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Showing posts with label the. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hand of MK Ultra

The hand of MK Ultra, program us..
We have similar hands in the art of palm reading. Time to stop sharing otherwise.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

USA ideology creates terrorism Abroad

I know I'm difficult to follow as I sift through large amounts of incongruent information. I have to get this out of my head tonight to sleep a little. Will be back to revise...l8r

"We the People"... "Life Liberty & Pursuit of Hapiness" ~USA Constitution

Ideals that inspire regularly, create and inspire non-jihad and more ambitious "terrorist" groups of Unsatisfied civilian populations with common gripes. USA ideals abroad don't equate to traditional coup d'etas or revolution simply overthrow a tyrannical government leadership.