Showing posts with label WW3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WW3. Show all posts

Monday, July 17, 2017

Layers My notes

Angela Merideth Kneale
July 17, 2017
Twitter: Intergalactic Shaman @imperialnewsJ
You Tube: Cypress Shaman


False Corporate Security:
   *Supersoldier protection smokescreen - related to pre-War Impression Management
    - Ground game is secured by threat to individual targeted.
    - Community is afraid to compete with the Supersoldier
       - When security goes REALLY bad

Testing New Tech. & Methods for:
*Private Security Firms

RACISM Perception:
Origination point:
   -Minority Groups fighting rights violations
       & encroachment from Majority Caucasian
   -Domestic Terrorist Organization
   -Progressive whites setting the bar for what is "acceptable white racism."
   -4th Reich & Military infrastructure
*Impression Management - military term
  Similar to: Targeted Individual - New Tech & Methods
  • Direct attacks from USA Federal Agents on Person with family in other Nation(s)
  • Direct attacks from CIA on Person with family in other Nations
  • Deconstruction of the target individual's life to affect other Nations' 
  • perceptions of business possibilities and opportunities.
      ie., USA hurt Japanese family to make a statement to all of Asian business partners in APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation). While bringing up nobodies & sex slaves from other 2nd or 3rd worldAsian countries to a reasonable normal American family status. All done in a high visibility international community. Also, while USA declines reasonable trade efforts.
  •   Political Model for USA/CIA to infiltrate Asian consumer spending.
  •   Political Model for USA/CIA to break relations with Japan and other targeted Asian business families.
  •   USA agent claims it's for Targeted Individual's personal security
  •   It is actually USA agent perfoming War related Impression Management
*Using Esoteric Organizations
   - Secret Societies
   - Cults
   - Churches with Domestic Terrorist Links

     Notice How USA & Online media does not use/employ minorities
     from appropriate nations on the subjects. Or even a National citizen of those nations.
     Promote White/Caucasian Image only
     Promote white/Caucasian Storyline only
     Promote African-american Image or Storylines only.
         ie., No one from Mayan descent or locale, No one from Egypt on Pyramids,
         No one from Asia about Buddha =(Old Nazi use of Asian beliefs) ,
         No one from Siberia about Shamanism. Etc., long list.

Obscure Agendas set to cover illegal actions for WAR (aka. BAIT):
                      Atlantean/ Atlantis
                        - Include & exclude those who are seen as useful to USA economic agenda
                        - Especially domestic minority agents they can groom
                        - Luxury Knowledge & privledge to see a psychic
                      UFO & Illegal USA Missions
                          - Subsonic Jets in air & leaving USA territory
                          - Bombers leaving USA territory

I learned from my personal incident as abductee of CIA/ATF drug distributor seeking new lines @2001:
CIA/ATF employed white drug distributors/ dealers were looking for new networks of USA domestic people to exploit.
- Many already behind Hyped MK ultra test in the area of Bucks County
    - Mengele
    - Modern Philadelphia Rosacrucians AMORC - legal battles due to sex cult abuse.
    - Executive/ CEO network employees - elite Boarding schools
Cults that have Caucasian Majority have untapped financial resources to exploit.
Letting in minorities to also regain control in USA Domestic Drug Sales
Cults/Societies making guns
   - no need to register personally made arms
   - Hypothetical revolution preparation - Untraceable
         word "hypothetical" used as imaginary and has no actual intention.

Conquer & Divide-
Please look up Dictionary Definition of Conquer & Divide; - should say something to the effect of;
Maintain Confusion & Fighting in "Lower" status to maintain Control.
Employed Minorities
- Give hope they justify other's will have standing in the future.
- Emotional campaign
- Some sense of minority Quota is filled for political purposes of maintaining the USA Constitution.
      - Theory about USA is to protect its minorities.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Japan perspective

This is my perspective from the East Coast where the competition for the "normal America" that is not saturated with Asian culture like West Coast business dynamics.

1. Another issue for Japan's public perception is online and in English. The constant historical banter & speculation that is published to the public as random internet address links within political and military articles.  A slippery slope appears to be aimed at taking the ground out from under Japan  since the overall balance of wartime articles is heavy in comparison with other nations globally. Such a stack of vague Japan militaristic knowledge affects modern perceptions and interactions in the political arena and business environment. The articles are aimed at emotional justification for causing economic and socio-political damage to Japanese abroad in the USA and NY City (a crucial global business environment). Ground level talks that have resolved are difficult to find in the internet haystack about international issues involving comfort women, and past war time atrocities in other nations aside from Japan. At UNESCO, a globally comprehensive report to view the humanitarian and gender based issue of comfort women is not isolated to Japan alone.

2. WW3 looks more like USA/India/Korea VS. China/Russia/Japan 
The United States is responsible for endangering Japanese born nationals within the USA Homeland. The US has jeopardized and pushed out standard business and family safety for Japan in key areas from the US Homeland in county courts in small locales. Instead, the USA business elite has embraced the family presences of Korean nationals and Indian nationals in particular while collaborating to create a facade of Japanese business relationship to the US public. In fact, most of the Korean & Indian linked business presence on the East Coast is aimed at destroying the Japanese image and presence in the larger US public at the ground level.

In the past decade and a half, before the talks of TPP vs. ASEAN;- it was more common to find micro level business & friendships between Japanese and Chinese within the USA homeland. There is still a huge lack of respect from the Korean and Indian communities/neighborhoods towards Japan in the USA. Of course this disrespect is only carried out politically with the help of the usual in charge USA white majority (that includes anyone of European descent who appears more caucasian). The dual national Israelis nearly top the list of foreigners pouring on sexual violence on Japanese in the USA and have no positive ASEAN interest.

3. The TPP vs the ASEAN allies.
The Philippines is going through growing pains with the rebuilding of their nation's infrastructure. Some new choices can be made, and so rebuilding seems to take on a plan-of-action that needs to be in line with the complete failure of the TPP, once promoted by their greatest ally. The past weeks have pressed the TPP issue to a new edge with 2017's USA Presidency to be a voided agreement. Donald Trump touted a revision of NAFTA/GATT from the 90's, while Hillary Clinton directly stood opposed to carrying the TPP torch. Neither US Presidential candidate shows intention of successful completion of the TPP. The ASEAN allies may be going through expected growing pains, arguments, to secure its trade routes and boundaries that the USA once considered crucial to its future survival and growth. This does not mean an internal War is imminent.  

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Global Shipping & Shutdown. Domestic handling only.

Quickie Summary:
The heightened consequences in EX-IM regulation have prompted some businesses to begin plans to Shutdown after clearing and shipping out their major inventories. This will take on a new online buying trend, as it will supersede other regular quarterly Fashion releases.  Soon only domestic buyers who have brought in product prior to the "at Large" shutdown will be able to have ample stockpiles to provide to the rest of the Online purchasing community. WW3 preparations are going to saturate the global demand for a 3-6 year buying spell as international warehouses exchange goods.
This should also assist with global safety and regulation issues. More focused searches can be done more effectively.
Searches for hidden weapons, and weapons of mass destruction carried in more ample cargo ( not boxes of shoes and other common goods) will have more attention from security. However, the initial common goods (shoes, clothing) shipments will take time and be delayed without an appropriate trained workforce to check individual package integrity for weapons components. This may cause delay at shipyards and initial heightened security measures for masses of shipping containers. That is until an appropriate workforce is trained, scrutinized, and hired. However, ship while weather is fair.
Additionally, this should result in some reallocation of workers to focus on growing internal/domestic issues with migrant populations and safeguarding their homeland supplies. If WW3 does ensue, this domestic common goods surplus should be enough to last 8-14 years in the worst case scenario.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

USA military wants run guns through ASEAN Ex-im

USA is Only one country. Their military has expressed a want and need to run guns and more arms through ASEAN territory. They think it's great and their contribution to world peace.
ASEAN is comprised of 10 large Asian countries  on this planet working together without USA's new TPP agreement. 
Does the ASEAN world & its families really want to afford the risk of the USA? 
I don't want that ASEAN blood on my karma. 
Most USA citizens of any race or nationality think tearing apart other nations is a great money maker. They have zero regard for actual peace. 

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

2016 Presidential Campaigns are for WW3

Today I received a Honolulu, HI Hillary Clinton Office call from a 69 year old woman named Caroline. The call was asking me to do some phone banking 4:30pm-8pm Hawaii Time from the Business district/ Chinatown office.

After spending the morning trying to clear my energy in meditation, I've come to realize that this 2016 Presidential Election is not about the Trade Deals &  It is not about popularity or women's issues or American Jobs.

This 2016 Election is about which candidate will be the BEST equipped American President to perform through WW3.  

Monday, February 29, 2016

Got WW3?

Securing Hawaii as a USA State:- 
1. Have state or federal cards for Any aged FT/PT resident regardless of Citizenship who enrolls in a martial arts school or lessons.
2. Make Hawaii's residential Town Associations and  Housing or Condo associations Liable for damages caused by members of martial arts schools which they allow to use facilities. Especially any practicing "ninjutsu"

Hawaii's warriors, locals, military personnel, drug dealers, mafia, drunkards with beer guts, H.S. Graduates and holy persons are looking forward to WW3. They LOVE!!! I mean LOVE their MMA guys! (I personally dislike it though if I don't tolerate it someone else will physically assault my 5'2 petite frame.)
In towns all over Oahu at least, there are tons of Martial arts classes that are supported by their community and non-profit town associations. Then many of the coaches... But are the role models for all the kids and parents to follow. They create completely abusive communities and felt the need to hang up and destroy my life...their communities and police allowing people to sit in the hall outside my door and crack the key lock box and break in.  Etc etc etc...
 They don't call this art of war for nothing. Hawaii's i.e., Mililani Town Association definitely finds this amusing. Downtown Honolulu is an absolute nightmare for me that I feel was deserving of security bearing m16 lined rooftops and security barriers. 
The fact that I was forced to live in this state here is appalling. Though the Hawaii based martial arts instructors seem to also think it's funny to take the niece of a Japanese steel broker and make me worse than a lowlife Hoe even in a 3rd world country, throw her on the street and destroy my credit. All thanks to their martial arts associations and members- of which is the entire HAWAII community;- since there are a lot of business people who don't want to be involved with the disaster they created.
I personally HATE Most of Oahu due to these people. Even Philadelphia has better people coming out of its ghettos who are more responsible. How Hawaii state isn't liable for creating these conditions is beyond me-- Cause Obama didn't want it. 
Rant over....these people make the world worse. They should Ban martial arts or make the students have registered fighting cards from the start.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Clinton VS TPP - TPP was always a Clinton Farce.

In Hawaii, there is a high turnover of US Naval military forces. Due to this turnover, I have met more than a dozen Navy Seals and other US military special operatives & ex special operatives military. Most of them have considerable pull in the military community. Most of the ones whom I have met absolutely HATE Hillary Clinton. They also seem to be animatedly PRO Donald Trump.

I can't say I agree with either 2016 presidential candidate, though I would try my best to err on the side of world calm & peace & non-violence. Wow, that leaves me with? No choice. none that is any good. In the past I would have voted for Hillary just for the fact that the USA hasn't had a female in Office. That alone is huge. Then add in the fact that she is a mother.
However, with her current stance on the TPP and making internal domestic changes, I can't blame her for being AGAINST the TPP that she purported in 2011 APEC here in Honolulu. After reflection of the past 20 years of my life with 9 years around the Clinton boys in Ithaca, NY. I really can't say that it seems to me that they EVER intended NOT to promote a WW3. The Clinton Boys crowd paid my ex to prevent me from paying my bills, leaving the USA to see my Obasan (Japanese grandmother) as well as other (150) relatives in Japan. They directly undermined my Japanese citizenship and put me into a Stateless issue when I leave the USA. I have in fact been held a HOSTAGE in the USA by the Clinton crowd. And, then they directly contributed to making my financial life dysfunctional in entirety.

In addition, today (after a day notice that her office opened in Honolulu, HI this morning), I showed up just to converse. I met Doug Pyle who is the Vice Chair for the Democratic National Committee Hawaii. He seemed to take a subtle abusive male stance in asking me if I could comprehend anything. That alone made me fume. Let alone his "inability" to say a Japanese family name to whom I have direct family relation. That aside from his admitted limited understanding of International Laws and EX-IM issues. So, despite his coming from a "public health background" the USA yet again FAILS to place entirely domestic people OUTSIDE of the international community where they are less disruptive. This is Hawaii. Minority and National discrimination has taken on a new meaning for 3rd and 4th generation Americans of Japanese descent. They SCOFF and ridicule people like me for being born of dual nationality as they are doing their best to undermine my validity in USA culture.

SO, despite ASEAN telling me that they DON'T NEED the likes of the Trans-Pacific Protocol TPP in 2005;----(long pause) The Clinton Crowd already Proved their intention in my life by 1999/2000.
I got away from them in 2000 and was able to piece my life back together till 2005 (despite being abducted 2x by IRA related Golf Course people in 2006 and an American Caucasian North Korean associate @2002). It took 5 years to get back to surviving on my own after college graduation in 1999. Then was destroyed by the Clymers in Pennsylvania and other Republican and White Supremacists as well as trying to prove themselves NAACP people who ganged up on me and killed my brother. That loss was HUGE in 2005. 
It's ever so difficult for me to see HOW exactly we aren't going to Have a WW3 with the USA.

America scoffs at my Japanese relatives and family members. And, the USA has trashed my life in entirety in a display of "Freedom" that reads worse than the news I read of women trapped in a Muslim Country.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Apple phone FuK'd me over eh-tee-tee

So. Today's task is for me to try and view a .mov video file of Independent footage that is still being "sold" in a manner of speaking. 
Problem, I only have my iPhone 5s that has been chronically hacked. Survived decimation of 2 Lifeproof Nuud cases that also had Hawaii sun & heat exposure. My several laptops have died out of extinction real. Due to balcony swan dives caused by Nuclear Engineer submariner tantrums, I'm guessing or presuppoposing M.I. Jacking of my hard drives, and TSA forcing me to surrender my carrying. All USA sinking USA effort because I'm me. How many ways can I say my own kind USA nationals absolutely Bloomington big SUX, without a friendly game of euchre and microbrews. 
I am left with generified not gentrified as word goo Apple Store wireless terabyte Formaluzed Bawlshert while having a second glawsss of  chianti to subdue my implant headache. 
Hawaii has been chrawnik-cally pein-full. 
And I am aht thee end of mawyee rue-ope. 
Hard SD vs wireless terabyte drive BS

Monday, July 22, 2013

Kikuchi is Chrysanthemum Land, not kuchi that USA rapes

My mother's family name straight from Japan is Kikuchi, 菊地。It simply means, Chrysanthemum Land. When I was a young child, before I was 6 years old and the Philadelphia doctors told me my biological mother from Japan was dead, I was schooled in the horrors of rape as a young international.
This is what the USA thinks of me. This is what the USA thinks of me as a female. I was politically torn (aka Raped) by many people of the USA before they made me involuntarily become a USA national by their default laws. So, as a young dual citizen, this is what I was taught the USA is to Japan. A body of white United States Americans who disrespect me in the highest form. And, to date, this seems to remain true. I was raised in Bucks County, PA not even a mile away from the Clymer family's establishment called the Rosacrucians. They had a hand in my sister's and brother's ultimate demise. The Clymers are USA political allies with the Cheney family.
It is not a conspiracy. It is simple United States politics. I am an unwilling participant and my parents put me through this so that they could maintain their position in the United States of America's political climate.
I have no protection. I did manage to live with an old New York State senator who was Vice President of Cornell University;- she was my mentor. Her help is why I'm barely clinging to survival here in Hawaii. Hawaii is the worst climate for a professional international female that I have ever lived in in my ENTIRE life. This state needs to change for the positive.

However, they say I should be more Christian and "Forgive" all the men who rape and will rape me in the USA because they bombed the very country;- with atomic weapons, that my heritage is from.

I have no reason to continue since I have no personal benefit at this point in time. And, if the USA riff raft of USA military and Legal bodies continue to treat me as such;- I can only hope for their demise since I don't wish this type of life on anyone. Though, I wish they could experience the Extreme magnitude that they have exposed me to;- only in their personal lives and loosing their loved ones who cannot be replaced by any TV set or appliance that they could purchase.