Showing posts with label #Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Japan. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Strategic Minerals Alliance & ASEAN manufacturing

Tri-Lateral with possible India extension for a Strategic Minerals Alliance { &  for the TPP
BRAZIL agreement} Bring manufacturing back to CONTINENTAL ASIA &/or Mexico riddled with security issues.

- Cuts down on USA IP theft
- Less sales through Lockheed opens defense budget to Japanese Zaibatsu
- Production costs lowered if quality standard meets expectations in Mexico-TPP
- Eliminates Trade War tarriffs from finished USA & NA products
- Speeds production & devlopment time & creates possiblity for peaceful negotiation process.

USA makes an enormous profit after purchasing strategic minerals & is ALSO putting tarrifs on the products ie., Lockheed F-35's ---ABE appears to be A MORON at the moment.

Excerpt from my post in October 2016
2. WW3 looks more like USA/India/Korea VS. China/Russia/Japan 
The United States is responsible for endangering Japanese born nationals within the USA Homeland. The US has jeopardized and pushed out standard business and family safety for Japan in key areas from the US Homeland in county courts in small locales. Instead, the USA business elite has embraced the family presences of Korean nationals and Indian nationals in particular while collaborating to create a facade of Japanese business relationship to the US public. In fact, most of the Korean & Indian linked business presence on the East Coast is aimed at destroying the Japanese image and presence in the larger US public at the ground level.

In the past decade and a half, before the talks of TPP vs. ASEAN;- it was more common to find micro level business & friendships between Japanese and Chinese within the USA homeland. There is still a huge lack of respect from the Korean and Indian communities/neighborhoods towards Japan in the USA. Of course this disrespect is only carried out politically with the help of the usual in charge USA white majority (that includes anyone of European descent who appears more caucasian). The dual national Israelis nearly top the list of foreigners pouring

Friday, February 16, 2018

Targeted Individual Activism

I've watched hours of video about Targeted Individuals, in addition to my own experiences. My background as grassroots organizer 15yrs. includes:  starting my own organization to working for several national organizations & transitioning to business organizational development that eventually lead to my attendance at APEC 2011. The thing that is daunting for nomal people, who have non-technical backgrounds is that much of the T.I. conversation requires alot of learning. I was an organization & issues campaigns consultant in the past. This is what I think would make a difference, that I am have not found.  I calculated the hours of Stargate program declassified documentation in 2016. It's like 5 years 8hrs a day, plus transcribing doctor's scrawl.   So; For a targeted individual campaign;- this is what I would focus on;- This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Simple video or visual presentation -

Goal: Obtain funding to travel, set up a table & publically scan people for implants?

Encourage others to Ask intelligent questions:
  1. From what I hear, this technology is not safe enough for me to use. What are the alternatives?
  2. I understand my neighbor's Satellite dish for their TV can reflect into my home. Do you have information about what this does?
Make simple mobile "leaflet"  website:
  • Who makes the technology? & or who has patents find names in Patent registration
    • Specific:
    • Scientists
    • Inventors - USPTO.
      • major companies?
      • minor companies? - still open or was it a 3-4yr. operation?

  • Are the Companies subcontractor or front  of Crime &/or Intel organization
    • CIA= NSA, MI6, Mossad, Pentagon, Yakuza
    • Deep state
    • Amazon - Subcontracted security guard companies
    • FEMA
  • Are the Scientists subcontractors or employees of these companies?
  • What is the difference between perpetrators?
Are there Legalities related to who is being sent to perpetrate the crimes?
  •  If in the USA targeted individual is/was a foreigner, dual national,  or falls under the Patriot act or FISA as a 1st generation American?
  • If in another nation, what are the laws or NO laws that exist to hold the local government responsible?
  • What nations have banned DEW, Electronic Harassment & technology?
  • Where do we find the laws, if there are any laws?
  • In the USA, lobbying is something any citizen can do on their own. Having a signed petition with real & correct & current  registered voting addresses and names in each state is important.
Provide Professional advice on sheilding:
  • Immediate ways to cut down on an attack make the body & pain symptoms less severe.
  • "Soft kill" terrorism in house is hack & install software to synchronize an calibrate home wireless networks to emit more EMF/Wireless frequency for entrainment.
  • Online safety due to professional hacking  of T.I. by human or A.I.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Honolulu County; Remote Directed Energy Weapons in Honolulu County

Honolulu County; Public Knowledge of Directed Energy Weapons

Over the past several years of my forced "stay" in Honolulu county, I have travelled the island and
talked with many local residents. The way the public handles the issue of Directed Energy Weapons and Remote Weapons is not technical.

Most of the discussion is left to unseen and benign electromagnetic radiation waves from outer space or solar flares.  And, or it falls into some type of spiritual superstition. The Magna/ Comic crowd has an awareness of the weaponry and some future modernization plans of the Military Industry. Some of them are ex-military or military attending university on GI Bill. They may have had prior training or exposure to the DEW technologies.
Sadly, the less adept retirees and non-military engaged public seem to have a limited awareness of technologies that could have been  used against them.

I have significant reason to believe that these weapons are being used on some level, regardless of confirmation of their use on the public and especially me as a Targeted Individual.

Hawaii State & Honolulu County doesn't have provisions for County/State Libaility if they are allowing the Police force to be used to harm the public in such a way.


In 2015 I heard reports from people living in Waikiki that their cars were confirmed by the dealership(s) as being hit by a solar flare, while parked in a parking garage. The solar flare was "spiritually inclined" to only affect some Japanese owned vehicles in the parking structure.

There were other instances in the same year where Honolulu Police Department's unmarked personal vehicles seemed to be eminating  cold war "body weapons" at Hobron Road in Waikiki,  as victims  symptoms were revealed to others who understand this weapons technology. 

In a club in 2015 I was hit with a weapon and a large, raised red star shape appeared on my arm. Others noticed.  The crowd there was partially military & the building address was not in the Honolulu County property listing.  It is Allegedly the same building location where an ex-Google executive was robbed and later  hit over the head with a La Mariana Yacht club metal flag marker. And celebrities Bradley Cooper & Migos had been seen in this local Honolulu after-hours nightclub about the same time as Aloha was filmed.


There seemed to be a "break" over noticeable Directed Energy weapons use against me and instead I experienced drink  poisoning (not spiking)  and other direct methodsof harm & assault;  ie,  Pearl City Police officers being primary suspects in letting air out of my tires.

2017 Pearl City Shopping Center parking structure: Directed energy weapon at my buzzing LGv20 on AT&T service phone "being pinged" after battery was removed, the weapon also made my hand vibrate.
2017 Pearl Ridge Shopping Mall parking lot;- Corotid artery attacked by Remote Energy weapon, V2k/ psychotronic weapon.
8/2017 - Psychotronic weapon harmed me at KaUka Blvd Area

Monday, July 17, 2017

Layers My notes

Angela Merideth Kneale
July 17, 2017
Twitter: Intergalactic Shaman @imperialnewsJ
You Tube: Cypress Shaman


False Corporate Security:
   *Supersoldier protection smokescreen - related to pre-War Impression Management
    - Ground game is secured by threat to individual targeted.
    - Community is afraid to compete with the Supersoldier
       - When security goes REALLY bad

Testing New Tech. & Methods for:
*Private Security Firms

RACISM Perception:
Origination point:
   -Minority Groups fighting rights violations
       & encroachment from Majority Caucasian
   -Domestic Terrorist Organization
   -Progressive whites setting the bar for what is "acceptable white racism."
   -4th Reich & Military infrastructure
*Impression Management - military term
  Similar to: Targeted Individual - New Tech & Methods
  • Direct attacks from USA Federal Agents on Person with family in other Nation(s)
  • Direct attacks from CIA on Person with family in other Nations
  • Deconstruction of the target individual's life to affect other Nations' 
  • perceptions of business possibilities and opportunities.
      ie., USA hurt Japanese family to make a statement to all of Asian business partners in APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation). While bringing up nobodies & sex slaves from other 2nd or 3rd worldAsian countries to a reasonable normal American family status. All done in a high visibility international community. Also, while USA declines reasonable trade efforts.
  •   Political Model for USA/CIA to infiltrate Asian consumer spending.
  •   Political Model for USA/CIA to break relations with Japan and other targeted Asian business families.
  •   USA agent claims it's for Targeted Individual's personal security
  •   It is actually USA agent perfoming War related Impression Management
*Using Esoteric Organizations
   - Secret Societies
   - Cults
   - Churches with Domestic Terrorist Links

     Notice How USA & Online media does not use/employ minorities
     from appropriate nations on the subjects. Or even a National citizen of those nations.
     Promote White/Caucasian Image only
     Promote white/Caucasian Storyline only
     Promote African-american Image or Storylines only.
         ie., No one from Mayan descent or locale, No one from Egypt on Pyramids,
         No one from Asia about Buddha =(Old Nazi use of Asian beliefs) ,
         No one from Siberia about Shamanism. Etc., long list.

Obscure Agendas set to cover illegal actions for WAR (aka. BAIT):
                      Atlantean/ Atlantis
                        - Include & exclude those who are seen as useful to USA economic agenda
                        - Especially domestic minority agents they can groom
                        - Luxury Knowledge & privledge to see a psychic
                      UFO & Illegal USA Missions
                          - Subsonic Jets in air & leaving USA territory
                          - Bombers leaving USA territory

I learned from my personal incident as abductee of CIA/ATF drug distributor seeking new lines @2001:
CIA/ATF employed white drug distributors/ dealers were looking for new networks of USA domestic people to exploit.
- Many already behind Hyped MK ultra test in the area of Bucks County
    - Mengele
    - Modern Philadelphia Rosacrucians AMORC - legal battles due to sex cult abuse.
    - Executive/ CEO network employees - elite Boarding schools
Cults that have Caucasian Majority have untapped financial resources to exploit.
Letting in minorities to also regain control in USA Domestic Drug Sales
Cults/Societies making guns
   - no need to register personally made arms
   - Hypothetical revolution preparation - Untraceable
         word "hypothetical" used as imaginary and has no actual intention.

Conquer & Divide-
Please look up Dictionary Definition of Conquer & Divide; - should say something to the effect of;
Maintain Confusion & Fighting in "Lower" status to maintain Control.
Employed Minorities
- Give hope they justify other's will have standing in the future.
- Emotional campaign
- Some sense of minority Quota is filled for political purposes of maintaining the USA Constitution.
      - Theory about USA is to protect its minorities.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Japan Olympics and Buddhist Symbols

Simple things;- Necklaces with pendants.
Double Dorche around my neck
with a Christian Prayer Card for my American Uncle who was on USS Langley
At Pearl Harbor Memorial
Some things I've found by wearing different "sacred" amulets and pendants is that the knowledge that most Americans or other people actually have is low.
I'm just adding this confirmation bias experience since I've noticed people's reactions. I change my pendants depending on meditations I've experienced.  And, that Caucasian people on the Earth have attempted to attach negative attributed to Buddhist symbology. This is a security topic for the Japan Olympics especially. 
Double Dorje/Dorche (Buddhist) vs. Iron Nazi Cross
For about 6 months in Honolulu, I wore a double dorje/dorche  that I purchased at a Tibetan store in Honolulu. There were some and very few Buddhists who commented on the pendant, 2-3 people who knew what it is and only 1 person who said, "Buddhist monks wear those." Most particulary Caucasian Americans who decided to comment on the pendant either said, "I like that." or more frequently about 95% asked, "Is that an Iron Cross? in reference to Nazi Germany." The other thing was that foreigners tended to ignore commenting on it, even Buddhist monks who saw me wearing it.

The interesting thing about wearing the Double Dorche, which is a Buddhist representation of a weapon to destroy evil in all directions;- this amulet was that it was the only one people did not grab while around my neck. The other amulets I wore were frequently grabbed by people before any conversation was made.

The Cartouche
Cartouche around my neck
I started wearing the Cartouche with some chosen Heiroglyphics I liked on the back. 
Since I received it, only 2 people have volunteered knowledge that they know it's a cartouche. And, those two people also seemed to have great admiration for the Ancient Egyptian culture. Both knew the Dog god Annubis. Everyone else asks what it is, and it seems less "likeable" on the Island.

The Star of David vs. Enochian Holy Table
Even the Israelis didn't quite know what this was. And, they were the most guilty of being a total stranger to me and grabbing the pendant.
It seems most people on the Island of Oahu like this amulet, I wore it for longer than 6 months. The Israelis recognize the Star from their Israeli flag. 
Others just assumed that I am Jewish for wearing the star.
I also attended 3 days of Comicon, due to Deadpool Creator & Stan Lee, in Honolulu with the Holy Table on. The one day I dressed conservative. Another day I wore something more generic with a Femme Fatale shirt on, a olive drab short beach skort from a transient friend,  with red tights & tall wedges. I listened to a second day of Deadpool's creator speaking. That day, people stopping me and asking me "who/character" I am and lots of grabbing at the pendant. One last day, I wore it with a Spiderman T-shirt on. Though more concerned with getting to hear Stan Lee speak. 
Enochian Holy Table around my neck
with a Kyanite & Red Tourmaline choker I made
9/2015 at Comicon in Honolulu

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Trans Pacific Protocol - Japan/ USA

Today I read the news, after heeding the calls of the Universe to quit my job and duck out of commoner site till Feb 4th, 2016. Today is Feb 5, 2016 still by Hawaiian time. The rest of the planet is already onto tomorrow.
Sadly with the delay of USA & Japan again, I read the news. That the Trans Pacific Protocol rim partners have 2 full years to make domestic preparations for the Agreement. I've read that the presidential Candidates for 2016/2017 are not completely for the TPP in the current state that it exists. Regardless, I personally am out of patience and time since this makes just over a Decade of waiting for me and getting pummelled by the varying opinions of individuals & groups residing within the borders of the United States. This started in 2005 with my overseas trip to Thailand I was not to return from, my return, the death of my brother, then my being abducted 2x in Pennsylvania and surviving multiple murder attempts on my life. Most people in the USA can't read or comprehend well, so I'm sure this article will be misread some.
Most of those I've met in the USA are against the TPP. They are against it so much that they destroy as much as they can (runs the gamut of White supremacists, Filipinos, African-Americans, Other islander ethnicity's & nationalities, Chinese, Other Asians, and anyone with a slight opinion or who wants to show their prowess with the larger opinionated groups).
I know that part of the USA's job is to bring down un-democratic nations. This includes Japan in whatever way the USA doesn't like it. That's the first cause. That's why I'm considered stateless when I travel abroad;- because the USA hacks my life away.
The USA Feds are more corrupt than anyone. Next are the Police who aren't penalized in anyway for re-directing politics to ends that will be unreconciled.