Showing posts with label may. Show all posts
Showing posts with label may. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2016

USA counterfeiting scheme goes Presidential

So, the other day, I sat at a Coffee shop to watch the tallied vote of the DNC Democratic National Party. A Caucasian person sat down across from me. This person started a conversation about how one of the the last person they chatted with before me, is a Haliburton contractor. That that contractor was waiting, on call to Go. And, that the entire USA cash system is going to be "reset" (ugh*yawn*) and "reprinted". In my mind this has something to do with some Trumpite running the world's most Fabulous counterfeiting scheme on the too stoopid populous.
Hang on to your cash even if there is some hearsay Govemment recall. It's just our fearless leaders trying to purchase gold abroad in order to retain some international credibility. 
It's more likely that a new bill will be printed for the new hourly minimum wage pay standard.

Friday, March 04, 2016

Small Space Craft to fall to earth

Use your chi/ life energy force to keep the beings in these craft alive. When they crash to the earth they loose the cosmic force that is outside the earth's atmosphere that they use to stay afloat. Unless you channel your chi/ light force, life force to these small craft, they will not survive. Please take them to a temple where monks and others meditate all day.
Several small and very heavy spacecraft, much like a traditional flying saucer. Small as in within the circumference of a basketball, yet much heavier & denser like a lead weight with an usual center of gravity. (yet still within carrying weight with both hands). They are very heavy and with a matted metallic sheen. The surface is detailed, with some windows if any;- yet there are no other apparent openings to pry open.
These craft will glow with light/ life force if you are able to channel and
focus your energy to them.

Please take them to a Temple for Buddha or Krishna if you come upon one of these craft. They are precious beings from God & the heavens.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Renters Beware of Foreclosures

No... Not the Economy again.
Property owners are trying to hang on everywhere. This is starting to affect the renter's market.
Looking for a room for rent or a new apartment for rent? Beware of houses under foreclosure or on their way to foreclosure. Renters belongings can be gobbled up by the property owner's creditor or thrown out on the street without a warning. Some renters will also be out on the street without notice in some cases. I have heard more than a few of these stories circulating from military folks offbase in Hawaii. I may find myself in the same situation.