Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Thursday, February 03, 2022

 I feel that in the Classical music scene in America, both education and performance is heavily inundated with racists. Many of them are white supremacists defending what they call their culture. They also shamelessly and simultaneously exploit non-white minorities and immigrants for money.

 I experienced this as a Japanese nisei and haafu growing up in Pennsylvania. '

As a student and as a teacher, I feel that the  MTNA system is really horrid-- due to the white piano teacher who profited off of having us Japanese people in their studio. At the same time, the instructor made very racist comments at me and even instructed my mother to "beat me over the head" because it worked on Beethoven. That lesson led to years of horror for me and extreme corporal punishments that this teacher instructed my mother to do to me. In Pennsylvania, this was allowed by her attorneys since corporal punishment was allowed. I was likened to a monkey and compared to a dog being trained since I was subhuman to the instructor. I hate this person to this day for the horrific abuses I endured. My affidavit with be forthcoming on the MTNA and PMTA and LVMTA from my childhood experiences. And, as an attachment to my torture complaint.

And, in addition to their group class racism that followed me to school recess.  The teacher made sure that the other parents felt comfortable that I was treated badly since the other children complained that they had to be near me at all during the group classes. I spent 5 years in her piano studio like this. From 1st grade. And, I had to teach myself how to play- since they were only there to belittle me. This instructor called what she taught in the 80s Hybrid Suzuki method because she really hated us for being Japanese. 

 My lessons were not much different than my home practice. It was an awful early 80s Suzuki piano experience. But the instructor built her studio off the racial chaos that became deadly as the community had outward youth fights of skinheads vs. non-skinheads many Friday nights for a decade. That instructor;- was never held responsible for her actions. And  I was left to fend for myself to both adults and children for the duration of my high school years in Quakertown, PA. 

The police in Bucks County merely watched the parking lot fights for decades and never made arrests. 

I only caught glimpses of a few of the fights as a high schooler. But I heard the stories. So it is no wonder that I have a torture complaint and so much trauma to overcome by making international and other communications about the horrible people of Bucks County, PA. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

I was tortured in Quakertown, Pennsylvania

I & My Brother were bilingual growing up. I was forced to stop speaking Japanese and beaten in Elementary school, as well as sent to "speech" therapy because they didn't know if Japanese was a language or if I was making it up. They abused my mother in this way. My father ripped the phone out of my hands and spanked me with a leather belt until I learned not to talk to my Obasan . grandmother anymore. My mother got some Japanese schoolbooks for us and hid them, in fear of my father reprimanding s all for speaking Japanese in the house. It was one of my first languages. A trauma they induced one day was by confiscating everything Japanese that I loved from my room and beating me for having Japanese story books. They didn't even let me keep my favorite bedtime stories. They initially said it was because they were going to make money off of this story of mine by beating me and hurting me and told me I should be dead by the time I was 21. This was the same period my parents friends & my god parents told me they took pot bets to see if I would live. I became suicidal from the intense daily physical abuse from elementary school, church, other activities, as well as home life. I was not just punished at home. I was humiliated and tortured in front of my classmates in elementary school regularly. Initially it seemed like it was because I was brown from playing outside in the summers. However, the kids in elementary school were given instructions from their parents to hurt me verbally and physically because I am a person of Japanese descent. I had "fake" friends, but gave up on friendships because I found out that most kids would be my friend so other groups of kids would hurt me. Frequently I was gang beaten by other girls at elementary school with the Teachers standing within 15-25 feet away watching. The teachers near punished or stopped the other white children from harming me. 

This torture over my ability to speak Japanese went on through High School. The contorted white principals of the schools I attended frequently were the perpetrators of hurting me. They humiliated me regularly in school because I am  Japanese. They even put me in a class where the racist professors were so abusive because I am not caucasian. These were Elementary, Middle School, and High school instructors of Caucasian descent. They said I was too stupid to learn Japanese frequently and punished me in front of very white supremacist kids to put me down. I was frequently depressed and did not like to speak with anyone at my high school. If i didn't get some sort of favor with the white supremacist kids I was hurt physically  even more than just being verbally humiliated on a daily basis. I was forced to tolerate being harmed daily. The only thing I had a little control over was
I tried to get help from other "Human rights groups & Justice groups" but they refused to help me because I am not white or black/ African american. They made it clear rights were not for me and I am just a mutt/ a mudd to them. Even the African-Americans were abusive this way to me. They all liked to hurt us because that gave them common ground to relate on some level that wasn't their personal issues.  My friends were usually kids from big cities with parents who decided they did not like the school district. So, they were there only a short while.

1970's - 2000

Sunday, April 09, 2017

EXIM Perspective:- USA parents abuse Japanese girl at public schools & churches

Being made to stay in the USA was forced on me as a child. However, as a 1st generation American and USA citizen, there was no buffer or punishment from the brutality of other minor children and their teachers at the public schools I attended.
Protection of Foreign Children:-
To me, what it matters is that USA nationals who encourage their children to beat, bully, physically and emotionally abuse children of foreign descent should be held accountable. I think the parents should be held accountable for abuse of a "minority" child
Personal story:-
When I grew up in Quakertown Pennsylvania I attended Elementary School. My mother who is Japanese born and blood taught in my classroom at elementary school for a day of Japanese culture. The kids in my class had the opportunity to have their names written in hiragana Japanese writing by my mother. At the end of the day my classmates went home with their pieces of paper with their names written in Japanese. The following week was an onslaught of bullying being beaten on the playground taunted and completely ostracized from the rest of my school. The other students my classmates said it was because their parents said they didn't want any derogatory Japanese term person teaching their kids on so I was beaten period I was beaten with the teachers aides at recess turning their eyes or watching right in front of them within about ten or twelve feet of several kids more than half a dozen beat me up at recess period this became a regular bullying. There was nothing my mom or father could do in the community since they had no understanding of my father's American family. Now in hindsight as an adult I realize how entrapped I was in my own school district and community. It was impossible to make any type of report or even statement about this type of national discrimination and racial intolerance and corporal punishment within a Pennsylvania school public school. I realize in hindsight that they're also no human rights commissions and especially no Human Rights Commission that caters to anyone of international dual nationality status. That was back in the eighties when I was still pretween a dual citizen of Japan and the United States.

Monday, September 05, 2016

There are no good choices

Even though it's not what I want, I have to tolerate it to live. 
Today was my most pervasive thought that applies to nearly every interaction and encounter and choice I have in the USA. It start with shopping at a vegetarian market. By American terms, I am considered Vegan, mainly because they discriminate against my Japanese mindset, value set of the mourning  philosophy not to bring death energy into my body. Not just because it is for health, but because It is in regards to those Japanese civilians who died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
The Americans say there is freedom of religion. However they dismantled several Japanese shrines in Pennsylvania. This has always been the case regardless of the events of the 2000 millennium.

I remain eating a diet shojin rupture intent mindfully due to the continued and relentless annual and daily assaults Americans do. I know it's not the same as a monastery Shojinryori meal, because the Americans didn't allow me or my mother who was A Japanese National when I was born;- to choose any religion other than Christianity . I was not allowed to utter the word Japan even in front of the CHRISTIAN pastor. He attempted to strangle me to death when I was 12. He did so in fromt of my mother and the confirmation class.
America is oppressive and hateful.

There are no good choices

Even though it's not what I want, I have to tolerate it to live. 
Today was my most pervasive thought that applies to nearly every interaction and encounter and choice I have in the USA. It start with shopping at a vegetarian market. By American terms, I am considered Vegan, mainly because they discriminate against my Japanese mindset, value set of the mourning  philosophy not to bring death energy into my body. Not just because it is for health, but because It is in regards to those Japanese civilians who died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
The Americans say there is freedom of religion. However they dismantled several Japanese shrines in Pennsylvania. This has always been the case regardless of the events of the 2000 millennium.

I remain eating a diet shojin rupture intent mindfully due to the continued and relentless annual and daily assaults Americans do. I know it's not the same as a monastery Shojinryori meal, because the Americans didn't allow me or my mother who was A Japanese National when I was born;- to choose any religion other than Christianity . I was not allowed to utter the word Japan even in front of the CHRISTIAN pastor. He attempted to strangle me to death when I was 12. He did so in fromt of my mother and the confirmation class.
America is oppressive and hateful.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Russia vs. USA parenting

Just a thought:
One thing that Russia does make sense of with their government, is parenting.
That is to say, children who have special skills, genius,  or inclinations are noted from a young age and the Russian state intervenes. In the United States, many parents have a sort of mental illness that stems from trying to live life through their children and making inappropriate choices.  

Friday, March 04, 2016

Small Space Craft to fall to earth

Use your chi/ life energy force to keep the beings in these craft alive. When they crash to the earth they loose the cosmic force that is outside the earth's atmosphere that they use to stay afloat. Unless you channel your chi/ light force, life force to these small craft, they will not survive. Please take them to a temple where monks and others meditate all day.
Several small and very heavy spacecraft, much like a traditional flying saucer. Small as in within the circumference of a basketball, yet much heavier & denser like a lead weight with an usual center of gravity. (yet still within carrying weight with both hands). They are very heavy and with a matted metallic sheen. The surface is detailed, with some windows if any;- yet there are no other apparent openings to pry open.
These craft will glow with light/ life force if you are able to channel and
focus your energy to them.

Please take them to a Temple for Buddha or Krishna if you come upon one of these craft. They are precious beings from God & the heavens.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Breathing Meditations

  My latest mantra bottom of page image ... 
Getting into the EX-IM world some of my Japanese relatives have constructed over the centuries, has definitely increased the stress in my life. I've picked up several Breathing meditations over the years. This is despite my spending hours each day performing advanced solo classical piano music for 30+ years of my life. And oddly none of the below were my very 1st meditation. And aided me as my stress & situations changed. 

1. basic seated Mysticism meditation- sit in chair with feet on floor, legs side by side, and open hands face up or down resting on knees or thighs. Breathe in and follow the draw of air your lungs take in. Breathe out and follow the exhalation of air your body releases. Start with 3-5minutes and work up to 15-20min. Idea is to focus on breath, should clear other invasive thoughts.

2a. Sand mandala meditation - Om mane  pad me hung.  Om is the beginning of all Buddhas, mane is he who holds the emerald & Padme is he who holds the lotus flower, hung is the end/closure of the Buddha. Picture Chenrezig with this mantra to give it more substance. Some people use the Mala - bead string when chanting.  

2b. 4part Namgyal Chenrezig meditation - see above and add thought of "please give me the gift of cleanse my soul", with each repetition & With Mala. 

3.  Sangha meditation from reading- my favorite was from Pema Chodron's Writings, or Dali Lama 365 I received from my Monk.

4.  Tonglen - breathe in all the dark & heavy thoughts, breathe out the light

5.  Christian meditation - opposite of Tonglen to Breathe in the light and positive & breathe out the dark and heavy  energy.

6. Krishna meditation mantra - Hare Hare Krisna. 3x

7.  Lotus meditation - Nam Myoho renge Kyo repeat several times and think of what one desires in life.

8.  Ogamisana meditation- Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with different accented syllable. Has different meaning. Say with hands at heart level in prayer position, some move hands shaking up and down with the mantra.

Me with that look-- are you kidding me?!!!!! again.
9. Classical Christian Mystic type meditation- I kind of made it up- like basic meditation above. Increase mental activity with 3-5minutes Bach or orchestral music and sit with eyes closed. Then do basic meditation after saying Lord's Prayer (I said every night as a child). Ask to connect to God before beginning the breathing meditation. 

10. Pilates ball mediation - sit on Pilates ball and pick a color that comes to mind. Do basic breathing meditation and focus on this color you chose entering your body on the inhale, follow it through your lungs till it  fill your lungs & diaphragm (make your diaphragm large like a ball) until you slowly exhale the color. Can interchange colors when it becomes easier. 

11. Starchild meditation- breathe in ultraviolet and breathe out cobalt blue 3x. 
I've made my own Mala or power bracelets for the People from the stars meditations I do.

12. My newest self made HawAiian based mantra- Aho, Mau loa, Kau a Kau

Saturday, February 27, 2016

War of *Children - cult of Sukyomahikari

Sukyomahikari member contacted me while I was beginning a session on an Scumann Frequency Mat while being stricken with only a Toxic black mold in my bloodstream. She wouldn't leave the space and at the advice of the Services overseer's, I caved to agree to receive light for her sake.

Shortly after Sukyomahikari contacted me, my life fell apart in entirety.

I joined SukyoMahikari In February 2015 after a "divine act" of my next day's membership class fee of $250 appearing in my life overnight. My first month, I spent 6-8hrs a day at the Dojo giving light (Okiyome), and taking 50 minutes each day to receive Okiyome. I didn't make it through the year with the very intense Omitama and cruel conservative attitudes of the Japanese women in the Dojo once I joined. People around me said I looked drained like I hadn't slept. There were random odd occurances of my car breaking down and the unusual appearances of other Sukyomahikari members.
I even had taken "selfies" before and after I attended the Dojo since this is a Light based practice.
The selfies looked somewhat normal. However they did show severely large and darker areas around my eyes than normal even for being tired, my face had a "death mask" on it.

I returned the Omitama several times to be reconsecrated. The Omitama itself felt like it held "fear" of another being. It was like a lost scared and hungry kitten clinging to me with claws extended.
By August of 2015, I returned the Omitama not to rejoin. I had been disgusted by the smell of "sex" at the signin table. And then appauled that they were conducting Hula in the basement. After I left the daily presence of the Cult a 2nd time and returned my Omitama, (yes I could lie like other members about its HOLINESS), I was called to pick up the Omitama. When I tried to make arrangements, the basement of the Center had been flooded (or Cleansed). The Sukyomahikari members and staff told me I could only enter at certain times because they lost the entire basement level to Waterdamage. The waterdamage was talked about in a happy manner that they couldn't believe that such a freak accident could happen. The building flooded from the outside, as drainage grates were clogged from a pipe that burst in a planter. Then the water continued to seep overnight in the lower stairwell till it was filled, and then continued to seep through the door at the bottom of the staircase.
I thought and felt I had seen enough. I left several times due to other members not heeding my request of not pressing into my cerebral spinal system too hard. I felt that they were intentionally trying to hurt me.

 I did learn that the "will of God" was presented as any member saw fit as they all contained some of God like a "drop of water from the Ocean is still Ocean". However, the continual presentation of "God's Plan for Humanity" was irritating.  To me, there is one plan GOD has for all of us, and that is DEATH.

Today, in Metaphysical hindsight;- I feel that the Cult has a figurehead who used to practice a Chinese form of Wizardry in Dao. Shapeshifting, connecting spiritual cords of members, and tying his spirit to the Mortal human world to become a greater metaphysical entity. Since he spent his time on the Planet Earth as a Japanese Military leader, I do not want my more peaceful energies to be used by such an entity. He may be a black eyed child of the stars when he returns in form again. 

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Teach Hawaii's children about the Mason-Dixon line!!!

Hawaii State seems to be a place that makes Foreign ideas of slavery acceptable to many residents because it is a temporary means to an end;- and serves the moment rather than their future. Hawaii State's school system and educators ares definitely tied up with the overthrown Hawaiian government by the USA and they haven't moved forward or learn much about those things that make America what it is.  Bringing Hawaii up to speed with their land/property laws, ideas of fixed rent/ say RENT CONTROL!!!, or maintaining a respectable society that isn't groveling at the feet of Foreigners with money.

Most of us from East Coast USA are used to going on school trips yearly, if not bi-annually to see the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, the Capitol Building, Monticello, Statue of Liberty, The Underground Railroad, Valley Forge, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier just to name a few places. This is something practically inaccessible and uninteresting to most of Hawaii's youth and their parents.

They also seem to NEVER have heard of the Famous Mason-Dixon line. The line that divided the Free states from the Slave states.  And the older Hawaiian residents argue, minus googling, about the location of it as if I have never seen it the hundreds of time I made the drive from my home state of PA to Washington DC as an intern or organizer.

Mason-Dixon Line, boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland (running between lat. 39°43−26.3”N and lat. 39°43−17.6”N), 
Read more: Mason-Dixon Line |