Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Company;- No Hire on Implants, ANY implants.

A couple of other thoughts;-
If my company is underway  at some point. It will not be hiring anyone who has any type of pre-existing implants or independently adds implants, especially silicon. This is for a reasonable security measure due to easy insertation of electronic implants for mind reading, location, and remote surveillance. There may be some exceptions of new prosthetics (which is not a health condition in and of itself) if bio-compatible with above mentioned surveillance methodologies.

Additionally;- due to the small size of the company;- anyone who does not follow a suitable diet plan at the discretion of the company will not be hired. Health is in order to ensure the longevity of the company and any contracts it signs with other parties.
Additionally, some positions are not allowed to be vacated for over a minimum period of 2 years. Ensuring contract viability includes the health and well being, within good reason, of the employee(s).

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

TBA: Honolulu, Philadelphia, Toronto screenings in November 2016

This independent documentary film will premiere on Oct. 4th at the Vancouver International Film Festival. I think I made a donation to help support this film back in 2012? So, anywhoo...I'm stoked that this film is making it's debut. It is already a difficult feat to contend the waves of of single race socio-political walls that can crush individual mixed-race personalities. I've already been personally grappling with the issues revolving around predominantly single-race Independent Asian Culture film makers. Now, here's part of the medical reason shared in a ground-breaking Mixed-Race film by a mixed-race filmmaker Jeff Chiba Stearns and his crew. Please share!!!  

Mixed Match

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Protein powder in Ketchup/mustard bottle

So, I can't find a good way to keep my protein powder easy to dispense without doing a little work. The old skool red or yellow ketchup and mustard bottles are handy to put powder in and put a few Squeezes, through the wide enough nozzle, and into my coffee or ice water.
I got one 1/2 size (not so tall) and clear to carry around my organic cacao powder.
Looks like I need a bigger one for my Protein Powder.( currently Vega Sport performance protein) 

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
Though the United States is beautiful because the USA has outsourced toxic manufacturing to China. I do agree that the WORLD needs to start making adjustments in a better direction.  USA importing oil and use of private, personal automobiles and the heavy use of Lightbulbs and dryers is enough energy drain and byproducts to change the PH of rainfall to being ACID. Though a conversation with the last generation of major importers to the USA;- putting an end to the importation of OIL for public use would change life on this planet for the better.

1. Use of cars that pollute the environment and lead to Acid Rain
2. Consumes diets high in grains, sugars, and acid forming foods.

If toxic Mold is designed to and wants to rid the planet of a large number of humans;- the United States and China have created a formula for certain population deterioration. It only takes 6-8hours for mold to form a significant layer on an acid coffee drink with some sugar/ non dairy creamer in Hawaii.

I suppose this is just a slight nudge, if anyone is reading this. It's a slight nudge to think about the consequences of how deadly toxic mold is.
Even a master cleanse diet of maple syrup water has too many carbs that are easy for the mold to use, in competition with my body's digestive process kicking in to use those fast carbs. Fast Carbs vs. Slow Carbs is something that makes quite a bit of difference with functioning with this toxic mold.

Even here in Hawaii;- Living in a tent is cleaner. I have met several people who have developed tumors from toxic mold more recently. Some people have gone perceptibly insane from toxic mold, exhibiting no cognitive control whatsoever.

I keep finding mold varieties growing in public places. And, I wonder if my own battle with toxic mold that started 2 years ago is only "bringing it up" as I'm on the fringe of not eating anything.

Just a thought;- the USA diet on average is too acidic.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Spirituality; Thinking of Grain

If one approaches eating from a spiritual and/ or ethical point of view, eating grain, eating animals, and eating fruit & root crops are the top three contenders for spiritual reflection.

Most of modern civilization came into being from the incorporation of grain that was grown through agriculture. The pyramid building Egyptians initiated the circle of slavery enforce while they indulged themselves on breads and grain based foods more than any other previously known society.
The Olympians, had a diet of mineral drink (from ash), grains, and veggies too. The incorporation of grain into the human diet early on in human history is spiritually attached to the development and implementation of human slaves. This human slave mentality has evolved over thousands of years to include the manipulation of the grain to what we now call Genetically Modified (GMO), This recent manipulation of the grain causes health issues in worker slaves. Worker slaves are those we consider normal and not existing as the slaves referred to in brutal ancient Egypt. 

Attuning ourselves with foods that are not vibrating on this plane with millenniums of slave energy is possibly a way to steer clear of the spiritual manipulation of the human race. This is regardless of the particular qualities of God that one believes in. Like frequency with like frequency;- 
  • the spirituality of grain is seated in slave labor
  • to eat grain is to attract the frequency of slave labor to ones self
  • not eating grain is in exit to the mentality of being in the circle of slavery

Eating Grain-Fed Animals
As the Mystic Bruno Groening said, "you don't know what kind of souls animals have within them." It is not fair to the souls who inhabit animal bodies that humans employ them for human concerns.

From perspective of spiritual well being on the planet;- The number of slaves on earth has a set of fibonacci numbers that pervades all species and has grown like a cancer. It is similar to the collateral damage of the meat industry and the environmental atrocities that are attached. However, it is about the slave mindset that the human race has imposed on the planet and it is out of control. This isn't just a matter of it being immoral to kill another being, human or otherwise. This isn't about survival as in early paleolithic humans or Ghengas Khan's women hunters killing one wooly mammoth or an elephant to feed 900 people (a small army). 

Eating an animal, particularly one raised in captivity and fed with grain (GMO) as well as BGH and other particulars is the magnified embodiment of humanity's need to express control over another being while in the circle of slavery. It is not logically motivated to sustain life as we are seeing with the population growth of humans on the planet.  It is a spiritual sickness of cruelty that has enslaved many, many souls. The act of eating any modern meat is a spiritual Communion of Cruelty.

Eating Fruits & Rootcrops
In respect for the bodies of plants, and any souls their physical structures may contain, eating fruits and roots are the children and very life of those plants. They are frequently the most starchy or carbohydrate drenched foods when ripened to capacity. The fruit that falls to the ground has micro-organisms which grow and infuse the soil with their energy. These things are necessary for the groves to thrive. And, obviously taking the root of the plant in entirety;- such as a potato or sweet potato or the Taro is immediate death of the plant. This is a sensitive matter especially when the micro-organisms that fertilize the soil and interact on the microscopic level are deeply affected. It in fact effects the entire ecosystem and has a long term impact also affecting the aerial pollinators as well as other organisms living in the soil. It seems most humans have spiritually distanced themselves from dirt, soil, and earth itself as containing multiple instances of spiritual beings that exist as a spiritual community. This community of the Earth soil itself is networked well beyond human population numbers.  

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Ketogenic Vegan with Night time carb load

My disclaimer is that this is about what I have done to be a Ketogenic Vegan for the past 2 years. I'm not saying it is good or great. Nor did I even know about Ketogenic diets until year 2 and 3mos.
My Ketogenic Vegan diet stemmed out of my fighting toxic mold invaders for my ability to walk, think, and breathe. That fight meant starving the pervasive mold and not giving up my vegan diet and personal ethics. Starving the mold meant not feeding it any type of sugar. Any type of sugar meant anything that I eat that is turned into sugar. Apparently, they haven't made carbs that remain dormant until they are needed to turn into sugar, so i took the practical option. I refrained from eating almost all carbohydrates. Or, I at least kept my carb intake below 50g a day until I was free from mold symptoms.

Sadly, even after over 1.5 years battling Hawaii's toxic mold, the mold is still in my body at least enough that I cannot resume regular consumption of carbohydrates. I experience symptoms of Toxic mold after 6 weeks of moderate carbohydrate consumption. However, since I live in a tropical climate with rainforests, it is safe to say that I could be revisited by different instances of Toxic Mold spore invaders.

So, after the initial battles eliminating ALL, and I mean ALL major sources of carbs, I was able to get better. In hindsight, it started after 3 weeks of moving into a place in Pauoa Valley on the outskirts of Honolulu City. I started having extreme allergic reactions to chemical air freshners that my housemates kept in  the house. I thought I needed a cleanse so I opted for colonics that I heard  other women discuss at work (their friends tried) for improving skin & allergies. I went 2x and the allergies subsided and the air fresheners were unplugged. Over 7 months later my symptoms started with extreme lethargy and being winded after going up 1 step. The visible symptom was my back having an unrelenting raised rash all over it.  And, it started with  included brain fog.
I went to a homeopath and World renowned nutritionist in Honolulu for dietary advice. And, I was shocked with what she suggested. But, I did it like my life depended on it and I got better in 3 mos.

I remained on Grain-free, Fruit-free Vegan diet because my attempts at eating carbs 2 years ago lead me to sickness after the holiday parties. No more fruit juice, no more bread, no more noodles/pasta, & no more rice. Not even in Protein Powder. We are talking about omitting the things human culture is built on till today, reluctantly. 

Until I heard a speech about the Ketogenic Diet from a professional, I was unwilling to relinquish (even to my prior nutritionist), my carb loading after work and before sleep. This I started adding on because I simply would collapse after work. I focused so hard to make it through my shift on low calories that I couldn't even drive home. I would fall asleep in my car outside work, then outside my residence. I would start falling asleep driving half-way there, pull over and nap for about 3 hrs to continue. So, my carb loading after work was somewhere around 100grams (from Taco Bell) with a cup of coffee that had a packet of sugar and a sploosh of non-dairy creamer. One of my customers somehow got a burrito for me one day with nothing but lettuce and their avocado/ guacamole sauce. Today, In a drive thru jam I  try ordering the 7 layer burrito without rice, cheese, sourcream & add a side of guacamole. I read on someone else's site that that burrito is vegan without the cheese / sourcream. Though, not all of these burritos are 100% if you're vegan and you know what I be careful every bite. I've had to throw some away.
Sometimes, it would be a trip to 7-11 and picking up a 20g Protein Cliff bar with a coffee.

Secret revealed. My night time carb load, stay in ketosis during the day. Still vegan, to the best of my knowledge.

Now, you might ask why the Burrito and not the Cliff bar? 
I eat the Burrito, not because I'm enthralled with the fast food magic flavor of Taco Hell. I eat it because the presence of vegetable matter helps to process the proteins better. I've also learned to be more efficient on the diet. Without fresh greens, it is difficult for my body to process protein alone.

In the Superior Athlete BG's presentation he carb loads up to 200g and maintaining ketosis during the day.  I'm not an athlete like that, nor do I claim to be, nor do I work out, nor did I run the Penn Relay's like my Brother did (RIP bro), nor am I an Olympic Gymnast from Japan like my mother was before her accident. I am me, a lazy Classical PIANIST who sold her last piano on the beach to some surfers and wound up with an old battered used Brewer board that people tell me not to use.

So, now that i've bored the miniscule audience I might have to death;- Here are my new dietary adjustments as a Ketogenic Vegan coming out of the rainforest,
and the proper order for me? (would love to ask) before adding more into my diet. This is after listening to Athlete BG's lecture

Breakfast & Lunch
1. wakeup- a bottle carbonated sparkling lemon flavored mineral water take nootropics
wait 15-20 min
2. 5g Creatine
wait 5-10 min
3. 2 vegetarian digestive enzyme caplets
4. Coffee powered MCT oil (1 tbs) + Vega Sport Performance Shake
5. piece of celery, green juice, or veggie breakfast salad (1/2lb veggies) or Green2o

Then repeat above for each meal.
I weigh 116ish so, I drink about 3 liters of water a day.

  • I take digestive enzymes for each protein shake
  • Days I feel super sluggish after carb loading on something, I take up to 5 enzyme caplets for the day. 
  • 2-3 TBS MCT oil works best in my stomach on the Heavenly Salad. MCT oil Doesn't work well with the Mineral drink. It's o.k. in Coffee (though CBD oil is preferred, but rare)
  • I take digestive enzymes when I can before my nighttime carb load that happens 3x a week.
  • I turn my gallon of H20 into a gallon of Green2o with 3 stix = 3-6lbs of veggies minerals, I consume 1 gallon of this appx every 24 hrs. Sometimes, less on the regular h20 sometimes more. depends on how hot it is and how active I am through the day. Or, if i'm just doing extra cleansing. 
Do I drink Alcohol?
I drink alcohol. Yes. However, it's not a daily pride item. 
I take shots, not fruity tropical drinks. In fact mimosas give me rashes. 

  • If I have a shot of liquor, I have a back of Clear bubbly Club Soda (lemon or lime added)
  • Once in a while I've had a beer. And, it is just A single beer. 
  • I like vodka martini's Dirty occasionally. 

That's about it.  
If someone wants to impersonate me and live like this full time, BE MY GUEST!!! good luck!

Ketogenic Vegan Trip Places to Eat Honolulu

I've been on what i realize now to be a ketogenic Vegan diet for 2 years.
So, since I've read that many strong-willed vegans with ethical backgrounds  find it very difficult to exist;- I'm making another short list of places that have foods available.

I had this thought yesterday about being Keto-Vegan -
Noone to eat with, Lots to do!

Ketogenic vegan, (skip the fruits and grains) or even being vegan in general can be socially exclusionary, to the point of being an outcast. However, even if you can't agree with a person long enough to have a peaceable meal without them complaining or asking a barrage of questions about not eating enough; you can still eat out at your own cafe table.
Even if it is only one thing that is on a menu somewhere; - it is one thing. And, eating more than a fist or 2 size of food is being gluttonous. Also, eating Hummus is like attending a social event and it's cost from a grocery store to a cafe or dinner restaurant runs @ convenience store $5 to $18? at Turtle Bay pool bar

These are the Businesses I frequent moderately for keto- meals & energy. If any of these businesses don't want their mention here, please contact me or let me know the next time I stop in.

Panda Express:  Mixed Veggies (large side $5or bowl $7.75)- can add their hot mustard to it.
Valkenburgh St.   This is the only location that ALWAYS has a fresh batch that isn't scragly &                                   dehydrated. Must be that the US Military staff eats fresh veggies too.

Taco Del Mar      Has guacamole and salad, they can make anything vegan though looking at
Valkenburgh St.   beans and lettuce with pico sauce.

Loving Hut: 
King Street   Heavenly Salad (order without fried tofu) - ample size, made of shredded cabbages,                        mint, oil-less ACV dressing, peanuts, onion, carrot. Sometimes I treat myself to the                        tiny Crispy rolls- fried vegan rolls for some carbs with Taro & Shiitake inside.

Down to Earth - Organic Salad bar (appx $10.03/ pound). Bulk Nuts,Grocery, drinks in the cooler
Multiple Locations
Vegetarian Grocery

It's a Wrap aka Saigon Salad -   Avocado Salad- order without tofu. Have walnuts. ($9)
in Discovery Bay @ Ala Moana Blvd.

ABC convenience store 
corner of Ala Moana Blvd & Hobron
usually has Fresh Avo, Celery Stix, Lemons, Hummus, and other fresh veggies, drinks and is the most Keto-Vegan friendly of all the ABC's i've been to on island. It's across from the Marina and is better than the ABC at the nearby Mall.

Blue Tree         Green Glow-  pure green juice without fruits. I add turmeric 16oz ($9)
Kapiolani Blvd  the salads and hummus and soups vary and aren't always vegan.

Greens & Vines  The whole food menu, you gotta try it and check your own carb intake and take the rest with you. Vegan Menu is geared towards those with Candida (yuk), Overall Low in Carbs yet they use fruits like dates in the mustards and sauces.

Thai Village - Coconut Vegetable soup & Ginger Lemongrass Vegetable Soup ($10) takeout
Waipio Shopping Center  Tasty, Spicy soup with vegetables only. Can be ordered with Tofu.They                                    also can make noodle-less vegetable summer rolls served with peanut sauce.

Waialua -
Waialua Sugar Mill  Lilikoi & Poi flavored shave ice inside the big barn, not too sweet.
             O.k. I cheated, but this a superfood flavored treat after North Shore Hot Yoga..

North Shore - Sunset Beach - Turtle Bay - Pounders
There are farmer's stands and plenty of ice cold fresh coconuts. some cut up for eating, and some for drinking. Lots of exotic fruits that are tempting if you still eat fruit;- For me, lilikoi is the best of the bunch. Out of season avocado (rare) are between $6-10 per local avocado.

Haleiwa, North Shore Oahui  Green Salad and Guacamole (best Guacamole on Island) 

Teavana -  Teas & accepts Starbucks cards
upper level Ala Moana Shopping Mall near old Nordstrom

Pressed Juicery -   Cold Pressed Juices made fresh daily
Piikoi Entrance Ala Moana Shopping Mall

Vitamin Shoppe - Protein Powders, MCT oil, Coconut oil, Supplements, drinks in Cooler, Snacks
Multiple Locations on Island

Wraps not Salads - Obviously separate due to the 20g-49g carbs included in the grain based wrap. 

Very Berry - Hummus wrap is alot of salad
Kaneohe Shopping Center (has a Grocery Store in Shopping center)

Muddy Waters - They can make a Hummus Wrap or Bagel with Sauerkraut
Kaneohe near MCB (has a Grocery Store in Shopping center)

Vim & Vigor   Avocado Wrap (appx. $9)
Ala Moana Shopping Mall ( nothing else nearby except Japanese Grocery near Payless or go to Hobron ABC or expect to pay $16 for a garden salad at a nearby cafe)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Stomach still sore

mint tea  in morning. 
.18lbs  Tiny beet, cabbage, carrot, cherry tomato salad. 
.3lbs kidney bean chile.
Then totally ruined my 160cal Vega Sport performance protein chocolate by mixing it in most of a total 360cal 16oz Soy Delicious Coconut Milk yogurt- I ate most of it (added water) until I realized there's tapioca & rice starch in the yogurt...gak!!! 

16oz Green 2o in h20
16oz Zico + 1stick mint Green 2o + Vega Sport Performance Protein chocolate (watered down with mint tea)
20oz Mint tea
Lg side Mixed veggies Panda + blanched almonds. 1/4 fortune cookie.
2cups coffee
1cup CleanzT tea
28oz natural saltwater flush