Showing posts with label MK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MK. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Galactic Shaman crystals

Depending on how you arrive at my site, I have a multi-faceted existence on the planet.
I do things my own way so to speak with an untrained perception that is inherent knowledge from my DNA profile.  I frequently walk with my own energy, which means not to wear/carry little gems and metal jewelry.

Springtime experience of 2015 - One of the Mo'o at the Pali told me there is too much jewelry on the planet. The Mo'o got my attention by nearly ripping a sign off the trail post with wind, and then spoke with me after swiping the sunglasses off my face into a secluded edge of the forest. The Mo'o described jewelry as inclusive of many human made industrial items as well as personal adornments. Understanding is that this includes metal street signs, guard rails, indoor metallic plumbing to everything unnatural from Source light (sun) that can affect the natural earth's magnetic flows. ie., We rarely use bamboo for pipes.

Many souls have three major divisions of their life in congruence with the progression. I can only compare these divisions to the difficulty level on a treadmill or pre-core machine, and we all get a different spiritual workout. The easy part of life for one is a high difficulty level for another. The toughest spiritual setting in life is immovable to some, or on the reverse is a galactic shaman's normal daily setting. If you view the earth and your progressed astrological chart as a "workout plan" you can look around at others on this big blue-green sphere and as a spiritual gym. It is important to add or omit the use of earth crystals when the period in life shifts. Early, Mid, Advanced life.

The following is a short list of the Earth Crystals that I keep within my aura on path of
Galactic Shaman.  (This is a list of crystals/stones that I have used and have withstood this path - some stones/crystals simply burn out on me. They crackle in my hands and I return them to the earth I reserve other crystals/stones for ritual use)

Earth Crystals
Level early life :
Black onyx

Mid Life :
Garnet - (smaller than a dime - daily wear)
Moonstone - (1 pendant daily wear)
green jade - mala
red jasper - 1 piece

Advanced Life :
Blue Kyanite
Black Onyx
Blue Sapphire
Natural Obsidian
Tourmalinated Quartz
Raspberry Tourmaline
Spinel (dark spinal)

 Non-Earth Crystals - ie., meteorite
Gibeon type Meteorite
*Singing meteorite- Muonionalusta

Various Amulets and talismens have entered my life at different times as well.
My first one, a gift from my  Christian Godparents  was a  heart with my initials AMK and my birthday engraved. I believe it was there, to teach me to love myself and I always thought of it that way.
Mid life, I wore a spider with a garnet in it.
Advanced life;- Things are getting complicated as I don't subscribe to a singular human cult based way of spirituality and wear the amulets to define the soul's fequency/belief system. As a galactic shaman, I walk between two worlds where most in human form cannot see the forms beyond aura. I do make use of the symbols and glyphs that comprise the spiritual language of the earth's beings AFTER I have had encounters or communications with specific entities.

This is part of what has been my way on the path of a Galactic Shaman.

Stones/ Earth Crystals for Ritual Use
Clear Quartz
Raspberry Tourmaline & Watermelon Tourmaline

Galactic Shaman's open Portal from Nuumite Obalisk 2015
 One short story of mine;- In Honolulu, HI 2015 I purchased a high priced Nuumite Obalisk with a rainbow band on it. After I used it for ritual that night where it realigned my chakras and made my body sweat out toxins, - The next day I took it to the beach while seeing a person/psychiatrist who meditated seemingly Tibetan style. The Nuumite obalisk vanished on the beach in our vicinity (or it got snuck away to someone's bag). In anycase, someone else told me that I had inadvertently opened a Portal. Though my silent intention was definately a trust test. Shortly after this incident, Annubis visited me in form the next time I saw this friend. And, all within a week and a half, he called me to tell me of his mother being on the brink. He was asked to make a decision to pull the plug or not. So, one night about a week and a half later, he called me to tell me he pulled the plug on her. And, that he had no regrets and was relieved of the pain. After hearing this and the conversation ended I gave him a I never heard from him again. I immediately met another person within a few minutes who also has an interesting spiritual background.
Coincidentally, I saw the movie "Aloha" and there was a scene showing a grave. On top of the grave was a very similar Nuumite Obalisk. I had seen Bradley Cooper (from near my PA hometown) at a couple of bars and around the spiritual dojo where i had been participating in the local Japanese spiritual dojo practice (which I had issues with). I wonder if that was the same Nuumite stone

Though, I don't encourage anyone to tamper with anything of a Galactic Shaman. I'm certain someone will. Just be prepared for the best or the worst spiritual challenges.

Wednesday, February 01, 2017


Though there is controversy about the existence of Stargate by some in the "non-entertainment world";-I have a few things to say from direct personal Experience. 
1. I got to train on the mat for a little with a retired US Navy veteran of 25years who judged the Stargate & CSI TV series screenplays. 

2. My childhood home was a riddled with stargates and everything from large spiders that watched over me in the sky. It was 20 min outside of Willow Grove Naval airbase and I was able to pick up on illegal Us military use of subsonic aircraft at the onset of a kid and  In all fairness, small trainer fighters would breeze atop the tree line and I could wave to the pilot waving at me on my bicycle. In my l8r years 29-32 I could drive on a local highway and see the stealth bomber flying in just over head.

3. U know that movie "Signs" with the fields and aliens-- that was within the area Where I grew up.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Mk Uktra - Pennsylvania

In reflection, it seems that my parents attorneys, our family doctors, definately the pastor who initially baptized my brother and I, basically conspired against my life at all critical levels. However, there seems to be no definition of the crimes that they committed against me to report for MK Ultra style torture. 
This USA based Pennsylvania, NY, and Canada operation went well beyond the bounds of simple child abuse, international human rights violations, and normal legal conspiracy.
MK Ultra style in Pennsylvania --:
The Pennsylvania State laws failed me as a dual citizen of Japan(jus Sanguis) and USA. United Nations regulations (they say) did not apply prior to Japan joining the UNited Nations.
•Pennsyvania State laws that women are legally treated like livestock 1974-2014
•Pennsylvania State laws allow corporal punishment & included minors.

My parents were trained by their attorney and friends to behave more like drug addicts who don't care for their own children. I'm very certain my father was  my handler most of my child hood. And that he was responsible for the kitten alter.
My parents had little to no concern my health care and well being for most of my life. this includes a trip to the doctor where I had thought I was a ninja and had several razor blades shoved into the roof of my mouth as a child. They only noticed after it seemed that I refused to eat food after a couple days. When they forced my mouth open, they discovered the razor blades I had hidden, playing ninja.
I had several repeat childhood elementary school dreams that I found out resemble Marine Corps training drills problems by age 9 this Alter door was open to an empty room with a 45angle on the standing slope, several armed soldiers entering with fully auto machine guns to shoot at me. I was frequently "divergent" in this exercise that lasted many years until I discovered a solution.

I additionally grew up in dream world learning kendo from my Ogesan, in a mental dojo accessed through an Alice altar door.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Reason I have not spoken about MK Stargate

Though I cannot prove that there is any correlation to the MK Ultra or MK Search & Stargate programs run by the CIA to my life;- I can list several "coincidences" amidst the flurry of attacks that my parents and I are aware of upon my life directly in the USA. My parents have, for many years, encouraged to sue me and complicate my life so that I cannot find work by the participating organization

Dual Nationalities, Pennsylvania women are cattle legalities, Easy access by programmers till 2009+
  • I & my brother were born a dual-national of Japan & USA
  • My mother was a Japanese National citizen at the time of my birth and did not become a USA citizen until well after Japanese Nationality jus sanguis requirements changed in 1986. 
  • My father was USAF OSI warrant officer for a 4 year enlistment with ATS (Above Top Secret) clearance. He was not declassified until 2001.
  • My mother's family still today are Japanese Nationalists with involvement in Japanese National Security. To my knowledge, my mother was not issued a Diplomatic Passport for appearances of any peaceful mission to the USA post Hiroshima. In fact, while attempting to obtain my mother's records with parental permission for SBA use;- the DHS claimed no knowledge of my mother in the USA database.
  • I grew up, to my memory, in Rural Quakertown, PA in Richlandtownship
  • Our multigenerational family home was located appx 1.2 miles from the Rosacrucians Ceremonial Grounds on Clymer Road.
  • For my higher education at age 17, I was sent to Ithaca, NY and my parents had no legal requirement to remain present in my life after my 18th Birthday. I was sexually assaulted frequently at the private College "Experimental Co-ed  dormitory" before my 18th birthday. I was relocated late into my 2nd semester to a normal dormitory. I also had to beg for my parents to intervene as I became extremely ill on the dining hall food. My "alice" vigilante altar manifested as I formed an Animal Rights organization on the Campus. It took me over 7 years to complete my undergraduate degree at the College. Due to poor grades I was unable to transfer to any other institution to get away from the situation. In contrast to Ithaca, I was able to achieve a 3.86-4.0 for coursework in the Western Conference Universities 1996 & 2004.
  • 1993-10/1996 My college boyfriend I met in Music school, was D.R. Hauptli and I broke up despite most people expecting us to marry. 
  • 10/26/1996 - My suicide programming took hold at an animal rights protest as non-violent action, a friend saved my life and my body from being critically damaged.
  • 10/30/1996 Still on crutches from the suicide programming trauma, I met my partner/boyfriend for the next 9 years. Over the holidays introduced me to his business family which included several Clinton Boys and threatened to kill me if I left the relationship, due to the security of his business family identity. Some of his friends included owners of American heritage type business families and Founding family member of USA based private security company.
  • 1999-2000 was taken to Sarasota, Florida where I met late Joe Elkes, M.D. while I lived with Sally Lucke for a brief time prior to working for 2 different companies & directly for original founder of Peoplesoft.   
  •  8/2000 - I returned to Quakertown, PA and taught piano for 2-3 years in Doylestown, PA and Central/Lower Bucks county as well as commuting to Ithaca, NY where I had a home & worked with my partner/ boyfriend.
  • 200I had for most of our relationship till the company was founded. He controlled all of my money, and did not have my financial best interest in mind. It took me until 2007 to leave him.
  • 12/2002 - Abducted by Todd Hawthorne of Oregon & Tina Kim - Locked in basement at the home of Tina Kim then a WB17 news reporter with ties to North Korea.
  • 1/2007- 3/2007 trip/stays @ Washington, DC, Langley, Va, and Baie Finn, ON, CA. - this was official split from my 9 year relationship.
  • 1/2005 -2/2005 - Trip to Thailand with K. Gesslein - Business recon after Tsunami 
  • 5/2005  - Death of my brother @ 27.  "suicide programming" forced by his Valley Precision employer/owner directly connected to the Rosacrucians.
  • 2006 - Buckingham, PA - Abducted by James Brasted & Knight Engineering @ Ernie Knight's empty apt for appx 1week, I was subsequently stalked and harassed under death threat.Police rescued me/ intervened but did not pursue charges. I had been hired to work for the engineering office through a Doylestown, PA based temporary agency. I was later abducted by the employer and assaulted repeatedly aside from the engineer who lost his mind spilling his guts for faulty drainage plans & payoff from Toll Brothers that in total compromise the Delaware Dam integrity. 
  • late 2005/06 - returned to Ithaca, NY with assistance from Tibetan govt. in exile.
  • 2/2009 -  

Saturday, January 14, 2017

My Spiritual Perceptions

The spirit world is much like a tree in relation to our human physical reality. As Above, so below.
The spirit world and our  human conciousness can interact due to frequencies Hz.
One of the things that I have noticed with the  frequency of filming in the digital age is the number of dark matter spirits over light matter. Neither of these should be immediately perceived as having a negative attribute in our Physical Human reality. Even instances of attribute called demonic posession should not be considered "evil".
 My personal experiences since I have had some near death experiences have a different interpretation of these spirit, Djinn, entities. And, they and their interactions with us in Human physical reality should be treated more like a friendly match of grappling is perceived in a martial arts dojo.
Some, in Japanese culture consider the spiritual realm a place of training in and of itself.
In other conciouness traditions, these instances are considered to be something the soul chose to encounter in this lifetime or the human soul is still in a learning process.
Even through meditation methods or with use of Tibetan Tanka painting, some entities have come through as a reminder to me that I am still in this Physical Human reality. One of my most intense experiences is from a day where I attended meditation at my neighborhod Tibetan Buddhist monastery and I meditated on a near death experience I had and the perception/mindstate I achieved in that instance. I had a perception that is difficult to explain of a dark matter entity that knocked me down on the sidewalk, and I actually tried to prevent this entity from knocking me down on the ground;- while the very loud resonant voice said to me "REMEMBER YOU ARE HERE."
The importance is not that these spirits, Djinn, Greys are to be Capitalized on.
The importance is that there are the innerworkings of what keeps the spiritual world in balance, each soul going and arriving with those they still have resonance.

This idea of something that horrifies people, makes one run away, makes one feel complete bliss and being identified as a malevolent or beneficient spirit needs to disappate. The purity or intensity of such a frequency that triggers an acknowledgement within the human physical form is just that, resonating a particular portion of the limited interactions as perceived by the human body and brain;- whether or not in the most healthy or ideal receptive state. So as the human experience is highly reactive to such frequency;- the human cannot determine the intent of such a frequency wave.
Human body reactive in such a frequency wave can move the human to take measures that instead, give more definition to the frequency;- much more as acknowledgement that has no retreival in such a containment as a Bardo.

In cases of "spiritual haunting" the frequency wave form can be utilized against the masses as they have been preconditioned to some more immediate threat against their physical well being. They are reactive and will typically implement the preconceived survival reaction. Obviously, on any scale, this preconceived survival reaction has an omptimal crux, velocity, and strength. The least employed reaction is one of compassion, knowing personal strength, and allowance for conciousness or life or spirits in all forms to co-exist in and of their own capacity.

Spirits, Djinn, Greys - 

@Dark Forces

Hand of MK Ultra

The hand of MK Ultra, program us..
We have similar hands in the art of palm reading. Time to stop sharing otherwise.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Illuminati is officially Global Catch word

MK Ultra Super soldier Book in Pdf format at the following Link:  I reccomed this because the author breaks down the various "Illuminati" which has become a Global catch all to "secret society" just as the words Maffia/ Family Business, Gang/Unrelated persons organized crime. I believe that the misuse of the word Illuminati is purposely set forth to create more of a race war within the USA, and to encourage American civilians & military to attack ambassadors and other business elite from Japan, China, and other 1st World Nations. It has come to my attention since the USA enables 2nd & 3rd world country economies and their citizens from Asia to organize and attack those of us from 1st World Japan and China with more frequency. Or, as I was told by one person- the Rothschilds hate the Japanese and Asian dragon lineages.
excerpt starts on Page 11 of the PDF:

Also can be found in version at  site: search James Casbolt Buried Alive

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Voting Nov. 8, 2016

I suppose today, will add closure to the past 12 years of gnarly international politicking adversely affecting my once great life in the USA. I voted this morning, and had registered already in the zip code, and finally gave my personal physical location in the same zip code as I wasn't printed in the Roster. It reminded me back to other times I voted in my hometown of Pennsylvania, a place where the vote remained Republican since the inception of the USA in Central Bucks County, PA with about 148 homes. My cast ballot was broken into as many others, and I was harassed by my neighbors who had very different and white dominant values ( on the fringe of US white domestic terrorism). My father walked in the door to yell at me about how I decided to vote, as he was made aware of the votes on my cast ballot. It pissed off all the neighbors enough that I at least knew they were being honest.

However, I did cast my ballot. Voted for 3 people who have been in my midst or I have met without effort;- from frequent visits to the Collegetown of Ithaca, NY that became my adult home, the Obama/Hanabusa/Maize campaign, And, the crazy dude running for Senate in Hawaii who talked to me at the Waikiki Laundromat who talked my ear off one day about car stuff & the MK experience.

I'm hoping for the best for restoration to peaceable living in the USA.
That the USA mainland becomes more calm again and less racially/ nationally volatile,
I know, my vote most likely doesn't promote TPP issues or any business plans with Japan & other Asian nations that have existed for the duration of my life. However, without the restoration of peaceable calm in the USA mainland;- domestic travel and business is likely to defeat the basic guidelines of security for international/ multinational human beings that should be employed with the TPP.  Yes, I voted, despite being forced into my USA citizenship and operating under USA domestic guidelines of nationality while being terrorized for being a Japanese national  at home, school, and church by white supremicists who sought to impact the future relationship with Japan.

So, for whatever it's worth.,,I voted. Went through the bogus process. Had I been given a fair chance at my own decisions;- instead of being a political tool & statement back at Japan, My life would have been on a very different path. Now, I get to see...what this toss up Presidency creates.

Big Waves already breaking at the North Shore of Oahu;- time to forget this political BS till surf contest season is over. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

2 chain programming

Since June/July 2016 (3mos) 
Tree image (below) drawn or hand painted elementary teacher style, on walls  indicator of chain programming.
3 different homes connected to people who work at or frequent busy night clubs on Oahu. 
One seems single and random people friends one day put a tree on their living room wall. One is married and family put a similar looking "tree" without leaves (ioW not too attractive) approximately same size on a living room wall. The third one is is more composed.
They had prior history in drug dealing and supposedly were lifted out of that life by US military or US Hollywood. seem to have Delta altars of some sort.

2 chain programming

Since June/July 2016 (3mos) 
Tree image on walls  indicator of chain programming. 2 different homes connected to people who both work at or frequent busy night clubs on Oahu. 
One seems single and random people friends one day put a tree on their living room wall. One is married and family put a similar looking "tree" without leaves (ioW not too attractive) approximately same size on a living room wall.
Both had prior history in drug dealing and supposedly were lifted out of that life by US military or US Hollywood. Both seem to have Delta altars of some sort.

Differences MK Delta to MK Uktra

There seems to be a generational difference that is noticible between the more recent and natural MK Ultra and the drug submerged MK DELTAs.
The MK Deltas seem to have had more active and criminal past in drug use and distribution. They seem more accustomed to the doors being held open for them and their indulgences met as long as they complied. Some MK Deltas did literally go insane with the LSD and or PCP taking them to a restful suicide. Others survived the drugs and programming with proud stories to tell. 

MK Ultra isn't the same, at least not from my perspective. MK ultra isn't just about  the loud, willing, and compliant slew of USA monarch celebrities who draw public sympathy. Some lesser known MK Ultra subjects have been groomed for civilian Intel collection and have family profiles with clout outside the USA. Some of these MK Ultra types have been put through the Alice protocol. I know this one is in my past, definately. 
One unique feature of the Alice protocol is the use of the MK subject's mother in administering physical abuse. I am uncertain how many Mind Kontrol protocols use the mother rather than another adult. Sometimes the mother is also a victim having undergone Nazi-like surgeries to disturb the brain stem. Some cases, the mother is left the widow of an intelligence agent. The violence the mother inflicts is more psychologically binding a relationship than normal. And, the Alice protocol inflicts and exposes its subjects to timed deaths of companion animals, loved ones, and many other atrocities against human rights. There were only two paths to succeed the Alice protocol. The most common and expected path was for the Alice protocol subject to die from inflicted physical injuries, or by suicide from depression of continual and regular assaults. The other is that the MK subject is able to overcome the emotional and mental states of the assaults and to attain a hyper-vigilante persona. And even if this hyper-vigilante persona is achieved past puberty, a resulting factor with the Alice protocol is a suicide command at age 26 or 27 for some. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mineral/Crystal activation Aug. 24, 2016

Yesterday, I attended Veg Fest in honolulu.
My mineral/crystal that houses/housed an interdimensional being was
vibrating like crazy in my bag. No, it wasn't a vibrator. In fact, there was NOTHING with batteries or electric charge in my bag. The crystal/mineral went off 2x that was extremely noticeable.
1x was somewhere between 2- 3pm Hawaii Time, when I was in line for a cup of Vegan coffee.
And, at the same time my bag started vibrating with the mineral/crystal got going, a small dog someone was holding a few feet away started barking while looking at me.
The second time, between 3-4pm Hawaii Time, I was standing near several clear quartz crystals;- and my mineral/crystal vibrated strong again. 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

38th Floor, Light Orb anomaly

July 30, 2016 between 10pm (22:00) - 10:15pm (22:15) High frequency tone that I found irritating, same frequency I normally hear around installed alarms. The HF tone lasted for over five minutes with a loud gurgling sound coming from the Wall area of the A/C and bathroom sink (similar to an old heater). Only the hall & bathroom light was on. Near 10:15pm (22:15) There was a strong  flash of light about 2.5' in diameter that happened about a 1.5' from the lamp by the window . Then, nothing except for a smaller orb with dark matter around it 6 inches down from the corner of the wall/partition meeting the foyer by the A/C.  I thought maybe it was an electrical surge coming from the outlet box another 4.5' diagonal from the lampshade, and checked to see if the light bulb blew at the Lamp by the window. The light turned on and the bulb is in working condition.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction for Seismic Arial triangualtion 
Triangulate and change direction

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction  triangualtion links: Earthquake + arial triangulation
Triangulate and change direction