Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Japan Defense Minister & North Korea

A few hours ago the American style campaigner, Defense Minister Tomomi  Inada resigned from her position.
The impending crisis of North Korean Nukes and ICBM's looms over Japan. Despite new North Korea sanctions from USA & Japan the use of North Korean underground nukes may be ongoing. There is concern that North Korea is  hypothetically approaching Hiroshima 15 kiloton size in nuclear weapons designed yield. If the yield estimates are actual and in possession by North Korea they are 1/3 of the way to a Hiroshima size warhead.
And, on the off chance North Korea is superior with nuclear missile rocket telemetry in conjunction with a magnified solar climate, the design yield of those smaller nukes may be magnified. That means a nuclear warhead of only 7.5kiloton design yield would be needed to create a 21st century Hiroshima sized catastrophe, that killed over 180,000 Japanese civilians.

However, beyond scalar weaponry:- it seems to be a scientist's fantasy that North Korea may be capable of using Nuclear weapons & sun, bomb, earth dynamic telemetry to embattle USA's secretive tectonic weaponry.

This writer proposes that some EMP capable ally disable North Korean nuclear progress if there is a way to spare Japan another nuclear winter.

Info derived from English & USA news reports and interviews.

Friday, May 05, 2017

Will the U.N. Expire the Japan-Usa security agreement?

North Korea's missile antics should raise a question that most USA news channels are not discussing. It seems that 1950's The Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan 日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約.  Or also known as Japan-US  Security Treaty can be  by the United Nations in Order to maintain peace within the Asia region. see screenshot photo of Article 4

Photo from

Monday, June 27, 2016

Yakuza? Hawaii Syndicate? hacked my news feed -

So, I just watched a video about North Korean Missile  that said it was by Bloomberg;- the commentator/ newsanchor said., "Japan is a U.S. Territory." then it was followed by "the USA is entitled to rape women and beat up Japanese."  Was speaking with an official from Hong Kong.

It  may be the location I am at;- Coffee Gallery. As, last time I was here a white woman harassed me because i laughed.

Monday, May 02, 2016

If Russia were to invade NoKo

North Korea is annoying. It would be interesting to see Russia invade North Korea and babysit Kim as a North Korean Leader & Government in Exile to Siberia. Giving Tibet's governement officials a new home in the North Korean capital might stir China's brevety, but it might add some balance to the tumultuous Asian mini-nation. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Nukes ICbM's Mercury Retrograde & North Korea

For those of us who are in awe of North Korea's show of nuclear infancy;- remember it is Mercury retrograde. Anything can go extra wrong!  Who knows where the Missiles would land. Or, if they would explode in North Korean territory.

Update: Failed North Korean Missile Launch Friday April 15, 2016

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

USA bad for Asian-Americans 1st generation

I think the propaganda aimed at the USA is meant to play on grandiose bigotry that Donald Trump is showing the world. The volatility of USA international relations due to racism/nationalism. The ability to shut down trade routes and business dealings by using  USA citizens to attack Asians within USA borders. 
Most majority groups other than Asian have no interest in allowing those in the USA born USA citizens ground to stand on;- this will force Asia to bow to the USA  to maintain non-military trade. 

Japan, USA, North Korea, China

I made a jest that I could walk around Asia with a t-shirt saying "Americans deserve Nothing." 
Japan's warship is claimed "it isn't enough." 
Problem: despite leaders of Asian countries & UN posing sanctions against North Korea;- NoKo's leader Kim Jong-in is promoting actions that have popularity and are embraced by Asia people's sentiment of the USA . 
Japan still chooses to host and participate with the USA inside its borders. This makes Japan an easier target for All Asian nations, despite all the nuclear reactors. 

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

2016 Presidential Campaigns are for WW3

Today I received a Honolulu, HI Hillary Clinton Office call from a 69 year old woman named Caroline. The call was asking me to do some phone banking 4:30pm-8pm Hawaii Time from the Business district/ Chinatown office.

After spending the morning trying to clear my energy in meditation, I've come to realize that this 2016 Presidential Election is not about the Trade Deals &  It is not about popularity or women's issues or American Jobs.

This 2016 Election is about which candidate will be the BEST equipped American President to perform through WW3.  

Monday, February 11, 2008

Reasons to Hate Everyone

I love you I love you mwah mewah mwah xoxoxo

I've gotten so sick of hearing the tired war comments of reasons why people hate me because i'm direct descent of an Imperial Japanese family... here is a list (to be updated) that I should hate everyone around me...

1. Americans because they Dropped Nuclear bombs on Japan and have affected my health for the rest of my life.

2. Russians for putting my Japanese uncle in Siberian prison camp where he was 1% of total survivors of 1200 Japanese.

2. Koreans for constantly antagonizing, stalking, and harassing me on the East Coast (not to mention war problems with Japan and U.S. --- my great uncle Jo was a tank commander in the Korean war).

3. Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor (my great uncle eddie was in the Navy and at Pearl harbor at that time... he makes an effort to be civil with my Japanese mother)

4. Chinese... for nearly breaking my arm when I visited a Jook Lum studio in Philly's China town with a musical colleague who does his Praying Mantis style there.

5. American particularly white men (see note*) for always taking from me and never outrightly helping me. They always take more money and time from me than I can afford... and then not to mention the humiliation of the fact that they then do nothing to help and everything to see my demise.
note*: I'm not speaking of the run of the mill beer drinker... I mean more like the political affectors & large entrepreneurial personalities.

Enough for now before I create a list of high-end names that have adversely impacted my life here in the States not including my calls to the ATF,, Homeland Security, etc. etc. . And then i'm expected to live like a normal person.... so I ask... with what besides my arse?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Past midnight thoughts

Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves
President Bush said Wednesday the United States would stop
North Korea from transferring nuclear weapons to
Iran or al-Qaida and that the communist regime would then face "a grave consequence."
Web reference: AP article on Yahoo! News, Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves

This article headline seems quite difficult to pull of. It is known that there is al-Qaida presence in China as well as other parts of Asia. It seems to me that there woul most likely need to be a hand-off of missiles and weapons from N. Korea, to China, and through. Many people in China have behavior much like Americans. That being "need to make money, will do whatever they can get away with". So, how in the world does the U.S. plan to punish anyone. It seems that U.S. presence in Vladivostok is necessary to some extent for monitoring purposes. Since the U.S. was forced out of China there is less monitoring that can be verified by U.S. sources. China and Guangzhou, China are still creating affordable assault planes that are up for sale.
It is difficult to understand how the U.S. plans to implement any form of punishment on North Korean war-like actions without bombing the crap out of them.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

N. Korea going for the Jugular

go for the jugular to make an attack that is intended to be highly destructive and conclusive (informal)
Website Reference:

An Ear in the Russian Maritime area near Vladivostock died this morning. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Rasa Theory like Buddhist approach may not save him or his peaceful motivations. "Aesthetic is secondary to whatever public sentiment is." from Buddhism in Performance. There is some major crap happening in too many segments of Japanese conventional functioning. How in the world is Shimokitazawa going to become a clear path in time for any Impending Nuclear Missile attack? Tokyo has a population of 12 million, without a major straight roadway designed through it. Evacuation seems difficult. Though, most of the Japanese cities built after the war are designed for major ordeals.
To be updated: 3:19AM EST.

China, India, North Korea, Japan, Missiles

It's just my opinion; I think that North Korea is going for the ears first; creating a racket and driving everyone crazy with paranoia. Then, they'll drive it down the jugular like a pressure hold or a gun pointed to the throat. I don't know where this will leave Japan; or, if N. Korea is the tool of China to push the pressure at Japan and then make them move. China's already made motions to cut off shipments and manufacturing of Japanese goods and food supplies. Most of Japan's food is imported from China, Australia, and other nearby nations.

The North.Korean ships that are being checked are another major concern for weapons and military movement. This is in addition to the checks that the Chinese military have upped on the N. Korean vessels. see article: Australia to ban N. Korean Ships

I understand that the Oil that was found and negotiated a little over 1 year ago is of major value to China; and they really don't want to be giving anything to Japan. And, that includes chopsticks. If the Chinese adopted Japanese chopstick styles, there would be more than enough bamboo to go around.

Additionally, India's close ties with china and their aggressive business presence may compromise any U.S. negotiations with current U.S. public opinion. Many people in the U.S.A. are extremely upset with the number of jobs leaving the U.S. for places like India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka in the tech sector for outsourcing. Cutting off our ears first, indeed.

Attack on Sri Lanka military convoy kills 92

'Threat to the peace process'
The attack comes as a Japanese envoy held talks with the Sri Lankan president Monday amid intensified diplomatic efforts to strengthen the peace process between the government and rebels ahead of scheduled talks between the two sides later this month in Switzerland.

Website reference: MSN news;

Another quotation from CNN World

The surge in violence comes as Sri Lanka faces increasing international pressure to return to the negotiating table.

Japanese peace envoy Yasushi Akashi was scheduled to hold talks with rebel leaders in the north Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.

Website reference: Cnn article "Deadly attack at Sri Lanka port
POSTED: 9:27 p.m. EDT, October 18, 2006"

I think that the release of the 24 million USD to Korea is a good move on part of the U.S. In theory, it should take some of the pressure off of the Nuclear threat.The bad part is that the Missiles seemingly exist. And, the money can be used to further fuel their troops. Humanitarian aid is essential to North Korea's survival. North Korea would be smart to invest that money in the Japanese economy. Investment isn't just a gift, it is a lifeline for those who are intelligent enough to make due with what they have. See below...

India, keen to present itself as a responsible nuclear power with a democratic polity, is worried that North Korea's move might scupper a civilian nuclear deal with the United States that was signed last year.

The agreement has been stalled in the U.S. Congress, which has to give its approval before President George W. Bush can sign it into law.

website reference: Reuters: India "India says North Korea test poses threat beyond Asia Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:00 PM IST163"

U.S. to Defend Japan

click on title for article
There is some positive news for Condoleezza Rice announcing today that the U.S. is ready to protect Japan from a Nuclear attack/ arms race developing in Asia. That the New Prime Minister Abe is totally advocating for a peaceful Japan, and to develop Japan as a global conference center for commerce.

More on a personal note; I am thankful to hear news like this. The majority of my family is in Japan; and N. JAPAN in particular. Places like Akita-ken where my Grandmother lives are directly across the Sea of Japan from North Korea. Though the Northern part of Japan has less population than the lower southern areas of Japan; if the northern parts become occupied by Koreans or Russians, then there will surely be more of an internal battle. Though, with heavy winter weather...haha... yeah it would be more like a Valley Forge military story. Not trying to make light of the situation; however the Kuril islands are still in dispute. There are old Navy military compounds that are still existing in those areas.

One of my Great Uncle' was a political prisoner in Sibera and told me stories about how they had to survive siberian prison camp. News about North Korea puts me on edge, like an impending huge hurricane or 7.0 earthquake. Once things change, it is very difficult to restore anything to a normal state.

The news about North Korea also bothers me due to the newly found oil territories in the Sea between Japan and China. Last year in July, Koizumi, prevented the onset of a war with China over the oil reserves. If North Korea has any goals to move forward and create an economy for themselves, they will most likey instigate further attacks on Japan. China will be the big sleepy giant in this battle. I would hope that the new P.M. Abe can keep North Korea cooled off