Showing posts with label Ithaca New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ithaca New York. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Im Japanese-American Nisei AND ALSO VEGAN!!!

I'm beyond pissed off from the FISA monitoring since 1978. Every targeted individual & follower I have on social media knows this. I also had a long standing reputation as a vegan activist since the 90's.
I literally REFUSE to compromise and take work serving animals;- that is until I started working in April 2019 after returned to the East Coast in Sept. 2018.  So I'm pissed off at my employers, although they will hire me due to my ethnic background being "other". The catering work has me shuffling around the tortured & rotting flesh of God's creatures. They even went so far as to have me serve it up at Cornell graduation.
Granted when I can I dish out the vegan sandwiches, & more wilingly though not happy put out the vegetarian hypocrite food. So, can I call myself vegan since April? For the first time in over 30yrs?

So, the catered work is through a highly questionable to me temporary agency. Trump's racist following has ignited so many small businesses and others with a conflict of interest in hiring me. I also attended an international summit called APEC since I had consulted small businesses & had plans to start my own business (that got crushed under the racism invoked by theTPP that I DIDNT WRITE!)
So aside from seeking help from the vegan community in establishing parameters for vegans who cater in Ithaca. I'm faced with those who call themselves vegan yet are in full force cooking up animals for these wasteful events where large garbage containers for trash trucks are filled with cooked animal remnants after the largest of events.
For Shame!

So much of this angers me that I feel I don't have any choice but to quit.
Ithaca disappoints me on several levels. This one is the most unforgiveable to me. I get the racism, I got that a long time ago.
However they are piling on their opinions again of what makes one vegan. And, they do not HAVE any decent options in town.

That is aside from the social environment that is geared towards the partying staff smoking weed & whatever else. They intended to socially make working uncomfortable for me as an adult who needs to pass clearance checks to attend sometimes high security events.
It's entrapment again as a targeted individual. And, I've been researching enough to believe that the temporary agency is a perpetrator that controls my location & whereabouts by putting me on certain events in order to embarrass me internationally at these events. This means they are Masonic &/or CIA linked Deepstate.
I'm a freelancer who is seeking employment. I left the continental USA due to similar issues that became life threatening to me.

None of this agrees with me.
Plus of course they have all of my personal information that could wind up in the hands of new perpetrators.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Gaea's Children

Gaea's children

scales climb silent break
waters' edge and glimmer at
heaven's feet winding preludes
of echo's plunge head deep into
waters gaze upon fractured
castles built of coral reef
colored memories fate flashed
green gray silver golden apples
fled sun's heat in shallows
to blue oceanids deep

By Angela M. Kneale
GreenOndine Productions

Thursday, September 14, 2017

What Hawaii State does after THEIR pimps attack a tourist.

The thing that really got to me last night, is the disrespect from Hawaii's social workers. I wonder that they even realize they promote human trafficking?!!!
At a domestic violence help network;- they informed me that Hawaii state would have me arrested like many others if I boarded the plane. And they offered me what is called a "Freedom train Flight" Basically, a one way plane ticket out of Hawaii to another Destination. 
However they wanted me to have someone "SIGN" for me like a package and "Take responsibility for me" Like a pimp. I NEVER HAD A PIMP interfere in my life and jeporadize my career & work UNTIL I arrived at the Honolulu airport. So it was 100% Hawaii's astute Federal type Pimp.
So OBVIOUSLY none of my friends or family wanted anything to do with such a legal transaction.
Basically, they disrespected my now 40year old single adult opinion to return to MY LIFE. MY STUDIO. MY OFFICE. and other things that supported MY LIFE as an independent private individual who was raised to work on EXIM matters that were loosely connected to APEC 2011 which I attended despite my situation. This isn't an issue I scream out at collegues.  If you want to be humiliated and thrown in the gutter internationally as a 1st generation American- Japanese citizen;- going on vacation here is one way to do it. 
Now that my life is ruined, and virtually unsalvageable due to INANE Hawaii. I'm not sure what to do due to the international EMBARASSMENT & HUMILIATION their local gangstalkers and martial arts followers impressed. 
There's not much I can accomplish with jeering bank tellers, police harassers, and their run of mill men who are accustomed to "Purchasing" women's time in a variety of otherwise standard "unprofessional ways" in bars.
Additionally, after I was fighting for my life a 2nd time and cops watched ( if you follow my blog posts) I was forced to fill out a police report according to Officers words and threatened to be arrested if I didn't accept the Ambulence services. Being in a really bad financial situation already;- the Hospitals attempted to extort money from my relatives. By the way, the HPD officer did not make any attempt to STOP my attacker and WATCHED in entirety with a door WIDE OPEN.
Hawaii State denied me the full extent of my human rights. Including refusing to meet with me for social services. This is not just a light Targeted Individual situation in one of the most difficult places to live financially. They can't afford their own SECURITY personnel.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Ketogenic Vegan with Night time carb load

My disclaimer is that this is about what I have done to be a Ketogenic Vegan for the past 2 years. I'm not saying it is good or great. Nor did I even know about Ketogenic diets until year 2 and 3mos.
My Ketogenic Vegan diet stemmed out of my fighting toxic mold invaders for my ability to walk, think, and breathe. That fight meant starving the pervasive mold and not giving up my vegan diet and personal ethics. Starving the mold meant not feeding it any type of sugar. Any type of sugar meant anything that I eat that is turned into sugar. Apparently, they haven't made carbs that remain dormant until they are needed to turn into sugar, so i took the practical option. I refrained from eating almost all carbohydrates. Or, I at least kept my carb intake below 50g a day until I was free from mold symptoms.

Sadly, even after over 1.5 years battling Hawaii's toxic mold, the mold is still in my body at least enough that I cannot resume regular consumption of carbohydrates. I experience symptoms of Toxic mold after 6 weeks of moderate carbohydrate consumption. However, since I live in a tropical climate with rainforests, it is safe to say that I could be revisited by different instances of Toxic Mold spore invaders.

So, after the initial battles eliminating ALL, and I mean ALL major sources of carbs, I was able to get better. In hindsight, it started after 3 weeks of moving into a place in Pauoa Valley on the outskirts of Honolulu City. I started having extreme allergic reactions to chemical air freshners that my housemates kept in  the house. I thought I needed a cleanse so I opted for colonics that I heard  other women discuss at work (their friends tried) for improving skin & allergies. I went 2x and the allergies subsided and the air fresheners were unplugged. Over 7 months later my symptoms started with extreme lethargy and being winded after going up 1 step. The visible symptom was my back having an unrelenting raised rash all over it.  And, it started with  included brain fog.
I went to a homeopath and World renowned nutritionist in Honolulu for dietary advice. And, I was shocked with what she suggested. But, I did it like my life depended on it and I got better in 3 mos.

I remained on Grain-free, Fruit-free Vegan diet because my attempts at eating carbs 2 years ago lead me to sickness after the holiday parties. No more fruit juice, no more bread, no more noodles/pasta, & no more rice. Not even in Protein Powder. We are talking about omitting the things human culture is built on till today, reluctantly. 

Until I heard a speech about the Ketogenic Diet from a professional, I was unwilling to relinquish (even to my prior nutritionist), my carb loading after work and before sleep. This I started adding on because I simply would collapse after work. I focused so hard to make it through my shift on low calories that I couldn't even drive home. I would fall asleep in my car outside work, then outside my residence. I would start falling asleep driving half-way there, pull over and nap for about 3 hrs to continue. So, my carb loading after work was somewhere around 100grams (from Taco Bell) with a cup of coffee that had a packet of sugar and a sploosh of non-dairy creamer. One of my customers somehow got a burrito for me one day with nothing but lettuce and their avocado/ guacamole sauce. Today, In a drive thru jam I  try ordering the 7 layer burrito without rice, cheese, sourcream & add a side of guacamole. I read on someone else's site that that burrito is vegan without the cheese / sourcream. Though, not all of these burritos are 100% if you're vegan and you know what I be careful every bite. I've had to throw some away.
Sometimes, it would be a trip to 7-11 and picking up a 20g Protein Cliff bar with a coffee.

Secret revealed. My night time carb load, stay in ketosis during the day. Still vegan, to the best of my knowledge.

Now, you might ask why the Burrito and not the Cliff bar? 
I eat the Burrito, not because I'm enthralled with the fast food magic flavor of Taco Hell. I eat it because the presence of vegetable matter helps to process the proteins better. I've also learned to be more efficient on the diet. Without fresh greens, it is difficult for my body to process protein alone.

In the Superior Athlete BG's presentation he carb loads up to 200g and maintaining ketosis during the day.  I'm not an athlete like that, nor do I claim to be, nor do I work out, nor did I run the Penn Relay's like my Brother did (RIP bro), nor am I an Olympic Gymnast from Japan like my mother was before her accident. I am me, a lazy Classical PIANIST who sold her last piano on the beach to some surfers and wound up with an old battered used Brewer board that people tell me not to use.

So, now that i've bored the miniscule audience I might have to death;- Here are my new dietary adjustments as a Ketogenic Vegan coming out of the rainforest,
and the proper order for me? (would love to ask) before adding more into my diet. This is after listening to Athlete BG's lecture

Breakfast & Lunch
1. wakeup- a bottle carbonated sparkling lemon flavored mineral water take nootropics
wait 15-20 min
2. 5g Creatine
wait 5-10 min
3. 2 vegetarian digestive enzyme caplets
4. Coffee powered MCT oil (1 tbs) + Vega Sport Performance Shake
5. piece of celery, green juice, or veggie breakfast salad (1/2lb veggies) or Green2o

Then repeat above for each meal.
I weigh 116ish so, I drink about 3 liters of water a day.

  • I take digestive enzymes for each protein shake
  • Days I feel super sluggish after carb loading on something, I take up to 5 enzyme caplets for the day. 
  • 2-3 TBS MCT oil works best in my stomach on the Heavenly Salad. MCT oil Doesn't work well with the Mineral drink. It's o.k. in Coffee (though CBD oil is preferred, but rare)
  • I take digestive enzymes when I can before my nighttime carb load that happens 3x a week.
  • I turn my gallon of H20 into a gallon of Green2o with 3 stix = 3-6lbs of veggies minerals, I consume 1 gallon of this appx every 24 hrs. Sometimes, less on the regular h20 sometimes more. depends on how hot it is and how active I am through the day. Or, if i'm just doing extra cleansing. 
Do I drink Alcohol?
I drink alcohol. Yes. However, it's not a daily pride item. 
I take shots, not fruity tropical drinks. In fact mimosas give me rashes. 

  • If I have a shot of liquor, I have a back of Clear bubbly Club Soda (lemon or lime added)
  • Once in a while I've had a beer. And, it is just A single beer. 
  • I like vodka martini's Dirty occasionally. 

That's about it.  
If someone wants to impersonate me and live like this full time, BE MY GUEST!!! good luck!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

38th Floor, Light Orb anomaly

July 30, 2016 between 10pm (22:00) - 10:15pm (22:15) High frequency tone that I found irritating, same frequency I normally hear around installed alarms. The HF tone lasted for over five minutes with a loud gurgling sound coming from the Wall area of the A/C and bathroom sink (similar to an old heater). Only the hall & bathroom light was on. Near 10:15pm (22:15) There was a strong  flash of light about 2.5' in diameter that happened about a 1.5' from the lamp by the window . Then, nothing except for a smaller orb with dark matter around it 6 inches down from the corner of the wall/partition meeting the foyer by the A/C.  I thought maybe it was an electrical surge coming from the outlet box another 4.5' diagonal from the lampshade, and checked to see if the light bulb blew at the Lamp by the window. The light turned on and the bulb is in working condition.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

North East Gun Hub - Pennsylvania

A tiny bit of History about Guns on the East Coast (north East):

Old Ithaca Gun in Ithaca, NY was a part of US history with Annie Oakley as one of the more famous patrons in the Shooter world.  Ithaca, NY is also part of old Clinton family history and Clinton Hall still remains a fixture across Cayuga Street from the old Masonic Lodge that has been a turnkey for College nightclubs.

Hillary Clinton is campaigning in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is the Hub for East Coast gun storage. The laws in Pennsylvania governing gun ownership still stand almost in congruence with the old original Constitution itself.

Pennsylvanians as well as their States influx of homeowners from New York, New Jersey, and Maryland enjoy the stockpile of home stocked weapons. Gun transport out of Pennsylvania is becoming severely monitored. Also, Pennsylvania has a surge of homemade guns that are virtually untraceable. Some of these guns have been made in the Keystone state by local companies which posses/ possessed the machinery and computers to make modern style weapons. They are long graduated by the traditional blacksmith way of making a gun.

Yours truly writing here grew up not too far from the tracks of Bethlehem Steel Factory that Donald Trump's crowd turned into a Sands Casino. The outskirts of Old Bethlehem are surrounded by a large Latino community that integrated themselves against the local grain of White supremacy.

Philly Bartenders used to pass guns under the table for the mobs to make an easy 50k salary a year. Commuters find easy travel into their work states that surround the Pennsylvania borders due to lower sales taxes will be upset if there is anymore tax increase for the "working poor."

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania had already gone bankrupt by 2005 as I ran into an ex DNC organizer canvassing for information. The local government made no announcements to its constituents back then and abruptly began shutting down schools a decade later.

Keeping people safe and secure in Pennsylvania has always been a feat. However, most of the common knowledge violence came from baseball bats, bowling pins, the armed police, and a barrage of non-class 3 weapons. One of the biggest violent threats to the City of Brotherly Love was around 2002. I heard that the threat came from  a HUD (Housing & Urban Development) leader who wanted to bomb part of Philadelphia.

Changing requirements to purchase guns in Pennsylvania will only push the NRA efforts toward the cottage industry of gun making.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I am Plant

Souls in Human bodies are like Leaves on a Tree and receive the Great Divine Light.

We are beings of the Great Divine Light and life-giving force.
The variations that make our unique human body are part of our physical gift from God.
My human form, is gifted with being able to sustain itself on minerals, water, some plant matter, and chloryphillins as well as  on plant life and filled with the Great Divine Light and of God's creation.

My next task, as others have indicated is for me to switch my human form to a light-based diet of light alone. We may see the future as humanity as sustainable if this is accomplished.