Showing posts with label War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

International Law & Legalities between HIC USA & Japan

Despite the High income Country classifications of both Japan & USA;- the USA and it's States of Pennsylvania & New York largely refused me legal right to report the following; assaults, abduction, rapes & many other human rights issues that forced me into destitution and homelessness. In fact, the United States & it's intelligence community, and some of its Military & it's actors have also made me an isolated, social outcast over my lifetime.
On these grounds collectively, they and the discriminating public treat me as a Japanese enemy of their Nation since birth. This is torture in every tier of my human development, not to feign my perceived torture of my mother & torture & state sanctioned murders of my 2 late siblings.
The USA and a sufficient number of it's actors & citizens have and still condemn me as a torture victim, whereas I am subject to perceived aleotoric violations of my human rights with Physical Financial, Societal, and Legal entrapment well within USA domestic borders. I feel that this is in violation of my US Constitutional Rights as  US born citizen by land and jus sanguis in order to reinforce that I am not actually a US citizen entitled to human rights even under International Declarations of Human Rights for the type of HICs I was born into dually USA & Japan. It seems the overriding issue for the United States itself was to torture me, and to torture my mother on Japanese Visa well until I was 15yrs of age.
Later, I learned that some, not all of the  torture I endured, fit into the macro structure of a CIA MKUltra protocol under "Alice in Wonderland" that was designed to suicide the torture victim or hinge the personality to a vigilante. The protocol itself included repeated sexual assaults over a long duration of time in order to normalize it. In USA this is not only "rape" but also statutory rape of a minor. It was not child trafficking from my perspective as I did not Witness any exchange of money. The heavy daily physical abuse I endured was not any type of martial arts program. In fact, when I attempted to defend myself or retaliate from the abuse with a single word, I was beaten till I stopped crying or blacked out. And, once I retaliated at age 14and was beaten till unconscious and was sent to school with half of my face black & blue. Since it was state sanctioned as many other freedom of speech violations occurred which prevented me from speaking to my mother or grandparents & cousins in Japanese over the phone or at home.
In anycase, Noone in the Pennsylvania community where I lived in Bucks County did anything to help me. They in fact were delighted that I was beaten up Japanese girl all of 5'2 and appx 108lbs.
I strongly feel and assert that at no point in time, I was considered an American citizen to my school teachers and that it was simply a farce so they could torture me. They also made the students patriotic by making fun of me and teaching my schoolmates that Japan and I am evil enemy that deserved death. This is well known from my time in US Cultures/History class in 9th/10th grade at high school.
Aside from this, FISA allowed my father who was veteran USAF & OSI which is USAF intelligence officer to justify my torture usually implicating my mother as she was the Non-US Citizen for most of my childhood. She was tortured also with invasive surgeries my father told me "destroyed her". Before these surgeries took place and I lost touch with the person/personality who was my caring mother;- she had told me that the USA was going to experiment on us. She also reminded me that I'm Japanese and should serve my Emporer, as well as telling me by age 4 that I would be raped by Americans and that I should suicide when I could not handle anymore. Those were my real instructions from my mother.

I am currently compiling my perspective with the reality of unenforced international laws between nations. This is with and without Japan's changed nationality laws and the fact that things have worsened for me with USA civilian & military population in interpersonal & court interactions from assaults made on me over the past 5 years.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Remote Weapons used on Public in Honolulu County

Leaves no trace

& difficult to detect because there is little  physical or genetical proof left behind by the microwave weapon on the outside of the body. Rarely, victims can photograph burnt & peeled skin or immediate raised rash is left. It is literally like being microwaved from a distance. The physical proof is difficult to acquire; and, the cumulative effect of constant re-exposure if a targeted individual can be fatal. 

in same sense a trained sniper is remote

The term "REMOTE weaponry" is used to describe a vast array remote weapons used today. Some remote weapons are  mounted on military drones &  aircraft and some are as easy to carry as a TV remote control. Despite old concrete versions of the technology, wireless versions and satellite pinging versions of the weaponry do exist.

Military grade weapons of imminent destruction also have  scaled down versions of destructive sonic & lazer weapons. Some of these scaled down versions are like unseen instances of class 2 or 3 weapons use.

appx 2 hrs reading without technical background:

Neurostimulation - Brain Stimulation & Deep Brain Stimulation that has an extreme military application to make troops bodies move in case of emminent threat, severely wounded, loss of limbs, etc.

Remote Neural Monitoring: Public Use mind control weaponry hidden in gaming & neuro-stim devices to expose users to mind control hypnotic entrainment.

Directed Energy Weapon ( DEW or DE ): Precise target accuracy & exacting coordinates. Variety of sizes from homemade to military grade. Can be sent through a building from several miles away when mounted on aircraft Intended to be give lethal energy pulse, but can be tuned to temporarily disable & fry the individual. Smaller ground weapons are portable with internal power system some guns are called HERF.

High Energy Frequency Weapon - a HERF Gun can make a laptop or car computer stop working.

A majority of the USA public has not witnessed any form of real Directed Energy Weapons (aka DE or DEW)  psychotronic weapons, and satellite weapons in existence. Many believe such weapons only exist in the confines of their household gaming entertainment & 3D  military entrainment simulation systems. The public gaming technologies are geared to Military, totalitarian lifestyles & mindsets.

Rare & beneficial use of transhumanist technologies are used  to restore quality of life to children & wounded veterans. Most of the USA Public is desensitized to other military industry related unconsensual human testing.

Other more complicated weapons technology to try and undestand is HAARP  as another large scale weapon. And with the public revealing of the US Secret Space Program, there are  now classes of Satellite & Space weaponry.

Websites linked & Referenced:

Friday, April 14, 2017

News Online:- no date on video

There are no dates visible and embedded on posted online (independent news) videos. Despite my feed reading hours ago, videos can be uploaded to different channels and do not reflect any sense of Real Time when taken out of their original posted order and context.

Please revise posting video and news to reflect date and time of publicAtion in the original  viewing screen.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

DHS harsh in Cities, confiscate property

Philadelphia, PA - tightened security over a decade ago to compete with terrorist actions. Everyone who DJ were talking about the severity of having audience members carrying drugs into concerts and losing everything to unrelated strangers. in Honolulu, HI - they say that different syndicate members hold the properties where smuggled narcotics that infiltrate Hawaii are sold. Despite the open fact that there is a high percentage of new construction going on;- it remains a party favor of Aloha to the imported  construction workers from different parts of the USA.
wondering how the current Honolulu behaviors affect the following:
-Building Construction integrity-
-U.S. Gov. Not possessing the properties
-Terrorism with an open gateway from Asians
-is Hawaii syndicate the same as US Feds?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

No hierarchical Structure, Genesis

The United States itself has never directly gone to war or battle with China. I don't see how Japan intends to rely on the USA as any type of ally. 

If there is no hierarchical structure, merely an atom that changes placement of orbitals....I mean as a species, as a socio-political mindset-- why do people in diverse professions continue to refer to a top down or pyramid structure? 
Each species on the planet/ type of people is encoded with the same information- yet due to the circumstance surrounding them;- one format allows life. Another format would ensure sooner death and opportunity and space for the predecessor. 
With human sacrifices in the past;- why is God not most compassionate to eliminate the most greedy, gluttonous, hate mongering offspring?

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Another death threat --ugh

They are saying that even African-Americans are planning to kill Japanese because they feel it would benefit Korea.
I have the send that whether these are people from within DOD or outsiders who do illegal business with Korean or Vietnamese  gangs;- that it is a death threat that has been directed towards me over the past 2.5weeks since the Trump win especially.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Japan embargo on Phillipines, Halt infrastructure Loans

I Wish that Japan will put an embargo on the Phillipines and stop all loans and funding to the Phillipines, especially for infrastructure projects. 
The Phillipines radical Christianity, as well as UN opposition to human rights make it highly volitile as a secure trade channel.
And, since it is cheap for them to convert illegal funds to gold, it will be some time before allegiance with China will emerge.

I think it's time for embargo on Phillipines.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Japan sea wall in ocean

If China nuked/ sent missiles at the nuclear reactors Iin Japan at once, it would create a natural defensive barrier over many kilometres. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

War warning

There will no longer be information or warning for any War actions against Asian or American nations, that can cause disaster to civilian populations. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

World War Idiots vs. Terrorist tests

This morning, my grain-free continental breakfast at the Aqua Aloha Surf hotel  was a ricebowl 75% full of boiled peanuts and kidney beans, some pickled cabbage, and some brown  and too salty Chinese kim-chee. I haven't had Chinese kimchee since 2002 when I sat down to a dinner with a Chinese Ambassador and his family in a Philadelphia suburb. The Ambassador had made a fresh kimchee that was quite delicious, and completely vegan.

The Technology Exists
Drone Flash Drives- flying and robotic drones with remote download capabilities.
Liquid Metal Smart Drives- small Terminator inspired military & contractor grade  smart drives with classified information. Have integrated weapons systems, robotic and drone capabilities with AI.
Precursor to Liquid metal smart drives with integrated weapons system
Also, the Drone Drive- to keep CIA intel out of fistfights and gunfire.

The www was up for discussion on this morning's news. I don't think that anyone really wants a media controlled USA, where we no longer have "internet." The bottom line is that the technology exists, and despite the intentions behind MOST average users, USA is discussing shutting it down due to terrorist & international threats. If anything, like the outdated e-machines that made the market in the mid 90's to simplify useage;- maybe they should keep the technology for basic internet use a single task piece of technology on a single bandwidth.

Yesterday, I also caught a lunchtime showing of the movie Criminal. It was fascinating or rather one of the DUMBEST movies I have seen,  that intel groups were having to compete for a "Flash Drive" that gave terrorist access to the USA's missle arsenal. Missile launches from a silo and a nuclear submarine, at the control of terrorists who seemed to understand (and self detonate the missile) how pathetically "simple" weapons  technology is to hijack.

The fact that US national security seems to be idiot-a-fied;- is tragic in itself. Obviously, the USA really needs to reconsider doing a complete overhaul on its National Security offices.

Better movie topic:
They made "smart drives" out of liquid metal technology and a new crystalline based disc that will last over 1.6 years. The terminator like smart drives have a built in weapons system that eradicates Terrorists and National security officers and anyone who attempts to access the missile defense systems beyond routine system check. In the future as more benevolent and clueless Internet and technology users have found a peaceable way to continue trading goods and make new ideas that "save" the planet and people in disasters;- the smart drives decide to self detonate. Their self detonating feature includes a comprehensive launch of over 50% of the missile stock. A superhero from the future like terminator returns back in time to save the human world.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

War of *Children - cult of Sukyomahikari

Sukyomahikari member contacted me while I was beginning a session on an Scumann Frequency Mat while being stricken with only a Toxic black mold in my bloodstream. She wouldn't leave the space and at the advice of the Services overseer's, I caved to agree to receive light for her sake.

Shortly after Sukyomahikari contacted me, my life fell apart in entirety.

I joined SukyoMahikari In February 2015 after a "divine act" of my next day's membership class fee of $250 appearing in my life overnight. My first month, I spent 6-8hrs a day at the Dojo giving light (Okiyome), and taking 50 minutes each day to receive Okiyome. I didn't make it through the year with the very intense Omitama and cruel conservative attitudes of the Japanese women in the Dojo once I joined. People around me said I looked drained like I hadn't slept. There were random odd occurances of my car breaking down and the unusual appearances of other Sukyomahikari members.
I even had taken "selfies" before and after I attended the Dojo since this is a Light based practice.
The selfies looked somewhat normal. However they did show severely large and darker areas around my eyes than normal even for being tired, my face had a "death mask" on it.

I returned the Omitama several times to be reconsecrated. The Omitama itself felt like it held "fear" of another being. It was like a lost scared and hungry kitten clinging to me with claws extended.
By August of 2015, I returned the Omitama not to rejoin. I had been disgusted by the smell of "sex" at the signin table. And then appauled that they were conducting Hula in the basement. After I left the daily presence of the Cult a 2nd time and returned my Omitama, (yes I could lie like other members about its HOLINESS), I was called to pick up the Omitama. When I tried to make arrangements, the basement of the Center had been flooded (or Cleansed). The Sukyomahikari members and staff told me I could only enter at certain times because they lost the entire basement level to Waterdamage. The waterdamage was talked about in a happy manner that they couldn't believe that such a freak accident could happen. The building flooded from the outside, as drainage grates were clogged from a pipe that burst in a planter. Then the water continued to seep overnight in the lower stairwell till it was filled, and then continued to seep through the door at the bottom of the staircase.
I thought and felt I had seen enough. I left several times due to other members not heeding my request of not pressing into my cerebral spinal system too hard. I felt that they were intentionally trying to hurt me.

 I did learn that the "will of God" was presented as any member saw fit as they all contained some of God like a "drop of water from the Ocean is still Ocean". However, the continual presentation of "God's Plan for Humanity" was irritating.  To me, there is one plan GOD has for all of us, and that is DEATH.

Today, in Metaphysical hindsight;- I feel that the Cult has a figurehead who used to practice a Chinese form of Wizardry in Dao. Shapeshifting, connecting spiritual cords of members, and tying his spirit to the Mortal human world to become a greater metaphysical entity. Since he spent his time on the Planet Earth as a Japanese Military leader, I do not want my more peaceful energies to be used by such an entity. He may be a black eyed child of the stars when he returns in form again. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Globalism & NWO

 It's become very clear as this Hawaii Security exercise has shown me;-
1. The Feds and airport authorities are manipulating visitors
2. The Police are interested in controlling drugs and being involved with visiting extensions and members of overseas cartels (some who have federal security clearances and businesses on the islands)
3. omidiyar's crowd (possibly Yamaguchi gumi contractors and brown-no sees) I was warned about most likely manipulate the English version of Craigslist. For me, I have been "set up" 3x to be financially & legally hit badly with living space rentals. 5x to be exact with destruction of my physical belongings, computers, and other financial issues. 
This has left me without a stable and secure residence in which I can sleep peacefully.

With the ensuing war talk with Japan and China that has increased, life for me in Hawaii has gotten substantially intolerable. 
I am severely depressed from 6 years of sexual harassment and assaults. Most have happened from those who work at a federal level and with connection to the Hawaii police (last incident in January). 

The local Asian men are unacceptable in large part due to their drunkenness and common greetings. They generally try to engage a woman in sex without dating conversation. They are immature and abusive. 

I have survived largely due to those who are East Coasters. The difference is huge in that there is some sort of intellectual conversation and general appreciation of and liking of a person- I think that is mutual. 
However they are few and far between


Friday, November 20, 2015

USA should take Hawaiian tribal funds

Since M-16's were prevalent with dozens of snipers at APEC 2011, and even a Hawaiian-Chinese Kahuna & Olohei was sent to the airport to interfere with my Japanese-USA business plan;- it seems that USA should make efforts to freeze and or confiscate funds of the Hawaiian tribe. The USA is using Hawaiian tribes to interfere with international Efforts to maintain a peaceable business environment and to exacerbate war interests by side-stepping head on attacks to private individuals, families, and other international interest. 
They also make zero reparations and the Hawaiian tribal community (whether carrying a U.S. Passport or not) is making advances towards War between Other Asian nations from USA territory/lands.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

my brother's death- head blown off with shotgun

Japan owns $1197.0billion USA dollars in debt. The average inbred homeland American whose reading comprehension is low thinks that they own Japan. 
So...what I have been forced to live a social experiment is absolutely unforgivable. especially after my brother's memorial service and his so called friends joking about beating the shit out of him because he is Japanese. My father & his friends silenced me from getting into a fight and then several people attempted to murder me, which exhausted me financially.
The White Pennsylvanians (clearly have strong white European supremacy) and my college schoolmates thought it was funny that another "dumb Jap" but the dust on the east coast. That's the crowd of Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers (as hateful of Asia and white supremacist in their progressive allotment of race") I had the most exposure to. The Americans  think it's amusing that my mother & I, & our family Akita woke up to the disaster of my brother's brains splattered in a family picnic area with a shotgun.  Apparently my father "found him" and then went to sleep until my mother found him. 
No, I don't have friends here in the states. The half Chinese and mixed race other Asians think it's amusing as well since they revel in Japan's failures.
41 years tomorrow of the USA is quite enough embarrassment and harshness. 
My aunt Junko should know my mother psychologically wrote me off as a representation of her Jealousy for Aunt Junko's beauty and refinement in Japanese society. I was born to an oil and water family;- or steel and steel that clash constantly. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Kikuchi is Chrysanthemum Land, not kuchi that USA rapes

My mother's family name straight from Japan is Kikuchi, 菊地。It simply means, Chrysanthemum Land. When I was a young child, before I was 6 years old and the Philadelphia doctors told me my biological mother from Japan was dead, I was schooled in the horrors of rape as a young international.
This is what the USA thinks of me. This is what the USA thinks of me as a female. I was politically torn (aka Raped) by many people of the USA before they made me involuntarily become a USA national by their default laws. So, as a young dual citizen, this is what I was taught the USA is to Japan. A body of white United States Americans who disrespect me in the highest form. And, to date, this seems to remain true. I was raised in Bucks County, PA not even a mile away from the Clymer family's establishment called the Rosacrucians. They had a hand in my sister's and brother's ultimate demise. The Clymers are USA political allies with the Cheney family.
It is not a conspiracy. It is simple United States politics. I am an unwilling participant and my parents put me through this so that they could maintain their position in the United States of America's political climate.
I have no protection. I did manage to live with an old New York State senator who was Vice President of Cornell University;- she was my mentor. Her help is why I'm barely clinging to survival here in Hawaii. Hawaii is the worst climate for a professional international female that I have ever lived in in my ENTIRE life. This state needs to change for the positive.

However, they say I should be more Christian and "Forgive" all the men who rape and will rape me in the USA because they bombed the very country;- with atomic weapons, that my heritage is from.

I have no reason to continue since I have no personal benefit at this point in time. And, if the USA riff raft of USA military and Legal bodies continue to treat me as such;- I can only hope for their demise since I don't wish this type of life on anyone. Though, I wish they could experience the Extreme magnitude that they have exposed me to;- only in their personal lives and loosing their loved ones who cannot be replaced by any TV set or appliance that they could purchase.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What they Really Mean...

Today; this morning in particular, I saw the morning talk news on television as I was leaving. Then some old = esteemed; glasses = nerdy/intelligent; grey= too stressed out
male said "The war is popular". I couldn't help but think...

"The War is popular"
The media is covering the War.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

China, India, North Korea, Japan, Missiles

It's just my opinion; I think that North Korea is going for the ears first; creating a racket and driving everyone crazy with paranoia. Then, they'll drive it down the jugular like a pressure hold or a gun pointed to the throat. I don't know where this will leave Japan; or, if N. Korea is the tool of China to push the pressure at Japan and then make them move. China's already made motions to cut off shipments and manufacturing of Japanese goods and food supplies. Most of Japan's food is imported from China, Australia, and other nearby nations.

The North.Korean ships that are being checked are another major concern for weapons and military movement. This is in addition to the checks that the Chinese military have upped on the N. Korean vessels. see article: Australia to ban N. Korean Ships

I understand that the Oil that was found and negotiated a little over 1 year ago is of major value to China; and they really don't want to be giving anything to Japan. And, that includes chopsticks. If the Chinese adopted Japanese chopstick styles, there would be more than enough bamboo to go around.

Additionally, India's close ties with china and their aggressive business presence may compromise any U.S. negotiations with current U.S. public opinion. Many people in the U.S.A. are extremely upset with the number of jobs leaving the U.S. for places like India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka in the tech sector for outsourcing. Cutting off our ears first, indeed.

Attack on Sri Lanka military convoy kills 92

'Threat to the peace process'
The attack comes as a Japanese envoy held talks with the Sri Lankan president Monday amid intensified diplomatic efforts to strengthen the peace process between the government and rebels ahead of scheduled talks between the two sides later this month in Switzerland.

Website reference: MSN news;

Another quotation from CNN World

The surge in violence comes as Sri Lanka faces increasing international pressure to return to the negotiating table.

Japanese peace envoy Yasushi Akashi was scheduled to hold talks with rebel leaders in the north Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.

Website reference: Cnn article "Deadly attack at Sri Lanka port
POSTED: 9:27 p.m. EDT, October 18, 2006"

I think that the release of the 24 million USD to Korea is a good move on part of the U.S. In theory, it should take some of the pressure off of the Nuclear threat.The bad part is that the Missiles seemingly exist. And, the money can be used to further fuel their troops. Humanitarian aid is essential to North Korea's survival. North Korea would be smart to invest that money in the Japanese economy. Investment isn't just a gift, it is a lifeline for those who are intelligent enough to make due with what they have. See below...

India, keen to present itself as a responsible nuclear power with a democratic polity, is worried that North Korea's move might scupper a civilian nuclear deal with the United States that was signed last year.

The agreement has been stalled in the U.S. Congress, which has to give its approval before President George W. Bush can sign it into law.

website reference: Reuters: India "India says North Korea test poses threat beyond Asia Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:00 PM IST163"