Showing posts with label Terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorist. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2016

World War Idiots vs. Terrorist tests

This morning, my grain-free continental breakfast at the Aqua Aloha Surf hotel  was a ricebowl 75% full of boiled peanuts and kidney beans, some pickled cabbage, and some brown  and too salty Chinese kim-chee. I haven't had Chinese kimchee since 2002 when I sat down to a dinner with a Chinese Ambassador and his family in a Philadelphia suburb. The Ambassador had made a fresh kimchee that was quite delicious, and completely vegan.

The Technology Exists
Drone Flash Drives- flying and robotic drones with remote download capabilities.
Liquid Metal Smart Drives- small Terminator inspired military & contractor grade  smart drives with classified information. Have integrated weapons systems, robotic and drone capabilities with AI.
Precursor to Liquid metal smart drives with integrated weapons system
Also, the Drone Drive- to keep CIA intel out of fistfights and gunfire.

The www was up for discussion on this morning's news. I don't think that anyone really wants a media controlled USA, where we no longer have "internet." The bottom line is that the technology exists, and despite the intentions behind MOST average users, USA is discussing shutting it down due to terrorist & international threats. If anything, like the outdated e-machines that made the market in the mid 90's to simplify useage;- maybe they should keep the technology for basic internet use a single task piece of technology on a single bandwidth.

Yesterday, I also caught a lunchtime showing of the movie Criminal. It was fascinating or rather one of the DUMBEST movies I have seen,  that intel groups were having to compete for a "Flash Drive" that gave terrorist access to the USA's missle arsenal. Missile launches from a silo and a nuclear submarine, at the control of terrorists who seemed to understand (and self detonate the missile) how pathetically "simple" weapons  technology is to hijack.

The fact that US national security seems to be idiot-a-fied;- is tragic in itself. Obviously, the USA really needs to reconsider doing a complete overhaul on its National Security offices.

Better movie topic:
They made "smart drives" out of liquid metal technology and a new crystalline based disc that will last over 1.6 years. The terminator like smart drives have a built in weapons system that eradicates Terrorists and National security officers and anyone who attempts to access the missile defense systems beyond routine system check. In the future as more benevolent and clueless Internet and technology users have found a peaceable way to continue trading goods and make new ideas that "save" the planet and people in disasters;- the smart drives decide to self detonate. Their self detonating feature includes a comprehensive launch of over 50% of the missile stock. A superhero from the future like terminator returns back in time to save the human world.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

U.S. to Defend Japan

click on title for article
There is some positive news for Condoleezza Rice announcing today that the U.S. is ready to protect Japan from a Nuclear attack/ arms race developing in Asia. That the New Prime Minister Abe is totally advocating for a peaceful Japan, and to develop Japan as a global conference center for commerce.

More on a personal note; I am thankful to hear news like this. The majority of my family is in Japan; and N. JAPAN in particular. Places like Akita-ken where my Grandmother lives are directly across the Sea of Japan from North Korea. Though the Northern part of Japan has less population than the lower southern areas of Japan; if the northern parts become occupied by Koreans or Russians, then there will surely be more of an internal battle. Though, with heavy winter weather...haha... yeah it would be more like a Valley Forge military story. Not trying to make light of the situation; however the Kuril islands are still in dispute. There are old Navy military compounds that are still existing in those areas.

One of my Great Uncle' was a political prisoner in Sibera and told me stories about how they had to survive siberian prison camp. News about North Korea puts me on edge, like an impending huge hurricane or 7.0 earthquake. Once things change, it is very difficult to restore anything to a normal state.

The news about North Korea also bothers me due to the newly found oil territories in the Sea between Japan and China. Last year in July, Koizumi, prevented the onset of a war with China over the oil reserves. If North Korea has any goals to move forward and create an economy for themselves, they will most likey instigate further attacks on Japan. China will be the big sleepy giant in this battle. I would hope that the new P.M. Abe can keep North Korea cooled off

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Political Halloween Fun!

Today... I quickly constructed the below e-card image & caption for Halloween at the site for Halloween goodies & spectacular costumes. Above is a link on the Scottish Nato drill that they're running... from 10.5hrs ago. Scary stuff!!!!


Yo Scottie! What happened to our ship?

Addicted to Organizing

Addicted to Organizing

Some people here in the States are so suspicious and dull. I'm not talking about the Washington D.C. crowd. I mean the average Joe or Jane American who goes to work each day, flips on the 30 minute news spot and feels that's enough of the world for them for the day. Some people have an eclectic mix of Entertainment news; so they know how to look, how to act, who to talk about because they wouldn't be able to relate to each other without their entertainment.

I suppose I've had a little too much organizing experience; and I’m addicted to it. Yes, the grassroots organizer style of "talk to everyone and learn from everyone". Who's really doing what, what their ideas are and what's really going on in our local towns and at a National level? And 'Whew!' is it ever time consuming. It's the unpaid information system of how people interact. Let's face it. It's the only independent news flow that goes unimpeded by commercial advertising. My reality is that, when I click on my Yahoo or MSN news and see a photo of a woman bearing body buffers and bling... I just groan. Those photos aren't the reality that makes the world go round' like it used to. Nor is it attractive. There are so many beautiful people in the world. Why doesn't everyone attractive get paid for a commercial photo as an extension of the "seeking a perfect mate online".

So, I'm addicted to organizing; talking to people in towns over the past 4 years... hearing travel stories, hearing about homeland bouts and how it's affected the Dating scene. It is far more interesting in the Big picture. America's gotten to big and people, like kids on Christmas, expect too much for the long haul. Like a golden apple that will never tarnish, the American Ideal is an illusory device that people keep pursuing. Yeah, it drives the economy and gives each of us more options than rubbing a couple of twigs together to tempt our taste buds for a tribe braised meal.
However, what is really going on out there? Does anyone know?

My green party stance that I adopted due to a lack of actual bio-regional behavior in politics makes me applaud the latest terrorist news from our Mr. President... George Bush. News on: Hardcore Interrogation of potential terrorist threat.