Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts

Sunday, September 20, 2020

New personal prayer for daily use

By Angela M. Kneale (Draft of New Personal prayer 9/18/2020) 

Dear God & Dear Bruno, 

I am grateful for my life today. And, I am grateful for all of the blessings and miracles bestowed upon me. I ask for my health and well being. Divine Insight Divine protection

I ask for my blood to be clean of parasites, mold, viruses, and any disease and uric acid crystals and other nanos. For my blood cells to be optimal and strong and healthy. For my  body to be alkaline and in Ketosis. For my digestive system to work perfectly and efficiently without the digestive enzymes. I ask for strength and longevity in my joints and skin and cartilage and for renewed collagen without need for animal products. For the vitamin C to cleanse my body, for the saltwater to cleanse  my digestive tract, and for all of the minerals, silica, and Amino Acids I require to maintain my optimal and best health and rejuvenated healing. For my blood sugar to be balanced and my mind to be clear and functioning properly, optimally all the time. I ask for your blessing of my food, nutrition, and hydration to maintain my body in completeness and for my best mindstate as much as possible.

I ask for complete healing of past injuries, traumas, and emotional attachments. For myself to be the best tuned human, spiritual, and quantum form. And for God's work to be done through me so that my actions are of God.  I ask for all of my DNA. 

I ask for the places on earth especially Oahu and Hawaii dearst to my heart. To be free from the evils of humanity and for the protection of the Honu, the Pueo, The vana, the birds, fish, sharks, whales, and all of the reef community. I ask for the surfers and divers who helped me. I ask for Da Hui and the community who protects(ed) me. I ask for the healing of the waters of O'ahu and Hawaii, the sand, the crabs, the shells, and all other ocean life in the Pacific. 

I ask for protection of my relatives who love me unconditionally and my home and belongings. I ask for my customers, friends, bosses, co-workers, businesses that supported my life. I ask for healing of the Earth. for all of the animals and creatures who love me unconditionally. I ask for blessings of the air I breathe, the water I drink, the land I walk upon, and all molecules and particles that support life in this form. 

Thankyou God, for my life and this experience on Earth. 

I ask for these things that I cannot attain on my own easily;- 

I ask for these people who I cannot help without you;- 

I ask for the Master healers and Bruno Groening who love me unconditionally.

I ask for the spirits who love me unconditionally. 

Thankyou God.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Prayers for @ Brussels

Dear God, & Master Healers;-
for those affected by the Belgium terror attacks yesterday,
 for the Peace in the World and for those making preparations for the Security of Peace;- 
please quickly heal these wounds.
Please, take away this sacrifice,all, of suffering, Divine God. 
Please send patience, protection, and security & safety to myself & my family relatives, and to those adversely affected by the Brussels Airport Terror attacks.
Thank you.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Receive God's Light like Leaves on a Tree

Everyday, I am surrounded by human beings with souls. Many of them choose to identify themselves with what they call "races".  These are seemingly unimportant physical traits. Nearly All of these traits have a different quality in their material presence. The human races speak of these "physical qualities" as being superior to another human being with a soul.

Over the millennia, These discussions about "race" have transcended the physical and started to dominate the spiritual perceptive plane of souls given human bodies. So then, today the spiritual world is clouded by the physical differences. 
 The more constraints a human being allows to inhabit their body = the more they are clinging to their humanness. Souls in human bodies worship God's creation of the human physical form.  These souls are engaging conversations as to who is more spiritual by receiving divine light that are directly linked to melanin in humans. It is all there to belittle or entertain those who enjoy oppression. 

This has little to do with being "God centered". Being God centered is allowing oneself, as a soul inhabiting a human body (a gift of solid matter from God) to reclaim their truly divine nature.