Showing posts with label Candidates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candidates. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2016

US Presidential Candidates- my quick thoughts

Presidential Candidates:

Donald Trump- is a demon, though with a truthful note. Aside from slews of American people who have worked for Trump, he is a "bastard" employer that many found hateful.  He polarizes the contents of the USA and has used his campaign to be outspoken to World leaders about what and who actually reside in the USA, backyard BBQ culture, surface to the world front.

Bernie Sanders- is a "Fucktard". He's that pathetic, stereotypical, vomitous, putrid, Caucasian, "progressive" brand of politics that screams to fulfill OCCUPY interests as a president. That is Blatantly full of deceit and lies under the surface of "Global Harmony". Maybe he does appeal to the African-American crowd that needs Civil liberties, yet too many African-Americans attempt and do sexually exploit the Asian-American women in the USA to bridge their racial disparity within acceptable American concerns. That is aside from the typical White, Male progressive rhetoric being that they are making Asian-American women equal by stealing everything from us possible as "Equals". These guys are extremely offensive. And, the international community knows that it doesn't save Asian lives studying abroad either.
Most of Hawaii's Democratic caucus participants voted for Bernie;- however most of them have not had to live for more than a college term on the USA East Coast amidst the Hub of American Progressive culture.
The fallout from the Republicans vs. Hillary battle is that Bernie Sanders is seen as more of a pushover President/ Commander in Chief and a definite go to for the Seals & Black Ops soldiers who are finding Trump a hard act to support.  They are undermining the peaceable business efforts in the Civilian realm as a result. 
Sanders' claims to be pro campaign finance reform. He wants free public education. In practise it will open a doorway to industries that supports government to keep their grip on the American workforce. It can easily lead to failures in the democratic system of citizens initiatives against the involved corporations.  There is nothing I like about this man & his campaign. In actual practise, his platform will serve the evils it claims to purport.

Hillary Clinton- Tougher than Margret Thatcher. She ACTUALLY has created jobs and brought more money to the USA minority dominated states than anyone. I completely admire her and her previous efforts to integrate Women first in international business. This, terrifies men.
She has the most terse environment to handle, and her current job position has attracted the hate of US military troops over the widely publicized Republican prompted film. That is her current, biggest downfall. The Special Forces & Navy Seals and Black Ops soldiers do not like her. They know their own have "Fallen" under her command and that alone is hateful and makes them afraid to elect her at all. These soldiers garner more business and military support and will likely re-direct Hillary's campaign efforts to Bernie Sanders and definitely Donald Trump.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voting the Humane USA way

Today I went to the Polls. The new voting booths are in.... all electrical with buttons. No more ancient levers are there to pull. And, the volunteers seem to be very happy to show people how the booths work. The volunteer even stepped in the booth and pushed a bunch of buttons and then left. So I had to clear his inputs with my own. Talk about intent!!!

Because I'm a U.S. born citizen of 1st generation and 1/2 Japanese descent, I took more than 1.5 weeks researching my voting selections. And, then I visited my favorite PAC (political action committee) online; Humane USA. They have a list of Endorsements and you can see their questionairre if you visit the home page.

I voted according to their endorsed candidates. Not because they told me to. I was happy that after I researched my voting choices that they Matched up with Humane USA. Many considerations went into my voting for this 2006 election. Earlier in the week I read that Bob Casey (D) has been funding organizations and companies in N. Korea and other countries where there is terrorist activity. I couldn't vote for Casey due to the NY Times article I read about this. Additionally, I know my Obasan or Grandmother (as well as other family members up to 60+) in Japan is/are living in the N. Korean missile testing area.

The following from Humane USA political animal issue #15
PENNSYLVANIA: Ed Rendell (D). Gov. Rendell has been a leader in cracking down on Pennsylvania’s notorious “puppy mills.” He is appointing a state prosecutor charged with regulating the state’s 2,500 kennels, and is proposing legislative changes to strengthen penalties for abuse.

I realize that I am a minority in this state, and that there is still a horrid amount of racism that I and others experience. I can only put my trust in those who show compassion towards animals it seems. And, keep my future hope open to those who will show compassion and help futher fair Human rights treatment here in this State of Pennsylvania.

The following from Humane USA political animal issue #15

PENNSYLVANIA: Rick Santorum (R). Sen. Santorum is one of the Senate’s strongest champions for animals. He has consistently led efforts to increase funding for enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and animal fighting law. He is also the author of legislation to crack down on abusive “puppy mills.”