Showing posts with label #Atlantis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Atlantis. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2018

UFO sighting Triangle lights OAHU

From Oahu, if you want something to read for any reason. I'm sitting up here in Mililani Mauka near the Tech Park across the HWY from Schofield Hawaii. And, I just parked for a minute to check my phone & I looked up... There was a triangular light formation in the dark sky over Mililani towards Pearl Harbor, with the moon behind & Above me. As far as moving lights went, ufo's over the sea usually, I had not seen a seperation of the lights or  a triangle formation holding steady in the sky before. The light was diffuse & whitelight . HUGE. Fabulously HUGE.  I tried to live stream Tweet but I'm stuck without a decent phone. One Side of the triangle in the sky was bigger than a 747 perspective parked at the runway. 3 sides, one point meeting in a typical star in the sky only larger & diffuse light behind the cloudy veil that covered it.
I am quite wiped from writing.  So here are my Tweets today of importance. Day almost over here at 23:40 Hawaii time. 26th of January 2018
And, today one of my tweets:
Not Sure people know how exhausting the EX&HF are. Especially after a random code red signal. It makes listening to Radio/DJ/Stereo more brain fatigue. Better to have quiet & Not talk. #MKstArgate
I tweeted today a pic of me at Comicon 2015.
Hawaii 9-2015.(19th?Hawaii) Rob Leifeld noticed me, in the same row answering kids ?'s, when I clutched my ear. I was in pain. Then I looked forward down the floor sitter aisle and he followed my panicked gaze. it was eternity to me, until the Satellite phone rang with the man in the wheelchair. I wish I had some way to prove to the public that satellite tech is something that I can sense. And, that is that only incident that happened in a room full of people. It's happened before to me outside up to 20 feet away from me. I think it would help the public that is calling targeted individuals crazy, even ones in China-- that the possiblity is there. And, somehow to start proving that it is not some coincidence.
Also some Independent video reporter I'm trying to sift through now, says there was an actual ICBM ... on the 13th.It is videographer update from Account for Florida Maquis 1/13/2018 Update:
transponder switch on tracking IBMs-- Fitzgerald McCain completed an AEGIS BMD System test. . He's saying that they shot downed a missile headed straight for Hawaii.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Layers My notes

Angela Merideth Kneale
July 17, 2017
Twitter: Intergalactic Shaman @imperialnewsJ
You Tube: Cypress Shaman


False Corporate Security:
   *Supersoldier protection smokescreen - related to pre-War Impression Management
    - Ground game is secured by threat to individual targeted.
    - Community is afraid to compete with the Supersoldier
       - When security goes REALLY bad

Testing New Tech. & Methods for:
*Private Security Firms

RACISM Perception:
Origination point:
   -Minority Groups fighting rights violations
       & encroachment from Majority Caucasian
   -Domestic Terrorist Organization
   -Progressive whites setting the bar for what is "acceptable white racism."
   -4th Reich & Military infrastructure
*Impression Management - military term
  Similar to: Targeted Individual - New Tech & Methods
  • Direct attacks from USA Federal Agents on Person with family in other Nation(s)
  • Direct attacks from CIA on Person with family in other Nations
  • Deconstruction of the target individual's life to affect other Nations' 
  • perceptions of business possibilities and opportunities.
      ie., USA hurt Japanese family to make a statement to all of Asian business partners in APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation). While bringing up nobodies & sex slaves from other 2nd or 3rd worldAsian countries to a reasonable normal American family status. All done in a high visibility international community. Also, while USA declines reasonable trade efforts.
  •   Political Model for USA/CIA to infiltrate Asian consumer spending.
  •   Political Model for USA/CIA to break relations with Japan and other targeted Asian business families.
  •   USA agent claims it's for Targeted Individual's personal security
  •   It is actually USA agent perfoming War related Impression Management
*Using Esoteric Organizations
   - Secret Societies
   - Cults
   - Churches with Domestic Terrorist Links

     Notice How USA & Online media does not use/employ minorities
     from appropriate nations on the subjects. Or even a National citizen of those nations.
     Promote White/Caucasian Image only
     Promote white/Caucasian Storyline only
     Promote African-american Image or Storylines only.
         ie., No one from Mayan descent or locale, No one from Egypt on Pyramids,
         No one from Asia about Buddha =(Old Nazi use of Asian beliefs) ,
         No one from Siberia about Shamanism. Etc., long list.

Obscure Agendas set to cover illegal actions for WAR (aka. BAIT):
                      Atlantean/ Atlantis
                        - Include & exclude those who are seen as useful to USA economic agenda
                        - Especially domestic minority agents they can groom
                        - Luxury Knowledge & privledge to see a psychic
                      UFO & Illegal USA Missions
                          - Subsonic Jets in air & leaving USA territory
                          - Bombers leaving USA territory

I learned from my personal incident as abductee of CIA/ATF drug distributor seeking new lines @2001:
CIA/ATF employed white drug distributors/ dealers were looking for new networks of USA domestic people to exploit.
- Many already behind Hyped MK ultra test in the area of Bucks County
    - Mengele
    - Modern Philadelphia Rosacrucians AMORC - legal battles due to sex cult abuse.
    - Executive/ CEO network employees - elite Boarding schools
Cults that have Caucasian Majority have untapped financial resources to exploit.
Letting in minorities to also regain control in USA Domestic Drug Sales
Cults/Societies making guns
   - no need to register personally made arms
   - Hypothetical revolution preparation - Untraceable
         word "hypothetical" used as imaginary and has no actual intention.

Conquer & Divide-
Please look up Dictionary Definition of Conquer & Divide; - should say something to the effect of;
Maintain Confusion & Fighting in "Lower" status to maintain Control.
Employed Minorities
- Give hope they justify other's will have standing in the future.
- Emotional campaign
- Some sense of minority Quota is filled for political purposes of maintaining the USA Constitution.
      - Theory about USA is to protect its minorities.