Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Spirituality; Thinking of Grain

If one approaches eating from a spiritual and/ or ethical point of view, eating grain, eating animals, and eating fruit & root crops are the top three contenders for spiritual reflection.

Most of modern civilization came into being from the incorporation of grain that was grown through agriculture. The pyramid building Egyptians initiated the circle of slavery enforce while they indulged themselves on breads and grain based foods more than any other previously known society.
The Olympians, had a diet of mineral drink (from ash), grains, and veggies too. The incorporation of grain into the human diet early on in human history is spiritually attached to the development and implementation of human slaves. This human slave mentality has evolved over thousands of years to include the manipulation of the grain to what we now call Genetically Modified (GMO), This recent manipulation of the grain causes health issues in worker slaves. Worker slaves are those we consider normal and not existing as the slaves referred to in brutal ancient Egypt. 

Attuning ourselves with foods that are not vibrating on this plane with millenniums of slave energy is possibly a way to steer clear of the spiritual manipulation of the human race. This is regardless of the particular qualities of God that one believes in. Like frequency with like frequency;- 
  • the spirituality of grain is seated in slave labor
  • to eat grain is to attract the frequency of slave labor to ones self
  • not eating grain is in exit to the mentality of being in the circle of slavery

Eating Grain-Fed Animals
As the Mystic Bruno Groening said, "you don't know what kind of souls animals have within them." It is not fair to the souls who inhabit animal bodies that humans employ them for human concerns.

From perspective of spiritual well being on the planet;- The number of slaves on earth has a set of fibonacci numbers that pervades all species and has grown like a cancer. It is similar to the collateral damage of the meat industry and the environmental atrocities that are attached. However, it is about the slave mindset that the human race has imposed on the planet and it is out of control. This isn't just a matter of it being immoral to kill another being, human or otherwise. This isn't about survival as in early paleolithic humans or Ghengas Khan's women hunters killing one wooly mammoth or an elephant to feed 900 people (a small army). 

Eating an animal, particularly one raised in captivity and fed with grain (GMO) as well as BGH and other particulars is the magnified embodiment of humanity's need to express control over another being while in the circle of slavery. It is not logically motivated to sustain life as we are seeing with the population growth of humans on the planet.  It is a spiritual sickness of cruelty that has enslaved many, many souls. The act of eating any modern meat is a spiritual Communion of Cruelty.

Eating Fruits & Rootcrops
In respect for the bodies of plants, and any souls their physical structures may contain, eating fruits and roots are the children and very life of those plants. They are frequently the most starchy or carbohydrate drenched foods when ripened to capacity. The fruit that falls to the ground has micro-organisms which grow and infuse the soil with their energy. These things are necessary for the groves to thrive. And, obviously taking the root of the plant in entirety;- such as a potato or sweet potato or the Taro is immediate death of the plant. This is a sensitive matter especially when the micro-organisms that fertilize the soil and interact on the microscopic level are deeply affected. It in fact effects the entire ecosystem and has a long term impact also affecting the aerial pollinators as well as other organisms living in the soil. It seems most humans have spiritually distanced themselves from dirt, soil, and earth itself as containing multiple instances of spiritual beings that exist as a spiritual community. This community of the Earth soil itself is networked well beyond human population numbers.  

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Japan sea wall in ocean

If China nuked/ sent missiles at the nuclear reactors Iin Japan at once, it would create a natural defensive barrier over many kilometres. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Mystic Quotation about holding Office

"Whomsoever God gave office, He also gave understanding. But whosoever took office himself, God also took away all his brains! Some people will try anything to install themselves here or there to be well paid." --  Bruno Groening, Mystic

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hawaii politics a Harbinger for WW3

Yesterday I was stuck in traffic and contemplating a maximal 30min arrival time of North Korean Missiles once launched (with the jet stream). The past 6years I have been in Hawaii have resulted in a Major financial and social setback, in addition to my brother's gory death in 2005.

 Since most of Hawaii has given its voice to Trump and Sanders nominees, there is an even bigger lack of support and political clarity for me to contend with as a Hawaii resident. Many of the Asian-American Republicans still voted for Trump, and those who have half a brain switched and voted for Sanders. Irregardless, the backlash of Trump's hardcore racist antics are propelling the more savvy international Mexican, African-American, Japanese, Chinese, or Vietnamese local gangs, maffias, and black market collectives to make attacks on more legitimate Americans and other international citizens doing business. 

The enormous numbers of break-ins, thefts, and other abuse and slander that I have endured in Hawaii has made it impossible for me to survive much longer. That is, of course, aside from the initial derailment of my vacation in 2009. 
I have documented for security reasons, the extent of the most violent attacks that local & military authorities prompted with tremendous character defamation. 

I was a simple piano faculty/instructor and business organisational development consultant with well over 15years experience prior to arriving in Hawaii. 
I am struggling with the negativity of the Hawaii locals who run businesses that do not generate enough legitimate revenue for the state. The Feds & State also subjected me to a precarious position by giving  my identity to businesses they know deal in sex trade and other illegal activities, however harmless that they claim it is. 

The high cost of living and home owners (not necessarily landowners) raising rents to offset their own debts is a further glimpse into total financial inferiority.

I am praying for a place to live that is safe  and secure (not necessarily in the USA) and appropriate for me to endeavour on the EX-IM inter-government project with Japan I was asked to complete on behalf of the USA. If not, I accept that with ease and hope other ways to make a most agreeable  and more considerable paying living ensue.

Hawaii has been an extreme waste of my life's time. The local & Native people mostly have proven themselves highly immature and inappropriate for the current political and extreme weather climate.  Especially as my relatives abroad grow older each day. My business opportunity and that for the USA quickly diminishes.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Cults & "Salvation Syndrome" pt. 2

More Cult Themes from my notes:
Continued from previous posts:

My Goal=Trash Structure of Salvation Syndrome: - 3. The Way, 2. The Ideal, 1. The Problem

  • Possession within cultural norm or something like normal possession
  • Normal possession is an expression of Stress/Anxiety for functional clarity of Mind within Slave Structure.
"GOD LETS US" justification for "unholy" behaviour of cult leaders

Slaves are parasites  VS.  Slaves have unconditional love for God

Mind Map order:
1.  God is linked to  a Human Ideal
2. Eternal Life is a Common Theme
3. The collective slaves work towards this ideal & support figurehead
4. This creates a "God" vocabulary where actions & emotions are defined
5. Deviations from this are punished.
6. ***Can a slave function with deviations?*** (with the cult's awareness?- will Cult kill the Ego?)
                       Cult Action:- Exorcise Slave Mentality
                      - Not all deviations matter in function of Existence in NOW time.
7. All known human methodology to attain spirituality is the ART OF HUMAN NATURE (like painter's technique.

  • Destruction of Energy/Soul  Vs. Preservation/ Restructure (Resurrection) of Energy/Soul
  • Sound, Frequency, Vibration attracts slaves of like mind
  • There is no breaking free of this existence - Humble thyself and accept it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Prayers for @ Brussels

Dear God, & Master Healers;-
for those affected by the Belgium terror attacks yesterday,
 for the Peace in the World and for those making preparations for the Security of Peace;- 
please quickly heal these wounds.
Please, take away this sacrifice,all, of suffering, Divine God. 
Please send patience, protection, and security & safety to myself & my family relatives, and to those adversely affected by the Brussels Airport Terror attacks.
Thank you.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I am Plant

Souls in Human bodies are like Leaves on a Tree and receive the Great Divine Light.

We are beings of the Great Divine Light and life-giving force.
The variations that make our unique human body are part of our physical gift from God.
My human form, is gifted with being able to sustain itself on minerals, water, some plant matter, and chloryphillins as well as  on plant life and filled with the Great Divine Light and of God's creation.

My next task, as others have indicated is for me to switch my human form to a light-based diet of light alone. We may see the future as humanity as sustainable if this is accomplished.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

A Life Beyond Numbers

We are taught we are "of God" in nearly every spiritual discourse. God the Almighty is infinite. We all have some quality of God with us as we walk this Earth Eden. 

Money, quantifies many legal & illegal interactions between humans in life. Money is a finite system because it is unable to withstand the bounds of Time that define human bodily mortality. Rarely, does anyone address the quality of the human perception experience from the world of spirits & souls or interstellar realms. Money is the greatest human excuse to define otherwise Godly traits. 

Those who have unconditional love of others are scoffed at by prostitutes. 

Those who are peaceful and enjoy a non-violent frame of mindset are ridiculed as weak by the violent Warriors and militarists. Many of these Violent warriors were enchanted by the lust of violence, money rewards, and shows of courageous strength, only to succumb to  trying to make a living sharing their violent framed Mindset's version of living peacefully. 

Families who stay together for the sake of their children and the family can become are troubled & face legal humiliation compared to the broken families of unmarried couples who compete financially to secure welfare distributions. The children rarely grow up with unconditional love in their presence. 

 These are just a few examples, why humanity as a whole must steer away from money. 

Today Earth Eden is becoming decrepit with mortality and conditional love based on money. There must be a way to regain Eden and save the precious gift this world full of transient souls has. The beautiful environment Earth Eden once was a place full of unconditional love and light. To make Earth Eden a place where there is less hatred and grandeur of false kingship & queenship that destroys more families. To make the world peaceable once again without it falling into states of anarchy and chaos due to the human attachment of money. The Earth countries will fall. They will fall swiftly to a spiritual bath like lemmings over a sea cliff. 

To live, without money. To live with life. To live with abundance of health. To live with a new creed and renewed spiritual investment in God's manner. This is ultimate health. This is ultimate peace & freedom. 

About Life on

Why is it that the world it's not progressed? 
When the great architectural monuments were built on the earth, humans had little money and immense connection to God.
The reasoning below has not followed;- slave forces are employed with paper and metal objects/coins that have significant value to objects/goods that destroy the life force of the planet. 

Maybe humans don't know how to connect to God any longer. They cannot live without their shelters. Well, Soon they cannot live with them!!! 

The path to true freedom exists. Desperation from Money exists. 
Instead of working on spirituality and unconditional love amongst each other, humans have worked to create even more mortality in exchange of money!
It is an exchange of constant death!!!

Humans today have fallen from the unconditional love the Masons  and builders of the past created by providing shelter to many!!!
Long gone are the thoughts;-
If you have little money and the ability to build a house. You can have a house of your own someday.

If you have billions of dollars yet no ability to build a house. You will never have a house that is truly your own. 

Today, for humanity to survive they must leave the finite interactions of their numbers system. Every interaction to make finite sets of human interactions must cease! It's very existence is collapsing What remains of the life force God gave to the Earth. 
Nuclear war & energy destroys God's lesser spiritual beings. This is a sign of the need to keep What remains, the remnants of God's creation. It was a grand project, souls will be annihilated.

Friday, March 11, 2016

The martial art of finding peaceful space

Even when one is in a mostly violent environment, there are very tiny physical places to exist in peace if only momentarily. Not all space is occupied by violent assault against physical existence.  
Each time we breathe it is an affirmation of living the great gift;- the melody of God's will & divine order. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

My Giving "divine" light experience

No matter what "God's plan" is for us, I do believe we all leave our physical plane body or experience human "death". 

The Japanese based giving light cult was my most in depth spiritual "cleansing" experience this past year. I joined on 2-22-2015. Just relieved of my complicated Omitama pendant which enabled me to give light and sitting for a "receiving light" (okiyome) session  I'm sitting at D&B watching College football with some guacamole & bbq chips.

I know every time I entered, there was something more than spiritually distasteful about the place. Some of the Senior members, aside from being anti most everything I stand for by saying "God allows them to" so it's ok, didn't ever resonate well with me. Especially when it comes to the environment & my veganism. That and having over 50 something crowd breathing down my Gen X neck about contributing more money because "all money is God's".
Though I've had the omitama in the box for a while, I read a psychology article about people with severe psychosis "seeing things" and experiencing & explaining the world though a more primitive and unscientific mindset. Attempting to put a quantum value on it is, Obserd to me;- despite several members who seem to be excorcised by shaking and erratic movements during an okiyome session. It is grossly more subtle than an evangelist TV healer, however it has longer participatory times and exists as a fixture in some communities. 
Politically, financially, physically, and mentally draining and put in the hands of old wealthy Hawaiian-Japanese who are incredibly sexist and rude to all of my senses. They are rude because they dislike The East Coast experiences they have had and are used to 3rd world Hawaiian ways of living and socializing with undereducated women.
I've opted for 2 other more independent practices of similar spiritual Healing practices that are headed by actually known and acknowledged master Healers who walked the earth. This profound actual healer vs striving practitioner difference is what lead me away from OShinenushi Sama founder of Sukyomahikari. 
Plus I've had better results with extremely less time commitment than Sukyomahikari. And, with less interference to my actual human needs of employment and working on a lifelong project and such. 

The Omitama pendant used to give okiyome I was given upon completion of the primary course for $250 in Honolulu was returned today.

Saturday, November 07, 2015

gOd- General Omniscient Dogma

I refute 11:11 2015
I cleanse my hands of the blood of Babylon and the Babylon demise, as well as those who perish from outside its borders. I am born of two nations and also have none, I am the blood of the Old Ones that migrated to 11 tribes who fought the coming of Babylon, yet I have no tribe, no nation as I was born not to any formal tribe except my own. Like the flem that graced the life of Joan D'arc, the United States as Babylon has made me a martyr of my Japanese family.
I ask for acceptance by those people around the globe. For solidarity in belief of a General Omniscient Dogma  that has caused our waters to be chemically polluted;- not a bacteria or virus that can be persuaded to leave. We shall live on the scraps of our creators works that are remnants of life here being connected to heaven;- and not far removed to plasticine idolizations. 2 B cont...