Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

My spirituality #1

*Haarp is electromagnetic sin against heaven.

* Adaptability defers negative impacts of stress.
1. Adds to mental stability
2. Prevents human accidents and illness

Important to reinforce life force: life force aka electromagnetic bio-rhythm is from heart & mind.

Trust in simply being, the state of being itself. Being, in existence, to the immediate environment.
1. Sound perception to High Frequency (
2. Sight perception to 700 colors

Animals with acute hearing sleep. It is possible to level up sleep tolerance in HF. Accept it is possible. 

Dynamic existence: the entire universe is moving as a molecular & atomic puzzle. 

Photon travel speed c=186,282mp second

Interactions trigger "superforce" and light particles. Lends itself to dynamic existence.

Material Existence is a type od dynamic existence that has 'slowed and freezes' the frequency of perceptible bandwidth.

Remove ideas of- patterning, force, space.

1st remove space

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Nuclear Spirit & LV Handbags

The United States of America is the only Military power that has openly AND covertly used nuclear bombs on Civilians and other nations. If you assign the value of nuclear weapon owned by a nation  as same as value of a personal luxury item, then the USA is making a big stink against the rest of the World's nations for looking more 1st World. The only thing the USA is lacking now is selling personal use mini nukes.

Nuclear Bomb = LV Handbag  

North Korea has been firing Missiles that are openly publicized in the USA for over a decade.
I'm not sympathetic to senseless killing;- However, I can sympathize with the sentiment that the USA has in the past decade;- used and elevated its own illegal international and domestic drug distributors to Federal Agent status. Those Federal Agents have had security clearances to access information and independently aggravate Asian politics from within the USA homeland.

Difference between North Korea, JAPAN, China
Where North Korea stands openly making threats and launching missiles has lasted over a decade;- they have taken on an air that equivocates the American domestic attitude of governing laws. More recent developments are anti-USA propoganda and disobedience of laws that were set in place to protect the masses of civilians.

Japan, has again waited with great aggravation like a parent while witnessing the USA's democratic citizens rape & murder many Japanese abroad and within Japan. The most recent rape and murder being in the past months and commanding a 65,000 person Japanese protest of USA military systems.
Though China has been more of the long range ICBM fear of Tokyo Officials;- North Korean hatred of the USA since the G6 in 2007 is now an immediate and critical concern for Japan.

The Japanese Government is not commanding the evacuation and relocation of Okinawan Japanese residents while these North Korean missile threats continue.

to be revised. 
JAPAN Nuclear/ Fire Storm Spirituality:- 

Some spiritualists over many religions concede to God's Plan. I only know one thing for certain, that God's Plan for we humanoids ends in a physical death. There is research that shows the effects of Nuclear disaster;- that many sentient beings who have physical form on this planet die in close proximity of the nuclear disaster. Some spiritualists do not blame God for the sentient beings perishing;- rather they blame the faulty nuclear reactors, nuclear bombs, and other nuclear weapons. They have even gone so far as to make

new findings in atomic research that simply state that Nuclear weapons are the only weapon that can actually destroy the Spirit itself (akin to the God particle). 

It also seems that spiritualists who think about the Fire Storm that is coming;- Don't personally accept that their viewpoint of God's Plan includes their death. They also project that they are special in God's view, and that death by Nuclear warfare or Nuclear Disaster is a horrible atrocity. They ultimately contradict and are intensely in Denial of their own spiritual teachings. When I presented a slight argument that there are amazing spiritual beings and other humanoid or non human sentient and physical life who can survive in the Aftermath and close proximity of the Nuclear disaster;- the spiritualists were appalled. They contested that it was not a matter of earthly, spiritual evolution;- that is, for creatures and humans who were mutated or survived Nuclear radiation to live. 

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Harsh Reality Of the Firestorm

So I got into different mode of thinking for a while it was a load of spiritual thinking about the spiritual fire storm and finding acceptance in such destruction. They say the fire storm, it's probably more of a nuclear storm. Most of the spiritual sects don't find acceptance in a forms of being animal, fish, plant life, human life that has been exposed to nuclear radiation is to frown on such mutations. I suppose the fact that there are beings who can exist in such intensely different environment than what we modern day, 21st century humans can accept is threatening. It constantly poses the question of "who will survive"? 

I noticed while I tried different sides in some "light giving" spiritual groups, that people are squeamish about surrendering their physical being to God's will during such nuclear incident(s). And that they feel the surviving and mutated beings are lesser than they are. That there is not Godly spirituality beyond nuclear incident and that rather it is an "evil" being that exists. I know this derogatory thinking affected me deeply as my own mother was a toddler when the nuclear fallout from Hiroshima and Nagasaki affected her. And additionally, the same nuclear thinking makes me spiritually exempt from the generations of humans who created and imposed nuclear implementation globally. They say, it gives me No credibility to be a humanoid being to be born intact just 1 generation after the biggest nuclear bombs were dropped on my Japan country. So this is the rationale of those in power with the most money, they have the most credibility in the Nuclear field because it is their "baby". They accept that they have a high probability of death, yet spiritually can't surrender consciously to "God's will" as it doesn't fit with the current criteria of life in their own life plan 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I am Plant

Souls in Human bodies are like Leaves on a Tree and receive the Great Divine Light.

We are beings of the Great Divine Light and life-giving force.
The variations that make our unique human body are part of our physical gift from God.
My human form, is gifted with being able to sustain itself on minerals, water, some plant matter, and chloryphillins as well as  on plant life and filled with the Great Divine Light and of God's creation.

My next task, as others have indicated is for me to switch my human form to a light-based diet of light alone. We may see the future as humanity as sustainable if this is accomplished.

Receive God's Light like Leaves on a Tree

Everyday, I am surrounded by human beings with souls. Many of them choose to identify themselves with what they call "races".  These are seemingly unimportant physical traits. Nearly All of these traits have a different quality in their material presence. The human races speak of these "physical qualities" as being superior to another human being with a soul.

Over the millennia, These discussions about "race" have transcended the physical and started to dominate the spiritual perceptive plane of souls given human bodies. So then, today the spiritual world is clouded by the physical differences. 
 The more constraints a human being allows to inhabit their body = the more they are clinging to their humanness. Souls in human bodies worship God's creation of the human physical form.  These souls are engaging conversations as to who is more spiritual by receiving divine light that are directly linked to melanin in humans. It is all there to belittle or entertain those who enjoy oppression. 

This has little to do with being "God centered". Being God centered is allowing oneself, as a soul inhabiting a human body (a gift of solid matter from God) to reclaim their truly divine nature.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

About Life on

Why is it that the world it's not progressed? 
When the great architectural monuments were built on the earth, humans had little money and immense connection to God.
The reasoning below has not followed;- slave forces are employed with paper and metal objects/coins that have significant value to objects/goods that destroy the life force of the planet. 

Maybe humans don't know how to connect to God any longer. They cannot live without their shelters. Well, Soon they cannot live with them!!! 

The path to true freedom exists. Desperation from Money exists. 
Instead of working on spirituality and unconditional love amongst each other, humans have worked to create even more mortality in exchange of money!
It is an exchange of constant death!!!

Humans today have fallen from the unconditional love the Masons  and builders of the past created by providing shelter to many!!!
Long gone are the thoughts;-
If you have little money and the ability to build a house. You can have a house of your own someday.

If you have billions of dollars yet no ability to build a house. You will never have a house that is truly your own. 

Today, for humanity to survive they must leave the finite interactions of their numbers system. Every interaction to make finite sets of human interactions must cease! It's very existence is collapsing What remains of the life force God gave to the Earth. 
Nuclear war & energy destroys God's lesser spiritual beings. This is a sign of the need to keep What remains, the remnants of God's creation. It was a grand project, souls will be annihilated.