Showing posts with label State. Show all posts
Showing posts with label State. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2018

An app im thinking to develop

Requirements for the scrapbook & vacation & budget app.
Selfies with friends at an establishment/store or activity at start.
Pics of food & beverage or having service performed (ie massage, facial, )
Rate the experience #stars or shakas,
Pics of entertainment.
Pics of purchases for souvenirs.

Allow other app users to view what vacation days other tourists experienced;-
Enable the app user to:
1. pay ahead to businesses & make reservations.
2. Enter/Show their vacation budget, do comparison shopping, and dietary requirements or restrictions.
3. Track most popular goods/souvenirs for tourists & stock better.
4. Include in app translation/ pronunciation service for select languages for destination names.

Make ride share easier to use.
Tie in maps directions if possible.
Make tracking tourists easier & have expected ETA at planned destinations.
Allow local resident freelance guides & photographers to advertise easily for personal tours & to have their expenses or gifts covered by the tourists in app.

Allow shared photos to have face blurry or gif mask, possibly.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hypothetical Legal @ Hawaii Hotels & Airlines.

I have had 7 years, or 5 from the time of APEC 2011 Honolulu, to move through security issues on Oahu.  Something I want more research on ;- aside from the general international perception that Hawaii State is a Criminal money laundering operation if not just so poorly run its un
believeable. Hawaii State is a nightmare.
Those in Hospitality need to make about $50/hr in order to live comfortably.

One of the goals of APEC 2011 was to stop "payoff payments to criminal organizations" that are in effect a large part of the money LOST in business transaction. Hawaii state being the center of my 5 year commitment from the time of APEC 2011 and Japan's entry to TPP in 2012. It is now 2017. I  am nearly finished as enough construction has been completed.

Issues that stem from Hawaii's hospitality and employees- several possible spy/ agent/ crafts persons who are accepting tips from international sources. 
  • access to personal data & information, address, mobile phone number at POP end user interface.
  • issues with workers who do not speak English and use  Hawaiian Pidgin language as well as "Asian language affected speech impetement." 
    • Companies who/that hire & employ workers expecting native English speakers to try and figure out what they are saying
To be continued: 
idea: Have a billing system that is run by app in shopping centers with personal bag check at exit.

How the Airlines are liable for Non-USA criminal entrants to the Island State
How the Hotels are liable for aiding and abetting a foreign criminal or terrorist
Where the line to injuring an American citizen is drawn;- even with masked & foreign crafted intent
How the Native Hawaii State population is ill prepared to support USA.
How the Native Hawaii State population including politicians choose to intentionally harm gross USA planning

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Russia vs. USA parenting

Just a thought:
One thing that Russia does make sense of with their government, is parenting.
That is to say, children who have special skills, genius,  or inclinations are noted from a young age and the Russian state intervenes. In the United States, many parents have a sort of mental illness that stems from trying to live life through their children and making inappropriate choices.  

Monday, April 25, 2016

I am very concerned. I need help to leave Hawaii safely.

So, I'm learning from ex-US military who was involved with Yamaguchi-gumi Inakawa-Kai that Hawaii syndicate runs the Hawaiian shipyards and docks and also vice in Chinatown. I don't know how outdated the story is. 
However, it's getting unbearably uncomfortable for me to try and remain in Hawaii, I was told they are patched in with the Chinese and Vietnamese communities;- stuff I just speculated before. So, it feels like death is breathing down my neck after yesterday. I'm not ok with this Hawaii State anymore. It's too stressful and I hate.
They try to kill my relatives In Japan who already do international trade;- and they have decimated any hope of me having a secure life in Hawaii and USA now.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

USA murder attempts on EX-IM

The United States decided to detain me from my home country of Japan, and has made several attempts to slaughter me. 
Each person I contact who works at a different agency has a particular political opinion. The total sum of their actions has damaged my life and is highly unacceptable for me to continue with my role in the USA.
Today, I'm revisiting the financial damage caused by Honolulu Police department and  a 2013 murder attempt made by a Nuclear Submariner in the USA Navy. I was never contacted by the Hawaii State or Honolulu prosecutor regarding the matter, as she was bought by the Navy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

180 days to go

July 22nd, 2013 at 8AM in the First District Court of Honolulu;- the ex-nuclear submarine engineer plead guilty to a charge of Harassment rather than waiting till July 24, 2013 for my appearance as a State witness in what HPD defied as "abuse."
This was the 4th very violent attack made on me by this young 26 year old man. Because of his security clearance, it seems that Hawaii and law enforcement have given him one year of leeway in all incidents that I have reported. This last incident involved me fighting for my life and for consciousness. And, he is a known drunk at bars and for being in fights.
The newly assigned Hawaii State prosecutor never contacted me regarding the case. She also refused to make time to discuss anything with me. Though this new prosecutor seems to be of Japanese descent, she also seems very biased against me as a 1st generation American who is of direct Japanese national descent. (I was advised of the hatred Japanese-Americans in Hawaii are veraciously against those of us who have a direct connection to Japan).
The public that has encountered and witnessed the attacks made on me by this Navy engineer put pressure on me in April 2012 to get a Temporary Restraining Order on the Navy Officer. The restraining order was granted in May 2012. The Navy engineer did many things in order to prevent the TRO from being known by his Commanding Officer. This included more than 6-8 months of his
behavior getting me thrown out of my apartments, having his fellow Navy Officers stalk me and take my phone, His damaging my working laptops and phones as well as many other personal belongings I had, and being verbally and mentally abusive to me for hours on end.
Hawaii State supports this behavior because of their need for men like him to feed their Hostess bar and Sex trade industries. It is a well known fact that the State encourages these men to absolute drunkeness so that they can collect more money in DUI's and other legal matters, as well as fining bars and their workers.  And, that the State supports "soft" sex slavery and human trafficking where women wind up stuck in Hawaii and the Law Enforcement does nothing to help protect women. In fact, over the course of the past 1 year and 4 months I have learned many TRO's are issued against officers of the Honolulu Police Department. Additionally, they target people flying into this island state through the forms that are required to be filled out on the plane (as if entering another country).
Furthermore, the network of Attorneys is not like the networks on the Mainland. It is in fact more exclusive as law firms and attorneys collaborate, organize, and manipulate their clients' legal conflicts of interest.  This is something that the local Courts overlook, as it is yet another way for this Island State to maintain some financial influx in this remote economy.
So, today, I broke down in tears because my previous lifestyle has been mostly decimated by the Military and Law enforcement community here in Hawaii. I have lost a tremendous amount of time, personal dignity, years of paid work, as well as my musical talent going to waste in this rotten and virtually un-cultured Island economy. I'm not certain as to how to re-establish my life, and on my own terms;- since this State of Hawaii has taken away the very things that made my life independent and respectable.
The only light is that;-  Hopefully, the Ex-nuclear engineer will be discharged from the Navy and the 12 or so nuclear submarine reactors will sit in Pearl Harbor and Hawaii's surrounding waters a bit safer.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Unconstitutional to Who? My landlord's in Bankruptcy!!!

Moving day, I was so ecstatic to be moving from my old place and cutting my rent nearly in half in the Economy of April 2012. Little did I know, my NEW landlord was in bankruptcy.
I was aware that my landlord "may" be under foreclosure;- however I had an inexpensive room in a house on the market in a similar situation. I thought I'd be there for 1 month maybe two at first. I wound up living there for approximately 1 year until the sale of the house (approx. $682,000) was closed on.

I found out May 1st that my new landlord is indeed, in bankruptcy. And, in my searches through Hawaii's Supreme Court Library;- I have only found a few laws and cases that apply to private/personal leases and tenants taking landlords to court.

Plus, the electricity has been shut off since May 1st by the Association that runs the building. It's an older building so all of the utilities are not on separate lots. And, the Association/Board decided to try and force
anyone in the Penthouse apartment unit out of the unit by shutting off the utilities to the unit at the breaker box within the building. Keep in mind, the breaker box is indeed LOCKED.

Step 1.  After a nearly a week of discussion with my landlord in person I mailed a letter stating that I'd like the utilities restored.
Step 2. After his hearing with the Association in Federal Bankruptcy Court to have utilities restored;- the Association did not turn on the utilities. So I filed a petition(s) for TRO against Unlawful Utility Cut-Off as well as related "Claims for damages". Keep in mind, the landlord would possibly incur daily fines of $500 to $10,000 in Hawaii for not providing the basic hot water, electric, etc. (despite it not being his "direct" fault)

Step 3. The hearing for my case commenced yesterday May 16, 2012  as I feel I exercise my tenant rights despite under Hawaii District Court Landlord-Tenant Manual --The Landlord as the Debtor 365 (h)(1) "...the non-debtor tenant may elect to retain its rights under the lease."  And 365(h)(1)(A)(ii) specifically relating for my "quiet enjoyment, etc."

Step 4:  The initial "Ex Parte TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) against unlawful utility shut off" has an addendum TRO on it as "TRO for Harassment."   And, I was instructed by the Judge to file for a "Motion for a lift of stay" in US Federal Bankruptcy Court, in order for me to proceed in the District Court.
This has 2 SERIOUS problems:
1.  I reside at the same residence with my landlord in a separate bed/bath situation;- as it is a penthouse. 
2.  To file for a "Motion for a lift of Stay" is expensive ($150 file fee) as well as filing any and additional Complaint at ($293) without an attorney. And, I believe must be filed with 20 days notice to debtor-landlord.

Step 5:  Filing Motion for lift of stay as by Federal Procedure/Bankruptcy/9:1111 Motion for Relief:
- as I researched in the Supreme Court Law Library and also viewing the forms for Motion for lift of stay/Automatic Stay. I am not in a typical Creditor position for which these Motion forms seem to be intended. Though i may use terms "non-debtor tenant and debtor-landlord" I do not feel that it doesn't compromise my BASIC U.S. Constitutional Rights. And so I found that there is 9:335 Constitutional limitation on exercise of jurisdiction by bankruptcy court, and am wondering why in the world I, personally have to file for the Motion for lift of stay despite my landlord and his property falling under Title 11.
It seems unconstitutional to me to have to even subject myself to being potentially held in contempt of court at the Federal level when this is a case that should only be held at the State or District level. I feel that the very act of Filing for Motion for lift of Stay violates my individual Constitutional rights that are deemed "Limited" by the Federal Bankruptcy court.

I'm screaming inside since this happened yesterday. I feel so Violated by the Hawaii Court System and that they are ordering me to deny myself my basic Constitutional Rights and also to Due Process.