Showing posts with label Rogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rogue. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Introduction - My beliefs

Hi. I'm at the Cypress Shaman on You Tube and @ImperialNewsJ on Twitter
as well as Sprout Fuel from my blog, you can look up different things by Keywords
I've been blogging for a while and
Most of its been random notes on my TI (Targeted Individual) incidents for 15 years as
well as how things were done. I know I need to go back through and clean it up some, but I am
Cypress Shaman or Intergalctic Shaman or Rogue Galactic Shaman (RGS).
Supposedly was Stargate (MK) program. My Father being US Air Force OSI. My mom's family
I have an aunt and uncle who were in the Japanese steel industry also military
)JP_ family in some sense we were supposed to be here to promote a Peaceful understanding of each other
since there was not much representation for Japanese culture on the East Coast (USA). So, I am Japanese also, and I speak
English, so hopefully you can understand me and we can communicate.
Also, Shaman is a Siberian term. I am Mixed-Race. I've had mixed race blood which is part of why I was targeted for MK Ultra. My initials are A.M>K.
But, I have that Siberian blood, and Chinese Blood, along with Japanese Ainu
. A few Asian Tribes and my Japanese blood plus, some other mixes in there
 that put me into the category of a new species.
So, I'm trying to use that as culturally appropriate as I can even though I feel the United States has tried to contort
what was a Spiritual tradition. But, today I'm just going to go through
some of what I've been studying and formulating for myself over many years.
I believe that HAARP is an electromagnetic sin against Heaven and
that our adaptability is what defers the negative impacts of stress.
Adaptability adds to mental stability, and it's adaptability prevents the accident
and illness.
It's important to reinforce Life Force also known as the electromagnetic biorhythm that is from heart and mind.
For other cultures and many traditions of Humans who have previously walked the planet and
spiritual traditions there has been time to meditate and focus on the life force
part of that they talk about the researchers in the United States. The English Language discusses life Force in the heart
mind connection as a shut off, as if we are
 mechanism. I thing that if you study Animal welfare philosophy, you'll find that many people have argued away from the
body being a mechanism and that we are not robots.
There is a state of mind. There is a sense of will, a sense of individuality.
Maybe principality, like how to coordinate efforts on the planet are different. But, this heart and mind
focus a meditation. It's not a shut off of the senses. It is a focus on those things that drive the senses.
Just trust in simply being the state of being itself. Being in existence for the immediate
environment. So, taking time to take in the sounds of where you are, the wind, the direction the energy in completeness;- with eyes shut, with eyes open;- is
Just to trust in simply being in and of itself.
Our sound perception in these physical forms goes to high frequency and many people are
complaining about this phenomenon called HAARP on the planet. Predatory animals and animals with acute and sensitive hearing are
able to sleep. There are some spiritual advocates saying that humans can't sleep with high frequency.
Part of that (issue) is the adaptability. It is possible to level up sleep tolerance and accept that it is possible. I myself had hyperacusis. It was
what they reclassified "Super Hearing", meaning- I would perceive and I did perceive high -frequency sound waves
at 50% greater decibel levels than normal, normal people. So, when i took a shower, i could hear the water droplets breaking and it sounded like breaking glass, but in a different pattern. So, I had to learn
how to live in the environment and after reading a very long long, back in 1996, very long publication about HAARP going up
Back then in 1996 I was reading Popular Science and things as well. 1996,1999 came out.
But I was considered sound disabled hearing disabled. I'm just telling people that it is possible even
with electromagnetic interference and weapons that they have. It is possible to sleep, to put the mind at rest
and that sight perception goes up to Approximately 700 colors that have been documented so far. I know my father is
one of those people who can see very slight, the most minuscule shade gradations
so, this sight perception can improve as well, and I personally don't believe all psyche perception
is coming from the Ocular, eyes. I believe that the mind can perceive at a microscopic level. I would love to know how I could prove them wrong, that it's not impossible to see at a microscopic level
something: some creatures, some germs, microscopic life forms.

So, dynamic existence, I also believe the entire universe is moving as a molecular and atomic puzzle. In the study of giving light photon travel speed is 186,000 (186,282) 282 Miles per second that the quality of light itself is fixed and
That these two interactions trigger Super Force and light particles. So to me
me,  material existence is a type of dynamic existence that has slowed and freezes. Some religious traditions are calling it
hardening - so that things become hard in your body. Those things you can't find ex-rayed or with a magnetic detector or something.
So there has to be some explanation for those things.

Slows and freezes the frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth. It slows and excuse me, slows  and freezes the frequency of perceptible bandwidth.
 So, I've always been into, down with it's just very hard for me to d
discuss with anybody since most people and I don't like mentioning names;-
but, I found Max Spiers super interesting because I was like YES, somebody knows what I like, I know what I thin on some levels on the bandwidth is one of them. Especially since I have so many
Genetic markers to use. It's always been understood in my life, since I was a child, that I have all these bandwidths to access. I have so many human genetic Bandwidths to access even through I may be New Species.

So, this idea of dynamic existence slowing and freezing. The frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth is how we have our material existence that is to me. I don't know how it works out exactly in the world of Quantum physics. But, I know what I am capable of doing . If I had time to be a
physicist,I'm sure I would have chosen that path.But I did what I needed to survive. I f I get another lifetime or two I would love to delve into that. So first remove space, remove patterning and remove force and that's part of what I believe. Outside of practical principles, So, if I sound crazy, that's all up to you to decide. I am all these little cards, i make.

Okay, so anyway, arigato for listening and
i'll see if this continues.
By Angela M. Kneale

Friday, June 16, 2017

Ban plastics, Chinese plastics ban

Living the Plastic Coated Life

It was over a decade ago that I first heard of the Chinese making dense plastics that mimic the hardest stone;- in weight, density, texture, color. Something a fine arts insurance appraisal could overlook in an otherwise catastrophic fire.

Today, make that life. The Life of American dreams formed in material reality as a  Wasteland of toxic contaminants and suffocating molecules. All that waft in the jetstream across the Sea of Japan, and trickles into the Pacific. Greenish toxic snow that falls silently in the otherwise pristine northern Japan islands and Siberia.

The Inexpensive takeover of such cruel human labor is mechanized in the Simple forms of plastic coated lenses of artificial intelligence.

Dreams must be put to rest. Plastic must be boycotted.

Ban plastics, Chinese plastics ban

Living the Plastic Coated Life

It was over a decade ago that I first heard of the Chinese making dense plastics that mimic the hardest stone;- in weight, density, texture, color. Something a fine arts insurance appraisal could overlook in an otherwise catastrophic fire.

Today, make that life. The Life of American dreams formed in material reality as a  Wasteland of toxic contaminants and suffocating molecules. All that waft in the jetstream across the Sea of Japan, and trickles into the Pacific. Greenish toxic snow that falls silently in the otherwise pristine northern Japan islands and Siberia.

The Inexpensive takeover of such cruel human labor is mechanized in the Simple forms of plastic coated lenses of artificial intelligence.

Dreams must be put to rest. Plastic must be boycotted.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Keto Vegan extra vitamins @2yrs

After nearly 2 yrs of ketogenic diet...i'm adding - started in the past 3 weeks.
🔼vitamin A- dry form occasionally
🔼natto cups - occasionally
🔼CALCIUM (macro mineral forgotten)

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Salt & Free ways to clear Entities

RGS notes on Entity Clearing in English
  1. Most practices across the Earth use Salt to repel entities.
However, by methodology, there is some disagreement about entity clearing. Some have made entity clearing a daily religious practice unto itself. Some individuals make money from more immediate practises of entity removal. Western practises refer to entities as blobs and non-demonic spirits.  Eastern practises use the word Entity to refer to an attaching spirit.
  • Kona & some Hawaiian sea salt is closer to the body's natural PH. 
  • Celtic Sea Salt - some Spiritual singers preference 
  • Black Sea Salt - sea salt covered in activated charcoal can absorb spiritual toxins/ negativity.
  • Pink or Colored Salt (I no longer use) has less bio-available minerals & is naturally pigmented. It is slightly toxic to the body when digested (most pigments from minerals are toxic). Human blood samples have been show to exhibit signs of pigment poisoning with regular use.
2. Clearing entities by giving light to Entities
Entity as a spiritual attachment, lost soul, wandering relative.
One form of  giving light (Jp. Okiyome) stems from Japanese-Ainu shamanic tradition. 
The theory behind giving Okiyome holds fast in that the entity is not "removed" immediately as the entity has attached itself to the person for a reason. For the person to receive Okiyome, is also allowing the entity to receive Okiyome. Then, in a less harmful way to the spiritual attachment, the spiritual attachment departs when it has received enough light.

*Some New Age spiritual organizational practises intertwined Okiyome shamanic tradition with  spiritual figurehead ego and practises of Chinese Dao shape shifting wizardry. This can also include belief in Alien pendants/ technology needed in order to facilitate the process of light giving.


Entities in room
1. Set a bowl of rice mixed with sea salt in the room. Toss the salt & rice outside. Do this daily.
                                                            - Suggested by spiritual woman from Bhutan, Buddhist tradition

2. Set a bowl of salt in the room. Toss the salt daily. Repeat.

3. Call upon a great master healer who now works on the quantum level (Master Serapis Bey, Oset, Jesus, Buddha, Bruno Groening) and who is willing to remove the Entities or clear the Entities from your room/ aura in a peaceful way. Make a statement no longer allow such entities to remain with you and they are not welcome.

Attached Personal Entities
1. Learn a mystic tradition protective geometric meditation;- have pyramid, diamond, merkaba to tell the entities they are not welcome and only positivity is welcome.

2. Learn a protective Psy-Ops meditation as a basic form to keep entities from attaching. ie., reinforced aura, and other meditations 

3. Receive light (Jp., Okiyome) at Sukyomahikari or from a member- you may call the spiritual training centre to arrange a time as well. This is becoming a common way to bless food and give light to anyone of any religion as it's members span various religions across the globe. It is free to non-members,  the spiritual organization asks for donations from its members to cover the costly Hawaii overhead. This type of light is considered a heightened level from any Reiki light from the practitioner. Also, the spiritual toxins are removed by a spiritual practice using meridians similiar in Chinese acupressure to the skull point.

3. See 3) under Entities in Room

4.  (1.5-2 hrs) Saltwater spiritual flush- length & duration of spiritual entity removal cure can vary greatly. Highly reccomended to have a private toilet nearby. May want doctor's approval for this spiritual practice.
I personally am in great health and do this some mornings before a full moon. I make a point not to eat solid food for at least 12 hours prior. I mix and drink about 1/4 cup Hawaiian sea salt  dissolved in 750ml/ 25.36oz room temperature H20. 
  • Natural sea salt or Kona sea salt is closer to the body's natural PH. 
  • Black Sea Salt - sea salt covered in activated charcoal can absorb spiritual toxins/ negativity.

 Today is a Full Lunar Eclipse day.


When the Smoke has cleared

RGS experience:

Sometimes extended use of Sage is a spiritual symptom. Heavy use or daily use of smudge sage will uncover a strong entity or demon in an otherwise heavily used business or home. If this is the case at the location, then it is wise to bring in appropriate spiritual consultant or ceremony in order to make the living or work area more habitable and peaceful. This may need to be performed annually at some locations by the priest/exorcist, kahuna, or shaman.

Sometimes, the solution is as simple as 
  • Serve food each day for the spirit at a small altar (as is common in many Asian cultures). 
  • Plant Ti at a property is for the spiritual energy traffick - sometimes very clear dark matter forms from past or recent present time.
  • sprinkle black sea salt (sea salt covered with activated charcoal)

A few "quiet" negative energy locations:
  • Kuualoa, HI:  Ancient whale dying ground/ graveyard.
  • Pauoa Valley, Honolulu, HI : - Very strong infra sound outlet for underground movement. Mana, Hawaiian warrior spirits from battle, Toxic Mold.
  • Doylestown, PA Historic Mansion 181 E. Court Street:- Demon & entity presence.

About use of smudge Sage -  Burning smudge sage has been scientifically proven to create positive ions. Sage is commonly burned to clear the negative ions generated from human interaction and thoughts. Using Sage is typical if there is heavy negative thought pattern present in a space; in schools, bars, after arguments at home, when someone lingers in a room with depression or anger.

There are stronger herbs or incense that are burned for energy clearing and may include pieces of mica or silica or quartz. These can be made or ordered online for weekly to monthly use.