Showing posts with label Star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Galactic Shaman crystals

Depending on how you arrive at my site, I have a multi-faceted existence on the planet.
I do things my own way so to speak with an untrained perception that is inherent knowledge from my DNA profile.  I frequently walk with my own energy, which means not to wear/carry little gems and metal jewelry.

Springtime experience of 2015 - One of the Mo'o at the Pali told me there is too much jewelry on the planet. The Mo'o got my attention by nearly ripping a sign off the trail post with wind, and then spoke with me after swiping the sunglasses off my face into a secluded edge of the forest. The Mo'o described jewelry as inclusive of many human made industrial items as well as personal adornments. Understanding is that this includes metal street signs, guard rails, indoor metallic plumbing to everything unnatural from Source light (sun) that can affect the natural earth's magnetic flows. ie., We rarely use bamboo for pipes.

Many souls have three major divisions of their life in congruence with the progression. I can only compare these divisions to the difficulty level on a treadmill or pre-core machine, and we all get a different spiritual workout. The easy part of life for one is a high difficulty level for another. The toughest spiritual setting in life is immovable to some, or on the reverse is a galactic shaman's normal daily setting. If you view the earth and your progressed astrological chart as a "workout plan" you can look around at others on this big blue-green sphere and as a spiritual gym. It is important to add or omit the use of earth crystals when the period in life shifts. Early, Mid, Advanced life.

The following is a short list of the Earth Crystals that I keep within my aura on path of
Galactic Shaman.  (This is a list of crystals/stones that I have used and have withstood this path - some stones/crystals simply burn out on me. They crackle in my hands and I return them to the earth I reserve other crystals/stones for ritual use)

Earth Crystals
Level early life :
Black onyx

Mid Life :
Garnet - (smaller than a dime - daily wear)
Moonstone - (1 pendant daily wear)
green jade - mala
red jasper - 1 piece

Advanced Life :
Blue Kyanite
Black Onyx
Blue Sapphire
Natural Obsidian
Tourmalinated Quartz
Raspberry Tourmaline
Spinel (dark spinal)

 Non-Earth Crystals - ie., meteorite
Gibeon type Meteorite
*Singing meteorite- Muonionalusta

Various Amulets and talismens have entered my life at different times as well.
My first one, a gift from my  Christian Godparents  was a  heart with my initials AMK and my birthday engraved. I believe it was there, to teach me to love myself and I always thought of it that way.
Mid life, I wore a spider with a garnet in it.
Advanced life;- Things are getting complicated as I don't subscribe to a singular human cult based way of spirituality and wear the amulets to define the soul's fequency/belief system. As a galactic shaman, I walk between two worlds where most in human form cannot see the forms beyond aura. I do make use of the symbols and glyphs that comprise the spiritual language of the earth's beings AFTER I have had encounters or communications with specific entities.

This is part of what has been my way on the path of a Galactic Shaman.

Stones/ Earth Crystals for Ritual Use
Clear Quartz
Raspberry Tourmaline & Watermelon Tourmaline

Galactic Shaman's open Portal from Nuumite Obalisk 2015
 One short story of mine;- In Honolulu, HI 2015 I purchased a high priced Nuumite Obalisk with a rainbow band on it. After I used it for ritual that night where it realigned my chakras and made my body sweat out toxins, - The next day I took it to the beach while seeing a person/psychiatrist who meditated seemingly Tibetan style. The Nuumite obalisk vanished on the beach in our vicinity (or it got snuck away to someone's bag). In anycase, someone else told me that I had inadvertently opened a Portal. Though my silent intention was definately a trust test. Shortly after this incident, Annubis visited me in form the next time I saw this friend. And, all within a week and a half, he called me to tell me of his mother being on the brink. He was asked to make a decision to pull the plug or not. So, one night about a week and a half later, he called me to tell me he pulled the plug on her. And, that he had no regrets and was relieved of the pain. After hearing this and the conversation ended I gave him a I never heard from him again. I immediately met another person within a few minutes who also has an interesting spiritual background.
Coincidentally, I saw the movie "Aloha" and there was a scene showing a grave. On top of the grave was a very similar Nuumite Obalisk. I had seen Bradley Cooper (from near my PA hometown) at a couple of bars and around the spiritual dojo where i had been participating in the local Japanese spiritual dojo practice (which I had issues with). I wonder if that was the same Nuumite stone

Though, I don't encourage anyone to tamper with anything of a Galactic Shaman. I'm certain someone will. Just be prepared for the best or the worst spiritual challenges.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction for Seismic Arial triangualtion 
Triangulate and change direction

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction  triangualtion links: Earthquake + arial triangulation
Triangulate and change direction

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Breathing Meditations

  My latest mantra bottom of page image ... 
Getting into the EX-IM world some of my Japanese relatives have constructed over the centuries, has definitely increased the stress in my life. I've picked up several Breathing meditations over the years. This is despite my spending hours each day performing advanced solo classical piano music for 30+ years of my life. And oddly none of the below were my very 1st meditation. And aided me as my stress & situations changed. 

1. basic seated Mysticism meditation- sit in chair with feet on floor, legs side by side, and open hands face up or down resting on knees or thighs. Breathe in and follow the draw of air your lungs take in. Breathe out and follow the exhalation of air your body releases. Start with 3-5minutes and work up to 15-20min. Idea is to focus on breath, should clear other invasive thoughts.

2a. Sand mandala meditation - Om mane  pad me hung.  Om is the beginning of all Buddhas, mane is he who holds the emerald & Padme is he who holds the lotus flower, hung is the end/closure of the Buddha. Picture Chenrezig with this mantra to give it more substance. Some people use the Mala - bead string when chanting.  

2b. 4part Namgyal Chenrezig meditation - see above and add thought of "please give me the gift of cleanse my soul", with each repetition & With Mala. 

3.  Sangha meditation from reading- my favorite was from Pema Chodron's Writings, or Dali Lama 365 I received from my Monk.

4.  Tonglen - breathe in all the dark & heavy thoughts, breathe out the light

5.  Christian meditation - opposite of Tonglen to Breathe in the light and positive & breathe out the dark and heavy  energy.

6. Krishna meditation mantra - Hare Hare Krisna. 3x

7.  Lotus meditation - Nam Myoho renge Kyo repeat several times and think of what one desires in life.

8.  Ogamisana meditation- Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with different accented syllable. Has different meaning. Say with hands at heart level in prayer position, some move hands shaking up and down with the mantra.

Me with that look-- are you kidding me?!!!!! again.
9. Classical Christian Mystic type meditation- I kind of made it up- like basic meditation above. Increase mental activity with 3-5minutes Bach or orchestral music and sit with eyes closed. Then do basic meditation after saying Lord's Prayer (I said every night as a child). Ask to connect to God before beginning the breathing meditation. 

10. Pilates ball mediation - sit on Pilates ball and pick a color that comes to mind. Do basic breathing meditation and focus on this color you chose entering your body on the inhale, follow it through your lungs till it  fill your lungs & diaphragm (make your diaphragm large like a ball) until you slowly exhale the color. Can interchange colors when it becomes easier. 

11. Starchild meditation- breathe in ultraviolet and breathe out cobalt blue 3x. 
I've made my own Mala or power bracelets for the People from the stars meditations I do.

12. My newest self made HawAiian based mantra- Aho, Mau loa, Kau a Kau

Saturday, February 27, 2016

War of *Children - cult of Sukyomahikari

Sukyomahikari member contacted me while I was beginning a session on an Scumann Frequency Mat while being stricken with only a Toxic black mold in my bloodstream. She wouldn't leave the space and at the advice of the Services overseer's, I caved to agree to receive light for her sake.

Shortly after Sukyomahikari contacted me, my life fell apart in entirety.

I joined SukyoMahikari In February 2015 after a "divine act" of my next day's membership class fee of $250 appearing in my life overnight. My first month, I spent 6-8hrs a day at the Dojo giving light (Okiyome), and taking 50 minutes each day to receive Okiyome. I didn't make it through the year with the very intense Omitama and cruel conservative attitudes of the Japanese women in the Dojo once I joined. People around me said I looked drained like I hadn't slept. There were random odd occurances of my car breaking down and the unusual appearances of other Sukyomahikari members.
I even had taken "selfies" before and after I attended the Dojo since this is a Light based practice.
The selfies looked somewhat normal. However they did show severely large and darker areas around my eyes than normal even for being tired, my face had a "death mask" on it.

I returned the Omitama several times to be reconsecrated. The Omitama itself felt like it held "fear" of another being. It was like a lost scared and hungry kitten clinging to me with claws extended.
By August of 2015, I returned the Omitama not to rejoin. I had been disgusted by the smell of "sex" at the signin table. And then appauled that they were conducting Hula in the basement. After I left the daily presence of the Cult a 2nd time and returned my Omitama, (yes I could lie like other members about its HOLINESS), I was called to pick up the Omitama. When I tried to make arrangements, the basement of the Center had been flooded (or Cleansed). The Sukyomahikari members and staff told me I could only enter at certain times because they lost the entire basement level to Waterdamage. The waterdamage was talked about in a happy manner that they couldn't believe that such a freak accident could happen. The building flooded from the outside, as drainage grates were clogged from a pipe that burst in a planter. Then the water continued to seep overnight in the lower stairwell till it was filled, and then continued to seep through the door at the bottom of the staircase.
I thought and felt I had seen enough. I left several times due to other members not heeding my request of not pressing into my cerebral spinal system too hard. I felt that they were intentionally trying to hurt me.

 I did learn that the "will of God" was presented as any member saw fit as they all contained some of God like a "drop of water from the Ocean is still Ocean". However, the continual presentation of "God's Plan for Humanity" was irritating.  To me, there is one plan GOD has for all of us, and that is DEATH.

Today, in Metaphysical hindsight;- I feel that the Cult has a figurehead who used to practice a Chinese form of Wizardry in Dao. Shapeshifting, connecting spiritual cords of members, and tying his spirit to the Mortal human world to become a greater metaphysical entity. Since he spent his time on the Planet Earth as a Japanese Military leader, I do not want my more peaceful energies to be used by such an entity. He may be a black eyed child of the stars when he returns in form again.