Showing posts with label Takenaka Corporation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Takenaka Corporation. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Hawaii State intended to harm me.

The flagrant abuse or torture of my family in the USA has been an issue for my Japanese National relatives in Japan for quute some time. Hawaii has many Japanese who like to harm me & claim that the Steel industry of Japan  had nothing to do with Hiroshima & Nagasaki being bombed. They basically try to  add harm & give depth to the USA attacks that they approve of by their outright acts of sexual harassment, community abuse & other instances against me. This is despite my Aunt who uses our abuse & deaths as her neices and nephew as justification of being anti-USA. 
This example which is sadly very real has torn me apart to no end over the past few years. I tried to contain it, however the huge disgrace Hawaii has caused internationally is not my choice and is not in my ability to fight alone. Regardless of my family's international relations.
So to be fair, and before I am forced suicided by anyone in Hawaii I am posting this traumatic story.

I had no choice but to file a Human Rights Complaint to leave a minor paper trail to denote the death threats from two millionaires of 4 different agents directed at me at the time. The collective actions of
Hawaii State & it's security/law enforcement, Liquor Commission, & Korean Israeli business woman had crossed way beyond a simple minor violation of my human rights. They not only threatened my life, but coerced & paid for the abortion of a child I was carrying near the 12th week.
It was not only painful, but I was also further abused.
The Human Rights commission in Honolulu switched investigators, never really interviewed me either and I assumed took a payoff from those being directly investigated.
This did involve:- A male Hawaii Business owner and ATF/HPD agent who later claimed he was looking for a big drug dealer in NY. This had Nothing to do with me, especially since I had left NY State 4years before my encounter with this HPD Nacotics agent. Also, a female Korean- Israeli Strip Club and Church owner who was known to run a full sting operation at her club. And outside, a male former personal assistant to Johnny Depp as well as another ex Federal agent of some branch I cannot mention.
The other male apparently had gone to rehab and reappeared months later giving a spoken visual facial recognition tour of Honolulu to some MS-13 looking tattooed friend of his from the rehab.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Conspiracy I am targeted in Hawaii

Most of my time in Hawaii has been consensual only due to extreme diress. And they changed laws to make severe contractors a "weapon". Hawaii state Oahu has been using me to make a political statement to the international world.

Also, Shane Kai Li an IMDB & internationally know  martial arts choreographer & world champion associated with Mossad. He & his cousins, like many singing families in Hawaii attribute Bing Crosby to their associations in USA music & belittle everyone else.

He had spread a rumor to make a mockery of me & my USA DIY lifestyle;- that I am the great-grand daughter of Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco, under the supposition that my great grandmother's identity was concealed in the USA. I believe it was due to my close proximity of the Rosacrucians. It is a fact that my Great-grandmother Eva Kelly was from Ohio & a singer, voice teacher, & pre-madonna in Philadelphia at the same time and died approximately the same time as the Princess. However, my great-grandmother married my grandfather Kneale who installed the new sound revolution in silent movie theaters & had been US Navy & commended in memory by the late President John F. Kennedy. After my grandfather's passing it came forth that she had a "lover" everyone called Rice.
And so to make a mockery of me in Hawaii state after Shane Kai Li's knowledge of my brother's untimely death at age 26. This is aside from my actuality of being born a dual national of Japan & the granddaughter of a "govenor like" grandfather & the niece of a now retired Japanese infrastructure & steel executive.
My grandmother in Japan is a known National Artist first as a woman, in the likes of Basho, as a Haiku poet.

Monday, July 17, 2017

EX-IM Dating in Hawaii & Hidden 4th Reich

My past 7 years in the Hawaiian islands seems futile. The dating scene that I thought would be more "accepting and understanding of my Japanese culture was not at all what I thought I would run into. The men, even though educated and professional behave as if every facet of interactions with me as well as other  Asian women are some sex vacation. They have been trying to diminish the credibility I had for the first 35years of my life as a Classical piano instructor and EX-IM raised representative for shipping and expediting a peaceable and GUN FREE political agenda. That includes a Navy Seal Trainer, A Navy Nuclear engineer, Some Army Rangers and others who may not be on military payroll but have the clearance potentials for Export- Import.
It's no wonder years ago in my late 20's, in a dark corner of Chinatown in Philadelphia, I met with a Supreme Court Attorney over some of the best vegan Chinese food on the planet. It's no wonder he said to me, "you know, they treat you worse than a prostitute." In hindsight, he meant that to the Core. 
Many of my dating decisions stem from my diet and intense allergic reaction to shellfish & seafood.
The past 7 years I have had to eliminate those who are livid fishers and Hawaiian poke salad eaters. Even some contamination from a kiss or handshake makes me break out in an allergic rash of hives. Latest to decide from;- a Psychiatrist I dated last summer. Complete arsehole. We are talking about a man who texted that if he has a girlfriend he shouldn't have to "pay for her." He never mentioned going dutch on a date. Then again, his idea of dating is movie at his home and a visit to his boudoir.
No invitation to go out in public with him, even when I've mentioned it. No offering to fill up my gas tank even after I visited him more than a few times, a trip way out of the way since he moved from the City. No dinner dates, except 1x out and 2nd time from a food truck. This Caucasian who proclaimed ancestry from the 3rd Reich in the past month, as if I had the entire Nazi database of names in front of me and neglected him as 4th Reich. Apparently, my Mind Kontrol psy ops Stargate protocol missed his silent 4th Reich screams shouting at me . Something on a vibe occured to me on a visit that the Tibetan tanka hanging were not sincere despite his practice. And, he had become vehemently angry and hurt with eyes welling up with tears, when I shared a little about my family's past in Japan being connected to Buddha.

He is definately a disconcerting psychiatrist in this Hawaiian community that is populated with centuries old mixed-race families before the USA took over the political boundary. He's someone's Psychiatrist?! Basically, it seems that he doesn't want to pay for a prostitute and is eeeking out for the Japanese woman in me to feel bad for him on American soil. You know the saying goes, we Japanese women feel bad for the guy for not getting laid. Except that's on Japanese soil. This guy, is recently near the top of the waste pile of white men I've "dated" over the past 24 years of my life.
It's no wonder years ago in a dark corner of Chinatown in Philadelphia, I met with a Supreme Court Attorney over some of the best vegan Chinese food on the planet. It's no wonder he said to me, "you know, they treat you worse than a prostitute."

So, at a crucial point in my female life, the men surrounding me have taken a severe nose-dive in manhood. Not that any of my previous boyfriends, dates, and friends gained much of any approval from my Japanese mother. I know she had hoped for an engagement proposal over my same Alma Mater boyfriend of several years. He helped curbed my tendency to completely self-destruct under the tremendous racism I experienced during my undergrad years.  And, a good percentage graduated with Ivy League degrees or were adept in Computer technology. Aside from the broke College & university student phase where I had very stable and years long relationships. The adult field has  been full of unattractive and completely white options, I mean vehemently vomitous to my being. The Caucasian opinon, It's only comparable to being force fed and killed for fois gras.

I didn't realize that most white men do expect Asian women are prostitutes with a tremendous wealth of money or what they call a walking ATM machine, sex bot already assumed. They stole and pilfered what they could from me. Many of the African-American men just exist to serve their communities and can look easily down on Asian women as sex slaves. They simply see people like me as a revenue flow for even a short time. Being short sighted, they don't care to So, then sorting through the qualified, degreed, and professional men is like a trip to the luxury store in itself. They feel they add credibility to their prostitutes. It's no wonder my time in Hawaii has been very lonely and my EX-IM project took a nosedive. Because of all of these negative interactions, where I try to maintain a positive legal standing that will still be valid for EX-IM world;- there is no financial remedy for the damages I've already sustained. And, there is no court that can award me for my lost time, emotional hurt, and virtually ruined career that I worked so hard on for over 35years.

I had tried seeing some Officer(s) who at least offered to assist me with protection and a safe place to live.  Definitely more secure buildings. However, once on approach to the front door, a man approached me and reminded me of the 4th Reich and Confederates who retain order as Officers & legals. And, for posterity sake, for public relations with ASEAN(JP participatory) & APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), I should stay away.

So, it leaves me with very few viable Ex-IM family inclusion to even attempt to date or engage in some relationship in the Islands. I suppose, at some point "Love" just passed by for the EX-IM project. I can't bring anyone into this business community who is going to cause more upset over their trivial and pitied attitudes, political or not. My ex-partner, who I was with for 9 years, was at least a good teammate for working to build a company. We worked together to build a company for most of that 9 years, inseparable for up to 20 hrs. a day. Except, he was oblivious to my international family for almost the entire time. His friends who have much substantial credibility in the Global and American markets became aware after a high level background check was done on me, as what they called "Riff Raff".  After the security check, they insisted that I be included in most of their get togethers. Still, frustrating to overcome on my own financially;- since he used my money to cover things. I was disallowed from paying my own bills for many years;- as in non-payment. Clinton boys aside;- they didn't help. He didn't help me financially.

The Republicans, allowed me to work and regain some financial credibility, amidst the painful racism and insults. But, it quickly fell apart after 9-11 and they killed my brother (in a manner of speaking).
So, I've survived in Hawaii away from the immediate Bucks County, Pennsylvania White Supremacy and Republicans. However, the Obama crowd I encountered again, pimped me at a Hawaii strip club as a dancer and took the earned cash money at Hawaii Clubs that I needed to live even (DL) down low, so to speak.  It also opened the doors to further personal security issues for me. It also pissed off the international business community that came to "check up on me" when their security and the Japanese military saw (as recent as February 2017) what the United States has forced on me in order to survive. That is, as Niece to a founding family member of the 5th largest construction firm on the planet.

Most USA readers will now smile and think, oh, you're family has enough to bail you out. Au Contra ire readers. My Japanese family expected the USA to do its part for this portion of EX-IM. There is no living off of foreign funds for me, and for the Lawyers who want involved in the monies. They already saw my brother run off the road literally go through 12 vehicles in Bucks-County.  He was on car 10 or 11 before he brought me in on his personal campaign against the White supremacists, possible 4th Reich & Rosacrucians, of our neighborhood and Bucks-County.  Japan saw the 100K legal fees stack up as American citizens took actions against us.  Hawaii's American-Asian population has proven no different as the games have stacked up to bury me alive. They have demonstrated that they are acting to prove their patriotism to USA by harming me and allowing known Asian criminal factions to launder funds to Hawaii State. Conditionally, I will loose my very life soon. Especially due to the bio-toxins that Hawaii State allows to free float and grow profusely. Contaminated homes for rent. I'm not looking at any type of winning situation in the USA currently. And, I can't get lost like so many people have said to my face from the 1% communities in the USA. Other options come with serious international implications, so I'm not chasing USA money families at all. I've been looking for something more viable for me. I'm nearly out of time.

Because I was born on the USA side, they completely ignore my Japanese national origins and large infrastructure family. They, those who are involved in Hawaii business & politics, intended to harm me over the past 7 years. And the financial abuse for over 20 years, if you discount my Father's actions against my future that occurred when I was in 8th grade, and prior to his Declassification in 2001.

 So, at some point, I believe I will be looking outside the USA nationals for a potential husband, as awkward as that seems. However, fighting with the Reich and the White Supremacists among other battles has caused me a great depression. I could talk for hours about the hypocrisy that exists here in the USA. I feel I've done my best to shed light on this volatile relationship the USA has with Asia over 15years. I also did this as I saw my mother relay lies to Japan. Maybe it kept things naive for a while, some decades till I had this medium to communicate to the world about my own experiences.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Introduction APEC 2011-TPP2017 my wrap up

Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday July 12, 2017 ... 16:25/ 4:25pm Hawaii time
Personal account of Angela M. Kneale born dual national of Japan & Usa, granddaughter of Kikuchi, Hirokatsu (diplomatic mission),
EX-IM representative for public &
non-military initiative shipping channels

I feel I did my best for everyone involved. At this level there are few lawyers and legal actions that can remedy the political and economic effects of those attempting to build a full scale World War 3.
Since 1996, and again in 2005 with my brother's unnatural death, I myself have lost trust in nearly full international business capacity of those in the USA who have entered my life.
The events that occurred in early 1970's prior to my birth in this USA nation, and as a dual national, I reported to police in Hawaii and were brought to light;- slightly. That is, I reported the alleged murder of my sister after her birth by Nurses of a hospital in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.

In 1980's my Japanese nationality & my brother's Japanese nationality changed to dual citizen status.

In 2001 my Japanese nationality and possibly that of my brother's changed outside the USA to being stateless and trafficked individuals by the USAF. This is due to the contents of the Patriot Act and based on revision of first generation American status, despite the United States Constitution.

In 2005 my brother was killed at my parents' family home. I feel this is related to the anonymous ATF call I made due to our neighbors' possibly illegal activity where they forced my brother to manufacture cnc guns as part of his employment at their company. His paychecks from them were approximately $600 per week. I personally made the anonymous whistleblowing call. This is part of the reason I do not think he committed suicide. That is in addition to other things he shared with me as he played along frequently to obtain such information. There was also video footage I was supposed to receive after his memorial service. The person who spoke with me did not make it home from the memorial service and was in a coma for a month or so from that day. I was told that it was evidence of possible racist and hate crimes from the United States action against him.
His so called friends were very racist and even laughing about how they had their brothers and kin assault my brother on multiple occasions. They made these statements in front of me after the memorial service. There were approximately 100+ people in attendance of his memorial service at the funeral home. In addition, there were several attempts made on my life and 1 abduction that included assault and battery within the year from his death. One indirect threat made at me came from the pastor who baptised me and he told my my father to kill me.  The cults, churches, and other white supremacy and (false) patriot organizations in Quakertown, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas including Doylestown, PA and Allentown, PA targeted me and I quickly ran out of my invested money trying to stay alive there.

Despite my upbringing to open for the  United States based export-import shipping channels in countries across the planet;- the United States and any and all its actors and citizens of the public democracy, as well as the military branches, local and federal governments have knowingly and/or unknowingly acted against me. This includes agents and police in the state of Hawaii. The Hawaii state government and its services, judges, and agents and actors have deliberately intended to harm me due to my overseas Japan family relation as niece to Takenaka, Yoshitomo who, at the time was an executive at the 5th largest construction firm that has since grown to be the most okii construction firm on the planet in 2017.
As a founding family member, my uncle Yoshitomo and my Obaasan his wife communicated from Japan to express Japan would be restarting military forces. 

Shortly after that our USA family phones cell phones and mobile phones were tapped by the US government and other military services. We were also monitored by the service provider and, there still is interference even this week, July 2017 when I attempted to speak with my mother who is going for some unknown surgery at a non-hospital location.

  In 2007 I had a studio in Ithaca, New York . Someone,  likely to be Caucasian, attempted to burn down my studio that was located in historic building named Clinton Hall. At the same time my aunt and uncle traveled from Japan and purchase Brazilian iron ore/Steel at 20% more than the USA iron ore/steel bid . After that deal was made, the targeting on my life and death threats to take my life (aka attempted murder) intensified .

  I was still targeted when I arrived in the Hawaiian Islands in 2009. I did not leave the airport property without a federal agent intervening in my entire vacation. But despite everything I was barely able to manage attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Honolulu in 2011. My financial state was very compromised despite my agreeing to attend the meeting.

These actions seem to be actions of USA steel industry, USA infrastructure attacking founding family niece as a political statement to Japan security and infrastructure.
The USA & its States have given virtually no remedy to any of the situations. The USA and its States have given no financial remedy that patches past damage and allows me to move forward with reasonable respect in an international and respectable capacity. Also, federal agent/military trainer I went to family court with also acted as a pimp in a sense and was directly responsible for extracting most all money (cash & credit repot) from me from 2009-2013 though mostly 2009-2011. He did so with cooperation of a Hawaii strip club(s). I was left with some money to pay basic bills to appear normal. Though my financial status severely crippled after identity theft occured with (his accomplices in the banking industry).

Any and all other private USA businesses, which include landlords of rental property, have interfered directly with my financial well being, so as to make it difficult to maintain basic living conditions.
To be continued....