Showing posts with label #TI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #TI. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Im Japanese-American Nisei AND ALSO VEGAN!!!

I'm beyond pissed off from the FISA monitoring since 1978. Every targeted individual & follower I have on social media knows this. I also had a long standing reputation as a vegan activist since the 90's.
I literally REFUSE to compromise and take work serving animals;- that is until I started working in April 2019 after returned to the East Coast in Sept. 2018.  So I'm pissed off at my employers, although they will hire me due to my ethnic background being "other". The catering work has me shuffling around the tortured & rotting flesh of God's creatures. They even went so far as to have me serve it up at Cornell graduation.
Granted when I can I dish out the vegan sandwiches, & more wilingly though not happy put out the vegetarian hypocrite food. So, can I call myself vegan since April? For the first time in over 30yrs?

So, the catered work is through a highly questionable to me temporary agency. Trump's racist following has ignited so many small businesses and others with a conflict of interest in hiring me. I also attended an international summit called APEC since I had consulted small businesses & had plans to start my own business (that got crushed under the racism invoked by theTPP that I DIDNT WRITE!)
So aside from seeking help from the vegan community in establishing parameters for vegans who cater in Ithaca. I'm faced with those who call themselves vegan yet are in full force cooking up animals for these wasteful events where large garbage containers for trash trucks are filled with cooked animal remnants after the largest of events.
For Shame!

So much of this angers me that I feel I don't have any choice but to quit.
Ithaca disappoints me on several levels. This one is the most unforgiveable to me. I get the racism, I got that a long time ago.
However they are piling on their opinions again of what makes one vegan. And, they do not HAVE any decent options in town.

That is aside from the social environment that is geared towards the partying staff smoking weed & whatever else. They intended to socially make working uncomfortable for me as an adult who needs to pass clearance checks to attend sometimes high security events.
It's entrapment again as a targeted individual. And, I've been researching enough to believe that the temporary agency is a perpetrator that controls my location & whereabouts by putting me on certain events in order to embarrass me internationally at these events. This means they are Masonic &/or CIA linked Deepstate.
I'm a freelancer who is seeking employment. I left the continental USA due to similar issues that became life threatening to me.

None of this agrees with me.
Plus of course they have all of my personal information that could wind up in the hands of new perpetrators.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Targeted Individual Activism

I've watched hours of video about Targeted Individuals, in addition to my own experiences. My background as grassroots organizer 15yrs. includes:  starting my own organization to working for several national organizations & transitioning to business organizational development that eventually lead to my attendance at APEC 2011. The thing that is daunting for nomal people, who have non-technical backgrounds is that much of the T.I. conversation requires alot of learning. I was an organization & issues campaigns consultant in the past. This is what I think would make a difference, that I am have not found.  I calculated the hours of Stargate program declassified documentation in 2016. It's like 5 years 8hrs a day, plus transcribing doctor's scrawl.   So; For a targeted individual campaign;- this is what I would focus on;- This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Simple video or visual presentation -

Goal: Obtain funding to travel, set up a table & publically scan people for implants?

Encourage others to Ask intelligent questions:
  1. From what I hear, this technology is not safe enough for me to use. What are the alternatives?
  2. I understand my neighbor's Satellite dish for their TV can reflect into my home. Do you have information about what this does?
Make simple mobile "leaflet"  website:
  • Who makes the technology? & or who has patents find names in Patent registration
    • Specific:
    • Scientists
    • Inventors - USPTO.
      • major companies?
      • minor companies? - still open or was it a 3-4yr. operation?

  • Are the Companies subcontractor or front  of Crime &/or Intel organization
    • CIA= NSA, MI6, Mossad, Pentagon, Yakuza
    • Deep state
    • Amazon - Subcontracted security guard companies
    • FEMA
  • Are the Scientists subcontractors or employees of these companies?
  • What is the difference between perpetrators?
Are there Legalities related to who is being sent to perpetrate the crimes?
  •  If in the USA targeted individual is/was a foreigner, dual national,  or falls under the Patriot act or FISA as a 1st generation American?
  • If in another nation, what are the laws or NO laws that exist to hold the local government responsible?
  • What nations have banned DEW, Electronic Harassment & technology?
  • Where do we find the laws, if there are any laws?
  • In the USA, lobbying is something any citizen can do on their own. Having a signed petition with real & correct & current  registered voting addresses and names in each state is important.
Provide Professional advice on sheilding:
  • Immediate ways to cut down on an attack make the body & pain symptoms less severe.
  • "Soft kill" terrorism in house is hack & install software to synchronize an calibrate home wireless networks to emit more EMF/Wireless frequency for entrainment.
  • Online safety due to professional hacking  of T.I. by human or A.I.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

72nd of Hiroshima & personal update from Hawaii

Brief 10 minute update above. My mission was entirely peaceful to find others who were anti-nuclear weapons use in the USA. I was a simple Classical piano faculty member and  Business organizational development consultant prior to and during my vacation arrival in Honolulu. I spent decades of my activist life also becoming a Grassroots organizer.
  • I am seeking help from outside the USA since no one, especially USA politicians and other civilians,  internal to the USA is capable to help me.
  • I seek to regain what I call a respectable Life.  
  • I have been a targeted individual in Hawaii since I purchased my plane ticket in 2009.
    •  Senator Daniel Inoyue & Senator Daniel Akaka
    • I was targeted by a Delta Handler or aka Special Forces Combat trainer - he is allegedly connected to Chinese & Hawaiian Illuminati due to his heritage.
    • 3 blatant attempts were made against my life by 3 individuals with HPD knowledge. These attacks were intended to kill me and HPD covered up for the perpetrators.
  • I believe I was targeted due to my relative involved directly in Japanese Steel. I do not receive income or financial support from Japan. 
  • The United States & Hawaii State has forced me out of decent work and has created an international issue out of the work that has been available to me in Hawaii (which they are currently forcing me out of. ) I have an international audience & was involved in EX-IM.
Today, August 17th, 2017,  I wrote a letter to 2 Hawaii Senators. The letters were similar.  The following is what I sent to Senator Mazie Hirono via her website.

August 17th, 2017
Dear Senator,

I am writing just after this 72nd Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. I apologize that I was not given a Japanese name at birth due to my father being ex USAF OSI at the time my mother was brought into the USA through Hawaii in the late 60's.

I arrived in Honolulu in February 2009 for a 1 month Vacation. Later I barely made it to attend APEC 2011 with knowledge of EX-IM intentions with my relatives in Japan. You see, my Uncle was an executive involved in Steel purchases for the Takenaka Corporation at the time as part of the founding family of that company.

I was targeted and entrapped by some of your federal agents and law enforcement when I arrived in the Islands. I even attempted to speak with you by my attendance at one of your campaign events. Instead, you looked at me with a scornful and hateful look.

I am writing to inform you that members of the Japanese military have approached me to quit working in Hawaii's clubs and bars. It was not a choice for me to stay in Hawaii. At age 36, I was targeted and coerced by a Federal agent. Due to his high level of security and his ability gain support of HPD and the  Town Association and families of Martial arts students;- I was coerced in FULL EFFECT as a targeted individual.

I was nearly murdered 3x and HPD was involved in covering up the seriousness of what happened each time. My life has been destroyed and my relatives in Japan and USA do not want the liability of having to handle the Special Operations backlash of the federal agent and his martial arts gang that are involved.

I however, would like to speak with you since the security in your State of Hawaii has caused such an international embarrassment for me. My role was very sensitive in EX-IM politics and I receive no compensation for such a huge failure, largely caused by your Hawaii state security officers and US Military members.

Please contact me if you have time to discuss any of this as a matter I am informing you about. I am out of time.

Angela M. Kneale


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Stargate Example Alice Sync

(No Marionette)
  1. v2K command to online search {search term ie., Soulcatch #ti}

  2. Play Video result from search video play- trips more programming & specific v2k - Satellite 

  3. v2k syncs body with movement/ visual signal in video - Satellite sync

  4. Phone Call follow up - after sync - pre recorded - like synthetic Marionette.