Sunday, October 15, 2023
Sprout Fuel: A Personal Journey, A Global Perspective
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Start of my United Nations Complaint
Main contents of my Complaint Letter in short to
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
July 31, 2019
I was born in the USA in 1974, to a Japanese National mother who remained a Japanese National until the late 1980's after Japanese Nationality laws changed. . The USAF instructed my mother she was not permitted to name me with any cultural indicators. I was registered at birth in USA as Angela Meredith Kneale, and I am the aggreived complainant & last survivor of my known siblings who were murdered in the town of Quakertown, Pennsylvania in Bucks County, USA. Recently I filed a complaint at your United Nations form website where I completed the form to the best of my ability at a public computer at the Congressional Law Library. It is my individual complaint where I want to assert the United States of America & United States Air Force as well as individuals I name specifically, violated the following Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR);
Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, (9?), 12, 13, 15, (16?), 17, (18?), 20, 22, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 25, 26 (2), 27, 29(1), 29(2).
My purpose is to bring light to the abuses in an international setting. I am a grand-daughter and neice of well known Japanese Nationals who are or were involved with Japanese Security & infrastructure and/ or employed in Japanese government.
This is in addition to other articles where it seems USA violated my rights specifically to ensure Surveillance monitoring of my life & family such as;
Articles of the UN Convention against torture Art.4
Declaration of Right to Development Art 2 (4)
USCA 50 s1886 , 1881a(f)(2)
As well as forcing me into statelessness as perceived supranationally upon legal reading of the USA Patriot Act after the events of 9/11.
My complaint is extensive and spans my life to date of 44years.
One of the goals of my complaint is to present the United States of America as a non-benign & benevolent society who is likely criminal since they brought my mother to the USA via their military personnel and with ATS clearance. I also will refute that USA intended to entrap me with it's nationality laws so that I would be tortured and unable to choose & obtain my Japanese Nationality at any point within reasonable, natural, and normal means given my family relation also to my uncle Takenaka, Yoshitomo a now retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation. I fully believe that the United States of America trafficked my mother from Japan in order to torture her. And, that I was born an attachment to her as an additional trafficking victim.
My complaint against the United States, USAF, NASA, CIA, and it's state agents will also include normal tortures under war Tribunals as well as the illegal non-consensual testing of humans in CIA MKultra program protocol(s). This is of course after the basic fact that I was denied so many basic human rights due to my unique DNA which has, by some tests 10HVR1 mutations that span 10 distinct European, Asian, protected indigenous Asian, and Japanese markers. I feel They violated me in every way possible.
I do not have choice but to file this complaint independently due to the high number of CIA & Yakuza & MI5, MI6 perpetrators who have taken advantage of the weak USA public and further causing harm to my personal life. I hope you can understand that my Japanese family relation made me a target by USA since birth.
I will appreciate any assistance since I have been forced out of normal housing for safety liability, and financial reasons largely since my attendance at APEC 2011 in Honolulu, HI.
I was again threatened in 2019 by perpetrators & my father and my tortured mother who does not seem to understand legal complexities any longer.
I have little recourse and defense against the State of Pennsylvania or any other USA domestic perpetrator.
I have contacted Ithaca, NY Human rights organization however they have never had such a case. So, I am decidedly better off independently working with minimal need to know information I received from Japan years ago.
In light of the death threats I received since leaving Oahu, I am making my situation known publically online.
Angela M. Kneale
Monday, November 28, 2016
Hawaii Needs to rezone
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
America under Trump
Monday, September 05, 2016
There are no good choices
There are no good choices
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Toxic Mold Legislation needed
They say that you won't know until you are on the same frequency. And, rightly so, noone really wants to be discussing toxic mold. I didn't know that some of the tent encampments in Honolulu were a result of sick buildings and mold ridden A/C ducts. Not all of the toxic mold and black mold on Oahu is posted notice. And, many landlords force the tenents out without any compensation for mold contaminated furniture, do a small repair of the moldy area and then re-lease the rental space. Due to the expense of furniture replacement, many tenents will take their mold contaminated furniture with them without proper treatment to the mold. Then, they move their belongings to a public storage unit or a new residence where the mold can continue to flourish. There is no Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) that I know of. Additionally, the issue of Toxic mold is that it is a biotoxin and classified as a biological weapon. So, anyone can see the double edged sword of this mold strain being a public liability.
If I were to start a HI-PIRG group- I would be lobbying Hawaii State Legislature with a bill that makes it mandatory for Hawaii residents to be tested for toxic mold strains bi-annually or Annually sometime soon after Hurricane season and before the Holidays. I doubt it would give a completely accurate picture of where toxic mold is accrued, but it might help define areas that are severely affected. I think that this is important because mold spores also can root in clothing, and workers can bring it with them to the international hotel setting in Waikiki. Workers in hospitality industry are already subject to mandatory TB (tuberculosis) testing. A toxic mold test can be very fast with the correct high powered microscope, a drop of blood or two from the finger for slides (amount of blood much like an anemia test).
According to Dr. Croft (on, 525,000 people died with toxic mold in 2003 with a 40% mortality rate. They estimate that the mortality rate has risen to 55% in 2005, 11 years ago.
Since 2014, when I learned I was contaminated with toxic mold;- I have learned of others who have gone through this experience. Toxic Mold survivors are typically left financially devastated.
In 2 years and 6 months, I have learned word of mouth of the following:
- 1 person on Kauai who is mentally ill and incompetant from toxic mold
- 1 person on Kauai (vegetarian) who had surgical removal of a tumor caused by toxic mold
- 1 person PH Pauoa Valley loosing their home to toxic mold & has many toxic mold symptoms
- 1 person in back of Pauoa Valley has a large tumor looking object (not confirmed toxic mold)
- Me who in back of Pauoa Valley (the only 12B Oahu microclimate)contracted toxic mold
- Renters in Chinatown living in tent encampments due to Mold affected air ducts.
Homeowner responsibility to tenants is low in Hawaii. Many renters have no rights as I learned there are laws that do not protect tenants who do not OWN the condo unit or rental room. This I learned is due to the land having separate ownership from the building owner. A condo owner who rented a room and bathroom to me in their penthouse was exempt from any human rights responsibility to me by Hawaii State Law. I learned this when the condo association shut off utilities and attempted to extort the condo owner's condo association fees from me. I had barely lived there for 1.5weeks. I learned that the Honolulu 1st District Court mandated that do not have basic U.S. Constitutional rights in Hawaii as a renter at all, according to Hawaii State Law.
Monday, August 01, 2016
Semi-auto addicted Cops on Sunday Morning
For the handful of years I tried to stay with my parents after college graduation, I was harassed frequently by officers of the Richlandtown and Quakertown Police Department. This particulary worsened @ 2002-2005 when they would arrive and start shooting semi-automatic weapons on Sunday mornings in our family field. Later they would harass me pulling me over on the country roads. They also forced my parents to throw me out without most of my piano studio belongings, or clothes. I was also abducted 2x between 2002 and 2006. They threated to arrest me when I attempted to obtain records for court, they said I wasn't white, wasn't a land owner, and was a mongrel dog to them.
They did on occasion escort me to my parent's home, allow me to put some things into a storage unit which was broken into.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Hawaii needs to end sex trafficking

Those in the human labor "industry" sometimes gain outside financial support from undefined Muslim business interests. While the same women are prostitutes for the US military that resides in Hawaii, the local law enforcement virtually gives them free reign by having a blind eye to these trafficked workers to physically attack other women and families. Maybe in comparison to mainland USA, there should be a wider definition of prostitution. I have heard stories from Bar owners who have received fines for their Hostesses being engaged in prostitution. This was frequently due to undercover officers propositioning women in their establishments for prostitution. The frequency of men propositioning women for prostitution or sex in any Hawaii public location is very high. It is unlike the Mainland USA where prostitution
The maturity of both military and non-military officers and housewives who participate in the Hawaii and Transient Vegas sex worker industry is a gateway for human trafficking to remain enabled in the Hawaiian islands.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
180 days to go
This was the 4th very violent attack made on me by this young 26 year old man. Because of his security clearance, it seems that Hawaii and law enforcement have given him one year of leeway in all incidents that I have reported. This last incident involved me fighting for my life and for consciousness. And, he is a known drunk at bars and for being in fights.
The newly assigned Hawaii State prosecutor never contacted me regarding the case. She also refused to make time to discuss anything with me. Though this new prosecutor seems to be of Japanese descent, she also seems very biased against me as a 1st generation American who is of direct Japanese national descent. (I was advised of the hatred Japanese-Americans in Hawaii are veraciously against those of us who have a direct connection to Japan).
The public that has encountered and witnessed the attacks made on me by this Navy engineer put pressure on me in April 2012 to get a Temporary Restraining Order on the Navy Officer. The restraining order was granted in May 2012. The Navy engineer did many things in order to prevent the TRO from being known by his Commanding Officer. This included more than 6-8 months of his
behavior getting me thrown out of my apartments, having his fellow Navy Officers stalk me and take my phone, His damaging my working laptops and phones as well as many other personal belongings I had, and being verbally and mentally abusive to me for hours on end.
Hawaii State supports this behavior because of their need for men like him to feed their Hostess bar and Sex trade industries. It is a well known fact that the State encourages these men to absolute drunkeness so that they can collect more money in DUI's and other legal matters, as well as fining bars and their workers. And, that the State supports "soft" sex slavery and human trafficking where women wind up stuck in Hawaii and the Law Enforcement does nothing to help protect women. In fact, over the course of the past 1 year and 4 months I have learned many TRO's are issued against officers of the Honolulu Police Department. Additionally, they target people flying into this island state through the forms that are required to be filled out on the plane (as if entering another country).
Furthermore, the network of Attorneys is not like the networks on the Mainland. It is in fact more exclusive as law firms and attorneys collaborate, organize, and manipulate their clients' legal conflicts of interest. This is something that the local Courts overlook, as it is yet another way for this Island State to maintain some financial influx in this remote economy.
So, today, I broke down in tears because my previous lifestyle has been mostly decimated by the Military and Law enforcement community here in Hawaii. I have lost a tremendous amount of time, personal dignity, years of paid work, as well as my musical talent going to waste in this rotten and virtually un-cultured Island economy. I'm not certain as to how to re-establish my life, and on my own terms;- since this State of Hawaii has taken away the very things that made my life independent and respectable.
The only light is that;- Hopefully, the Ex-nuclear engineer will be discharged from the Navy and the 12 or so nuclear submarine reactors will sit in Pearl Harbor and Hawaii's surrounding waters a bit safer.
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
My Debtor-Landlord & How I was thrown on street by court
1. I paid my May 2012 rent in full on May 1st that included Utilities.
2. The Electric to the Penthouse Apt was shut off on May 1st 2012 by the AOAO
3. I waited 1 week for the matter to be resolved by my landlord.
4. I filed a complaint in District Court May 8th about an Illegal Utility Cut-off due to tenant to which there should have been a decision.
5. Hawaii Court Commenced a hearing on May 16th and continued the hearing for June 6th to which there should have been a decision made sooner by the Hawaii State law.
Recovery of possession limited (TURNING OFF UTILITIES) - Section 74.5. The6. Since the hearing the litigation in the building between my landlord and AOAO made it unbearable for me to stay at the Apt without electricity. Also, there was a neighboring Electrical fire on morning of Friday the 18th of May that woke me up.
landlord shall not recover or take possession of a dwelling unit by the willful interruption
or diminution of running water, hot water, or electric, gas, or other essential service to
the tenant, except in case of abandonment or surrender.
A landlord who engages in this act shall be deemed to have engaged in an unfair
method of competition or unfair and deceptive acts or practices and subject to penalties
under 480-3.1 in addition to a minimum penalty of three times the monthly rent or
$1,000, whichever is greater. (from website: on June 3, 2012)
7. My lease was terminated due to legalities.
8. I moved the last of my things though my person could not live at the Condo/Apt building any longer.
9. Since The court made no decision and I was unprepared for such disruption to my life that involved intense conversations & litigation research, I was unable to prepare for another move on short notice
10. And, The AOAO turned the Electric back on after my lease was confirmed to be terminated.
11. So, I'm basically on the street since there are few if any persons who can help in an agreeable way.
12. Basically, it's like the court threw me out on the streets without consideration and I am being preyed upon for prostitution purposes;- or my safety is severely compromised. I refuse to live in a Homeless shelter since my freedom is regulated and will be further compromised.
13. Further hearing for the matter takes place in US Bankruptcy Court Hawaii in mid July when that court has time for hearing for my Motion to lift Automatic Stay so that the District Court can proceed on the Matter which should have been expedited in May. After Tomorrow's June 6th Hearing Date I have to make a request for the hearing to be continued till the Lift of Stay hearing has occurred.
14. There are laws that should be protecting my rights, even under Federal Bankruptcy Procedure;- I feel it is the Judges Failure to recognize and pay heed to these laws that I am suffering out on the Streets (in a manner of speaking).
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A short Letter I sent to Amnesty International USA
The brief letter I sent to Amnesty International USA is as follows:
Over the course of a lifetime: 1970My still then, Japanese mother gave birth to my older sister and was told by the nurses at Quakertown Hospital that, "You don't deserve to have a child." My sister died at the Quakertown Hospital and her body is buried near Philadelphia. There was nothing that my parent's could do about it. 1980's I was a child and was informed by my mother about racism. Nearly every day at elementary school, I was grabbed by my hair by a group of girls and thrown to the ground and kicked and beaten at recess (with teachers watching nearby). Aside from experiencing regular name calling,"Brownie, Chink, etc." I was also put down by my teachers at school for my race. When my mom showed up to teach kids about Japanese culture;- the beatings I experienced at school for being "the wrong kind" worsened for me.This lasted through till Junior High school. Church during these years was worse as I was perceived as being "an abomination" by God's word and Pastor Landis because I am of mixed-race and national origin.
1990's Quakertown Community High School People I knew at school became involved in Born Again Christian movement and KKK meetings and concerts. I had very few friends and was still one of 2 non-caucasian people in the entire school. My history /U.S. Cultures teacher (Mr. Pfeiffer) compared me to a 3 tier Latrine photo posted on the bulliten board in front of the class. He screamed "Those/You Japs" at me frequently when covering Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima from the U.S. perspective; - making my classmates laugh at me. Though he is also avidly anti-semetic.There were regular fights at the small Quakertown Movie Theater then between Skinheads and Non Skinheads most Friday nights.2000 I returned after completing college. And, fell under attack by local KKK people. They broke into my car, harassed not only me but my then living younger brother (now deceased). I was targeted by an engineering dept. in Buckingham and locked in a apartment and raped repeatedly until I managed a 9-1-1 call on a nearly dead cell phone.Between 2000 and 2007 I was stalked, harassed, locked in 2 apartments and raped, received death threats, found German knives outside my window at my parents' house. Police would follow me from business meetings and stop me on back country roads (difficult) and harass me. Police would follow me once I got off the turnpike exit and follow me to my parents' house where I reside. Investigators refused to investigate the rape incidents claiming it "out of their jurisdiction" and the advocacy outreach refused to see me because I'm a minority woman who is non-white.Upon my brother's death, when the police arrived, they Chased me and even the 1 minority female officer said that "I'd better run outta there (my home) because I'm a half-breed and there isn't anyone who's going to help me there." After my brother's death I was stalked and raped. I knew a Chinese woman who owned substantial business and has a family, she told me re: her own sexual harassment problems that "the Judge said that Asian women are here for men to have sex with in Bucks County." She also advised me to leave. Shortly after she sold her business and left the area. There is alot more racial profiling that happened due to people using my brother and the monies that the lawyers received for the problems. My brother is dead and nothing and noone will ever replace him. He was my best friend.
In 2007 I was forced to leave my Parent's home in Quakertown, PA without money or shelter. An Amnesty family (also Tibetan) helped me for a few months to relocate. Since I left their care I have had more problems with men ( I am a repeat rape victim ) and my Japanese family memebers cannot send financial help because of their involvement in Japanese government and the new restrictions in the Patriot act. My Japanese Family communicated to me that they think that my life is "as good as dead" in the next years. There has been concern about my nationality, which I cannot resolve because my mother was a Japanese citizen at the time that I was born. If I had to choose a nation today because by Japanese law I cannot be a dual-citizen, Today I would choose to be Japanese.
I need help. I have so much more to tell that I can't even begin to express. I have been attacked by many people on the East Coast because they rarely see Popular Japanese faces.
I am 33 yrs. old today. My mother faces discrimination against her and her disability due to cancer by the State of PA. I personally have been made an example to my piano students and their families who are also "East-West" families or other minorities to Bucks County.
My life is nothing but sadness.The help I need is tremendous to repair respect to me and my Japanese family.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I took the Middle Path
"Inspired by Buddhism, this philosophy stresses the "middle path" as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct and way of life of all people, at individual, community, business and government levels.Sufficiency means moderation, reasonableness and resilience to rapid changes."From: International Herald Tribune "The wisdom of the 'middle path' Honor fit for a king"
My mother always, always told me to take the middle path for as long as I can remember. I was raised with Shojin ryori values before I knew anything about animal rights and veganism. The U.S. nuked Japan and it directly & severly impacted my life by the time I was 7.
Despite my growing up as a baptized & confirmed Lutheran (The St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church were the racist community values that taught me self-hatred due to my race & ethnicity;- though I had to show community participation as part of this lifelong cultural exchange.)
Here's the article about an action from a decade ago about my then "questionable & radical" behavior.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Rambo & Untraceable- Please don't support Violence
Boycotts are normal in the consumer world. In the political & financial world of global commerce the same type of "boycott" action is taking by cutting funding to those terse and ill regions. There is still more that can be done; - none of which is a humane approach to solving the problem. Like rat poison;- people are affected by everything they come in contact with. Weather it kills the enemy or weakens them;- everything is fair in war. Cutting funding to the plight is the best action in entirety. I can also speak from personal experience on that here in the U.S. however- it is an entirely different and seperate matter from attending a talk on Burma. During the talk provided by the Burmese monk, I was thankful that my exposure to Asian languages helped me understand the talk more than what the translator presented to us in English. Somehow all those nuances are lost and people get the "soundbite"version of what is going on without the descript storytelling impacting them at the time of the talk. Then you couple that with some photos after a 2 hr. session and you have one long-arse version of a Cnn report. I'll clean up this article in a bit.