Showing posts with label Master. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Master. Show all posts

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Feng Shui & Christianity

Feng Shui in a Christian world, came up during my I visit to a local Honolulu Feng Shui Master's shop today. The Master mentioned something about bringing Feng Shui to the USA. I had inquired about the religion link to differnt Feng Shui practices and Schools.
In short, I boiled my experience of Christian Mindset on the East Coast to:
 Christianity = Infinate Vengful acts that are Infinately Forgiven by the Christian God & Jesus

This is quite different than having a Loving heart and Compassionate intents. As a 1st generation USA & Japanese citizen I learned cross culturally that Most American Christians don't translate Love and Compassion to anything they perceptibly interpret as not having "pure Christian origins."
The version of Christianity I was exposed to was inundated with an unsatiable vengance from Americans who hate Asia. Also, coupled with an infinate amount of Godly forgiveness for every destructive action the Christians take.

So, again, it seems that some things are ineffible & perpetually dumbfounding to me. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Stomach still sore

mint tea  in morning. 
.18lbs  Tiny beet, cabbage, carrot, cherry tomato salad. 
.3lbs kidney bean chile.
Then totally ruined my 160cal Vega Sport performance protein chocolate by mixing it in most of a total 360cal 16oz Soy Delicious Coconut Milk yogurt- I ate most of it (added water) until I realized there's tapioca & rice starch in the yogurt...gak!!! 

16oz Green 2o in h20
16oz Zico + 1stick mint Green 2o + Vega Sport Performance Protein chocolate (watered down with mint tea)
20oz Mint tea
Lg side Mixed veggies Panda + blanched almonds. 1/4 fortune cookie.
2cups coffee
1cup CleanzT tea
28oz natural saltwater flush

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Day 2 recovery from MC

Stomach still hurts and finished the night with last of MC lemonade with maple syrup. Breakfast is slow:- mint tea 1st, 1 organic avocado, then some almond milk yogurt, and this salad with a fat free tomato sauce based basil dressing (no oil) ; cabbage, beets, olives, carrots pumpkin seeds and a couple cherry tomatoes 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 3- Master Cleanse

Can't believe I made it through day 1 without shaking hands.
Day 2- 2 Cleanz T 1morning tea, 1 evening capsule; fresh juice from organic lemons, water Cayenne, organic grade a syrup in glass containers. No food. Slept 16hrs though...craving pizza.
Day 3- morning saltwater 2tsp+1qt
Crystal Geyser. Sea salt Raw& Natural from hawaii salt holes- has imperfections.
Cleanz T tea. Then capsule l8r

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cleanz T day 1

Day 1:-
Last food/oils for cleanse- 1/2 avo with vegan pesto.
1 serving Go! Nitrimax
Drank 1 capsule Cleanz T 
--------------afternoon- evening
28oz Maple syrup+H20- mixed 1/2 cup black coffee+ cayenne pepper (will try cut out coffee)
1 small Pelligrino
3L H2o

Sunday, May 08, 2016

cleanz T and start master cleanse

After 2-3 weeks of food poisoning and my coffee spiked with rat poison Coagulation happened and other drinks being "off" - the Amla I took seemed to make my stomach better. 2days  with Amla.
I took 4 Cleanz T pills with H2O when the bottle arrived. Nothing noticeable or different happened. 
Last night I broke open 1CleanzT capsule and made hot tea. I drank it and slept well. I also had 1scoop Go! Nitrimax . I woke up with my stomach feeling a bit more calm and settled. 
This morning, I started 1scoop Go! Nitrimax in hot water. My morning vitamin C and some replacement to the food poisoning I got from raw organic beets at the salad bar. I made a quart Green 2o and a cup of Green2o hot tea. I poured my vegetarian sourced Emergen-C MSM packet in it and it fizzed for a while 50seconds...without exploding. We know Green 2o can't be mixed with sparkling mineral water without a green fountain explosion. Jeff also told us it doesn't work to try make Green 2o fizzy.
I took some extra BioSil (3) caps this morning. 
And, I made a 16oz Cleanz T with hot water to drink later today.
- My real food meal today $15 @ Blue Tree was a "pasta" salad made of raw zucchini strands coated in oil with 3slices of coloured peppers and 2 olives. I added a large split pea soup with carrots that seemed to be grain free. Tasted a little Ethiopian even with the Rosemary. 
That's all so far. Day not over. I am not ready for the cleanse yet. Need to pick up maple syrup. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spirituality & Light giving orders

  • Light - what is it?
  • False Teachers
Light is Light esteemed on its own & encompasses the Duality of the Ying-Yang concepts. Ying-Yang washes away the "good & evil" of human actions with perception of the Read (like colors juxtaposed). Many people are familiar with the "Dark" side.  To accept "life force" through the filter of conditional and finite human belief systems like "money" is not of God. If life force is equated to money in actuality;- most human activity would stop and halt if it were an absolute fact of existence.

Light giving, sounds super obscure. To give, the intangible "light" or more appropriately "to distribute" light. Light, is what spiritualists call by different names and have different Quality;
Human Light without God= Source,  Life Force, Chi(Ch), Reiki (JP), Photons,
Human Light with God = God's Light, Divine Light, Okiyome (JP), Heilstrom(De).

Some religions consider "distributing light" the same as blessing objects, food, living beings with an extra dose of God's source energy. it can become more obscure with occult pendants/talismans with "Alien technology", Guardian angel, other "hired" angels, guiding Pleiadians (or other ET), or a deceased spirit of a prior member/spiritualist as claims.

"The Devil is Mighty, God is Almighty." ~ Bruno Groening, master healer & mystic

Highly desired: Find a donation based teacher or "free" access to teachings and do book research.

Undesired:  Entrapments and disruption from Light based organizations/cults and spiritualists cause by social pressure of giving donations.

Light is "assumed" to be given when a person develops the attribute of unconditional love further.
However, part of the teaching that runs consistent is that there are False Teachers.
These "False Teachers" are the organizations and sects of spiritualists and religions who attempt to pilfer the pockets of their students. This seems to be more prevalent in Euro-centric countries and traditions that don't have "free" monastery based educational & boarding systems.

Charging for Light service/ learning and demanding donations is considered to be on the same plane as the martial arts fopas to 'charge' for lessons;- lending itself to corruption of an influx of money and glitz that stems from perpetuators of crime. This is regardless of what God lets humans do.
To stay on the path of light, is regardless of the social constructs of Human social systems;- difficult indeed. God, does not force us to be part of the Divine energy source. It is part of God's plan, to allow us to remain flawed in our sins and die. Asking forgiveness is possible. Transcending the limitations of this existence remains in our abilities to navigate the asteroid belt of dark matters that others put in our path.