Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Perspective on: White privledged USA

In the usa, many people of different cultures forget their own culture to compete in the Euro-centric or White world.  The Caucasians then sit back and enjoy visitng other countries as a lavish luxury, even as a backpacker. And, upon their return the American white privileged admire and admonish those of the cultures and continents they've visited for being too poor to know their own culture, their own families, their own grandmothers.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Viewpoint: Philadelphia to Hawaii piano instruction

repost: Cross-Cultural- Understanding from Piano_Noir  
First published Dec. 28, 2012 from a land of Hawaiian Ukulele music.  Ukelele music is popular among the local Hawaiian families and is frequently used at weddings and celebrations. Aloha land is 4920 miles away from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the East Coast of the United States where traditional Christian weddings are plentiful. Philadelphia, PA where Rachmaninoff hisself conducted the Philadelphia Orchestra, where the legendary piano instructors Gary Graffman & the Sokoloffs reigned for over 50 years as the best piano instructors on the planet through the 2000 millenium. Though I was adventurous as a prior student of a Hungarian piano instructor who was a collegue of Zoltan Kodaly where local folk music was embraced, the Hawaiian attitude is anything except harsh.

I was in a condusive traditional Classical piano environment and learned piano in a very strong Christian based community. One where every church has at least one grand piano, if not two or more grand pianos and electric organ or common pipe organ. I grew up with the general knowledge that Bach and many of the great keyboard Composers were supported by the Church and wrote sacred as well as secular music, with a pethora of churches and institutions where I could perform on a variety of period instruments frequently.  In diminished comparison, Hawaii barely houses an electric keyboard at any church, let alone 1 studio upright or pipe organ.

In the current 21st century economy many Hawaii churches have "gotten rid of" their keyboard instruments due to maintenance costs and vandalism from an obtrusive population. Before moving to Hawaii, I took my east coast musical environment for granted and wished the general population was understanding of my Japanese heritage. However, most of the Christian community included everyone in the USA who has traditionally hated the Japanese;- including newly formed Korean specific churches. So I continually befell physical attacks, verbal criticism, and blatant discrimination on the East coast for most of my 30 some years of life.

So, I move to Hawaii and am inundated with a severe local attitude that is against piano.  They say I have  "too high makamaka"  think I'm better than them. I worked at piano because I loved it and my talent put me through college with a scholarship.

The other day, a local parent mentioned to me that his child was learning a popular "Traditional Christian wedding piece" on their keyboard on her own. This is the first time that I have gotten to explain that these are normal pieces, that many children on the mainland learn to play at their family weddings. It's difficult for me to believe that the culture in Hawaii is so vastly different from the East Coast USA that these things are so "foreign" to local Hawaii. Especially since I see the religious rosary with crosses dangling from many rear view mirrors, and other Christian car markings. Just as most mainland people could not explain the differences and nuances of Hawaiian musical performances because they don't know the Hawaiian traditional song repertoire;- most Hawaiian Islander natives could not begin to explain the subtleties of any Classical piano repertoire performance.

edited: Nov. 23, 2016

Intro viewpoint: Dragon mom versus Tiger mom

Repost from Piano Noir 2012

The Dragon, a universal creature that is emblazoned in both European and Asian cultures. Moms in both European & Asian culture both try to prepare their children for the battles in life. However, being the first generation in a USA culture that discriminates regardless of lies that are told, the Tiger mom's methods are out. Most of the mothers who come from foreign or “exotic” cultures had plenty of self confirmation. Many of the moms grew up with friends who had similar experiences to them in their motherlands. If they had TV and media, these mothers were frequently inundated with cultural images of their parent culture. The amount of criticism they received was likened to that of people who were like them in their motherland.

Now, these mothers enter their new realm USA. Parents of the 1st generation can be subject to major identity crisis. They are singled out. And, many parents who typically lie to hide a common social problem, don't understand just quite how deep an emotional and psychological ravine their children  fall into. Many of these children grow into adults who need to try and “verify” their own image in early adulthood by travelling to Asian countries. Sometimes, this is such an emotionally and psychologically intense experience that the once successful child that the Dragon mom pinned to her ego ceases to live. Mostly, due to frequently high suicide rates among Asians & Asian-Americans who strive for success in the USA. There is little acceptance by the Dragon mom or parents as to why their children did not successfully complete college, university, or their PHD program when it is within a week away. Some outwardly blame their own children and mock them to maintain status in the USA community, rather than take on the blatant responsibility to protect their children through early adulthood.

Sometimes this protection involves participation in the young adult's life past the age of 18. And, it still involves calling the College or University where their son or daughter attends to keep things in line, yet at a distance. Being a minority “ethnic” group in the USA is another thing that many Dragon mom's don't understand or want to accept. Sometimes this will unfortunately include unnecessary and costly legal battles to get their children through higher educational institutions safely. Many minority families can't afford these battles and so usually the child of the Dragon mom is left to fed for themselves in an unrelenting pit of discrimination, abuse, and being taken advantage of (including assault or pushed to the brink with suicide). Competitive majority & USA domestic dorm mates can also score automatic 4.0gpa if their dorm mate commits suicide.  Being a Dragon and hovering over the child even in early adulthood is of prime importance for success.

Many children of these parents usually begin to do soul searching by the time they reach their mid 20's. For others looking for answers, this stage happens later and sometimes in the midst of a pressing professional life.

To be continued... and revised 1/4/2012 - 11/23/2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

US Presidential Candidates- my quick thoughts

Presidential Candidates:

Donald Trump- is a demon, though with a truthful note. Aside from slews of American people who have worked for Trump, he is a "bastard" employer that many found hateful.  He polarizes the contents of the USA and has used his campaign to be outspoken to World leaders about what and who actually reside in the USA, backyard BBQ culture, surface to the world front.

Bernie Sanders- is a "Fucktard". He's that pathetic, stereotypical, vomitous, putrid, Caucasian, "progressive" brand of politics that screams to fulfill OCCUPY interests as a president. That is Blatantly full of deceit and lies under the surface of "Global Harmony". Maybe he does appeal to the African-American crowd that needs Civil liberties, yet too many African-Americans attempt and do sexually exploit the Asian-American women in the USA to bridge their racial disparity within acceptable American concerns. That is aside from the typical White, Male progressive rhetoric being that they are making Asian-American women equal by stealing everything from us possible as "Equals". These guys are extremely offensive. And, the international community knows that it doesn't save Asian lives studying abroad either.
Most of Hawaii's Democratic caucus participants voted for Bernie;- however most of them have not had to live for more than a college term on the USA East Coast amidst the Hub of American Progressive culture.
The fallout from the Republicans vs. Hillary battle is that Bernie Sanders is seen as more of a pushover President/ Commander in Chief and a definite go to for the Seals & Black Ops soldiers who are finding Trump a hard act to support.  They are undermining the peaceable business efforts in the Civilian realm as a result. 
Sanders' claims to be pro campaign finance reform. He wants free public education. In practise it will open a doorway to industries that supports government to keep their grip on the American workforce. It can easily lead to failures in the democratic system of citizens initiatives against the involved corporations.  There is nothing I like about this man & his campaign. In actual practise, his platform will serve the evils it claims to purport.

Hillary Clinton- Tougher than Margret Thatcher. She ACTUALLY has created jobs and brought more money to the USA minority dominated states than anyone. I completely admire her and her previous efforts to integrate Women first in international business. This, terrifies men.
She has the most terse environment to handle, and her current job position has attracted the hate of US military troops over the widely publicized Republican prompted film. That is her current, biggest downfall. The Special Forces & Navy Seals and Black Ops soldiers do not like her. They know their own have "Fallen" under her command and that alone is hateful and makes them afraid to elect her at all. These soldiers garner more business and military support and will likely re-direct Hillary's campaign efforts to Bernie Sanders and definitely Donald Trump.