Showing posts with label Kikuchi菊地・竹若、さか. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kikuchi菊地・竹若、さか. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Chrysanthemums in Asia are important symbols

For those new to Asia:
Kikuchi as kiku-chi is a beautiful Ancient Asian name that means Chrysanthemum land 菊地 or Chrysanthemum pond 菊池 . The former being less common than the latter.
There are many kanji,  Chinese Asian alphabet, where Asian writings have a different meaning. Chrysanthemums are common imperial imagery in Japan & China. Phonetically Kikuchi sounds similar, though Europeans & Americans do not pronounce things correctly. So they think we are all related, which is not the case ;-
Some are
kiku = 菊chrysanthemum
Chi =池  pond kanji
Chi = 地 land kanji
Chi in both cases have similar looking kanji. However the radical for land looks like a cross. The radical for pond is three horizontal lines instead of the vertical lines for river. Each radical is placed next to the symbol for Earth that resembles a plow.
It also designated land warriors vs. water warriors in the old imperial security houses, before modernization.

Though Kikuchi 気 口 as in Ki-kuchi
Ki= 気 spirit
Kuchi = 口mouth or opening
As one way Europeans & Americans  intend to defile the ancient Buddhist or Imperial family lineage. Many Americans defile my heritage by using saying Ki-kuchi as a request for prostitution services also USA eng. Slang "Kuchi" means or Pussy/ Vagina or suck dick.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

My thoughts today about Hawaii

Hawaii local & govt employees and others have become annoying as I hear them discuss what they are going to do with my life. Just like tsa & federal employees blacklisted me and stole my phone equipment claiming that I'm not white so my belongings aren't mine since I have a Caucasian name. And because they wanted to classify me as a terrorist per my father ex USAF Osi warrant officer to create slow kill and international incident.
They have harassed and terrorized me throughout my life. Hawaii State is no exception as many Asian-Americans and Japan haters attack me, gang stalk me, and add to the already hateful USA govt and military behaviors aimed at destroying me due to my Japanese national heritage from Japanese politics and infrastructure. The USA wants another Hiroshima & Nagasaki the way they act & reparations were insincere.

Thursday, August 31, 2017


My life is endangered now. Hawaii State & Federal have attempted to force me to prostitution to the Hawaiian & Asian criminal gangs. They know that I'm the USA niece of Yoshitomo Takenaka a retired Executive of the Takenaka Corporation.
My ex USAF OSI father & his friend and neighbor Lee Clymer and Quakertown & Richlandtown Police Department and Craig Landis conspired to take action against my life as well.
PLEASE, I NEED HELP!!!! I feel I will sincerely loose my life very soon
I do not have a home in Hawaii. I am on Oahu. My address is the Post Office since it was for safety.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

My Akashic Record of Violence

I'm still deciding on a title, for my "book".

(My) Akashic Record of Violence
Once, I shared an MK Ultra peace pipe with someone I "summoned" as I was told near g6.
I spent an afternoon at the beach opening the Akashic Records of that area
through the coded light. I sat on my beach towel I witnessed many atrocious acts of humanity that occurred in that area. I was raised MK Ultra Stargate. I have abilities to access particular knowledge about humanity, past and present. With or without human hardware devices.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Hunting for Manchurian Candidates by Stargate

I was frequently going to do mat sessions at a place in Honolulu. The mat that i used
was set to computer generated Schumann Frequency also known as Earth frequency.
And, I preferred the older version to the newer one for some time until I developed
sensitivity to the electric current itself.
So, one day at this place there are 2 mats for use. I was on one. Another older woman, with white hair was on the other. I was in some meditative state and when I returned back, I brought back that
there was an image of a beetle like scarab, overtop of another design some curved geometrical shape and in orange, red, golds. There are NO BUTTERFLIES !!!
I talked to the mat technician about this vivid image and it was simply blown off as probably something from someone else. So, my best guess is that the much older generation than me in their 60's has more of the original manchurian candidate programming. And, that somehow this image is connected to it.
I think people forget I'm Stargate. So, even my handlers get stupid because they forgot I can mindread them. After all, that is part of my program and part of how I developed "defiance disorder".

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Growing up Japanese Dual national USA 1980's

One of the issues that I had being programmed, well several issues. The main one was that I had to endure daily ritual abuse of some sort. It included being put into speech therapy and forced to stop being bi-lingual in Japanese ( despite being born a Japanese national). They don't torture people this way even at Guantanamo. It was complete community abuse directed at me 24/7. My father, my school teachers, other students especially were given instructions by their parents to physically hurt me during school... This made me suicidal by age 10. It was a crux.

It was the crux of me justifying staying alive because my brother, he was at least very happy most of the time and knew I would take blame for him. The other thing I came to decide was that;- if I used my time how I wanted or whether I did what they said, I would still be tortured. and, like other intelligent kids being abused elsewhere (I learned later in life) looking for a breathing room, just a small space to survive, I began to fail at things. The blatant failures took out the expectations. The normally high performance only encouraged them to dish out more torture to push me a step beyond and above that top end. It was "defiance disorder" in a sense in the Program. I let them win. They tortured me every day regardless of my consistant "good" behaviors. In order to live (quite literally stay alive) I had to stop trying to compete with everyone. I learned they all sucked. They were all quite rotten. Not one of them had an ounce of compassion. That the friends were "fake" and they played the side to push me to an abusive trap with other schoolmates. This was the lesson my brother learned and pages for dearly as the abuse stacked up. We had no relatives who loved us in the USA. Just our parents. I did chores for my dad's relatives and was rewarded with $5-$30 (even for birthdays) or a Klondike bar. I never had a big Christmas. We spent most of our holidays with our neighbors instead of our relatives.

Monday, July 17, 2017

EX-IM Dating in Hawaii & Hidden 4th Reich

My past 7 years in the Hawaiian islands seems futile. The dating scene that I thought would be more "accepting and understanding of my Japanese culture was not at all what I thought I would run into. The men, even though educated and professional behave as if every facet of interactions with me as well as other  Asian women are some sex vacation. They have been trying to diminish the credibility I had for the first 35years of my life as a Classical piano instructor and EX-IM raised representative for shipping and expediting a peaceable and GUN FREE political agenda. That includes a Navy Seal Trainer, A Navy Nuclear engineer, Some Army Rangers and others who may not be on military payroll but have the clearance potentials for Export- Import.
It's no wonder years ago in my late 20's, in a dark corner of Chinatown in Philadelphia, I met with a Supreme Court Attorney over some of the best vegan Chinese food on the planet. It's no wonder he said to me, "you know, they treat you worse than a prostitute." In hindsight, he meant that to the Core. 
Many of my dating decisions stem from my diet and intense allergic reaction to shellfish & seafood.
The past 7 years I have had to eliminate those who are livid fishers and Hawaiian poke salad eaters. Even some contamination from a kiss or handshake makes me break out in an allergic rash of hives. Latest to decide from;- a Psychiatrist I dated last summer. Complete arsehole. We are talking about a man who texted that if he has a girlfriend he shouldn't have to "pay for her." He never mentioned going dutch on a date. Then again, his idea of dating is movie at his home and a visit to his boudoir.
No invitation to go out in public with him, even when I've mentioned it. No offering to fill up my gas tank even after I visited him more than a few times, a trip way out of the way since he moved from the City. No dinner dates, except 1x out and 2nd time from a food truck. This Caucasian who proclaimed ancestry from the 3rd Reich in the past month, as if I had the entire Nazi database of names in front of me and neglected him as 4th Reich. Apparently, my Mind Kontrol psy ops Stargate protocol missed his silent 4th Reich screams shouting at me . Something on a vibe occured to me on a visit that the Tibetan tanka hanging were not sincere despite his practice. And, he had become vehemently angry and hurt with eyes welling up with tears, when I shared a little about my family's past in Japan being connected to Buddha.

He is definately a disconcerting psychiatrist in this Hawaiian community that is populated with centuries old mixed-race families before the USA took over the political boundary. He's someone's Psychiatrist?! Basically, it seems that he doesn't want to pay for a prostitute and is eeeking out for the Japanese woman in me to feel bad for him on American soil. You know the saying goes, we Japanese women feel bad for the guy for not getting laid. Except that's on Japanese soil. This guy, is recently near the top of the waste pile of white men I've "dated" over the past 24 years of my life.
It's no wonder years ago in a dark corner of Chinatown in Philadelphia, I met with a Supreme Court Attorney over some of the best vegan Chinese food on the planet. It's no wonder he said to me, "you know, they treat you worse than a prostitute."

So, at a crucial point in my female life, the men surrounding me have taken a severe nose-dive in manhood. Not that any of my previous boyfriends, dates, and friends gained much of any approval from my Japanese mother. I know she had hoped for an engagement proposal over my same Alma Mater boyfriend of several years. He helped curbed my tendency to completely self-destruct under the tremendous racism I experienced during my undergrad years.  And, a good percentage graduated with Ivy League degrees or were adept in Computer technology. Aside from the broke College & university student phase where I had very stable and years long relationships. The adult field has  been full of unattractive and completely white options, I mean vehemently vomitous to my being. The Caucasian opinon, It's only comparable to being force fed and killed for fois gras.

I didn't realize that most white men do expect Asian women are prostitutes with a tremendous wealth of money or what they call a walking ATM machine, sex bot already assumed. They stole and pilfered what they could from me. Many of the African-American men just exist to serve their communities and can look easily down on Asian women as sex slaves. They simply see people like me as a revenue flow for even a short time. Being short sighted, they don't care to So, then sorting through the qualified, degreed, and professional men is like a trip to the luxury store in itself. They feel they add credibility to their prostitutes. It's no wonder my time in Hawaii has been very lonely and my EX-IM project took a nosedive. Because of all of these negative interactions, where I try to maintain a positive legal standing that will still be valid for EX-IM world;- there is no financial remedy for the damages I've already sustained. And, there is no court that can award me for my lost time, emotional hurt, and virtually ruined career that I worked so hard on for over 35years.

I had tried seeing some Officer(s) who at least offered to assist me with protection and a safe place to live.  Definitely more secure buildings. However, once on approach to the front door, a man approached me and reminded me of the 4th Reich and Confederates who retain order as Officers & legals. And, for posterity sake, for public relations with ASEAN(JP participatory) & APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), I should stay away.

So, it leaves me with very few viable Ex-IM family inclusion to even attempt to date or engage in some relationship in the Islands. I suppose, at some point "Love" just passed by for the EX-IM project. I can't bring anyone into this business community who is going to cause more upset over their trivial and pitied attitudes, political or not. My ex-partner, who I was with for 9 years, was at least a good teammate for working to build a company. We worked together to build a company for most of that 9 years, inseparable for up to 20 hrs. a day. Except, he was oblivious to my international family for almost the entire time. His friends who have much substantial credibility in the Global and American markets became aware after a high level background check was done on me, as what they called "Riff Raff".  After the security check, they insisted that I be included in most of their get togethers. Still, frustrating to overcome on my own financially;- since he used my money to cover things. I was disallowed from paying my own bills for many years;- as in non-payment. Clinton boys aside;- they didn't help. He didn't help me financially.

The Republicans, allowed me to work and regain some financial credibility, amidst the painful racism and insults. But, it quickly fell apart after 9-11 and they killed my brother (in a manner of speaking).
So, I've survived in Hawaii away from the immediate Bucks County, Pennsylvania White Supremacy and Republicans. However, the Obama crowd I encountered again, pimped me at a Hawaii strip club as a dancer and took the earned cash money at Hawaii Clubs that I needed to live even (DL) down low, so to speak.  It also opened the doors to further personal security issues for me. It also pissed off the international business community that came to "check up on me" when their security and the Japanese military saw (as recent as February 2017) what the United States has forced on me in order to survive. That is, as Niece to a founding family member of the 5th largest construction firm on the planet.

Most USA readers will now smile and think, oh, you're family has enough to bail you out. Au Contra ire readers. My Japanese family expected the USA to do its part for this portion of EX-IM. There is no living off of foreign funds for me, and for the Lawyers who want involved in the monies. They already saw my brother run off the road literally go through 12 vehicles in Bucks-County.  He was on car 10 or 11 before he brought me in on his personal campaign against the White supremacists, possible 4th Reich & Rosacrucians, of our neighborhood and Bucks-County.  Japan saw the 100K legal fees stack up as American citizens took actions against us.  Hawaii's American-Asian population has proven no different as the games have stacked up to bury me alive. They have demonstrated that they are acting to prove their patriotism to USA by harming me and allowing known Asian criminal factions to launder funds to Hawaii State. Conditionally, I will loose my very life soon. Especially due to the bio-toxins that Hawaii State allows to free float and grow profusely. Contaminated homes for rent. I'm not looking at any type of winning situation in the USA currently. And, I can't get lost like so many people have said to my face from the 1% communities in the USA. Other options come with serious international implications, so I'm not chasing USA money families at all. I've been looking for something more viable for me. I'm nearly out of time.

Because I was born on the USA side, they completely ignore my Japanese national origins and large infrastructure family. They, those who are involved in Hawaii business & politics, intended to harm me over the past 7 years. And the financial abuse for over 20 years, if you discount my Father's actions against my future that occurred when I was in 8th grade, and prior to his Declassification in 2001.

 So, at some point, I believe I will be looking outside the USA nationals for a potential husband, as awkward as that seems. However, fighting with the Reich and the White Supremacists among other battles has caused me a great depression. I could talk for hours about the hypocrisy that exists here in the USA. I feel I've done my best to shed light on this volatile relationship the USA has with Asia over 15years. I also did this as I saw my mother relay lies to Japan. Maybe it kept things naive for a while, some decades till I had this medium to communicate to the world about my own experiences.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

T.I. technology basics survival

July 13, 2017
Cypress Shaman

Hey good morning
I'm doing my breakfast now, still here at Green World.
I did this, this morning. I'm a trained organizer and so I have gone through all
sorts of things. Anyway I posted the picture of that on my Twitter @imperial News J.
And so, I wanted to talk about this a bit, was the
online and technologies.
see how fast I can get through here so the purpose of
used and the online anything online
obviously things of interest forums like
I belong to a half Japanese forum
I was targeted with a bunch of other half Japanese on the forum.
(I think  'which was worse of the two because obviously Hawaii has
problems, okay, so yeah, they targeted me.')
The contact through YouTube by dropping a message I didn't even know
about the forum so they, you know, tried to
bring up my interest and I had exclusively stuck to a half Japanese forum
where there were other people like me who are multinational born, dual national
born Japanese. I'm not too exploratory anymore with meeting people online that way.
Those networks were prone to social media hacker's, you know, of the kind that are known.
There's this one guy, his names AI, I won't say his full name but A.I. are his actual initials.
He is based out of Helsinki, Finland so he was going around hacking.
They keep I just got to the point where I became friendly towards
the hackers because they communicate with me. So, they're obviously trying to get attention
and so everything got hacked...into my email, for more of my personal info.
Old School is the untraceable re mailer back in 2000.
I was being stalked and we couldn't trace the email at all, but they were sending harassing
photos and I was in Florida at that point. And, they were sending photos of Hawaiian women in movies and hotel rooms
looking really messed up. Anyway, I hadn't even been to Hawaii at that point so, unless that was something to do it
back then Breed Industries, I don't know what would have come from so newer is the E/M weapon
so I heard reports from different people who are also Japanese
but their cars got hit with a EM
their cars got hit with an electromagnetic energy supposedly from a solar flare. But, I think if the solar flare hit the entire garage
and your cars in a covered garage, somebody probably walked through there with an e/M weapon
So that you would have to go back to the dealership. Obviously that gets really expensive. My car personally is older. I haven't  hadthat issue
with the computer in it yet, yet but for the newer models where they're very computer reliant and software reliant, it is entirely possible for them to
completely disable the vehicle. i mean completely like you're not driving it anywhere so that is a concern. It has happened in Hawaii. Um most of something I thought I'd throw in there.
 stuffs mine. It's what I've been around but the car thing is something I thought I'd throw in there.

Hack the unshakable phones proprietal phone and clouds I tried using those networks.
I missed meetings, they locked me out of my email repeatedly, obviously different screens popping up
gathering my password information. No phone calls and things. Obviously that has to do with my emotional well being, my phone calls I got like five phone calls (in a year)
and I used to like talk to tons of people anyway, and I really isolated from that also for my safety the delay in text messages was a huge
problem even in the parking lot. The longest delay I had on text messages was about an hour or so and mascara and they wanted me to wind up at in this case in
Hawaii back at the mall because that's where the store is to service those phones. So, each time I had to physically drive to that location
obvious in the coffee shop. Free Wi-Fi and stuff they can cut the Wi-Fi also to our cellular
they've done that to me, they all can also make it static and interfere with phone calls so,
whether its the unmarked police cars in Honolulu, they're supposed to carry blue lights on them,
yeah it's hard to track and they can push you into a gray area that has 2 problems with the
gray area or not problems, but you're vulnerable right,
and you can't call 9 1 1 (emergency number) but at the same time if you know somebody around or it can find some safety
they wont be able to find you too quickly so, before you head to gray area
if you have a contact let them know you're going there and maybe
 you have a safe spot or something
but if you're afraid people you know are being infiltrated, so to speak, and uh, you know;- trust yourself
and your skills ground game... the perp service is that service provider. I learned this one the hard way in Doylestown while I was working for a Verizon service provider. They hired me
to get my personal information meaning, my social security everything okay. Everything and then they also followed me home and I was an employee for a very brief period. But they
can also send out the same type of people who caused issues for me in the company to your home. So I mean; I was followed by a guy off duty with his Confederate flag on his bike. Right, doesn't
belong at my place, doesn't belong harassing my mother who was outside.

The perp sends, this is a recent story in Hawaii (past month June/July 2017), a perp = a man or woman
to drug you gain access to all phone and financial data so um,
I heard us, I personally have felt that my well being has been compromised in the past two weeks, and I heard another story from somebody else and 
his case was a woman. My case is a man I was introduced to. I'm not completely trustworthy or not some super paranoid but hey, if I'm passed out for 24 hours and see pink and purple
before I pass out, that's not a good sign.
They basically get through your phone, get through all your contacts
can get to a credit card financial data keys to everything everything you have with you.
they have access to, so we all know it's really hard to, you know have a biometric lock on
your vehicle. But if you can if you can do the biometric lock ...
I've opted for the old school way. My car's old it's almost twenty years old now. But, if you're new school and you have the biometric locks just remember that
EM weapons can be used on your vehicle so you can't get in.
-3- And, I did that little tiny thing on the vehicle.-
But getting you stranded in an area and then having somebody, just conveniently (you know) appearing is part of their goals. So anyway, spyware at public networks and all that basic basic basic stuff for grandma, grandpa. So that that's it.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Introduction - My beliefs

Hi. I'm at the Cypress Shaman on You Tube and @ImperialNewsJ on Twitter
as well as Sprout Fuel from my blog, you can look up different things by Keywords
I've been blogging for a while and
Most of its been random notes on my TI (Targeted Individual) incidents for 15 years as
well as how things were done. I know I need to go back through and clean it up some, but I am
Cypress Shaman or Intergalctic Shaman or Rogue Galactic Shaman (RGS).
Supposedly was Stargate (MK) program. My Father being US Air Force OSI. My mom's family
I have an aunt and uncle who were in the Japanese steel industry also military
)JP_ family in some sense we were supposed to be here to promote a Peaceful understanding of each other
since there was not much representation for Japanese culture on the East Coast (USA). So, I am Japanese also, and I speak
English, so hopefully you can understand me and we can communicate.
Also, Shaman is a Siberian term. I am Mixed-Race. I've had mixed race blood which is part of why I was targeted for MK Ultra. My initials are A.M>K.
But, I have that Siberian blood, and Chinese Blood, along with Japanese Ainu
. A few Asian Tribes and my Japanese blood plus, some other mixes in there
 that put me into the category of a new species.
So, I'm trying to use that as culturally appropriate as I can even though I feel the United States has tried to contort
what was a Spiritual tradition. But, today I'm just going to go through
some of what I've been studying and formulating for myself over many years.
I believe that HAARP is an electromagnetic sin against Heaven and
that our adaptability is what defers the negative impacts of stress.
Adaptability adds to mental stability, and it's adaptability prevents the accident
and illness.
It's important to reinforce Life Force also known as the electromagnetic biorhythm that is from heart and mind.
For other cultures and many traditions of Humans who have previously walked the planet and
spiritual traditions there has been time to meditate and focus on the life force
part of that they talk about the researchers in the United States. The English Language discusses life Force in the heart
mind connection as a shut off, as if we are
 mechanism. I thing that if you study Animal welfare philosophy, you'll find that many people have argued away from the
body being a mechanism and that we are not robots.
There is a state of mind. There is a sense of will, a sense of individuality.
Maybe principality, like how to coordinate efforts on the planet are different. But, this heart and mind
focus a meditation. It's not a shut off of the senses. It is a focus on those things that drive the senses.
Just trust in simply being the state of being itself. Being in existence for the immediate
environment. So, taking time to take in the sounds of where you are, the wind, the direction the energy in completeness;- with eyes shut, with eyes open;- is
Just to trust in simply being in and of itself.
Our sound perception in these physical forms goes to high frequency and many people are
complaining about this phenomenon called HAARP on the planet. Predatory animals and animals with acute and sensitive hearing are
able to sleep. There are some spiritual advocates saying that humans can't sleep with high frequency.
Part of that (issue) is the adaptability. It is possible to level up sleep tolerance and accept that it is possible. I myself had hyperacusis. It was
what they reclassified "Super Hearing", meaning- I would perceive and I did perceive high -frequency sound waves
at 50% greater decibel levels than normal, normal people. So, when i took a shower, i could hear the water droplets breaking and it sounded like breaking glass, but in a different pattern. So, I had to learn
how to live in the environment and after reading a very long long, back in 1996, very long publication about HAARP going up
Back then in 1996 I was reading Popular Science and things as well. 1996,1999 came out.
But I was considered sound disabled hearing disabled. I'm just telling people that it is possible even
with electromagnetic interference and weapons that they have. It is possible to sleep, to put the mind at rest
and that sight perception goes up to Approximately 700 colors that have been documented so far. I know my father is
one of those people who can see very slight, the most minuscule shade gradations
so, this sight perception can improve as well, and I personally don't believe all psyche perception
is coming from the Ocular, eyes. I believe that the mind can perceive at a microscopic level. I would love to know how I could prove them wrong, that it's not impossible to see at a microscopic level
something: some creatures, some germs, microscopic life forms.

So, dynamic existence, I also believe the entire universe is moving as a molecular and atomic puzzle. In the study of giving light photon travel speed is 186,000 (186,282) 282 Miles per second that the quality of light itself is fixed and
That these two interactions trigger Super Force and light particles. So to me
me,  material existence is a type of dynamic existence that has slowed and freezes. Some religious traditions are calling it
hardening - so that things become hard in your body. Those things you can't find ex-rayed or with a magnetic detector or something.
So there has to be some explanation for those things.

Slows and freezes the frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth. It slows and excuse me, slows  and freezes the frequency of perceptible bandwidth.
 So, I've always been into, down with it's just very hard for me to d
discuss with anybody since most people and I don't like mentioning names;-
but, I found Max Spiers super interesting because I was like YES, somebody knows what I like, I know what I thin on some levels on the bandwidth is one of them. Especially since I have so many
Genetic markers to use. It's always been understood in my life, since I was a child, that I have all these bandwidths to access. I have so many human genetic Bandwidths to access even through I may be New Species.

So, this idea of dynamic existence slowing and freezing. The frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth is how we have our material existence that is to me. I don't know how it works out exactly in the world of Quantum physics. But, I know what I am capable of doing . If I had time to be a
physicist,I'm sure I would have chosen that path.But I did what I needed to survive. I f I get another lifetime or two I would love to delve into that. So first remove space, remove patterning and remove force and that's part of what I believe. Outside of practical principles, So, if I sound crazy, that's all up to you to decide. I am all these little cards, i make.

Okay, so anyway, arigato for listening and
i'll see if this continues.
By Angela M. Kneale

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The post I hate

Apparently, Japanese threw a lot of money at the Hawaii favor that even makes a humble meal or a cup of coffee is returned this direction. Probably the most Humiliating post I'm making.
Do what my needs to be done to decimate the continuation of money flowing out of Japan to make American military & syndicate millionaire who are worse than Yakuza.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hypothetical Legal @ Hawaii Hotels & Airlines.

I have had 7 years, or 5 from the time of APEC 2011 Honolulu, to move through security issues on Oahu.  Something I want more research on ;- aside from the general international perception that Hawaii State is a Criminal money laundering operation if not just so poorly run its un
believeable. Hawaii State is a nightmare.
Those in Hospitality need to make about $50/hr in order to live comfortably.

One of the goals of APEC 2011 was to stop "payoff payments to criminal organizations" that are in effect a large part of the money LOST in business transaction. Hawaii state being the center of my 5 year commitment from the time of APEC 2011 and Japan's entry to TPP in 2012. It is now 2017. I  am nearly finished as enough construction has been completed.

Issues that stem from Hawaii's hospitality and employees- several possible spy/ agent/ crafts persons who are accepting tips from international sources. 
  • access to personal data & information, address, mobile phone number at POP end user interface.
  • issues with workers who do not speak English and use  Hawaiian Pidgin language as well as "Asian language affected speech impetement." 
    • Companies who/that hire & employ workers expecting native English speakers to try and figure out what they are saying
To be continued: 
idea: Have a billing system that is run by app in shopping centers with personal bag check at exit.

How the Airlines are liable for Non-USA criminal entrants to the Island State
How the Hotels are liable for aiding and abetting a foreign criminal or terrorist
Where the line to injuring an American citizen is drawn;- even with masked & foreign crafted intent
How the Native Hawaii State population is ill prepared to support USA.
How the Native Hawaii State population including politicians choose to intentionally harm gross USA planning

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Galactic Shaman crystals

Depending on how you arrive at my site, I have a multi-faceted existence on the planet.
I do things my own way so to speak with an untrained perception that is inherent knowledge from my DNA profile.  I frequently walk with my own energy, which means not to wear/carry little gems and metal jewelry.

Springtime experience of 2015 - One of the Mo'o at the Pali told me there is too much jewelry on the planet. The Mo'o got my attention by nearly ripping a sign off the trail post with wind, and then spoke with me after swiping the sunglasses off my face into a secluded edge of the forest. The Mo'o described jewelry as inclusive of many human made industrial items as well as personal adornments. Understanding is that this includes metal street signs, guard rails, indoor metallic plumbing to everything unnatural from Source light (sun) that can affect the natural earth's magnetic flows. ie., We rarely use bamboo for pipes.

Many souls have three major divisions of their life in congruence with the progression. I can only compare these divisions to the difficulty level on a treadmill or pre-core machine, and we all get a different spiritual workout. The easy part of life for one is a high difficulty level for another. The toughest spiritual setting in life is immovable to some, or on the reverse is a galactic shaman's normal daily setting. If you view the earth and your progressed astrological chart as a "workout plan" you can look around at others on this big blue-green sphere and as a spiritual gym. It is important to add or omit the use of earth crystals when the period in life shifts. Early, Mid, Advanced life.

The following is a short list of the Earth Crystals that I keep within my aura on path of
Galactic Shaman.  (This is a list of crystals/stones that I have used and have withstood this path - some stones/crystals simply burn out on me. They crackle in my hands and I return them to the earth I reserve other crystals/stones for ritual use)

Earth Crystals
Level early life :
Black onyx

Mid Life :
Garnet - (smaller than a dime - daily wear)
Moonstone - (1 pendant daily wear)
green jade - mala
red jasper - 1 piece

Advanced Life :
Blue Kyanite
Black Onyx
Blue Sapphire
Natural Obsidian
Tourmalinated Quartz
Raspberry Tourmaline
Spinel (dark spinal)

 Non-Earth Crystals - ie., meteorite
Gibeon type Meteorite
*Singing meteorite- Muonionalusta

Various Amulets and talismens have entered my life at different times as well.
My first one, a gift from my  Christian Godparents  was a  heart with my initials AMK and my birthday engraved. I believe it was there, to teach me to love myself and I always thought of it that way.
Mid life, I wore a spider with a garnet in it.
Advanced life;- Things are getting complicated as I don't subscribe to a singular human cult based way of spirituality and wear the amulets to define the soul's fequency/belief system. As a galactic shaman, I walk between two worlds where most in human form cannot see the forms beyond aura. I do make use of the symbols and glyphs that comprise the spiritual language of the earth's beings AFTER I have had encounters or communications with specific entities.

This is part of what has been my way on the path of a Galactic Shaman.

Stones/ Earth Crystals for Ritual Use
Clear Quartz
Raspberry Tourmaline & Watermelon Tourmaline

Galactic Shaman's open Portal from Nuumite Obalisk 2015
 One short story of mine;- In Honolulu, HI 2015 I purchased a high priced Nuumite Obalisk with a rainbow band on it. After I used it for ritual that night where it realigned my chakras and made my body sweat out toxins, - The next day I took it to the beach while seeing a person/psychiatrist who meditated seemingly Tibetan style. The Nuumite obalisk vanished on the beach in our vicinity (or it got snuck away to someone's bag). In anycase, someone else told me that I had inadvertently opened a Portal. Though my silent intention was definately a trust test. Shortly after this incident, Annubis visited me in form the next time I saw this friend. And, all within a week and a half, he called me to tell me of his mother being on the brink. He was asked to make a decision to pull the plug or not. So, one night about a week and a half later, he called me to tell me he pulled the plug on her. And, that he had no regrets and was relieved of the pain. After hearing this and the conversation ended I gave him a I never heard from him again. I immediately met another person within a few minutes who also has an interesting spiritual background.
Coincidentally, I saw the movie "Aloha" and there was a scene showing a grave. On top of the grave was a very similar Nuumite Obalisk. I had seen Bradley Cooper (from near my PA hometown) at a couple of bars and around the spiritual dojo where i had been participating in the local Japanese spiritual dojo practice (which I had issues with). I wonder if that was the same Nuumite stone

Though, I don't encourage anyone to tamper with anything of a Galactic Shaman. I'm certain someone will. Just be prepared for the best or the worst spiritual challenges.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Japan:-USA MK Ultra Hawaii

The events of the past few months have put me in close quarters with an aryan US Marine Corps Colonel, who recently transplanted to Hawaii from the Pentagon. And, a practicing Krishna person who claims to be a victim of direct Rothschild gemstone programming in Oaklahoma, and approached me with hope to share knowledge of their family involvement in Aritchoke & Doormouse. I have to say it has been a grueling 3 months for me.
It's really difficult to try to exist for me here in Hawaii with the onslaught of MK program victims.
The Colonel, wouldn't communicate with me directly and instead took to hiding at least a handful of my personal belongings rather than returning them to me directly. Odd behavior for someone with a higher rank. The practicing Krishna is one of many who gaze onward at the Ford legacy. Both are mostly self motivated and not worldly motivated. Both have deeply insulted me as a woman of born Japanese nationality and descent. Both have admonished my Buddhist family history with repugnance of being equal to Satan worshipers. One deliberately placed dirty laundry over my Kalachakra (time Wheel or representation of OM in one glyph). The other again trying to force me into belonging to the Krishna cult and mindset (not the 1st time for ISKON in Hawaii).
I'm still lacking a safe home for myself as renting solo is extremely difficult, and is coupled with the plethora of Delta altar US military personnel and contractors, as well as the trained snipers and assassins that the USA MK Ultra Program has left on the Hawaiian islands. The islands seem to be a catch all for MK Ultra and related Mind Kontrol program victims whose families were promised some sanctuary for submitting their children (now encroaching on 50 years old). Most of the Mind Kontrol victims or participants I have met are approximately 50 years old, give or take a few years.

Some of them have definative altar changes and lack control and composure to stop and engage in a 2 way conversation. Others simply submerge themselves in their work at times, yet do not live normal family life and opt for partying daily on US military pay.

These programmed individuals do not claim responsibility for their actions. They do not show any remorse for their offensive actions. Rather, they make immediate attachment to the Rothschilds and the Military as excuse and refute their own individual freedoms as a form of denial. These people are very unlike those who are not programmed. Or, for those who were programmed and choose to make public through interviews the societal impact of the research that was conducted on them.

Regardless of any involvement my family may or may not have had. Most of the USA MK victims are quick to attach a "satanic" attribute to the program. They refuse to seperate the US military installation from the Rothschilds agenda.    They also remain defensive of their family members particularly if they feel that they have a "special"  or desirable European lineage that has potential to carry white Aryan (blonde hair, blue eyes, or light colored eyes & light hair as a dissapointing second). The use of India's Krishna religion is just one place where the tortured women reside, yet I am still uncertain if it is a choice or if it is the only religion that will give these women independent sanctuary and breeding partners (as it seems there are no marriages yet more "unfortunate children").

Seperate issue from the above and my living situation;- is that the USAF Stargate program is set to be a business and military industry standard acceptable conciousness (remote viewing & personal safety intuition) in 10-15 years.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

DHS? listening to Prior phone calls

Can hear DHS & man listening to recordings of my previous phone converstion with my friend/landlord who I live with. In Waikiki. They're on the sidewalk or nearby.
Super invasive and annoying.
Looks like a nightmare. 
Feels like they're going to kill me.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Reason I have not spoken about MK Stargate

Though I cannot prove that there is any correlation to the MK Ultra or MK Search & Stargate programs run by the CIA to my life;- I can list several "coincidences" amidst the flurry of attacks that my parents and I are aware of upon my life directly in the USA. My parents have, for many years, encouraged to sue me and complicate my life so that I cannot find work by the participating organization

Dual Nationalities, Pennsylvania women are cattle legalities, Easy access by programmers till 2009+
  • I & my brother were born a dual-national of Japan & USA
  • My mother was a Japanese National citizen at the time of my birth and did not become a USA citizen until well after Japanese Nationality jus sanguis requirements changed in 1986. 
  • My father was USAF OSI warrant officer for a 4 year enlistment with ATS (Above Top Secret) clearance. He was not declassified until 2001.
  • My mother's family still today are Japanese Nationalists with involvement in Japanese National Security. To my knowledge, my mother was not issued a Diplomatic Passport for appearances of any peaceful mission to the USA post Hiroshima. In fact, while attempting to obtain my mother's records with parental permission for SBA use;- the DHS claimed no knowledge of my mother in the USA database.
  • I grew up, to my memory, in Rural Quakertown, PA in Richlandtownship
  • Our multigenerational family home was located appx 1.2 miles from the Rosacrucians Ceremonial Grounds on Clymer Road.
  • For my higher education at age 17, I was sent to Ithaca, NY and my parents had no legal requirement to remain present in my life after my 18th Birthday. I was sexually assaulted frequently at the private College "Experimental Co-ed  dormitory" before my 18th birthday. I was relocated late into my 2nd semester to a normal dormitory. I also had to beg for my parents to intervene as I became extremely ill on the dining hall food. My "alice" vigilante altar manifested as I formed an Animal Rights organization on the Campus. It took me over 7 years to complete my undergraduate degree at the College. Due to poor grades I was unable to transfer to any other institution to get away from the situation. In contrast to Ithaca, I was able to achieve a 3.86-4.0 for coursework in the Western Conference Universities 1996 & 2004.
  • 1993-10/1996 My college boyfriend I met in Music school, was D.R. Hauptli and I broke up despite most people expecting us to marry. 
  • 10/26/1996 - My suicide programming took hold at an animal rights protest as non-violent action, a friend saved my life and my body from being critically damaged.
  • 10/30/1996 Still on crutches from the suicide programming trauma, I met my partner/boyfriend for the next 9 years. Over the holidays introduced me to his business family which included several Clinton Boys and threatened to kill me if I left the relationship, due to the security of his business family identity. Some of his friends included owners of American heritage type business families and Founding family member of USA based private security company.
  • 1999-2000 was taken to Sarasota, Florida where I met late Joe Elkes, M.D. while I lived with Sally Lucke for a brief time prior to working for 2 different companies & directly for original founder of Peoplesoft.   
  •  8/2000 - I returned to Quakertown, PA and taught piano for 2-3 years in Doylestown, PA and Central/Lower Bucks county as well as commuting to Ithaca, NY where I had a home & worked with my partner/ boyfriend.
  • 200I had for most of our relationship till the company was founded. He controlled all of my money, and did not have my financial best interest in mind. It took me until 2007 to leave him.
  • 12/2002 - Abducted by Todd Hawthorne of Oregon & Tina Kim - Locked in basement at the home of Tina Kim then a WB17 news reporter with ties to North Korea.
  • 1/2007- 3/2007 trip/stays @ Washington, DC, Langley, Va, and Baie Finn, ON, CA. - this was official split from my 9 year relationship.
  • 1/2005 -2/2005 - Trip to Thailand with K. Gesslein - Business recon after Tsunami 
  • 5/2005  - Death of my brother @ 27.  "suicide programming" forced by his Valley Precision employer/owner directly connected to the Rosacrucians.
  • 2006 - Buckingham, PA - Abducted by James Brasted & Knight Engineering @ Ernie Knight's empty apt for appx 1week, I was subsequently stalked and harassed under death threat.Police rescued me/ intervened but did not pursue charges. I had been hired to work for the engineering office through a Doylestown, PA based temporary agency. I was later abducted by the employer and assaulted repeatedly aside from the engineer who lost his mind spilling his guts for faulty drainage plans & payoff from Toll Brothers that in total compromise the Delaware Dam integrity. 
  • late 2005/06 - returned to Ithaca, NY with assistance from Tibetan govt. in exile.
  • 2/2009 -  

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Reflection:- My Sakah line

The Americans are infatuated with the trivial monetary cost of Asian cultures. And, they hype as well as rave about those areas where they have spent time. To them, there is value in setting an American flag in their birthing in foreign lands, largely despite nationality laws, as a further American Spiritual war on the world. 
Today is The Christian Christmas Eve as I sit alone in Hawaii. I'm reflecting on the losses that I have incurred and on the sanctity of thought the infinite timeline gives me in knowing at some point in time, I became stateless with my Sakah genetics mixed with many Asian genetics. I always treated myself in the way that my DNA is a frequency modulator where I feel more in tune with others along my self contained person. 
Most Americans and their foreign contingents like to make a spectacle of their visual imagination and "race" impressions while making light of me as an individual. Very few Americans care to even engage me at a reasonable friendship level of conversation before delving into stereo types that their large egos need to have compliance with,- compliance from numb parties nearby.
So today, I further deepened my understanding of my role to my family and related DNA this life time.
I have a deeper appreciation of Asia, and Sakah-muni Buddha a genetically possible distant ancestry to my existance. 
I also understand: 
the volitility of the United States public and mass opinion. 
The carefully threaded sound/homonym type associations that splatter through USA media culture.
 How, the French impressionists Dada movement distorted the visual mass medium. Distorted it conciously so that modern race and human political issues can be admonished to a space for multiple realities rather than the actuality of the present plane.
How volatile adding information to an entire nation of Christians who like to believe a NaZi fantasy version of Jesus their savior, whose God is infinitely forgiving of all misdeeds.
How, US Americans who came from slavery mindsets, immigrant mindsets,&  lackadaisical White privledge only serves them to gain footing collectively of accessible mindsets for waging mental wars abroad and to bend the socio-economic game play interaction between nations.

It's difficult for me to believe that I am alone today. That I have humbled myself so much with the brutal US American and Hawaiian attitudes that want to own Asia. 
Yesterday I really thought about Buddha. How communist workers were used in China to make a toxic industry that supports the "American beer gut Buddha  who quells about owning the Asian spirit of a warrior deep within them. How Asia doesn't deserve to exist except as servants places well beneath their African-American counterparts. This mind reel that has come to my mental forefront only angers me. 
To be edited...fresh from the heart💔:this Sakah mix Asia Buddha protector with tears flowing freely.