Showing posts with label lemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lemon. Show all posts

Friday, February 03, 2017

L8 Nite Keto Tea

Hawaiian Tumeric 2 small roots
1qt Boiling water
Juice of 1.5 lemons 
1-2 Tbsp MCT oil

---Boil water
---thinly slice the Tumeric root and add to boiling water
---turn off heat after 1 min
---add MCT oil
--- let steep 10-15min
Strain out roots and add liquid to the fresh squeezed lemon juice (use citrus juicer)

let cool or drink hot, slowly.

Sunday, May 08, 2016

cleanz T and start master cleanse

After 2-3 weeks of food poisoning and my coffee spiked with rat poison Coagulation happened and other drinks being "off" - the Amla I took seemed to make my stomach better. 2days  with Amla.
I took 4 Cleanz T pills with H2O when the bottle arrived. Nothing noticeable or different happened. 
Last night I broke open 1CleanzT capsule and made hot tea. I drank it and slept well. I also had 1scoop Go! Nitrimax . I woke up with my stomach feeling a bit more calm and settled. 
This morning, I started 1scoop Go! Nitrimax in hot water. My morning vitamin C and some replacement to the food poisoning I got from raw organic beets at the salad bar. I made a quart Green 2o and a cup of Green2o hot tea. I poured my vegetarian sourced Emergen-C MSM packet in it and it fizzed for a while 50seconds...without exploding. We know Green 2o can't be mixed with sparkling mineral water without a green fountain explosion. Jeff also told us it doesn't work to try make Green 2o fizzy.
I took some extra BioSil (3) caps this morning. 
And, I made a 16oz Cleanz T with hot water to drink later today.
- My real food meal today $15 @ Blue Tree was a "pasta" salad made of raw zucchini strands coated in oil with 3slices of coloured peppers and 2 olives. I added a large split pea soup with carrots that seemed to be grain free. Tasted a little Ethiopian even with the Rosemary. 
That's all so far. Day not over. I am not ready for the cleanse yet. Need to pick up maple syrup. 

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

May vegan Ketchup Cleanse

May 2016 Cleanse starting:-today. With Amla 4tablets on sale for $11.69+tax & a KeVita Lemon Cayenne $4. I'm waiting for my 7-14day Cleanz T Liv International supplement to arrive by the weekend with my regular alkaline minerals diet.

Long gone are the days I worked taking care of the produce and training even Carl Sagan's personal assistant at the time from Monterrey to do a volunteer shift each week at an coop back in 1997. Back then The Ultimate Meal was my fave supplement & meal (lasted over a decade & a half). The 5 gallon water containers that Eric Marcus hauled in to refill on his 30day master cleanse (cayenne, maple syrup, lemon, H20) while writing his Vegan the New Ethics of Eating book. 
Today about 20years later I'm sitting in Hawaii. I ordered my Green2O and a cleanse. I was bad to myself and had been consuming Petafied Taco Bell vegan frugal noms. Though my wallet is a little fatter my stomach hurts, badly. I'm dying for a cleanse. 

I ordered CleanzT yesterday ;- an untried by me Liv International product ringing in near $35@ distributor price. Also an arginine and vitamin C boost with a canister of  Go! @$65 distributor price, and $45 Green2o. 

I picked up 1.5lbs of blanched almonds as I'm ditching my nutritionist's pea protein recommendation. Makes no sense to me that she said "no fruit, no grain, no mixed fruit, no soy" yet recommended a pea protein that is high in purines -bad for gout sensitive vegans. Starting to annoy me on my 2nd year with this diet.  I stopped taking digestive enzymes to break down any Uric acid buildup from the purine rich pea protein. And I sourced an almond based protein powder supplement made in Austria. 
I hope I can get my hands on it in the USA. Sick of eating almonds. 
Also coconut oil itself makes me sick to my stomach lately as does the Udo's oil supplements. The nuts and avo's are my only healthy oils source aside from this vegans normal (though reduced) bout of grain free French Fries, Tater Tots, Has Browns, Potatoes O'Brein (minus cheese) loaded with a tomato field worth of ketchup.