Showing posts with label piano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label piano. Show all posts

Thursday, February 03, 2022

 I feel that in the Classical music scene in America, both education and performance is heavily inundated with racists. Many of them are white supremacists defending what they call their culture. They also shamelessly and simultaneously exploit non-white minorities and immigrants for money.

 I experienced this as a Japanese nisei and haafu growing up in Pennsylvania. '

As a student and as a teacher, I feel that the  MTNA system is really horrid-- due to the white piano teacher who profited off of having us Japanese people in their studio. At the same time, the instructor made very racist comments at me and even instructed my mother to "beat me over the head" because it worked on Beethoven. That lesson led to years of horror for me and extreme corporal punishments that this teacher instructed my mother to do to me. In Pennsylvania, this was allowed by her attorneys since corporal punishment was allowed. I was likened to a monkey and compared to a dog being trained since I was subhuman to the instructor. I hate this person to this day for the horrific abuses I endured. My affidavit with be forthcoming on the MTNA and PMTA and LVMTA from my childhood experiences. And, as an attachment to my torture complaint.

And, in addition to their group class racism that followed me to school recess.  The teacher made sure that the other parents felt comfortable that I was treated badly since the other children complained that they had to be near me at all during the group classes. I spent 5 years in her piano studio like this. From 1st grade. And, I had to teach myself how to play- since they were only there to belittle me. This instructor called what she taught in the 80s Hybrid Suzuki method because she really hated us for being Japanese. 

 My lessons were not much different than my home practice. It was an awful early 80s Suzuki piano experience. But the instructor built her studio off the racial chaos that became deadly as the community had outward youth fights of skinheads vs. non-skinheads many Friday nights for a decade. That instructor;- was never held responsible for her actions. And  I was left to fend for myself to both adults and children for the duration of my high school years in Quakertown, PA. 

The police in Bucks County merely watched the parking lot fights for decades and never made arrests. 

I only caught glimpses of a few of the fights as a high schooler. But I heard the stories. So it is no wonder that I have a torture complaint and so much trauma to overcome by making international and other communications about the horrible people of Bucks County, PA. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Song with German translation

 Photo in My Mind;- Tonight --past 20hrs Worked intermittently on Setting my lyrics to German translation in the Score since I have to submit at least a DeepL translation with it:  I put in my English words from the last post;- I had to adjust what I could to fit the music better. And I set at least the soprano part to the lyrics- of S/A+piano ...  Though I'm not sure how involved It's going to get with the piano part... since I have to record myself singing it--video??...and I'm a bit out of practice vocally. I want to finish this first went OCD on it... before I focus on other things.  This still needs some work. But most people with half a brain know that names double up ....if there are 'missing' lyrics. And since we have 'bad English with Pennsylvania Deutsche colloquial structure, I decided to omit extra German syllables in this.  1st two pages were posted... and not done yet. It's for Soprano, Mezzo, Alto, Tenor...maybe bass? The link to the DRAFT that is mostly written is here: "Photo in My Mind" (draft copy) .pdf 

it's not finished. Posting due to the computer being rickety and beeping at me with issues.

Here's the German... there is Japanese that follows that I have yet to do, and Einstillen isn't a word that translated into Katakana. 

Foto in meinem Kopf   

Ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit mit Bruno Groening zusammen.

Sein Foto hat sich in mein Gedächtnis eingebrannt

Und das Einstillen ist seine Art

Ich nehme jeden Tag Heilstrom auf

Bruno Groening mein alter Freund

(Original:) Durch Einsamkeit und Trauer (Ersatz:) Durch Liebe sind wir so gesegnet

Finde ich den Weg zur heilenden Welle

(Original:) Dass Gott heilstrom gemacht hat (Ersatz:) Gott hat uns so gesegnet

Und dann fragte mich eines Tages jemand

Kann ich bei dir mitfahren, mein Freund

Ich habe nicht, was es braucht 

Um dorthin zu gelangen, was ich kann

Durch die Hilfe von jemandem, den ich verehre, --Durch die Hilfe von einem, der verehrt=Through the help of one who adored--translatedfor music

 das ist es, was sie mit Liebe meinten

--That is the meaning of love=Das ist die Bedeutung der Liebe--translated to fit.

Und viele Segnungen kamen 

um auch den Schmerz und das Leid wegzunehmen

--zum entfernen die schmerz und Leiden weg=to remove the pain and suffering away--translated to fit music

Eines Tages hielt ich dein Foto in meinen Händen

Und mein Herz stand so still

 -- Ich hielt Ihr Foto in meinen Händen ein Tag, und mein Herz wurde still=  I held your photograph in my hands one day, and my heart became stillness--translated to fit music

Die Heilung kam schnell eines Tages

Nachdem ich viele Stunden und Monate und Jahre gebetet hatte--The healing came quickly one day 9

After I had prayed

many hours and months and years =Die Heilung kam schnell eines Tages

Nachdem ich gebetet hatte

viele Stunden und Monate und Jahre --translated for music (Die Heilung kam schnell eines Tages 

Nachdem ich gebetet hatte

viele Stunden und Monate und Jahre=The healing came quickly one day 

After I had prayed

many hours and months and years AMK

Ich bin seit einiger Zeit mit Bruno Gröning zusammen--Ich bin mit Bruno Groening=I am with Bruno Groening--translated for music AMK 

Mit seinem Foto, das sich in mein Gedächtnis eingebrannt hat

Gott schickte die göttliche

--God sent the divine=Gott schickte den göttlichen--translatedfor music AM

Meinen Weg zur heilenden Welle finden

Dass Gott so heilstrom gemacht--

Meinen Weg zur heilenden Welle zu finden

Die Gott so heilsam strömenließ=Finding my way to the healing wave

That God made flow so healingly--translated for music AngelaM.Kneale

Here it is in Japanese: 






ブルーノ・グルーニング 私の古い友人

(Original:) 孤独と悲しみを乗り越えて (substitute:) 愛を通して私たちはとても恵まれている


(オリジナル:) 神がハイルシュトレンを作ったこと (代用:) 神が私たちを祝福してくれたこと


















Friday, October 09, 2020

Summary: Hospitality Resume 2020





〄  774-318-9198

〄  Quakertown, PA 18951



Reliable and diversified bar manager & concierge experienced with event planning and operations.

Strong multi-tasker with training in personal security, compassion, and situational awareness. Offers team leadership and top notch project execution. 


Global Training Center - Online: Supply Chain

Colorado Technical University - Online: Management Information Systems

Accelerated Coursework in Enterprise Database management & Telecommunications; I.T., GPA 3.5

The University of Montana - Missoula, MT: Extended Studies, National pilot program for environmental civic organizing;12cr Environmental Science: GPA 4.0

Ithaca College - Ithaca,NY:

Bachelor of Arts in Music (Piano)


Ithaca College Environmental Society- President 

Animal Rights Education Action League - Founder



  • 2020 Certified Life Coach

  • 2020 Pennsylvania RAMP Server certification - (before spring lockdown)

  • Blue Card 2017-2021 Honolulu Liquor Commission

  • Maintain immaculate displays and professional work appearance at all times.

  • Concierge & parking specialist for largest conference center & hotel in the DC Metro area

  • Maintained performance and safety through unexpected multiple emergency crisies.  
    ( Negotiated personal liability as employee during this time and resigned from position
    due to uncooperative & demanding hotel client & hotel staff )

    • Ie, Extreme simultaneous circumstances of a 4hrs segment consisting of 5 emergency calls;

    • 2 fires, 3 ambulances, 29th fl elevator incident with trapped persons,

    • hotel and conference center at capacity 3000+ persons, hotel check-in key app malfunction, with full 500 car parking garage, guests broke parking ticket gates, full valet lots, congested ramp, and guest issues with overflow parking & issued tickets while performing normal concierge, bussing, and parking cashier services. 

  • Provided excellence in customer support and satisfaction.

  • Communicate for effective team efficiency, productivity, & presentation.

  • Environmental awareness for safety and medical efforts.

  • Knowledge of cashier terminal to expedite customer departure. 

  • Input sales to POS terminal for shift & inventory tracking.

  • Facilitated alcohol sales with proper identification checks.

  • Executed opening and closing procedures as well as working double shifts.

  • Provide ongoing customer satisfaction throughout their visit or event.

  • Refresh bar stock and receive delivery for opening shift.

  • Promote new and early happy hours for bar.

  • Maintain hydration for guests and DD's not drinking alcohol.

  • Keep track of customer tabs.

  • Operate a Karaoke machine and maintain customer satisfaction.

  • Communicate with security for environmental awareness and safety.

  • Uphold operating standards and coworkers reputation with customers. 

  • Created work schedules to maximize company and worker profitability.

  • Upheld shift requirements for slow days.

  • Created a fun and respectful environment for customer satisfaction.

  • Leveled up service based on customer demands.

  • Maximized sales on slow days and during special events. 

  • Participated in club marketing during organized employee outings. 

  • Performed live for promotional burlesque, Vegas, and sideshow events to boost sales.

  • Knowledgeable concierge with insight to the tourist areas.

  • Sell photos and tickets for local tour companies.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

About Wozzeck

As a young artist & music scholar,  I had a great fascination with the Second Viennese School since I was 18yrs old going into my sophomore year of Music college.
I currently am publishing a short ebook about Wozzeck on smashwords titled Aspects of Schoenberg and Berg in Wozzeck.
However I am omitting my more Occultic speculations.
One such, major, speculation is how Arnold Schoenberg was superstitious of the number thirteen. His avoidance of "acknowledging" the number itself is much like floors of a building left blank for use. Instead, he renames them and skips the idea deliberately.
It is an observation that his infamous Matrix for the twelve tone row is a 12x12 square. Much like the standard 12x13 magic square used in the enochoian magic system.
The magic square is a basis for some Occultic superstitions that Schoernberg observed religiously. Thus the concepts of inversion & retrograde can be mirrored by triangles for Earth of fire and fire of water in imagery linked to Schoernberg's self portrait painting he entitled South - North.
Akin to the triangles of the magical system with colors, an entirely different realm of magical system evolves in the tone row as he sets the code.
Though it may be entirely coincidental and from the original play of Woyzeck... I could not ignore the similarities. And if he took ideas from enochian magic coding concepts to impose in his music.
Thus the red moon symbolises Earth of fire where blood flows under the red moon shining. And fire of water where the spirit is drowned.

Though my book is a somewhat futile look through the composer's eyes for perspective on the Second Viennese School, it was well researched for the small nuggets of Berg's life he interjected into the work. It parallels more to Les Miserables a soldier's and citizens view of his surroundings. An opera for the soldier and commoner, yet written with demanding musical techniques for the vocalist and atonality or dissonance to the untrained ear.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Conspiracy I am targeted in Hawaii

Most of my time in Hawaii has been consensual only due to extreme diress. And they changed laws to make severe contractors a "weapon". Hawaii state Oahu has been using me to make a political statement to the international world.

Also, Shane Kai Li an IMDB & internationally know  martial arts choreographer & world champion associated with Mossad. He & his cousins, like many singing families in Hawaii attribute Bing Crosby to their associations in USA music & belittle everyone else.

He had spread a rumor to make a mockery of me & my USA DIY lifestyle;- that I am the great-grand daughter of Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco, under the supposition that my great grandmother's identity was concealed in the USA. I believe it was due to my close proximity of the Rosacrucians. It is a fact that my Great-grandmother Eva Kelly was from Ohio & a singer, voice teacher, & pre-madonna in Philadelphia at the same time and died approximately the same time as the Princess. However, my great-grandmother married my grandfather Kneale who installed the new sound revolution in silent movie theaters & had been US Navy & commended in memory by the late President John F. Kennedy. After my grandfather's passing it came forth that she had a "lover" everyone called Rice.
And so to make a mockery of me in Hawaii state after Shane Kai Li's knowledge of my brother's untimely death at age 26. This is aside from my actuality of being born a dual national of Japan & the granddaughter of a "govenor like" grandfather & the niece of a now retired Japanese infrastructure & steel executive.
My grandmother in Japan is a known National Artist first as a woman, in the likes of Basho, as a Haiku poet.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Rotten American Classical teachers

One thing I had a truly difficult time with in Bucks County was the other independent European classical music instructors. To me mostly Racist babysitters. Almost all of them, particularly female, had zero respect for me and admonished me for not dating any old white male or other prominent local community musician they ordered me to date. It caused a big rift in my professional teaching in the Philadelphia/ tri-state area.
They treated me worse than a prostitute most times. And despite my busy schedule NEVER addressed me as a person with any personal opinion.
They brought whole-hearted racist American disgrace into my life by their jaunts and criticisms.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Viewpoint: Piano performances

 repost from July 24, by Angela M. Kneale


Where can you find a guide to "ground rules" of being a pianist? Do audiences today and interested persons have any idea of how difficult the actual work is to arrange a song, write a show, improvise to the atmosphere, or even accompany someone on a demanding duo? And then, most people take pianists to be inept business people and "too nice" so they will often times, in person, jerk you around with the conditions of your participation. Once a collegue of mine at a non-profit school (who hated me and was a female over 300lbs heavier than me) tried forcing me to play a show without paying me a deposit for my time. She even left a twenty dollar check from someone I never met on the floor for me to pick up behind her. Needless to say, I showed up to the event and asked her for the deposit check (a minimum of $130 for back then) and she said no she didn't have money for me from any of her 40 students. I walked out refusing to play since they were prepared with a boom box and recordings they were familiar with. Mind that there was no rehearsal. Alot of people, even collegues will try to bend you out of shape by soaking your time and running you into poverty when you could work on something more financially solid or even fun.  If they aren't your favorite person, don't do it. I had a collegue violinist then of the Philadelphia Orchestra who brought a technically demanding, modern and rare piano accompaniment to me just for fun. We rehearsed it within a week. After the rehearsal she said to me "I gave this to you because I knew you could do it faster than anyone." I was happy to take the compliment and hear the piece aloud for the first time. Unless the person is appreciating your music and artistry, make sure you impress that you work for pay and aren't the "minority" to be walked all over. The general public doesn't "appreciate" (depreciates) such things unless they invest in it. If so, leave and find better people who will appreciate your musicianship.
Here are some general guidelines that the average Classical music professional follows as soloist:
allow minimum of 3 months time to book:
  • Piano concert (for some musicians up to 1 year) $3000+ per concert
  • Live music for a Wedding and commisioned Wedding march ($250 to $6000 average-- Special:                                   if you want a celebrity like Elton John you'll need much much more!)
  • Background music for Parties of 1.5hrs to 3 hrs max ($250-$600+)
  • Accompanist for an entire Broadway show already written (price varies- compare to accompanist price below)
  • Professional commissioned works range from $500-$16000+ on average (for 1min to 25 min. of music)
One week to 3 months
  • Accompanist Pianist- $130  to $500 per song/piece - 1 rehersal plus performance 
  • Soloist Pianist- $50- $100+ per classical solo piano  piece (ie., at a church service)
  • Piano Instructor- $20 to $500/hr - Many good studios and schools expect a student to pay tuition and commit for a Quarter up front. This spares the instructor accountant fees and the student, wasted lesson time to collect funds rather than learn. Usually @ $20 the student and/or teacher are still trying to memorize where the keys are on the instrument. $100+ is a teacher more dedicated to creating a high quality recording artist or live performer. 
Note: The above rates are not meant to be non-profit rates, where schools typically use your name/talent for a profit for themselves entirely.  Non-profit schools are financially worse to join than being a church musician. Church musicians have some financial exceptions in the United States. Concerts given at churches are usually supported by a "cover charge" ranging from $5 to $50+ for the evening's concert.
And, as an accompanist, don't feel "bad" for your vocalist. They can pay you. Vocal coach/teachers today charge on between $50 to $500/hr. Any decent recording quality professional vocal teacher/coach will be $200+.

Viewpoint: Philadelphia to Hawaii piano instruction

repost: Cross-Cultural- Understanding from Piano_Noir  
First published Dec. 28, 2012 from a land of Hawaiian Ukulele music.  Ukelele music is popular among the local Hawaiian families and is frequently used at weddings and celebrations. Aloha land is 4920 miles away from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the East Coast of the United States where traditional Christian weddings are plentiful. Philadelphia, PA where Rachmaninoff hisself conducted the Philadelphia Orchestra, where the legendary piano instructors Gary Graffman & the Sokoloffs reigned for over 50 years as the best piano instructors on the planet through the 2000 millenium. Though I was adventurous as a prior student of a Hungarian piano instructor who was a collegue of Zoltan Kodaly where local folk music was embraced, the Hawaiian attitude is anything except harsh.

I was in a condusive traditional Classical piano environment and learned piano in a very strong Christian based community. One where every church has at least one grand piano, if not two or more grand pianos and electric organ or common pipe organ. I grew up with the general knowledge that Bach and many of the great keyboard Composers were supported by the Church and wrote sacred as well as secular music, with a pethora of churches and institutions where I could perform on a variety of period instruments frequently.  In diminished comparison, Hawaii barely houses an electric keyboard at any church, let alone 1 studio upright or pipe organ.

In the current 21st century economy many Hawaii churches have "gotten rid of" their keyboard instruments due to maintenance costs and vandalism from an obtrusive population. Before moving to Hawaii, I took my east coast musical environment for granted and wished the general population was understanding of my Japanese heritage. However, most of the Christian community included everyone in the USA who has traditionally hated the Japanese;- including newly formed Korean specific churches. So I continually befell physical attacks, verbal criticism, and blatant discrimination on the East coast for most of my 30 some years of life.

So, I move to Hawaii and am inundated with a severe local attitude that is against piano.  They say I have  "too high makamaka"  think I'm better than them. I worked at piano because I loved it and my talent put me through college with a scholarship.

The other day, a local parent mentioned to me that his child was learning a popular "Traditional Christian wedding piece" on their keyboard on her own. This is the first time that I have gotten to explain that these are normal pieces, that many children on the mainland learn to play at their family weddings. It's difficult for me to believe that the culture in Hawaii is so vastly different from the East Coast USA that these things are so "foreign" to local Hawaii. Especially since I see the religious rosary with crosses dangling from many rear view mirrors, and other Christian car markings. Just as most mainland people could not explain the differences and nuances of Hawaiian musical performances because they don't know the Hawaiian traditional song repertoire;- most Hawaiian Islander natives could not begin to explain the subtleties of any Classical piano repertoire performance.

edited: Nov. 23, 2016

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Ketogenic Vegan with Night time carb load

My disclaimer is that this is about what I have done to be a Ketogenic Vegan for the past 2 years. I'm not saying it is good or great. Nor did I even know about Ketogenic diets until year 2 and 3mos.
My Ketogenic Vegan diet stemmed out of my fighting toxic mold invaders for my ability to walk, think, and breathe. That fight meant starving the pervasive mold and not giving up my vegan diet and personal ethics. Starving the mold meant not feeding it any type of sugar. Any type of sugar meant anything that I eat that is turned into sugar. Apparently, they haven't made carbs that remain dormant until they are needed to turn into sugar, so i took the practical option. I refrained from eating almost all carbohydrates. Or, I at least kept my carb intake below 50g a day until I was free from mold symptoms.

Sadly, even after over 1.5 years battling Hawaii's toxic mold, the mold is still in my body at least enough that I cannot resume regular consumption of carbohydrates. I experience symptoms of Toxic mold after 6 weeks of moderate carbohydrate consumption. However, since I live in a tropical climate with rainforests, it is safe to say that I could be revisited by different instances of Toxic Mold spore invaders.

So, after the initial battles eliminating ALL, and I mean ALL major sources of carbs, I was able to get better. In hindsight, it started after 3 weeks of moving into a place in Pauoa Valley on the outskirts of Honolulu City. I started having extreme allergic reactions to chemical air freshners that my housemates kept in  the house. I thought I needed a cleanse so I opted for colonics that I heard  other women discuss at work (their friends tried) for improving skin & allergies. I went 2x and the allergies subsided and the air fresheners were unplugged. Over 7 months later my symptoms started with extreme lethargy and being winded after going up 1 step. The visible symptom was my back having an unrelenting raised rash all over it.  And, it started with  included brain fog.
I went to a homeopath and World renowned nutritionist in Honolulu for dietary advice. And, I was shocked with what she suggested. But, I did it like my life depended on it and I got better in 3 mos.

I remained on Grain-free, Fruit-free Vegan diet because my attempts at eating carbs 2 years ago lead me to sickness after the holiday parties. No more fruit juice, no more bread, no more noodles/pasta, & no more rice. Not even in Protein Powder. We are talking about omitting the things human culture is built on till today, reluctantly. 

Until I heard a speech about the Ketogenic Diet from a professional, I was unwilling to relinquish (even to my prior nutritionist), my carb loading after work and before sleep. This I started adding on because I simply would collapse after work. I focused so hard to make it through my shift on low calories that I couldn't even drive home. I would fall asleep in my car outside work, then outside my residence. I would start falling asleep driving half-way there, pull over and nap for about 3 hrs to continue. So, my carb loading after work was somewhere around 100grams (from Taco Bell) with a cup of coffee that had a packet of sugar and a sploosh of non-dairy creamer. One of my customers somehow got a burrito for me one day with nothing but lettuce and their avocado/ guacamole sauce. Today, In a drive thru jam I  try ordering the 7 layer burrito without rice, cheese, sourcream & add a side of guacamole. I read on someone else's site that that burrito is vegan without the cheese / sourcream. Though, not all of these burritos are 100% if you're vegan and you know what I be careful every bite. I've had to throw some away.
Sometimes, it would be a trip to 7-11 and picking up a 20g Protein Cliff bar with a coffee.

Secret revealed. My night time carb load, stay in ketosis during the day. Still vegan, to the best of my knowledge.

Now, you might ask why the Burrito and not the Cliff bar? 
I eat the Burrito, not because I'm enthralled with the fast food magic flavor of Taco Hell. I eat it because the presence of vegetable matter helps to process the proteins better. I've also learned to be more efficient on the diet. Without fresh greens, it is difficult for my body to process protein alone.

In the Superior Athlete BG's presentation he carb loads up to 200g and maintaining ketosis during the day.  I'm not an athlete like that, nor do I claim to be, nor do I work out, nor did I run the Penn Relay's like my Brother did (RIP bro), nor am I an Olympic Gymnast from Japan like my mother was before her accident. I am me, a lazy Classical PIANIST who sold her last piano on the beach to some surfers and wound up with an old battered used Brewer board that people tell me not to use.

So, now that i've bored the miniscule audience I might have to death;- Here are my new dietary adjustments as a Ketogenic Vegan coming out of the rainforest,
and the proper order for me? (would love to ask) before adding more into my diet. This is after listening to Athlete BG's lecture

Breakfast & Lunch
1. wakeup- a bottle carbonated sparkling lemon flavored mineral water take nootropics
wait 15-20 min
2. 5g Creatine
wait 5-10 min
3. 2 vegetarian digestive enzyme caplets
4. Coffee powered MCT oil (1 tbs) + Vega Sport Performance Shake
5. piece of celery, green juice, or veggie breakfast salad (1/2lb veggies) or Green2o

Then repeat above for each meal.
I weigh 116ish so, I drink about 3 liters of water a day.

  • I take digestive enzymes for each protein shake
  • Days I feel super sluggish after carb loading on something, I take up to 5 enzyme caplets for the day. 
  • 2-3 TBS MCT oil works best in my stomach on the Heavenly Salad. MCT oil Doesn't work well with the Mineral drink. It's o.k. in Coffee (though CBD oil is preferred, but rare)
  • I take digestive enzymes when I can before my nighttime carb load that happens 3x a week.
  • I turn my gallon of H20 into a gallon of Green2o with 3 stix = 3-6lbs of veggies minerals, I consume 1 gallon of this appx every 24 hrs. Sometimes, less on the regular h20 sometimes more. depends on how hot it is and how active I am through the day. Or, if i'm just doing extra cleansing. 
Do I drink Alcohol?
I drink alcohol. Yes. However, it's not a daily pride item. 
I take shots, not fruity tropical drinks. In fact mimosas give me rashes. 

  • If I have a shot of liquor, I have a back of Clear bubbly Club Soda (lemon or lime added)
  • Once in a while I've had a beer. And, it is just A single beer. 
  • I like vodka martini's Dirty occasionally. 

That's about it.  
If someone wants to impersonate me and live like this full time, BE MY GUEST!!! good luck!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

15 years with nootropics

Nootropics use for me really started to take hold Back in 2001. I took massive handfuls of St.Johnswort+Valerian with Ginko Biloba. I drank plenty of the best coffee on the planet before going to teach beginning piano and getting ready for an international competition. Alltogether, I felt like I had more energy and focus. It didn't seem to really be an anti-depressive thing as my mood/drive was unaffected. I got a lecture from an old school mate that I didn't know what I was messing with and should take pharmaceuticals. I just gave him that, r u fn kidding me look.

I had been trying some other "water" from a local health food store. I discovered using Gold water back then. I also had my 1st and only bottle of whatever they called "Heavy Water" that was on the shelf ( not a nootropic), it was there so I had to try it. In hindsight, that heavy water appeared the same time the cobalt reactor irradiation plant appeared. I learned from my brother who they employed through a temp agency, that they kept the cobalt under the heavy water;- yet it didn't prevent his skin from peeling off his body when they had him irradiate everything that got shipped through our American hometown. This happened to be about mile away from the health food store where I purchased the "Heavy Water."

Later, I switched to a full regimen of Ginko Biloba, that was when I had my studio "OkiGinko" in Clinton Hall 2007. 
I stopped taking any sort of nootropic stack in my daily routine shortly after I arrived for vacation in Hawaii 2009. Once in a while if I felt super stuck over the past 6 years, I'd fill up on Phiten's (red) gold water for a solid week and go meditate. Though I'd pick up the odd bottle of Ginko Biloba tincture, I really set it aside for a spell due to outside influences. 

In 2013 I was introduced to an essential oils company that promoted a vegan EO's supplement. I tried it for a short time before I decided it was too toxic. I never bought into internally taking frankincense EO's, since I learned elsewhere, that it is toxic to the body. The EO's supplement also made my brain feel itchy in a bad way. I was grateful to ditch the supplement and had unfinished bottles. Actually I got 2 years of nasty hate mail from that company since they were trying to illegally take away my constitutional right of free speech & press, even at distributor status. Evil company to me and always will be.

In 2014 I got sick with toxic mold and was introduced to Liv International for another major dietary shift and a different alkaline supplement. They presented their new nootropic supplement that they named "Smart". I even had the opportunity to listen to the formulator explain the reasoning behind this supplement. A main ingredient is tumeric. I tried the promotional supplement for a few months, though I really didn't notice much difference as it seemed to be intended to prevent Alzheimer's and protect the brain from old age. I had started juicing and having regular green juice with juiced turmeric after trying this supplement. So, I dropped the supplement.
 I also tried the Schumann frequency pad for some healing, but I got irritated with the electricity frequency. The last semester I was in music school I was declared "hearing disabled". This was due to my sensitivity or acute hearing awareness of the high frequency range. So, I tried a flotation tank for some quiet. There's only one on island open to the public and it seems to be overused and needed thorough cleaning. 

Today, being stuck in the Hawaii social and financial rut I was hurled into by the "high end" locals;- I received my first bottle of a so called "limitless type nootropic." I'm still doing meditation as well. Will see how it goes. Most of the ingredients in this one will at very least serve as a mosquito deterrent;- increasing my vitamin B levels. I learned Vitamin C, niacin, & Thaimine also add to overall carbon levels to deter mosquitos out here in Hawaii. Just a thought.