Angela Merideth Kneale
July 17, 2017
Twitter: Intergalactic Shaman @imperialnewsJ
You Tube: Cypress Shaman
False Corporate Security:
*Supersoldier protection smokescreen - related to pre-War Impression Management
- Ground game is secured by threat to individual targeted.
- Community is afraid to compete with the Supersoldier
- When security goes REALLY bad
Testing New Tech. & Methods for:
*Private Security Firms
RACISM Perception:
Origination point:
-Minority Groups fighting rights violations
& encroachment from Majority Caucasian
-Domestic Terrorist Organization
-Progressive whites setting the bar for what is "acceptable white racism."
-4th Reich & Military infrastructure
*Impression Management - military term
Similar to: Targeted Individual - New Tech & Methods
- Secret Societies
- Cults
- Churches with Domestic Terrorist Links
Notice How USA & Online media does not use/employ minorities
from appropriate nations on the subjects. Or even a National citizen of those nations.
Promote White/Caucasian Image only
Promote white/Caucasian Storyline only
Promote African-american Image or Storylines only.
ie., No one from Mayan descent or locale, No one from Egypt on Pyramids,
No one from Asia about Buddha =(Old Nazi use of Asian beliefs) ,
No one from Siberia about Shamanism. Etc., long list.
Obscure Agendas set to cover illegal actions for WAR (aka. BAIT):
Atlantean/ Atlantis
- Include & exclude those who are seen as useful to USA economic agenda
- Especially domestic minority agents they can groom
- Luxury Knowledge & privledge to see a psychic
UFO & Illegal USA Missions
- Subsonic Jets in air & leaving USA territory
- Bombers leaving USA territory
I learned from my personal incident as abductee of CIA/ATF drug distributor seeking new lines @2001:
CIA/ATF employed white drug distributors/ dealers were looking for new networks of USA domestic people to exploit.
- Many already behind Hyped MK ultra test in the area of Bucks County
- Mengele
- Modern Philadelphia Rosacrucians AMORC - legal battles due to sex cult abuse.
- Executive/ CEO network employees - elite Boarding schools
Cults that have Caucasian Majority have untapped financial resources to exploit.
Letting in minorities to also regain control in USA Domestic Drug Sales
Cults/Societies making guns
- no need to register personally made arms
- Hypothetical revolution preparation - Untraceable
word "hypothetical" used as imaginary and has no actual intention.
Conquer & Divide-
Please look up Dictionary Definition of Conquer & Divide; - should say something to the effect of;
Maintain Confusion & Fighting in "Lower" status to maintain Control.
Employed Minorities
- Give hope they justify other's will have standing in the future.
- Emotional campaign
- Some sense of minority Quota is filled for political purposes of maintaining the USA Constitution.
- Theory about USA is to protect its minorities.
July 17, 2017
Twitter: Intergalactic Shaman @imperialnewsJ
You Tube: Cypress Shaman
False Corporate Security:
*Supersoldier protection smokescreen - related to pre-War Impression Management
- Ground game is secured by threat to individual targeted.
- Community is afraid to compete with the Supersoldier
- When security goes REALLY bad
Testing New Tech. & Methods for:
*Private Security Firms
RACISM Perception:
Origination point:
-Minority Groups fighting rights violations
& encroachment from Majority Caucasian
-Domestic Terrorist Organization
-Progressive whites setting the bar for what is "acceptable white racism."
-4th Reich & Military infrastructure
*Impression Management - military term
Similar to: Targeted Individual - New Tech & Methods
- Direct attacks from USA Federal Agents on Person with family in other Nation(s)
- Direct attacks from CIA on Person with family in other Nations
- Deconstruction of the target individual's life to affect other Nations'
- perceptions of business possibilities and opportunities.
ie., USA hurt Japanese family to make a statement to all of Asian business partners in APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation). While bringing up nobodies & sex slaves from other 2nd or 3rd worldAsian countries to a reasonable normal American family status. All done in a high visibility international community. Also, while USA declines reasonable trade efforts.
- Political Model for USA/CIA to infiltrate Asian consumer spending.
- Political Model for USA/CIA to break relations with Japan and other targeted Asian business families.
- USA agent claims it's for Targeted Individual's personal security
- It is actually USA agent perfoming War related Impression Management
- Secret Societies
- Cults
- Churches with Domestic Terrorist Links
Notice How USA & Online media does not use/employ minorities
from appropriate nations on the subjects. Or even a National citizen of those nations.
Promote White/Caucasian Image only
Promote white/Caucasian Storyline only
Promote African-american Image or Storylines only.
ie., No one from Mayan descent or locale, No one from Egypt on Pyramids,
No one from Asia about Buddha =(Old Nazi use of Asian beliefs) ,
No one from Siberia about Shamanism. Etc., long list.
Obscure Agendas set to cover illegal actions for WAR (aka. BAIT):
Atlantean/ Atlantis
- Include & exclude those who are seen as useful to USA economic agenda
- Especially domestic minority agents they can groom
- Luxury Knowledge & privledge to see a psychic
UFO & Illegal USA Missions
- Subsonic Jets in air & leaving USA territory
- Bombers leaving USA territory
I learned from my personal incident as abductee of CIA/ATF drug distributor seeking new lines @2001:
CIA/ATF employed white drug distributors/ dealers were looking for new networks of USA domestic people to exploit.
- Many already behind Hyped MK ultra test in the area of Bucks County
- Mengele
- Modern Philadelphia Rosacrucians AMORC - legal battles due to sex cult abuse.
- Executive/ CEO network employees - elite Boarding schools
Cults that have Caucasian Majority have untapped financial resources to exploit.
Letting in minorities to also regain control in USA Domestic Drug Sales
Cults/Societies making guns
- no need to register personally made arms
- Hypothetical revolution preparation - Untraceable
word "hypothetical" used as imaginary and has no actual intention.
Conquer & Divide-
Please look up Dictionary Definition of Conquer & Divide; - should say something to the effect of;
Maintain Confusion & Fighting in "Lower" status to maintain Control.
Employed Minorities
- Give hope they justify other's will have standing in the future.
- Emotional campaign
- Some sense of minority Quota is filled for political purposes of maintaining the USA Constitution.
- Theory about USA is to protect its minorities.