Showing posts with label Operations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operations. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Romeo Agents to USA Deepstate Electronic Torture program

What Happens after a Japanese woman marries an American man?

US Military officers & enlisted men try to marry Japanese women who have caught on to being treated worse than their prostitutes. For them it is a game" to marry a Japanese woman. Winning the favor game among their fellow US men & ex military buddies is most important, and sadly the goal is usually to cause an international incident. Some, very few, are genuinely going to continue with their positive behavior once away from the woman's family in Japan.

Even with a large beergut, the men perceive themselves as a male "sexy agent" aka "Romeo Agent" who is able to entice a woman to marry them. The men know how to "tune on" the frequency wave bandwidth of attraction. And, with current technology & drugs, it is possible to cause synthetic physical attraction. Sometimes the men are paid to conduct this type of clandestine operation.

Once their new bride is in the USA they have a "bragging right". And, in modern 20th century they brag about being the one responsible for getting "one of them out of there" for everyone else USA men and Japan haters to use as a political punching bag.

the USA  is a big place mostly empty of Asian people & culture

I have met several Asian  women who were isolated in Suburban Tri-State Area Philadelphia, NYC area area once leaving their Asian nation, not only Japan. When they see me, regardless of the setting (ie., business function, somber event) They run up to me like a sister and cry out their story, not even leaving time for an introduction of names. I don't think introduction mattered with such a well of emotion. The area is not a place for typical Asian nuances to be discussed in daily life like Hawaii likes to prompt (this is actually a psyOp too). Instead it is a battle for any Asian individuality, custom, respect  against US white & black culture. They did not realize how horrible USA racism & sexism is, especially because USA media will not publish such matters.

There are hundreds if not thousands of cases in the USA & Hawaii State. Especially since Hawaii state has a trafficking culture that forced women into normal tolerance of daily verbal & psychological sexual abuse, sexual harassment, & assault. And, many times these cases are & were kept silent for foreign policy vantage of doing business and being the Number 1 economic power on the planet.* So, despite USA being a nation with the freedom of speech, the Internet social media is also becoming censored.

*Even in NY where Japanese is taught, the local community asked me to translate another Japanese woman's assault case in court

(quiet smallscale " net neutrality" ops)

The  online  censorship (like  quite smallscale  net neutrality ops)  is part of a CIA & Deep State program of "electronic harassment." It is part of a Modern torture method program for social media users has a range of "electronic" torture devices, these devices range from virus-like software programs on your phone & computer to military grade sonic weapons, some satellite depending on the target (human) and their political value of influence.

Welcome to the Deep State

Economic & Electronic Torture program

Space weapons, Satellite weapons, Aircraft mounted weapons, Weaponized Drones, Internet.
Some victims of this program who stepped forward to speak  are former employees & contractors from the CIA, US Black market operations (DEA/ATF?), NSA, and US Military or Private Security corporations. Few of the activists educating the online public are people who were Military Experimental labs corporations.

Since the victims/ targets of this electronic torture program are attacked at home with improved electronic weapons from the Cold War era, many abandon their apartments & houses. Some victims are forced to loose all of their assets due to economic targeting elements of the protocol. Due to the nature of some of the victims backgrounds they may be given opportunities in their line of expertise to restore their life by participating in a CIA or Deep State operation. Others during the course of this terrorist program change location and still experience the electronic harassment, indicating the possible Drone weaponry or satellite weaponry in use. Some conspiracy theorists think that this is NON-CONSENSUAL testing on the USA public by "perps" or perpetrators of the crimes. 

The most public cases known are those involving these remote control weapons giving heart attacks to select political targets/victims. Though some Americans abroad have more current technology that was force implanted or injected  in their brain. Some of this is Corporate Contractor testing of satellite & space weapons. Because of the illegal nature of the weapons development;- many of the victims are unable to secure knowledgeable medical assistance outside of those corporations.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Japan:-USA MK Ultra Hawaii

The events of the past few months have put me in close quarters with an aryan US Marine Corps Colonel, who recently transplanted to Hawaii from the Pentagon. And, a practicing Krishna person who claims to be a victim of direct Rothschild gemstone programming in Oaklahoma, and approached me with hope to share knowledge of their family involvement in Aritchoke & Doormouse. I have to say it has been a grueling 3 months for me.
It's really difficult to try to exist for me here in Hawaii with the onslaught of MK program victims.
The Colonel, wouldn't communicate with me directly and instead took to hiding at least a handful of my personal belongings rather than returning them to me directly. Odd behavior for someone with a higher rank. The practicing Krishna is one of many who gaze onward at the Ford legacy. Both are mostly self motivated and not worldly motivated. Both have deeply insulted me as a woman of born Japanese nationality and descent. Both have admonished my Buddhist family history with repugnance of being equal to Satan worshipers. One deliberately placed dirty laundry over my Kalachakra (time Wheel or representation of OM in one glyph). The other again trying to force me into belonging to the Krishna cult and mindset (not the 1st time for ISKON in Hawaii).
I'm still lacking a safe home for myself as renting solo is extremely difficult, and is coupled with the plethora of Delta altar US military personnel and contractors, as well as the trained snipers and assassins that the USA MK Ultra Program has left on the Hawaiian islands. The islands seem to be a catch all for MK Ultra and related Mind Kontrol program victims whose families were promised some sanctuary for submitting their children (now encroaching on 50 years old). Most of the Mind Kontrol victims or participants I have met are approximately 50 years old, give or take a few years.

Some of them have definative altar changes and lack control and composure to stop and engage in a 2 way conversation. Others simply submerge themselves in their work at times, yet do not live normal family life and opt for partying daily on US military pay.

These programmed individuals do not claim responsibility for their actions. They do not show any remorse for their offensive actions. Rather, they make immediate attachment to the Rothschilds and the Military as excuse and refute their own individual freedoms as a form of denial. These people are very unlike those who are not programmed. Or, for those who were programmed and choose to make public through interviews the societal impact of the research that was conducted on them.

Regardless of any involvement my family may or may not have had. Most of the USA MK victims are quick to attach a "satanic" attribute to the program. They refuse to seperate the US military installation from the Rothschilds agenda.    They also remain defensive of their family members particularly if they feel that they have a "special"  or desirable European lineage that has potential to carry white Aryan (blonde hair, blue eyes, or light colored eyes & light hair as a dissapointing second). The use of India's Krishna religion is just one place where the tortured women reside, yet I am still uncertain if it is a choice or if it is the only religion that will give these women independent sanctuary and breeding partners (as it seems there are no marriages yet more "unfortunate children").

Seperate issue from the above and my living situation;- is that the USAF Stargate program is set to be a business and military industry standard acceptable conciousness (remote viewing & personal safety intuition) in 10-15 years.