Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2016

North Korean Surfing Trip

Some things that could wrong with the Trip Itenerary to visit North Korea;- Ok not that I should be thinking about going to North Korea at all being that they abducted one of my cousins from an Akita, JP beach.
However, If someone wants to sport appx. $4000 to see how far I make it on the trip;- i'll sign up. And I'm Tan from the Hawaiian sun.

Orientation in China
#1 - Japanese restrictions on travel to China. And, since USA doesn't acknowledge my Japanese family and called us Japanese garbage;- Someone will probably cancel my flight who knows better overseas. I have gotten a Chinese Visa before, however with misspelling of my name. The name being misspelt can create issues if trying to LEAVE China, even if they allow the entry. 
 America is politically insensitive lets anyone go anywhere and ignores important things like its own security agreements and international families that are larger than the Kennedy's. 
Oh yes, and the rumor that being Christian is illegal in China and currently being enforced and punishable by Death. 
In 2005 after my brother was murdered, i helped some 25 Chinese Exchange students as I saw an organization called People Link bringing 400+ Chinese exchange students to our very Racist Philadelphia suburb. Some of the Children were sons and daughters of the more educated and elite in Chinese Universities and Government. The Children were aged 8-16 and accompanied by 1 young adult translator. I stepped up to the challenge since the Philadelphia area's racism typically would result in a slew of Foreign Exchange students being dropped off at our doorstep like a litter of unwanted kittens. Some of the stories I heard throughout my life that came back to me to try and assist in the area included 10 year olds being thrown out on country roads with a sign that said they need a home (because they weren't Christian) The American host families voluntarily signed a contract for the responsibility of caring for an international child visitor knowing full well that the children were coming from China and were not Christian. Several dozens of children went through similar ordeals that one year (though It was a problem in the Philadelphia region for DECADES and included Japanese students).

#2. - Tourist of Pyongyang;- Despite peaceful intentions of those who organize peaceful efforts. Actions against Citizens of countries that are highly disliked can occur. 
  In 2004, on a private business recon of Thailand after the Tsunami;- I was invited to China by a wealthy French Export-importer. I stayed up on the politics with Japan and China then, and decided I would wait a month instead of easily going on the day visas. Because of my Japanese family relations, I had great business concerns. And, within a week of turning down the offer, a number of Japanese tourists (including women) in China were mobbed and beaten/assaulted at another Anti-Japan protest though with escalated violence. The first publicised Toyota burning in English occurred in the months before my brother's death in the USA. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Breathing Meditations

  My latest mantra bottom of page image ... 
Getting into the EX-IM world some of my Japanese relatives have constructed over the centuries, has definitely increased the stress in my life. I've picked up several Breathing meditations over the years. This is despite my spending hours each day performing advanced solo classical piano music for 30+ years of my life. And oddly none of the below were my very 1st meditation. And aided me as my stress & situations changed. 

1. basic seated Mysticism meditation- sit in chair with feet on floor, legs side by side, and open hands face up or down resting on knees or thighs. Breathe in and follow the draw of air your lungs take in. Breathe out and follow the exhalation of air your body releases. Start with 3-5minutes and work up to 15-20min. Idea is to focus on breath, should clear other invasive thoughts.

2a. Sand mandala meditation - Om mane  pad me hung.  Om is the beginning of all Buddhas, mane is he who holds the emerald & Padme is he who holds the lotus flower, hung is the end/closure of the Buddha. Picture Chenrezig with this mantra to give it more substance. Some people use the Mala - bead string when chanting.  

2b. 4part Namgyal Chenrezig meditation - see above and add thought of "please give me the gift of cleanse my soul", with each repetition & With Mala. 

3.  Sangha meditation from reading- my favorite was from Pema Chodron's Writings, or Dali Lama 365 I received from my Monk.

4.  Tonglen - breathe in all the dark & heavy thoughts, breathe out the light

5.  Christian meditation - opposite of Tonglen to Breathe in the light and positive & breathe out the dark and heavy  energy.

6. Krishna meditation mantra - Hare Hare Krisna. 3x

7.  Lotus meditation - Nam Myoho renge Kyo repeat several times and think of what one desires in life.

8.  Ogamisana meditation- Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with different accented syllable. Has different meaning. Say with hands at heart level in prayer position, some move hands shaking up and down with the mantra.

Me with that look-- are you kidding me?!!!!! again.
9. Classical Christian Mystic type meditation- I kind of made it up- like basic meditation above. Increase mental activity with 3-5minutes Bach or orchestral music and sit with eyes closed. Then do basic meditation after saying Lord's Prayer (I said every night as a child). Ask to connect to God before beginning the breathing meditation. 

10. Pilates ball mediation - sit on Pilates ball and pick a color that comes to mind. Do basic breathing meditation and focus on this color you chose entering your body on the inhale, follow it through your lungs till it  fill your lungs & diaphragm (make your diaphragm large like a ball) until you slowly exhale the color. Can interchange colors when it becomes easier. 

11. Starchild meditation- breathe in ultraviolet and breathe out cobalt blue 3x. 
I've made my own Mala or power bracelets for the People from the stars meditations I do.

12. My newest self made HawAiian based mantra- Aho, Mau loa, Kau a Kau