Showing posts with label International. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Bucks County murdered my family

Conspiracy theorists and NSA whistleblowers drew my attention to DeepState and MKultra conspiracy theories in 2015. Over the past 6years of my personal research into the "persecution" and discrimination I, my late brother, my late sister faced as the only children of a Japanese national mother who moved to Bucks County, PA from Japan. The whistleblowers presented me with the lengthy international torture affidavit put out by a campaigner and in 2021 announced that she is the current wife of Bill Binney, former director of the NSA.
Though I took over 3 years to wade through my life filled with traumatic events from what had previously been considered "anti-Japanese hate crimes" of the highly racist Bucks County, PA community. Today, it is very clear to me, as a survivor of this ongoing U.S.A. intelligence torture operation:- that this was and is a doctrine of torture followed by many Bucks County, Pennsylvania officials, law enforcement, school teachers, church administrators, attorneys, and anyone else who has been coaxed into the operation to execute my life quietly as "suicided" Japanese-Americans. And the worst part of it, for me to understand as an adult:- is that my USA father a Pennsylvania USAF veteran and nephew to an Uncle who was a gunner aboard the USA Langley with 2 silver stars from his mass murders of Japanese at Iwo Jima, Pearl Harbor, and missions in n China.

Due to the lack of care for my physical and emotional well being, and the financial abuse of my identity by my father and/or his colleagues, friends and attorneys. I consider the international legal term of his role in my life to be more applicable as a "State Actor" and agent. Rather than a father, defined by normal legal terms. And the use of the "family" property and home as a torture chamber where I was easily isolated from others.

In 2022, we know the DeepState is prolific in Pennsylvania. And so, to call it  "simple hate crimes" with broken bones, disfigured face, wrecked vehicles, experimental surgeries, embezzlement, forgery, and multiple assaults; physical, sexual, and chemical.

The contents of this blog are to reveal the ongoing torture I survive in the United States Mainland. And that I was denied my choice of nationality, freedom to speak with my mother and relatives without physical torture at home, in school, at church, and being abducted :;- ongoing since elementary school. And that the businesses I "consulted for" as an office employee and piano faculty assisted perpetrators in coordinating conditions to abduct, assault, and potentially kill me and my late brother from 08/2000-01/2009.

I assert that the torture and operations are ongoing, and with new government officials and community members who participate.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hypothetical Legal @ Hawaii Hotels & Airlines.

I have had 7 years, or 5 from the time of APEC 2011 Honolulu, to move through security issues on Oahu.  Something I want more research on ;- aside from the general international perception that Hawaii State is a Criminal money laundering operation if not just so poorly run its un
believeable. Hawaii State is a nightmare.
Those in Hospitality need to make about $50/hr in order to live comfortably.

One of the goals of APEC 2011 was to stop "payoff payments to criminal organizations" that are in effect a large part of the money LOST in business transaction. Hawaii state being the center of my 5 year commitment from the time of APEC 2011 and Japan's entry to TPP in 2012. It is now 2017. I  am nearly finished as enough construction has been completed.

Issues that stem from Hawaii's hospitality and employees- several possible spy/ agent/ crafts persons who are accepting tips from international sources. 
  • access to personal data & information, address, mobile phone number at POP end user interface.
  • issues with workers who do not speak English and use  Hawaiian Pidgin language as well as "Asian language affected speech impetement." 
    • Companies who/that hire & employ workers expecting native English speakers to try and figure out what they are saying
To be continued: 
idea: Have a billing system that is run by app in shopping centers with personal bag check at exit.

How the Airlines are liable for Non-USA criminal entrants to the Island State
How the Hotels are liable for aiding and abetting a foreign criminal or terrorist
Where the line to injuring an American citizen is drawn;- even with masked & foreign crafted intent
How the Native Hawaii State population is ill prepared to support USA.
How the Native Hawaii State population including politicians choose to intentionally harm gross USA planning

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Update: Security Concerns Hawaii

Hawaiian Islands: personal security concerns Update for the Spring of 2017.
Best USA English Apps :  WAZE   [  }
  • 03/17 *New* USA Patriotism & Racism directed at Asian/ Green Card Workers 
      • Largely unreported, some clubs, bars are being targeted by Caucasian Conservatives. Does not matter if you are Asian and Pro Trump. They aim to rid the USA of non-native workers & business owners.
  • Airport inter-island travel security - 
    • Fingerprinting (possible detainment) of non-white travellers
    • Unjustified Baggage confiscation by Airport Security
  • gang stalking
  • driving personal vehicle at night from clubs - DUI checkpoint
Generally, most of the International Asian Organizations (Gangs & Masons) tend to keep to themselves in their own territory on the island of Oahu. The Honolulu Police Department is subjective to each town/local area where they are connected to local community (HPD is not objective in its conduct).
  •  Pearl City/ Pearl Ridge/ Aiea / Salt lake - I have had most life threatening incidents here with the Honolulu Police Department . Police standing to watch the incident of attacks on my life.
    • Filipino & Caucasian influenced policing. Additionally, some Filipino-Americans are afraid to go to clubs in Honolulu due to police targeting.
  • Honolulu Business district / Red light districts
    • Chinatown - Many residents stay away from Chinatown at night, despite worker & student attended early Happy Hours.
    • Kapiolani & Keeaumoku Street area - 
        •  Ongoing: Late night robberies of women's purses & ATM has become increasingly violent with gun  involvement
      • 600- 700 Block Queen Street (near Ala Moana Blvd. mall area & Ward St)- 
        • After Hours Clubs open till 6AM
        • Gun violence/ Shootings likely due to drug dealers
        • known area for Bloods (red) gang related - despite general positive presence of "wear your red" or don't wear red or light blue (Cryp)
        • Still under impression that it is a sniper are ( US military influenced)
    • Kakaako (zipcode 96797)
      • Homeless Tent Camps - families, children, civilian toxic mold survivors with apartments camp in the concrete industrial area of Kakaako.
  • Waikiki Tourist District - 
    • "false prostitutes" aka women working together Taser men to steal money at Hotelroom.
    • prostitutes - generally on the street level 
    • men who solicit random local women for prostitution
    • sexual harassment 
  • Kalihi - 
    • harassment
    • low-end drug addicts and homeless
    • police involvement in distribution of hard narcotics (stay away from police as residents are afraid of police here)
    •  Hostess Bars & policing for drunk driving DUI
  • The Pali, Pauoa Valley & Pacific Heights (NUUANU)-
    • Toxic Black Mold -  especially when rains & windy
    • also known for spiritual activity from Ancient Hawaii
  •  Kaimuki - Seems SAFER
    • Residential Area & University & Schools

Friday, February 03, 2017

Hawaii Tourists- Immigration, ID, Safety, Financial cards, Trump

Day of the Mark of the Beast is here.
Generally the public has complied with many of the requests to see ID from noted law enforcement.
Foreign tourists, travellers, and even 1st generation US citizens face a threat. Damaged Documents and missing credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of payment.

I lived in Waikiki near the bars and restaurants that are difficult to get away from. Since I don't take anyone of US military rank as "coincidental" in my life, recently for 2 months I lived at the home of an 0-6 USMC Colonel and livid Trump supporter. One day we had gone for breakfast and he told me that he saw a car with a Hillary Clinton sticker on it. When he saw the sticker on the vehicle he wanted to ram into the vehicle. Now this is what I call extreme & violent thinking.  I took his throwing dirty laundry over my Kalachakra as a signal that his hatred and Colorado white conservatism runs much deeper. That is aside from a comment he made to me stating "a bunch of us at Pentagon would have gone to jail if Hillary made it ."

Just before the immigration ban I started having complications with things around the off-duty? USMC Colonel that have not happened for over a couple of years.  Strange enough, my perfect condition Driver's license holographic plastic was sticking out of my purse and peeled back enough to render it "illegal" and tampered with. My financial cards, that take 10-30 days for ordering and shipment to Hawaii state were missing long enough for me to have to re-order.

In Hawaii: There are no in-bank cards that can be issued in Hawaii. It is not the Mainland USA here. Documentation of all sorts is difficult or time consuming to arrive in Hawaii. Even overnight priority shipping does not exist. Overnight priority is more like 2 day shipping if it works at all.

Because I moved out of the situation with the Colonel, yesterday morning I woke to a mother nearby screaming at someone because an important document had a misspelling on it. Her Energy was so intense some friends called me, even texts me "are you ok? are you alive?"

I think I should just say, that be careful when coming to Waikiki, HI. There are still High level military men who can take action against any of us. Many of them frequent the TRUMP hotel restaurant. And the Security issues can be created by anyone of any nationality or American agenda. For instance, this Colonel frequents the Waikiki bars, seems to be unmarried, an definitely carries an ugly personality under his cool exterior.

I was born a dual National of Japan and the United States, and he found me at a time  May 2016 when he claims the Pentagon was in need to downsize in Japan. Though I personally also feel the USA should be pushed out of Japan (expedited) since they are going about change in a very rude fashion.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

May vegan Ketchup Cleanse

May 2016 Cleanse starting:-today. With Amla 4tablets on sale for $11.69+tax & a KeVita Lemon Cayenne $4. I'm waiting for my 7-14day Cleanz T Liv International supplement to arrive by the weekend with my regular alkaline minerals diet.

Long gone are the days I worked taking care of the produce and training even Carl Sagan's personal assistant at the time from Monterrey to do a volunteer shift each week at an coop back in 1997. Back then The Ultimate Meal was my fave supplement & meal (lasted over a decade & a half). The 5 gallon water containers that Eric Marcus hauled in to refill on his 30day master cleanse (cayenne, maple syrup, lemon, H20) while writing his Vegan the New Ethics of Eating book. 
Today about 20years later I'm sitting in Hawaii. I ordered my Green2O and a cleanse. I was bad to myself and had been consuming Petafied Taco Bell vegan frugal noms. Though my wallet is a little fatter my stomach hurts, badly. I'm dying for a cleanse. 

I ordered CleanzT yesterday ;- an untried by me Liv International product ringing in near $35@ distributor price. Also an arginine and vitamin C boost with a canister of  Go! @$65 distributor price, and $45 Green2o. 

I picked up 1.5lbs of blanched almonds as I'm ditching my nutritionist's pea protein recommendation. Makes no sense to me that she said "no fruit, no grain, no mixed fruit, no soy" yet recommended a pea protein that is high in purines -bad for gout sensitive vegans. Starting to annoy me on my 2nd year with this diet.  I stopped taking digestive enzymes to break down any Uric acid buildup from the purine rich pea protein. And I sourced an almond based protein powder supplement made in Austria. 
I hope I can get my hands on it in the USA. Sick of eating almonds. 
Also coconut oil itself makes me sick to my stomach lately as does the Udo's oil supplements. The nuts and avo's are my only healthy oils source aside from this vegans normal (though reduced) bout of grain free French Fries, Tater Tots, Has Browns, Potatoes O'Brein (minus cheese) loaded with a tomato field worth of ketchup.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Feeling sick- day 4/5

My pillow, just had something snap in it like a rubberband through layers. Then the radical thought that it's a capsule full of a chemical raced through my mind. 

I ordered a pizza and the options I selected on my phone did my process in their system before I was charged ( Not registered through system=selected thin crust and spinach) Since I've been sick to my stomach lately- stress likely & trying to eat regular foods;- 

When the pizza arrived I went downstairs. This place doesn't have cameras like the Super 8 where I stayed and burned through my savings to stay alive from Pennsylvania based white supremacist/IRA/KKK/& Cheneyites trying to kill me since my brother's messy and tragic death.
So, I got pizza in the lobby. No key card to the parking level. Got something from my car. Got in elevator @ parking level...didn't need key card as people in elevator already. There is entry from street into parking garage. Got to my floor and 2 large people got out 1st. One guy randomly got in elevator still going up. (No keycard needed). Seems a lot different than normal place. I looked out my door before the pizza and all was quiet. Coincidence? Probably. Paranoid, I am. 

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Global Shipping & Shutdown. Domestic handling only.

Quickie Summary:
The heightened consequences in EX-IM regulation have prompted some businesses to begin plans to Shutdown after clearing and shipping out their major inventories. This will take on a new online buying trend, as it will supersede other regular quarterly Fashion releases.  Soon only domestic buyers who have brought in product prior to the "at Large" shutdown will be able to have ample stockpiles to provide to the rest of the Online purchasing community. WW3 preparations are going to saturate the global demand for a 3-6 year buying spell as international warehouses exchange goods.
This should also assist with global safety and regulation issues. More focused searches can be done more effectively.
Searches for hidden weapons, and weapons of mass destruction carried in more ample cargo ( not boxes of shoes and other common goods) will have more attention from security. However, the initial common goods (shoes, clothing) shipments will take time and be delayed without an appropriate trained workforce to check individual package integrity for weapons components. This may cause delay at shipyards and initial heightened security measures for masses of shipping containers. That is until an appropriate workforce is trained, scrutinized, and hired. However, ship while weather is fair.
Additionally, this should result in some reallocation of workers to focus on growing internal/domestic issues with migrant populations and safeguarding their homeland supplies. If WW3 does ensue, this domestic common goods surplus should be enough to last 8-14 years in the worst case scenario.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Extra Monitoring USA - domestic travelers non-white

Brussels attack, has pushed forward the extra global monitoring time up from May 15th - June 15. Personal security for business travelers and other influential persons and future connections is at an extreme high. 

Many spiritual groups that include claimed Pleidian connections will travel into the USA for their international meetings;- May 15-May 30.
Those internationals taking extra precautions will have left the USA prior to their USA re-entry closer to meeting time, it may appear as atypical travel plan. 

Advice is to travel lightly as USA Airport security is prone to emotional outbursts and interferences, and slander in the airport in order to cause unneeded security disruptions. USA airport security is also subject to personal value sets (use Trump as an example) that do not coordinate with keeping global World peace.

They can and have confiscated anything one brings in USA airport through domestic changes;- including phone chargers and tearing down important means of personal safety & security communication. 

I was born a USA national;- I represented the USA at APEC in 2011. USA domestic airport security has severely compromised my own personal safety by creating extra delays and contaminating my baggage as well as destroying my communications. They cost me great agony with 1 carry on suitcase and no checkin baggage.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

United States Export Import - my common observations

Basically, in my lifelong experience with international business;- the average U.S. Citizen thinks that the Export Import world is Brand new. They forget the inception of the USA as an independent nation. They forget the Boston tea party and Marco Polo & the historical Silk Road. And some have never heard of the Diamond path, or know of old trading between Japan and Korea long ago which resulted In a special coin minted in 1710. For some reason this history and more is dismissed from thought in the average USA citizen's mind. Trade to them is sliding a plastic card that calculates debt and tracks it in exchange for goods from abroad. 

•Most of them want to kill people who mention Ex-Im and rob us. 
•They literally think that Asia is their personal slave labor, regardless of governments or family legacies. This is much like their environmentalists advocating to save USA environment but it's ok if they trash China to buy their baby toys and goods.
•They want all the money themselves and don't understand the privledge of doing trade with other Countries. 
•USA views international trade as Their own "gift" to the world.
•They view this behavior as being blessed and Godly, like a child who consumes all the cakes and candies around and crying for more after stricken with an upset stomach.
• in today's world those motivated to make money are Special Ops US military and only want to promote the sale of guns in foreign countries as their own brand of exported terrorism. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

HNL security should improve--

After hearing how many ISIS supporters monitored online & are living in the Highrises of Honolulu: - this does worry me....unattended baggage & simple lies

Friday, November 20, 2015

USA should take Hawaiian tribal funds

Since M-16's were prevalent with dozens of snipers at APEC 2011, and even a Hawaiian-Chinese Kahuna & Olohei was sent to the airport to interfere with my Japanese-USA business plan;- it seems that USA should make efforts to freeze and or confiscate funds of the Hawaiian tribe. The USA is using Hawaiian tribes to interfere with international Efforts to maintain a peaceable business environment and to exacerbate war interests by side-stepping head on attacks to private individuals, families, and other international interest. 
They also make zero reparations and the Hawaiian tribal community (whether carrying a U.S. Passport or not) is making advances towards War between Other Asian nations from USA territory/lands.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Rambo & Untraceable- Please don't support Violence

Over the weekend I caught up on movies with the wretchedly disgusting Untraceable only paralelled by the recent release of Rambo in grotesque violence. Though even after being invited to and attending a talk given by a Burmese monk on Burma at Cornell University (approximately the same time when Japanese reporter Kenji Nagai was killed); - at least Rambo is somewhat progressive in communicating how brutal Burma can be. see an example of real-life footage on Kenji Nagai Though, my Japanese upbringing still tells me that I should not support violence. It is still a hyper politically charged issue to financially support violence in any way. It's not a matter of "turning-away" so much as it is a matter of cutting of financial support that sustains that environment.
Boycotts are normal in the consumer world. In the political & financial world of global commerce the same type of "boycott" action is taking by cutting funding to those terse and ill regions. There is still more that can be done; - none of which is a humane approach to solving the problem. Like rat poison;- people are affected by everything they come in contact with. Weather it kills the enemy or weakens them;- everything is fair in war. Cutting funding to the plight is the best action in entirety. I can also speak from personal experience on that here in the U.S. however- it is an entirely different and seperate matter from attending a talk on Burma. During the talk provided by the Burmese monk, I was thankful that my exposure to Asian languages helped me understand the talk more than what the translator presented to us in English. Somehow all those nuances are lost and people get the "soundbite"version of what is going on without the descript storytelling impacting them at the time of the talk. Then you couple that with some photos after a 2 hr. session and you have one long-arse version of a Cnn report. I'll clean up this article in a bit.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Phone to Phone Calling

Re: Phone to Phone calling...
Free rates apply to registered Jajah users (both caller and call recipient)
The low rates apply when there is at least 1 unregistered Skype user. Registration does not change the Phone provider. This service, as I have experienced it is independent of the cell phone service provider or landline service provider.
You might ask, "Then why use Jajah?".
For international calls especially, I like to receive calls on my mobile phone.
However, my mobile company charges me $1.32 to $1.50 a minute for calls.
I got sick of having to go to the convenience stores to buy international calling cards at the $10 at $0.06/min to Asia. Or punching in over 26 numbers and waiting to make calling card calls.

Jajah is a solution for me due to the simplicity. My rates through Jajah are approximately 1/10th of what I would pay to my cell phone carrier.
I can talk for reasonable amounts of time and send text messages at a better rate!

Read below for a variety of common options for reduced cost communication!!!
1: Phone to Phone calling (minimal use of computer)
No Download needed. Online registration required. Free calling from phone to phone in your Zone. - Domestic and International Phone calls & Text Messaging.

Jajah is great for the person who wants to make calls without all the computer gear; ie, video cam and headset. You don't necessarily need your computer after registration, but you do need your own phone and the person you're calling needs to have a phone. You talk through your phone at a reduced or free rate compared to some traditional calling plans. The rate is sometimes 1/10th of the normal cost of International overseas calling rates! It is very low cost compared to packaged International calling rates from your landline. (see rates here) That's 3 yen/minute Junko Obasan to Takenaka san!!! Not 10 yen/ minute.

Also, your grandmother, or mine in that far away land won't need computer access.
You can quickly patch the call through to your loved one and they only need their phone. And, you can use your phone handset/headset and walk around your house! No being attached to the computer for any reason...commonly found with using PC to phone calling through Yahoo or MSN or Skype.

Mobile phone to Mobile phone or Phone - Mobile to Mobile free calling. New! Check out the required Mobile phone to use this Jajah feature and use of a computer to register your number with Jajah. It seems you must still have a regular calling plan; though if you're calling out of the country this feature can be very useful. Some mobile plans charge up to $1.50/ minute of air time to Outside countries. Jajah can make those calls more affordable.

Free calling on a fixed budget

Free calling/ communication options for those who are on a tight or fixed budget. There are some business plans available as well as family packages.
First, here are some rates and my reasoning for using these great services!

Skype Rates per Minute in USD $
Helsinki Finland $0.031
Japan $0.025
Japan (mobile) $0.154
New Zealand $0.021
New Zealand (mobile) $0.310

North American Rates for Skype are Free until the end of 2006.(11/24/06)

Free rates apply to registered Jajah users (both caller and call recipient)
The low rates apply when there is at least 1 unregistered Skype user and compare to posted the Skype rates I listed above.
Registration does not change the Phone provider.
This service, as I have experienced it is independent of your cell phone service provider.
You might ask, "Then why use Jajah?".
For international calls especially, I like to receive calls on my mobile phone.
However, my mobile company charges me $1.32 to $1.50 a minute for calls.
I got sick of having to go to the convenience stores to buy international calling cards
or punching in over 26 numbers and waiting to make calling card calls.
Jajah is a solution for me to the simplicity. My rates through Jajah are approximately 1/10th of what I would pay to my cell phone carrier.
I can talk for reasonable amounts of time and send text messages at a better rate!

Read below for a variety of common options for reduced cost communication!!!
1: Phone to Phone calling (minimal use of computer)
No Download needed. Online registration required. Free calling from phone to phone in your Zone. - Domestic and International Phone calls & Text Messaging.

Jajah is great for the person who wants to make calls without all the computer gear; ie, video cam and headset. You don't necessarily need your computer after registration, but you do need your own phone and the person you're calling needs to have a phone. You talk through your phone at a reduced or free rate compared to some traditional calling plans. The rate is sometimes 1/10th of the normal cost of International overseas calling rates! It is very low cost compared to packaged International calling rates from your landline. (see rates here)

Mobile phone to Mobile phone or Phone - Mobile to Mobile free calling. New! Check out the required Mobile phone to use this Jajah feature and use of a computer to register your number with Jajah. It seems you must still have a regular calling plan; though if you're calling out of the country this feature can be very useful. Some mobile plans charge up to $1.50/ minute of air time to Outside countries. Jajah can make those calls more affordable.

Free downloads, free communication, Computer to computer - for gamers and kids mostly. - chat in 3D. No real live video.

IMVU requires time, definately. It is a constructed world in 3D much like the old moos and muds. There are many choices for your character and settings. You must have sufficient memory to run this one too - though most computers today will do. And a tolerance for teenage antics including pulling wedgies on your character.
I have found few adults hanging out on this site. But an interesting crowd none the less. IMVU is in 3D chat style and allows the user to participate in simulated real world settings, purchase clothes to dress your 3D character, and purchase hotel rooms and such for your characters to hook up in the online fantasy land. The chatters or users are real people. Includes a web page that can be decorated. 3D snapshots of people/ characters you meet to be added to your website. etc.

Computer to computer or Computer to Phone - Video, Computer to Phone, Chat, send files - Requires download
Skype has a calling option to call from your computer to a landline or other phone numer. However, you must purchase Skype credit in order to do this. There is a small fee to call internationally to a land line. It is not a substitute for calling out for emergencies to 911. You cannot send files on a call to a landline. Nor can you see the person you are calling.
Chat & video conference free internationally from computer to computer; much like MSN Messenger or Yahoo Instant Messanger. There is a video option for video calls/ chat.

File transfers can occur without having a Yahoo or MSN related email address to manage additionally.

You can make calls to phones anyplace in the world ( for a small fee - *for free and the best rates I've found: try looking at Jajah for free calling to land lines and mobile phones).

MSN Messenger - PC to Phone, Video, Chat, Games, email, send files
Sign up for an email account with Hotmail for your friends to contact you. Though, it is not the only email option, it is part of setting up your messenger user account. You can set up with a video camera and headset on your computer to have a direct conversation and see the person who you're speaking with in Real time.
There are newer features from the old messenger to call internationally and locally to mobile and landlines. Now with a feature making it compatible with YIM or Yahoo Instant Messenger buddies! - PC to Phone, Video, Chat, Games, email, send files
A great way to communicate and send files, start by setting up a free Yahoo account. You can set up with a video camera and headset on your computer to have a direct conversation and see the person who you're speaking with in Real time. There is PC to phone calling for approximately 1 cent per minute. It's nearly 75% more expensive than using Jajah. And, I have to compare the rates with Skype.

Rev: 11/24/2006