Showing posts with label Nukes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nukes. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017


My life is endangered now. Hawaii State & Federal have attempted to force me to prostitution to the Hawaiian & Asian criminal gangs. They know that I'm the USA niece of Yoshitomo Takenaka a retired Executive of the Takenaka Corporation.
My ex USAF OSI father & his friend and neighbor Lee Clymer and Quakertown & Richlandtown Police Department and Craig Landis conspired to take action against my life as well.
PLEASE, I NEED HELP!!!! I feel I will sincerely loose my life very soon
I do not have a home in Hawaii. I am on Oahu. My address is the Post Office since it was for safety.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Japan Defense Minister & North Korea

A few hours ago the American style campaigner, Defense Minister Tomomi  Inada resigned from her position.
The impending crisis of North Korean Nukes and ICBM's looms over Japan. Despite new North Korea sanctions from USA & Japan the use of North Korean underground nukes may be ongoing. There is concern that North Korea is  hypothetically approaching Hiroshima 15 kiloton size in nuclear weapons designed yield. If the yield estimates are actual and in possession by North Korea they are 1/3 of the way to a Hiroshima size warhead.
And, on the off chance North Korea is superior with nuclear missile rocket telemetry in conjunction with a magnified solar climate, the design yield of those smaller nukes may be magnified. That means a nuclear warhead of only 7.5kiloton design yield would be needed to create a 21st century Hiroshima sized catastrophe, that killed over 180,000 Japanese civilians.

However, beyond scalar weaponry:- it seems to be a scientist's fantasy that North Korea may be capable of using Nuclear weapons & sun, bomb, earth dynamic telemetry to embattle USA's secretive tectonic weaponry.

This writer proposes that some EMP capable ally disable North Korean nuclear progress if there is a way to spare Japan another nuclear winter.

Info derived from English & USA news reports and interviews.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Another death threat --ugh

They are saying that even African-Americans are planning to kill Japanese because they feel it would benefit Korea.
I have the send that whether these are people from within DOD or outsiders who do illegal business with Korean or Vietnamese  gangs;- that it is a death threat that has been directed towards me over the past 2.5weeks since the Trump win especially.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Past midnight thoughts

Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves
President Bush said Wednesday the United States would stop
North Korea from transferring nuclear weapons to
Iran or al-Qaida and that the communist regime would then face "a grave consequence."
Web reference: AP article on Yahoo! News, Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves

This article headline seems quite difficult to pull of. It is known that there is al-Qaida presence in China as well as other parts of Asia. It seems to me that there woul most likely need to be a hand-off of missiles and weapons from N. Korea, to China, and through. Many people in China have behavior much like Americans. That being "need to make money, will do whatever they can get away with". So, how in the world does the U.S. plan to punish anyone. It seems that U.S. presence in Vladivostok is necessary to some extent for monitoring purposes. Since the U.S. was forced out of China there is less monitoring that can be verified by U.S. sources. China and Guangzhou, China are still creating affordable assault planes that are up for sale.
It is difficult to understand how the U.S. plans to implement any form of punishment on North Korean war-like actions without bombing the crap out of them.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

N. Korea going for the Jugular

go for the jugular to make an attack that is intended to be highly destructive and conclusive (informal)
Website Reference:

An Ear in the Russian Maritime area near Vladivostock died this morning. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Rasa Theory like Buddhist approach may not save him or his peaceful motivations. "Aesthetic is secondary to whatever public sentiment is." from Buddhism in Performance. There is some major crap happening in too many segments of Japanese conventional functioning. How in the world is Shimokitazawa going to become a clear path in time for any Impending Nuclear Missile attack? Tokyo has a population of 12 million, without a major straight roadway designed through it. Evacuation seems difficult. Though, most of the Japanese cities built after the war are designed for major ordeals.
To be updated: 3:19AM EST.