Showing posts with label Domestic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domestic. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Romeo Agents to USA Deepstate Electronic Torture program

What Happens after a Japanese woman marries an American man?

US Military officers & enlisted men try to marry Japanese women who have caught on to being treated worse than their prostitutes. For them it is a game" to marry a Japanese woman. Winning the favor game among their fellow US men & ex military buddies is most important, and sadly the goal is usually to cause an international incident. Some, very few, are genuinely going to continue with their positive behavior once away from the woman's family in Japan.

Even with a large beergut, the men perceive themselves as a male "sexy agent" aka "Romeo Agent" who is able to entice a woman to marry them. The men know how to "tune on" the frequency wave bandwidth of attraction. And, with current technology & drugs, it is possible to cause synthetic physical attraction. Sometimes the men are paid to conduct this type of clandestine operation.

Once their new bride is in the USA they have a "bragging right". And, in modern 20th century they brag about being the one responsible for getting "one of them out of there" for everyone else USA men and Japan haters to use as a political punching bag.

the USA  is a big place mostly empty of Asian people & culture

I have met several Asian  women who were isolated in Suburban Tri-State Area Philadelphia, NYC area area once leaving their Asian nation, not only Japan. When they see me, regardless of the setting (ie., business function, somber event) They run up to me like a sister and cry out their story, not even leaving time for an introduction of names. I don't think introduction mattered with such a well of emotion. The area is not a place for typical Asian nuances to be discussed in daily life like Hawaii likes to prompt (this is actually a psyOp too). Instead it is a battle for any Asian individuality, custom, respect  against US white & black culture. They did not realize how horrible USA racism & sexism is, especially because USA media will not publish such matters.

There are hundreds if not thousands of cases in the USA & Hawaii State. Especially since Hawaii state has a trafficking culture that forced women into normal tolerance of daily verbal & psychological sexual abuse, sexual harassment, & assault. And, many times these cases are & were kept silent for foreign policy vantage of doing business and being the Number 1 economic power on the planet.* So, despite USA being a nation with the freedom of speech, the Internet social media is also becoming censored.

*Even in NY where Japanese is taught, the local community asked me to translate another Japanese woman's assault case in court

(quiet smallscale " net neutrality" ops)

The  online  censorship (like  quite smallscale  net neutrality ops)  is part of a CIA & Deep State program of "electronic harassment." It is part of a Modern torture method program for social media users has a range of "electronic" torture devices, these devices range from virus-like software programs on your phone & computer to military grade sonic weapons, some satellite depending on the target (human) and their political value of influence.

Welcome to the Deep State

Economic & Electronic Torture program

Space weapons, Satellite weapons, Aircraft mounted weapons, Weaponized Drones, Internet.
Some victims of this program who stepped forward to speak  are former employees & contractors from the CIA, US Black market operations (DEA/ATF?), NSA, and US Military or Private Security corporations. Few of the activists educating the online public are people who were Military Experimental labs corporations.

Since the victims/ targets of this electronic torture program are attacked at home with improved electronic weapons from the Cold War era, many abandon their apartments & houses. Some victims are forced to loose all of their assets due to economic targeting elements of the protocol. Due to the nature of some of the victims backgrounds they may be given opportunities in their line of expertise to restore their life by participating in a CIA or Deep State operation. Others during the course of this terrorist program change location and still experience the electronic harassment, indicating the possible Drone weaponry or satellite weaponry in use. Some conspiracy theorists think that this is NON-CONSENSUAL testing on the USA public by "perps" or perpetrators of the crimes. 

The most public cases known are those involving these remote control weapons giving heart attacks to select political targets/victims. Though some Americans abroad have more current technology that was force implanted or injected  in their brain. Some of this is Corporate Contractor testing of satellite & space weapons. Because of the illegal nature of the weapons development;- many of the victims are unable to secure knowledgeable medical assistance outside of those corporations.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

What Hawaii State does after THEIR pimps attack a tourist.

The thing that really got to me last night, is the disrespect from Hawaii's social workers. I wonder that they even realize they promote human trafficking?!!!
At a domestic violence help network;- they informed me that Hawaii state would have me arrested like many others if I boarded the plane. And they offered me what is called a "Freedom train Flight" Basically, a one way plane ticket out of Hawaii to another Destination. 
However they wanted me to have someone "SIGN" for me like a package and "Take responsibility for me" Like a pimp. I NEVER HAD A PIMP interfere in my life and jeporadize my career & work UNTIL I arrived at the Honolulu airport. So it was 100% Hawaii's astute Federal type Pimp.
So OBVIOUSLY none of my friends or family wanted anything to do with such a legal transaction.
Basically, they disrespected my now 40year old single adult opinion to return to MY LIFE. MY STUDIO. MY OFFICE. and other things that supported MY LIFE as an independent private individual who was raised to work on EXIM matters that were loosely connected to APEC 2011 which I attended despite my situation. This isn't an issue I scream out at collegues.  If you want to be humiliated and thrown in the gutter internationally as a 1st generation American- Japanese citizen;- going on vacation here is one way to do it. 
Now that my life is ruined, and virtually unsalvageable due to INANE Hawaii. I'm not sure what to do due to the international EMBARASSMENT & HUMILIATION their local gangstalkers and martial arts followers impressed. 
There's not much I can accomplish with jeering bank tellers, police harassers, and their run of mill men who are accustomed to "Purchasing" women's time in a variety of otherwise standard "unprofessional ways" in bars.
Additionally, after I was fighting for my life a 2nd time and cops watched ( if you follow my blog posts) I was forced to fill out a police report according to Officers words and threatened to be arrested if I didn't accept the Ambulence services. Being in a really bad financial situation already;- the Hospitals attempted to extort money from my relatives. By the way, the HPD officer did not make any attempt to STOP my attacker and WATCHED in entirety with a door WIDE OPEN.
Hawaii State denied me the full extent of my human rights. Including refusing to meet with me for social services. This is not just a light Targeted Individual situation in one of the most difficult places to live financially. They can't afford their own SECURITY personnel.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Make International Trade a NGO issue. UN protections only.

TPP, Presidential Candidates, and new EX-IM

The United States does not need international trade. Every single presidential candidate running this season seems to agree. I waited 6 years for the ASEAN nations Japan partner to join in negotiation for the TPP in 2011. I have waited another 5 years to hear that my favorite Hillary Clinton @doesn't like the deal", mind you that I  rep'd the USA. And last night I got a reminder from an Asian rep type person that I should QUIT my current job in the USA. That leaves me without income at all AND no social services support. The USA still hasn't lightened up since dropping the Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nearly a year ago in  2005, my 3rd party intermediary was terminated. It left me running for my life from the staunch republican interest and  without sufficient support in the USA. That is despite my meagre attendance at APEC 2011 for a show of face & Japan announcing they would enter into TPP negotiation talks  with the USA.

 The special missions that ran through China and other parts of Asia circa WW2 helped open conversation for trade with the USA. The post-Vietnam war era lead to more Recon efforts of Asia and new marriages and family relations with  America's United States and Asian nations. Only a generation away, ASEAN countries have mostly decided to try and accept a "Deal" to do trade with the USA. Despite USA Armed Forces' interest in opening certain trade routes;- some people, especially in ASIA,  disagree that it should be US  military initiated.

I'll add more later... I'm just about ready to step out of the USA, as there is no indicator that the US Military will cease to hinder my well being. Additionally that there may be some "gang wars" and assassinations to hit the Hawaii & NY domestic shippers;- as it has come to my personal attention, so does my life feel in greater jeopardy today.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Improve Hawaii hotel check-in

It will be great when we can check in at a hotel with a kiosk to take payment and print invoice/receipt. Also it could give us USA citizens a room key card or update our phone with a key card that changes each time we enter the hotel lobby @ kiosk. Whether biometric or not.
 Just saying, lines are awful for someone like me ready to pass out. 

Friday, April 01, 2016


Cults & Spiritual or Religious factions today create supportive environments for their followers. Some cults are too destructive for their new members. My life in the USA has taken me through a spiritual realm of organizational business and value development in Environmental and Rights movements especially. I have spent a lifetime in the midst of how USA cults & domestic terrorist groups (such as White Supremacists) recruit and develop their organizations by living in some of their communities. All of the negative exposures that I had as a child prompted me to become the "ALICE" aka the vigilante to overcome the injustices. It is not really anything new to the world, except maybe making the statements in English as a primary observer's language. I suppose that the Asian continent is still curious as to what lies beneath the blood streaked Banner of Stars that lies across the Pacific.

Most people who gravitate towards cults do so because they have experienced childhood with some religious setting. The religious setting may have been one of the most peaceful times to interact with "strangers". If there was a meditation or other prayer time, this is a very powerful feeling because there is a sense of safety and trust in closing one's eyes and diminishing senses while reciting a prayer. Many times, all of these basic elements in a person's life are gradually overcome with hectic modern life. Unlike other regression periods, participating in religious or "Spiritual" groups is a socially acceptable adult practise.

OFFERING by the Cult, Religious faction or Spiritual group
- (Mission Statement) An inclusion in the group whose members have a Value System that is based on the appreciation of a common denominator;- singular (noun) Object, Ideal, Person.
- (Participation) The ability for members to participate in a supportive environment that supports the Value System.
- (Acknowledgement) Since many people are not going to give large sums of money (Pirates), the Social Acknowledgement from group must have a high value for the person's ego.
It is from this last portion the Social Acknowledgement that the Cult gains it's momentum and control.

Mind Control and Ego are common facets of Total Environment. Symbology has evolved in similar ways throughout the world;- yet homogenization of Symbology in meaning/definition is not uniform throughout the world.  I'm not talking about any traditional college courses here. These are attributes that I am attempting to define from my point of view at the organizational level of a Cult or group that is "Spiritually" inclined.

                    Actual Ego + Ideal Ego = Destruction or Resurrection of Ego

The Actual Ego, is the Ego in itself with it's natural flaws and understanding of Sin, Good & Evil.
When the Actual Ego enters the Cult, there is a significant impact of feeling "unworthy", due to dedication of time to values, that may be impressed on the individual. This unworthy feeling may be kept supressed by the new member. Some Cult members call this the testing period, other's use it as a crux for bending a person to surrender themselves to the Cult for fear of further rejection.

The Ideal Ego, (ie., the Divine person who is with God);- This is to say, some fantasized version of what life is like as a human, within human social constraints living perfectly with the Spiritual Value System. However, attached to the Ideal Ego is a typified Ultimate Personage. The Ultimate Personage is the spiritual version of Ideal Ego that is meditated upon and used for Actual Ego comparison check-in.

Destruction of Ego;- In fact, once the Prayer/Check-in with God/Meditation/Spell/Healing Energy is made the Actual Ego goes through a small, or large, destruction (aka to Humble oneself).  In extreme cases, the Actual Ego is annihilated/destroyed as a show of unworthiness in this realm of existence;- ie., Waco, Suicide bombers, Mass suicides. In a normal case, slight correction of an unbecoming behaviour or circumstance & attributing the correction to the Ultimate Personage/ Thaumaturgy/ God.
  • The Cult already knows that most people "will believe in" the 10% they hear that is good.
  • This Destruction of Ego is a small eye opening to see & change the 90% undesirable with the Cult's Value System.   

Resurrection of Ego;- The Actual Ego attains a "Theta state" while accepting the Cult programming. The Overall corrections to the Value System are comprehensive and emerge as to fit the desires/needs of the Cult. On a spiritual level, the Actual Ego has relaxed within the Cult environment and is attuned to the Value System in entirety and can insert pentagram to dictate change.

The Comic/Movie Deadpool uses the "Salvation Theory" justification theme
Incurable Death + Ultimate Cure = Deadpool

Spiritual Cults work on a similar platform.


write more later;- bedtime....m still sorting out all of this... groan. My worse than a vampire problem has subsided Skinwalker Navajo & Rosacrucians. Time taken over by retired? DELTA altar Military Contractor, Add back in JP Cult members tied to Yakuza gangs, and minus one Nutritionist who hates me who has White supremacy background and a huge Isis tattoo splayed on her back. I NEED SLEEP!!!!

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Hawaii guys- "Community Leader" type

The "Community Leader" 
He is respected by his community through a variety of organizations. Not all of these men are bad to date, however, watch out for the bad ones. Underneath their strong & statured posturing as a role model;- the stress will be vented somewhere where he thinks no one is looking. Every type of abuse can be dished out freely financial, physical, emotional. Usually the financial & physical abuse are firsts and he considers your emotional response to him "your problem alone" because His feelings are superior and more worthy of attention.  He may be single & seem baggage free. However, because of his position, he firmly believes that the social organizations for abused women exist specifically so he CAN abuse women and not feel bad about it because "someone" will take care of them. 
If you can't handle making a community spectacle of your disaster, you will suffer silently & alone.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Free calling on a fixed budget

Free calling/ communication options for those who are on a tight or fixed budget. There are some business plans available as well as family packages.
First, here are some rates and my reasoning for using these great services!

Skype Rates per Minute in USD $
Helsinki Finland $0.031
Japan $0.025
Japan (mobile) $0.154
New Zealand $0.021
New Zealand (mobile) $0.310

North American Rates for Skype are Free until the end of 2006.(11/24/06)

Free rates apply to registered Jajah users (both caller and call recipient)
The low rates apply when there is at least 1 unregistered Skype user and compare to posted the Skype rates I listed above.
Registration does not change the Phone provider.
This service, as I have experienced it is independent of your cell phone service provider.
You might ask, "Then why use Jajah?".
For international calls especially, I like to receive calls on my mobile phone.
However, my mobile company charges me $1.32 to $1.50 a minute for calls.
I got sick of having to go to the convenience stores to buy international calling cards
or punching in over 26 numbers and waiting to make calling card calls.
Jajah is a solution for me to the simplicity. My rates through Jajah are approximately 1/10th of what I would pay to my cell phone carrier.
I can talk for reasonable amounts of time and send text messages at a better rate!

Read below for a variety of common options for reduced cost communication!!!
1: Phone to Phone calling (minimal use of computer)
No Download needed. Online registration required. Free calling from phone to phone in your Zone. - Domestic and International Phone calls & Text Messaging.

Jajah is great for the person who wants to make calls without all the computer gear; ie, video cam and headset. You don't necessarily need your computer after registration, but you do need your own phone and the person you're calling needs to have a phone. You talk through your phone at a reduced or free rate compared to some traditional calling plans. The rate is sometimes 1/10th of the normal cost of International overseas calling rates! It is very low cost compared to packaged International calling rates from your landline. (see rates here)

Mobile phone to Mobile phone or Phone - Mobile to Mobile free calling. New! Check out the required Mobile phone to use this Jajah feature and use of a computer to register your number with Jajah. It seems you must still have a regular calling plan; though if you're calling out of the country this feature can be very useful. Some mobile plans charge up to $1.50/ minute of air time to Outside countries. Jajah can make those calls more affordable.

Free downloads, free communication, Computer to computer - for gamers and kids mostly. - chat in 3D. No real live video.

IMVU requires time, definately. It is a constructed world in 3D much like the old moos and muds. There are many choices for your character and settings. You must have sufficient memory to run this one too - though most computers today will do. And a tolerance for teenage antics including pulling wedgies on your character.
I have found few adults hanging out on this site. But an interesting crowd none the less. IMVU is in 3D chat style and allows the user to participate in simulated real world settings, purchase clothes to dress your 3D character, and purchase hotel rooms and such for your characters to hook up in the online fantasy land. The chatters or users are real people. Includes a web page that can be decorated. 3D snapshots of people/ characters you meet to be added to your website. etc.

Computer to computer or Computer to Phone - Video, Computer to Phone, Chat, send files - Requires download
Skype has a calling option to call from your computer to a landline or other phone numer. However, you must purchase Skype credit in order to do this. There is a small fee to call internationally to a land line. It is not a substitute for calling out for emergencies to 911. You cannot send files on a call to a landline. Nor can you see the person you are calling.
Chat & video conference free internationally from computer to computer; much like MSN Messenger or Yahoo Instant Messanger. There is a video option for video calls/ chat.

File transfers can occur without having a Yahoo or MSN related email address to manage additionally.

You can make calls to phones anyplace in the world ( for a small fee - *for free and the best rates I've found: try looking at Jajah for free calling to land lines and mobile phones).

MSN Messenger - PC to Phone, Video, Chat, Games, email, send files
Sign up for an email account with Hotmail for your friends to contact you. Though, it is not the only email option, it is part of setting up your messenger user account. You can set up with a video camera and headset on your computer to have a direct conversation and see the person who you're speaking with in Real time.
There are newer features from the old messenger to call internationally and locally to mobile and landlines. Now with a feature making it compatible with YIM or Yahoo Instant Messenger buddies! - PC to Phone, Video, Chat, Games, email, send files
A great way to communicate and send files, start by setting up a free Yahoo account. You can set up with a video camera and headset on your computer to have a direct conversation and see the person who you're speaking with in Real time. There is PC to phone calling for approximately 1 cent per minute. It's nearly 75% more expensive than using Jajah. And, I have to compare the rates with Skype.

Rev: 11/24/2006