking in a world where the coined term “Electronic Concentration Camp” has become a widely accepted concept – amidst a variety of human trafficking and electronic warfare attacks that afflict the public suspect to be carried out by outsourced companies or private military contractors.
"American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687 Hostage taking - whoever whether inside or outside the United States, seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure, or to continue to detain another person in order to compel a third person or a governmental organization to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the person detained, or attempts or conspires to do so, will be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life and, if the death of any person results, will be punished by death or life imprisonment...." page 569.
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
Hostage-taking like this only gains federal prosecution when done to a foreign national or alien. Yet again, impunity and malfeasance stand in the way. What is commonly known as “The targeted individuals' program” acknowledges the foreign surveillance attribute through the Patriot Act 2001 pertaining to all 1st generation Americans. Some Japanese attorneys interpreted the law to insinuate a form of statelessness for Japanese-Americans born to only one parent who was a foreign national of Japan, in an early review of the Patriot Act of 2001. It is a tactic used by US State Actors to coerce US extended family members of foreign officials– brother and sister in-laws, grandchildren, nieces & nephews.
The United States on every level of its democratic government has demonstrated complete impunity, malfeasance, intentional destruction of security agreements and international treaties, and denial of rule of law for many of its first-generation Americans over half a century. And the stories extend well before the Silent Generation.
This impunity and malfeasance is practically synonymous with European terrorist cells and trickled down to the nuevo rich and their progressive political influencers. Intertwining functional impunity with foreign intelligence legal contortions that sides largely with white supremacy and or unite minorities who adopt Anti-Asian stances as a form of patriotism.
It’s easy for any of these typical Americans to destroy or install USA attorneys and manipulate USA laws. Their discriminatory actions and blatant persecution protected state actors who commit crimes of humanities. Sometimes, in some small communities where brotherhoods and cults seek to set precedents through their conspiracies– it is coupled with rather fast if not early enforcement of laws that officially, have not been signed into law. Whereas the court date for the enforcement of such anticipated laws will be effective. The exact targeted actions, scenarios, are made in anticipation of
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
those court dates. And, the DoD manual 5240.1 of 1982 was all the justification many of them needed after the RICO Act was passed.
Cyber and electronic surveillance Laws– USCA 50 are also tied to Patriot Act, Freedom Act, FISA 1978 and FISA in its revisions among other acts and laws such as:
* USCA 50 Section 1805 5g: Chapter 36 War and national Defense (g) Testing of electronic equipment; discovering unauthorized electronic surveillance; training of intelligence personnel
* USCA 50 1811. Authorization during time of war.
* USCA 50 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communication may be conducted.
* USCA 50 1813. Procedures for the retention of incidentally acquired communications.
* USCA 50 1822 Authorization of physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes
* Executive Order No.12949 February 9th, 1995, to October 7, 2009 Research summary
* American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687
To be continued:

This is not legal advice. .
Sunday, February 06, 2022
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans? (Preview)
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for
1st generation Americans?
By Angela ‘Kikuchi’ Kneale
Feb. 2022
Familial diplomacy is no longer a ‘welcome’ freedom in the USA.
The emergence of a Department of Defense surveillance manual, active since
the 1980s, is only one of the horrendous tortures modern USA persecution
has to offer. The lives of many 1st generation Americans who legally
immigrated and for those connected – born in the USA to one US military
parent – have changed drastically since 2001. For the American relatives of
‘foreign official’ families affiliated abroad in ally nations such as Japan;- the
USA’s been about as friendly as ‘vegan friendly’ is in a Hawaii steakhouse.
Or as Japanese-American friendly as an Abomb terrorist nation, the USA
can be to a new generation that existed to bridge informal diplomacy.
Yes, there have been deaths, torture, and persecution. That is to say, over the past 50 years in addition to the targeted global hate crimes rally of Asian-American persecution and Asian persecution by former U.S. President Donald Trump. Other state actors still find reasons to use the deaths against the family members as a form of blackmail and extortion –meaning the threat of unwarranted and arbitrary conviction of the family members looms overhead, while corrupt State Actors coordinate their narrative. Their slanderous accusations stand with congruency to the DoD 5240.1R manual. This Defense manual alerted and made an impact on the perception of the condoned violations of basic human rights since the 1980s.
One US Parent and One foreign national at the time of birth
Only a cutting-edge international legal challenge remains for some of us born in the USA to only 1 USA national parent at the time of our birth– to challenge the USA military’s involvement in a new-old form of human trafficking of foreign nationals and children through marriage and childbirth. And to purposely force many into the USA sex industry (albeit domestically legal with a huge slippery slope). It’s not only a form of
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
entrapment, but a form of hostage-taking, and for some torture. A place where minority women from highly respected international families have been paraded at the typical USA meat markets, naked for the world to see America’s
dominance. A place where state-sanctioned rape is protected by impunity, corporate
and state funded birth control and abortions. Where ethnic minority women are told by “Don’t be a statistic” as a threat to lowering our already low quality of living for non-compliance with the USA social methodology for ethnic subservience.
A place where police and most Americans turn the blind eye so the other eye can get a better view of the torture and persecution. It’s a place where the Military man and his attorney have used the legal system to feign superiority by committing embezzlement and forced technical trafficking of their spouse and children. The America that changes swiftly based on mainstream media (MSM) alerting its public agents to attack minority groups to affect foreign policy – RICO ACT racketeering violations in plain view. And a place where men on public buses have talked about taking away a woman’s bed given as a gift after frequenting her multiple times. Capitalism became a form of politically tearing people and persecuting them in the United States. And it’s a silent battle that pushes souls to total destruction.
Community abuse exists in small USA heritage towns like in Bucks County, PA seated near the Delaware River. It’s a place where the average American plays their fantasy of Japanese conquest by repeatedly attacking a Loving Day family and picking off the children over decades so that there is no next generation. There is barely a fine shroud between white supremacy and patriots. And other minorities gain a foothold by participating in persecuting and torturing descendants of USA’s only domestic adversary, Japanese-Americans.
It’s the dark side of the Patriot Act and the flip side to early FISA implementation in a world where the International Court of Justice doesn’t accept cases prior to1999 at its inception. And, a world where no one has heralded a tribunal to address the USA’s persecution of people and spread of racism and discrimination to leverage wars and defense sales.– Being born to a foreign national who married a US military person;- it is why the ‘gray area’ or being technically stateless despite being barely ‘functional’ USA citizens exists.
To tackle FISA surveillance and cyber-attacks issues with expertise, single-handedly as an ordinary citizen is an enormous task. Most US domestic family lawyers ignore all
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
foreign or international laws in relation to US civil rights as common practice. Transnational normalization of human rights-related law is scant and insufficient for
many individuals to find support within the United States. Tackling the international legal realm of cyber-attacks through satellite (space-based) and modern signals intelligence (SigInt) methods is nearly impossible to find for domestic issues.
The pandemic shut many civilians out of business and safe employment that accommodates international business requirements and expectations.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) employees have had their own agenda by refusing, stalking, and targeting Asian-American minorities to affect the supply chain with other locals. Their behavior is similar to how some Human Services benefits for 1st generation Americans and immigrants were denied, or lost by persecutory state actors in Pennsylvania since at least the 1970s. It’s a type of malfeasance that is intended to force new citizens into FISA monitoring and/or participation as unregistered foreign agents.
These typical patriots engage in widespread “not American enough” persecution amidst handing ICE paperwork to American-born jus soli and jus sanguinis Americans who had one military parent and one foreign parent. Recently, in late 2021 after contacting my senator’s office;- his office staff who decided not to understand what I said urged me to fill out an N-600 form – a form for non-Americans who are not born in the USA to get citizenship– This is how icy cold local and state governments are today. They basically shout, “Don’t contact us, we’ll mess up your paperwork and your life” to those of us who would otherwise have opportunities to create peaceable international commerce from the USA.
While writing to the United Nations is “a last resortthere are few if any remedies to correct and end the impunity and malfeasance by state actors. These state actors only need
to drop an email to a state office or notary tag to delete our plates out of malice and get us killed at a traffic stop.
Why? One possibility is to sell our identities to private military contractors, traffickers, or others seeking a smooth entry to the
USA and exit to our foreign nation. The money they are paid makes their private operations lucrative to anyone willing to take the job.
Many first-generation Americans are heavily targeted due to the FISA surveillance abuse. And, the types of FISA abuse vary in
magnitude from text surveillance bots to full-on gang stalking and ambient backscatter communications inundating the auditory
spectrum. There are Americans who adversely impact civil rights because they are against the new generation of American
immigrants and their children. There is no end to the misuse of patented cyber methodologies to harass the targets during
political shifts in USA’s foreign policy and trade. Consider this patent for example that has a possible direct link
to Bill Clinton’s supporters:
Patent No. 0272906A1- Intelligent Technologies International, Inc.- "Vehicle Monitoring Using Cellular Phones" - Oct. 30, 2007, November 06, 2008.
"[0043] The cellular phone system, ubiquitous internet, or other
communication device, is shown schematically in FIG. 2
of the parent '363 application and outputs to an antenna. The phone system or telematics communication device (34)
can be coupled to the vehicle interior monitoring system in accordance with any of the embodiments disclosed herein
and serves to establish a communications channel with one or more remote assistance facilities, such as an EMS
facility or dispatch facility from which emergency response personnel are dispatched. The telematics system can
also be a satellite-based system such as provided by Skybitz."
This crescendos to actual developments in modern hostage-taking in a world where the coined term “Electronic Concentration Camp” has become a widely accepted concept – amidst a variety of human trafficking and electronic warfare attacks that afflict the public suspect to be carried out by outsourced companies or private military contractors.
"American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687 Hostage-taking - whoever whether inside or outside the United States, seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure, or to continue to detain another
person in order to compel a third person or a governmental organization to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the
release of the person detained, or attempts or conspires to do so, will be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life and, if the death
of any person results, will be punished by death or life imprisonment...." page 569.
Hostage-taking like this only gains federal prosecution when done to a foreign national or alien. Yet again, impunity and malfeasance stand in the way. What is commonly known as “The targeted individuals' program” acknowledges the foreign surveillance attribute through the Patriot Act 2001 pertaining to all 1st generation Americans. Some Japanese attorneys interpreted the law to insinuate a form of statelessness for Japanese-Americans born to only
one parent who was a foreign national of Japan, in an early review of the Patriot Act of 2001. It is a tactic used by US State Actors to coerce US extended family
members of foreign officials– brother and sister-in-laws, grandchildren, nieces & nephews.
The United States on every level of its democratic government has demonstrated complete impunity, malfeasance, intentional destruction of security agreements
and international treaties, and denial of rule of law for many of its first-generation Americans over half a century. And the stories extend well before the Silent Generation.
This impunity and malfeasance is practically synonymous with European terrorist cells and trickled down to the nuevo rich and their progressive political influencers.
Intertwining functional impunity with foreign intelligence legal contortions that sides largely with white supremacy and or unite minorities who adopt Anti-Asian
stances as a form of patriotism.
It’s easy for any of these typical Americans to destroy or install USA attorneys and manipulate USA laws. Their discriminatory actions and blatant persecution protected
state actors who commit crimes of humanities. Sometimes, in some small communities where brotherhoods and cults seek to set precedents through their conspiracies
– it is coupled with rather fast if not early enforcement of laws that officially, have not been signed into law. Whereas the court date for the enforcement of such
anticipated laws will be effective. The exact targeted actions, scenarios, are made in anticipation of those court dates. And, the DoD manual 5240.1 of 1982
was all the justification many of them needed after the RICO Act was passed.
Cyber and electronic surveillance Laws– USCA 50 are also tied to Patriot Act, Freedom Act, FISA 1978 and FISA in its revisions among other acts and laws such as:
USCA 50 Section 1805 5g: Chapter 36 War and national Defense (g) Testing of electronic equipment; discovering unauthorized electronic surveillance; training of intelligence personnel
USCA 50 1811. Authorization during time of war.
USCA 50 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communication may be conducted.
USCA 50 1813. Procedures for the retention of incidentally acquired communications.
USCA 50 1822 Authorization of physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes
Executive Order No.12949 February 9th, 1995, to October 7, 2009 Research summary
American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687
This is not legal advice. .
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Retaliation by HPD in addition to driving me into destitute.
In addition to many other violations of my free will. I have not made a formal complaint to the HPD head as they have a history of harassment & poor conduct, as well as retaliate against women. However, they are retaliating anyway due to the changes on Oahu, past friendships, & damage done to my livelihood & career & social life from some of their relationships.
They have been bulldozing me with their new state system since the department changed it's leadership. And, I have recently just seen the tip of the iceberg in retaliation while someone else is demanding their record be cleared of ANY court matters that passed. This is current & of this past month and a half. I am writing since I am fearing for my life at this point. I am also unwilling to work in their industry they had pushed me into & kept me in due to insurmountable cost of damages on a regular basis to my body, person, and any belongings and or rental issues, which does not exclude the Trainer which one PD referred to as a pimp nearly 7 years ago. This is real, and should anything more adverse happen to me due to some respect if any left for Japan-USA security agreement & or Export Import politics; this last part lies in the hand of the State of Hawaii by the United States for attempted murder of me, especially after learning I attended APEC 2011. They are proud to harm me, I have no doubt NOT to put trust in those people who have resided in this state for decades.
Two examples of minor police harassment are as follows;-
To sue Hawaii State for police harassment on 2 occasions when I had a temporary restraining order to serve and they ignored the TRO ansd conversely
Harassed me for NOT driving a parked & not removed from the owners possession vehicle in a Grand theft auto charge made by the TRO recipient, a male. His vehicle was parked at his home that we shared.
The 2nd at a later date after a landlord had sexually harassed, coerced, & threatened me if I tried to leave & also stole some of my valuables in addition to attempting to keep my other posessions.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Problems with US Shopping Malls & Cosmetics 2000-2018
and detracts from existing Asian beauty identification. It's as Asian transgender men mockingly emulate on YouTube the 'quick American prostitute face'. It is designed as a stereotypical face of someone who needs to make money. Eyelashes, Cateye liner, blue/ black/or brown dark eyeshadow. And, it is very similar to football undereye grease. Meant for battle.
I think this has to do with the USA militant tribal culture and mindset. Part of it is from the resurrection of Cleopatra and Illuminati 3rd eye drawing with thick Muslim eyeliners. The American stores only in the most recent decade cater to dominant gene pools dna expressions of natural skin color
Even though some of the Cosmetic store sets may include a palate for Asian skintones;- I have learned 1st hand;- that the store managers and local mindsets DO NOT WANT ASIAN WOMEN near or around the store. Some of these managers "HIDE" inventory so that it does not sell at all. And, eventually the corporation stops including the color set in its stores due to unpopularity.
Thursday, February 08, 2018
FISA, AT&T, JAPANESE-AMERICAN 1st Generation Targeted individual
- I have also been shut out of my email use for over 16 weeks straight (4 months). And had to purchase several phones to replace the stolen phones and information.
- That is in addition to spending several hours travelling to and from the only physical location on Oahu in Hawaii State in the USA for equipment that did not work to capacity.
- AT&T service with CIA & FISA allows variety of people within your organization to also locate me, ie., cold engineers & US Military, as well as the CIA & NSA.
- And, in some instances I was additionally physically harmed; despite the sexist attitudes of officers in the Honolulu Police Department who may have been involved in legal State human trafficking till 2015.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
What Hawaii State does after THEIR pimps attack a tourist.
Saturday, April 08, 2017
Me & EXIM - 5 points
1. In 1986, Japan changed its nationality requirements and I was a born citizen of Japan (jus sanguis, by blood). My biological mother was still a citizen of Japan until the late 1980's. And despite her naturalization to the usa, I retained Japanese citizenship rights beyond her becoming a citizen of the USA.
2. My biological Japanese grandfather, Kikuchi, Hirokatsu was a Japanese politician with a position that does not translate to an equivalent English title. As his granddaughter, I should have had some protection under the Vienna Convention.
A. This is in addition to my training as a classical pianist and piano teacher from the European tradition Of Classical art music. The USA is no longer providing safe and secure enough platdorm for me to continue my art form. Something that was decided in order to forgo the foreign agents act due to my blood relation in Japan.
3. Ill intentions of United States of America towards Japan and my position in life when I was still in elementary school. At age 7, my USA biological father (prior Usaf OSI 4th district) repeatedly told me I would grow up and have to be a thief or a terrorist in order to survive in the USA.
4. In 2001, the Patriot Act was passed. It adversely affected my 1st generation USA status and made me unemployable. In part due to the fact that I was given an English name and am a woman of mixed Asian and European ethnicities. In addition to normal racism, USA employers refused to hire me due to enforced racism and nationalism and decided to label me as a terrorist on their own terms for simply not being white.
5. In 2011 I attended APEC as a representative of the USA for a shipping meeting. This was due to international EXIM contacts held by my Japanese relatives who also support the Japanese government through their work.
From 2001-present The internal USA racism towards me and forced separation from my decent and respectable living affected many international perceptions within the EXIM connected business world. I did everything I could to support my life in the USA to this point considering the multiple attempts made by USA military, CIA, & independent citizens to kill me. Since my USA father was USAF OSI he told me in 2006 that he could not protect me any longer since those who directly threatened my life were in CIA and did not agree with peaceable EXIM efforts. Additionally, USA racists and white supremacists as well as European and Rowse crucians made several attempts to murder me from 2005-2009 in Pennsylvania and New York.
I made every effort to preserve my life and spent all my available resources in order to do so.
I made it to Hawaii in 2009 and Japan in 2010. I stayed in Hawaii with intention of returning to the east coast of USA by 2012 after attending APEC Honolulu. I have remained in Hawaii for 5 years since APEC to see the finalizatio of the TPP. Everything in my life on hold taking a great amount of patience and frustration.
Currently with the New President, it seems the last 12 years of my life in the USA has been a futile effort. I currently have no income that provides safety and security as a private individual.
Most USA citizens seem to think that I and my EXIM role and relation to my grandfather, aunt, and uncles is something they can be substitute for. And that the immense danger that input myself in to work even a basic retail job or other common work is what I should do. The USA also seems to think that I am to behave and act as a typical USA status quo female and have admonished the safety and security that I require in order to live.
I am exhausted from the lack of valuable business colleagues. That is aside from the modern day American public acting as terrorists in relation to my Japanese heritage, with or without knowledge. That is also I addition to others of Japanese or Asian descent actively misinforming others in order to deliberately cause harm to my life.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Deconstruct the Modern American Kitchen Refrigerator
Vegilogi Specialty Products Needed;
3 types of singles refrigerators
- Vegan Live foods fridge with Hydroponic water system (with or without lights) for herbs and fresher greens, sprouting drawer/shelf, filtered water, seperate potato & root crop storage, no dairy storage, prepared salad pull out tray like a mini salad bar, and wine rack.
- Beer & Power/Protein/Granola bar fridge - maybe hold 1-2 bottles of wine
- 2x Pizza boxes refrigerator or marinade ribs compartment with Beer & Powerbar storage with slush, ice & water dispenser, freezer bottle bar for vodka.
Long gone are the days of the American frontier Iceblock cellar dug into the earth and stocked with
large natural icecubes that slowly melt underground through the summer months. The modern refrigerator and it's glorified ice box companion has staked it's way throughout North America, in nearly every home x2 or x3.
I visited my friends over the years, and made note of the refrigerators, size, number, and stock. Most of them are single. Only one or two people living at the residence. Most of them have at least 2 refrigerators (fridge/freezer combo) or one Fridge and 1 Freezer. From the East Coast to Hawaii - The average healthier, astute, busy profesional single man over 30yrs. old generally keeps beer in the fridge, with granola bars or power/protein bars- low maintenance, that's it & eats out. By 40's - Some singles, who do eat in and make mixed drinks & coffee at home keep gallon juices, milk or creamer, leftover pizza, and sometimes bacon.
Those in 20's or 1-2 a ploace with men who train/ hit the gym regularly seem to keep a more rounded and healthier diet than their restraunt going elders- includes large containers of perishing premix salad & untouched fruits and grillable paleo food and BEER. Maybe this is what the men in their 30's figure out that those in their 20's haven't. Find a way to eat the grillables at a friend or neighbor's cause they are single anyway.
They seemed unlike me, at times sharing 1 kitchen with 4-5 people where we divided the refrigerator into personal sections like specialty sections of a supermarket cooler. Or, in my Upstate NY vegan days- cooking for 3-20 people for potlucks, or so everyone could share the kitchen to potluck. Due to the lack of space, fresh veggies and refrigeration items were usually purchased the day of, or the night before cooking or salad building needed to happen. That way we would seek out our best veggie source and hit up the local farmers market asap as a first choice for ingredients. Any veggies and fresh herbs that could be kept out, went in a partially filled & sturdy glass of water close to a window.
The problem of personal Home kitchens is a huge environmental, health, and one in most American homes. I no longer believe every home needs a fridge or 2 just to keep beer and sugary drinks, or a full kitchen for that matter.
- Overuse of clean water to wash dishes & get really clean (no crud)
- Waste of Food/ food animals due to undesirable cooked meals
- Continuous energy utilities use (appx $80/mo) in Hawaii to run refrigerator/freezer alone
- Complex cooking appliances to aid cooking - cooking isn't basic anymore
- use of mined metals increased
- Unsanitary homes - accumulation of mold on used dishes & in refrigerators
- Contaminated foods stored in refrigerator affects all foods
- results in wasted pots, pans, appliances (fridge)
- metals are not meant to be like toilet paper
- Fat Squirrel syndrome; - Unnecessary stockpiling & consumption of food
- it's not winter all year (in most places)
- no need to hibernate
- Storage of high sugar & fatty sauces
- Medical costs due to poor diets
- Use of pharmeceuticals
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Viewpoint: Philadelphia to Hawaii piano instruction
First published Dec. 28, 2012 from a land of Hawaiian Ukulele music. Ukelele music is popular among the local Hawaiian families and is frequently used at weddings and celebrations. Aloha land is 4920 miles away from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the East Coast of the United States where traditional Christian weddings are plentiful. Philadelphia, PA where Rachmaninoff hisself conducted the Philadelphia Orchestra, where the legendary piano instructors Gary Graffman & the Sokoloffs reigned for over 50 years as the best piano instructors on the planet through the 2000 millenium. Though I was adventurous as a prior student of a Hungarian piano instructor who was a collegue of Zoltan Kodaly where local folk music was embraced, the Hawaiian attitude is anything except harsh.
I was in a condusive traditional Classical piano environment and learned piano in a very strong Christian based community. One where every church has at least one grand piano, if not two or more grand pianos and electric organ or common pipe organ. I grew up with the general knowledge that Bach and many of the great keyboard Composers were supported by the Church and wrote sacred as well as secular music, with a pethora of churches and institutions where I could perform on a variety of period instruments frequently. In diminished comparison, Hawaii barely houses an electric keyboard at any church, let alone 1 studio upright or pipe organ.
In the current 21st century economy many Hawaii churches have "gotten rid of" their keyboard instruments due to maintenance costs and vandalism from an obtrusive population. Before moving to Hawaii, I took my east coast musical environment for granted and wished the general population was understanding of my Japanese heritage. However, most of the Christian community included everyone in the USA who has traditionally hated the Japanese;- including newly formed Korean specific churches. So I continually befell physical attacks, verbal criticism, and blatant discrimination on the East coast for most of my 30 some years of life.
So, I move to Hawaii and am inundated with a severe local attitude that is against piano. They say I have "too high makamaka" think I'm better than them. I worked at piano because I loved it and my talent put me through college with a scholarship.
The other day, a local parent mentioned to me that his child was learning a popular "Traditional Christian wedding piece" on their keyboard on her own. This is the first time that I have gotten to explain that these are normal pieces, that many children on the mainland learn to play at their family weddings. It's difficult for me to believe that the culture in Hawaii is so vastly different from the East Coast USA that these things are so "foreign" to local Hawaii. Especially since I see the religious rosary with crosses dangling from many rear view mirrors, and other Christian car markings. Just as most mainland people could not explain the differences and nuances of Hawaiian musical performances because they don't know the Hawaiian traditional song repertoire;- most Hawaiian Islander natives could not begin to explain the subtleties of any Classical piano repertoire performance.
edited: Nov. 23, 2016