Showing posts with label president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label president. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

USA not Ideal

I took a deep breath last night and again today upon hearing the news of the TPP.

The United States, widespread across the North American continent, is not at all an idealized version of the most cosmopolitan cities. Rather than being a utopic Epcot type city that Illuminati once fathomed, the United States is a Caucasoid controlled nation. The Agenda's were set in place long ago and span out several generations as different presidents inherit their position at the Nation's White House by public vote.
Today, President Donald Trump eliminated the TPP trade deal from the USA side. This is going to take an immense amount of public pression off this new President ( as each presidential candidate concurred in their election campaigns). My personal hope is that through the USA bailing out and President Trump enacting a plan to return manufacturing to the USA the USA will itself be held directly responsible for the environmental degredation and destruction it causes since there is Presidential disbelief that the Greenhouse gas theory is viable. To be cont. .... partial post.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

America under Trump

Should never let someone with so much money run for president. 
Republicans historically deny access to Human Rights complaint, trial, & prosecution because "they can't afford it."

What does that say About the American ideals of freedom, beyond the abolition of real chains and whips slavery?
Welcome to 2016, an overrated display of humans taking the slippery slope back to animalism and loss of real spirit.

Friday, April 22, 2016

USA counterfeiting scheme goes Presidential

So, the other day, I sat at a Coffee shop to watch the tallied vote of the DNC Democratic National Party. A Caucasian person sat down across from me. This person started a conversation about how one of the the last person they chatted with before me, is a Haliburton contractor. That that contractor was waiting, on call to Go. And, that the entire USA cash system is going to be "reset" (ugh*yawn*) and "reprinted". In my mind this has something to do with some Trumpite running the world's most Fabulous counterfeiting scheme on the too stoopid populous.
Hang on to your cash even if there is some hearsay Govemment recall. It's just our fearless leaders trying to purchase gold abroad in order to retain some international credibility. 
It's more likely that a new bill will be printed for the new hourly minimum wage pay standard.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Donald Trump foreign agent

Why is it that a white man who is alleged to have received funds from people in a foreign country isn't considered a foreign agent? 
It doesn't matter if he set up business from the United States. 
I think Donald Trump should be expelled.