Showing posts with label free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free. Show all posts

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Salt & Free ways to clear Entities

RGS notes on Entity Clearing in English
  1. Most practices across the Earth use Salt to repel entities.
However, by methodology, there is some disagreement about entity clearing. Some have made entity clearing a daily religious practice unto itself. Some individuals make money from more immediate practises of entity removal. Western practises refer to entities as blobs and non-demonic spirits.  Eastern practises use the word Entity to refer to an attaching spirit.
  • Kona & some Hawaiian sea salt is closer to the body's natural PH. 
  • Celtic Sea Salt - some Spiritual singers preference 
  • Black Sea Salt - sea salt covered in activated charcoal can absorb spiritual toxins/ negativity.
  • Pink or Colored Salt (I no longer use) has less bio-available minerals & is naturally pigmented. It is slightly toxic to the body when digested (most pigments from minerals are toxic). Human blood samples have been show to exhibit signs of pigment poisoning with regular use.
2. Clearing entities by giving light to Entities
Entity as a spiritual attachment, lost soul, wandering relative.
One form of  giving light (Jp. Okiyome) stems from Japanese-Ainu shamanic tradition. 
The theory behind giving Okiyome holds fast in that the entity is not "removed" immediately as the entity has attached itself to the person for a reason. For the person to receive Okiyome, is also allowing the entity to receive Okiyome. Then, in a less harmful way to the spiritual attachment, the spiritual attachment departs when it has received enough light.

*Some New Age spiritual organizational practises intertwined Okiyome shamanic tradition with  spiritual figurehead ego and practises of Chinese Dao shape shifting wizardry. This can also include belief in Alien pendants/ technology needed in order to facilitate the process of light giving.


Entities in room
1. Set a bowl of rice mixed with sea salt in the room. Toss the salt & rice outside. Do this daily.
                                                            - Suggested by spiritual woman from Bhutan, Buddhist tradition

2. Set a bowl of salt in the room. Toss the salt daily. Repeat.

3. Call upon a great master healer who now works on the quantum level (Master Serapis Bey, Oset, Jesus, Buddha, Bruno Groening) and who is willing to remove the Entities or clear the Entities from your room/ aura in a peaceful way. Make a statement no longer allow such entities to remain with you and they are not welcome.

Attached Personal Entities
1. Learn a mystic tradition protective geometric meditation;- have pyramid, diamond, merkaba to tell the entities they are not welcome and only positivity is welcome.

2. Learn a protective Psy-Ops meditation as a basic form to keep entities from attaching. ie., reinforced aura, and other meditations 

3. Receive light (Jp., Okiyome) at Sukyomahikari or from a member- you may call the spiritual training centre to arrange a time as well. This is becoming a common way to bless food and give light to anyone of any religion as it's members span various religions across the globe. It is free to non-members,  the spiritual organization asks for donations from its members to cover the costly Hawaii overhead. This type of light is considered a heightened level from any Reiki light from the practitioner. Also, the spiritual toxins are removed by a spiritual practice using meridians similiar in Chinese acupressure to the skull point.

3. See 3) under Entities in Room

4.  (1.5-2 hrs) Saltwater spiritual flush- length & duration of spiritual entity removal cure can vary greatly. Highly reccomended to have a private toilet nearby. May want doctor's approval for this spiritual practice.
I personally am in great health and do this some mornings before a full moon. I make a point not to eat solid food for at least 12 hours prior. I mix and drink about 1/4 cup Hawaiian sea salt  dissolved in 750ml/ 25.36oz room temperature H20. 
  • Natural sea salt or Kona sea salt is closer to the body's natural PH. 
  • Black Sea Salt - sea salt covered in activated charcoal can absorb spiritual toxins/ negativity.

 Today is a Full Lunar Eclipse day.


Thursday, September 01, 2016

Almost Free, way to test for Toxic Mold

I couldn't afford a paycheck or half a paycheck to casually test for Mold in my body. I figured out a cheap way, though not foolproof,method to check for microscopic mold invaders. I did this to find out if I had mold or not. I collected a urine sample in a mold free environment. I wasn't sitting under a dusty air vent, near bathroom mold spot, or fan.  I used a simple and contaminant free container I pulled from a sealed package that I wiped off with Sol-u-guard. I  Collected the urine/pee sample and put it in a dark place undisturbed for a day or two. It's warmer here in Hawaii 80-90F on average. I checked to see if there was mold growth. I threw away the container, or have the mold tested.
Then, I booked my appointment with the naturopath who does dark field microscope work.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Cruelty-free product search

Wouldn't it be nicer if there were vegan & cruelty free data-fields at the product search in Prominent Cosmetic stores? 
I'm sick of being steered to non vegan and animal tested products. And changes in the processing of other products.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Spirituality; Thinking of Grain

If one approaches eating from a spiritual and/ or ethical point of view, eating grain, eating animals, and eating fruit & root crops are the top three contenders for spiritual reflection.

Most of modern civilization came into being from the incorporation of grain that was grown through agriculture. The pyramid building Egyptians initiated the circle of slavery enforce while they indulged themselves on breads and grain based foods more than any other previously known society.
The Olympians, had a diet of mineral drink (from ash), grains, and veggies too. The incorporation of grain into the human diet early on in human history is spiritually attached to the development and implementation of human slaves. This human slave mentality has evolved over thousands of years to include the manipulation of the grain to what we now call Genetically Modified (GMO), This recent manipulation of the grain causes health issues in worker slaves. Worker slaves are those we consider normal and not existing as the slaves referred to in brutal ancient Egypt. 

Attuning ourselves with foods that are not vibrating on this plane with millenniums of slave energy is possibly a way to steer clear of the spiritual manipulation of the human race. This is regardless of the particular qualities of God that one believes in. Like frequency with like frequency;- 
  • the spirituality of grain is seated in slave labor
  • to eat grain is to attract the frequency of slave labor to ones self
  • not eating grain is in exit to the mentality of being in the circle of slavery

Eating Grain-Fed Animals
As the Mystic Bruno Groening said, "you don't know what kind of souls animals have within them." It is not fair to the souls who inhabit animal bodies that humans employ them for human concerns.

From perspective of spiritual well being on the planet;- The number of slaves on earth has a set of fibonacci numbers that pervades all species and has grown like a cancer. It is similar to the collateral damage of the meat industry and the environmental atrocities that are attached. However, it is about the slave mindset that the human race has imposed on the planet and it is out of control. This isn't just a matter of it being immoral to kill another being, human or otherwise. This isn't about survival as in early paleolithic humans or Ghengas Khan's women hunters killing one wooly mammoth or an elephant to feed 900 people (a small army). 

Eating an animal, particularly one raised in captivity and fed with grain (GMO) as well as BGH and other particulars is the magnified embodiment of humanity's need to express control over another being while in the circle of slavery. It is not logically motivated to sustain life as we are seeing with the population growth of humans on the planet.  It is a spiritual sickness of cruelty that has enslaved many, many souls. The act of eating any modern meat is a spiritual Communion of Cruelty.

Eating Fruits & Rootcrops
In respect for the bodies of plants, and any souls their physical structures may contain, eating fruits and roots are the children and very life of those plants. They are frequently the most starchy or carbohydrate drenched foods when ripened to capacity. The fruit that falls to the ground has micro-organisms which grow and infuse the soil with their energy. These things are necessary for the groves to thrive. And, obviously taking the root of the plant in entirety;- such as a potato or sweet potato or the Taro is immediate death of the plant. This is a sensitive matter especially when the micro-organisms that fertilize the soil and interact on the microscopic level are deeply affected. It in fact effects the entire ecosystem and has a long term impact also affecting the aerial pollinators as well as other organisms living in the soil. It seems most humans have spiritually distanced themselves from dirt, soil, and earth itself as containing multiple instances of spiritual beings that exist as a spiritual community. This community of the Earth soil itself is networked well beyond human population numbers.  

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction for Seismic Arial triangualtion 
Triangulate and change direction

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction  triangualtion links: Earthquake + arial triangulation
Triangulate and change direction

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spirituality & Light giving orders

  • Light - what is it?
  • False Teachers
Light is Light esteemed on its own & encompasses the Duality of the Ying-Yang concepts. Ying-Yang washes away the "good & evil" of human actions with perception of the Read (like colors juxtaposed). Many people are familiar with the "Dark" side.  To accept "life force" through the filter of conditional and finite human belief systems like "money" is not of God. If life force is equated to money in actuality;- most human activity would stop and halt if it were an absolute fact of existence.

Light giving, sounds super obscure. To give, the intangible "light" or more appropriately "to distribute" light. Light, is what spiritualists call by different names and have different Quality;
Human Light without God= Source,  Life Force, Chi(Ch), Reiki (JP), Photons,
Human Light with God = God's Light, Divine Light, Okiyome (JP), Heilstrom(De).

Some religions consider "distributing light" the same as blessing objects, food, living beings with an extra dose of God's source energy. it can become more obscure with occult pendants/talismans with "Alien technology", Guardian angel, other "hired" angels, guiding Pleiadians (or other ET), or a deceased spirit of a prior member/spiritualist as claims.

"The Devil is Mighty, God is Almighty." ~ Bruno Groening, master healer & mystic

Highly desired: Find a donation based teacher or "free" access to teachings and do book research.

Undesired:  Entrapments and disruption from Light based organizations/cults and spiritualists cause by social pressure of giving donations.

Light is "assumed" to be given when a person develops the attribute of unconditional love further.
However, part of the teaching that runs consistent is that there are False Teachers.
These "False Teachers" are the organizations and sects of spiritualists and religions who attempt to pilfer the pockets of their students. This seems to be more prevalent in Euro-centric countries and traditions that don't have "free" monastery based educational & boarding systems.

Charging for Light service/ learning and demanding donations is considered to be on the same plane as the martial arts fopas to 'charge' for lessons;- lending itself to corruption of an influx of money and glitz that stems from perpetuators of crime. This is regardless of what God lets humans do.
To stay on the path of light, is regardless of the social constructs of Human social systems;- difficult indeed. God, does not force us to be part of the Divine energy source. It is part of God's plan, to allow us to remain flawed in our sins and die. Asking forgiveness is possible. Transcending the limitations of this existence remains in our abilities to navigate the asteroid belt of dark matters that others put in our path.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Free calling on a fixed budget

Free calling/ communication options for those who are on a tight or fixed budget. There are some business plans available as well as family packages.
First, here are some rates and my reasoning for using these great services!

Skype Rates per Minute in USD $
Helsinki Finland $0.031
Japan $0.025
Japan (mobile) $0.154
New Zealand $0.021
New Zealand (mobile) $0.310

North American Rates for Skype are Free until the end of 2006.(11/24/06)

Free rates apply to registered Jajah users (both caller and call recipient)
The low rates apply when there is at least 1 unregistered Skype user and compare to posted the Skype rates I listed above.
Registration does not change the Phone provider.
This service, as I have experienced it is independent of your cell phone service provider.
You might ask, "Then why use Jajah?".
For international calls especially, I like to receive calls on my mobile phone.
However, my mobile company charges me $1.32 to $1.50 a minute for calls.
I got sick of having to go to the convenience stores to buy international calling cards
or punching in over 26 numbers and waiting to make calling card calls.
Jajah is a solution for me to the simplicity. My rates through Jajah are approximately 1/10th of what I would pay to my cell phone carrier.
I can talk for reasonable amounts of time and send text messages at a better rate!

Read below for a variety of common options for reduced cost communication!!!
1: Phone to Phone calling (minimal use of computer)
No Download needed. Online registration required. Free calling from phone to phone in your Zone. - Domestic and International Phone calls & Text Messaging.

Jajah is great for the person who wants to make calls without all the computer gear; ie, video cam and headset. You don't necessarily need your computer after registration, but you do need your own phone and the person you're calling needs to have a phone. You talk through your phone at a reduced or free rate compared to some traditional calling plans. The rate is sometimes 1/10th of the normal cost of International overseas calling rates! It is very low cost compared to packaged International calling rates from your landline. (see rates here)

Mobile phone to Mobile phone or Phone - Mobile to Mobile free calling. New! Check out the required Mobile phone to use this Jajah feature and use of a computer to register your number with Jajah. It seems you must still have a regular calling plan; though if you're calling out of the country this feature can be very useful. Some mobile plans charge up to $1.50/ minute of air time to Outside countries. Jajah can make those calls more affordable.

Free downloads, free communication, Computer to computer - for gamers and kids mostly. - chat in 3D. No real live video.

IMVU requires time, definately. It is a constructed world in 3D much like the old moos and muds. There are many choices for your character and settings. You must have sufficient memory to run this one too - though most computers today will do. And a tolerance for teenage antics including pulling wedgies on your character.
I have found few adults hanging out on this site. But an interesting crowd none the less. IMVU is in 3D chat style and allows the user to participate in simulated real world settings, purchase clothes to dress your 3D character, and purchase hotel rooms and such for your characters to hook up in the online fantasy land. The chatters or users are real people. Includes a web page that can be decorated. 3D snapshots of people/ characters you meet to be added to your website. etc.

Computer to computer or Computer to Phone - Video, Computer to Phone, Chat, send files - Requires download
Skype has a calling option to call from your computer to a landline or other phone numer. However, you must purchase Skype credit in order to do this. There is a small fee to call internationally to a land line. It is not a substitute for calling out for emergencies to 911. You cannot send files on a call to a landline. Nor can you see the person you are calling.
Chat & video conference free internationally from computer to computer; much like MSN Messenger or Yahoo Instant Messanger. There is a video option for video calls/ chat.

File transfers can occur without having a Yahoo or MSN related email address to manage additionally.

You can make calls to phones anyplace in the world ( for a small fee - *for free and the best rates I've found: try looking at Jajah for free calling to land lines and mobile phones).

MSN Messenger - PC to Phone, Video, Chat, Games, email, send files
Sign up for an email account with Hotmail for your friends to contact you. Though, it is not the only email option, it is part of setting up your messenger user account. You can set up with a video camera and headset on your computer to have a direct conversation and see the person who you're speaking with in Real time.
There are newer features from the old messenger to call internationally and locally to mobile and landlines. Now with a feature making it compatible with YIM or Yahoo Instant Messenger buddies! - PC to Phone, Video, Chat, Games, email, send files
A great way to communicate and send files, start by setting up a free Yahoo account. You can set up with a video camera and headset on your computer to have a direct conversation and see the person who you're speaking with in Real time. There is PC to phone calling for approximately 1 cent per minute. It's nearly 75% more expensive than using Jajah. And, I have to compare the rates with Skype.

Rev: 11/24/2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Free Business Calling

Best for those on the road
If you are in the Same zone for the U.S. ; Calls are free.
Otherwise, there is a better rate than some mobile phone calling plans.
Feel free to call me unless your identity is JEB/jeb/Jeb

Easy from Home to make a call from Computer to a land line phone....

to be updated;