Showing posts with label Clymer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clymer. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Voting Nov. 8, 2016

I suppose today, will add closure to the past 12 years of gnarly international politicking adversely affecting my once great life in the USA. I voted this morning, and had registered already in the zip code, and finally gave my personal physical location in the same zip code as I wasn't printed in the Roster. It reminded me back to other times I voted in my hometown of Pennsylvania, a place where the vote remained Republican since the inception of the USA in Central Bucks County, PA with about 148 homes. My cast ballot was broken into as many others, and I was harassed by my neighbors who had very different and white dominant values ( on the fringe of US white domestic terrorism). My father walked in the door to yell at me about how I decided to vote, as he was made aware of the votes on my cast ballot. It pissed off all the neighbors enough that I at least knew they were being honest.

However, I did cast my ballot. Voted for 3 people who have been in my midst or I have met without effort;- from frequent visits to the Collegetown of Ithaca, NY that became my adult home, the Obama/Hanabusa/Maize campaign, And, the crazy dude running for Senate in Hawaii who talked to me at the Waikiki Laundromat who talked my ear off one day about car stuff & the MK experience.

I'm hoping for the best for restoration to peaceable living in the USA.
That the USA mainland becomes more calm again and less racially/ nationally volatile,
I know, my vote most likely doesn't promote TPP issues or any business plans with Japan & other Asian nations that have existed for the duration of my life. However, without the restoration of peaceable calm in the USA mainland;- domestic travel and business is likely to defeat the basic guidelines of security for international/ multinational human beings that should be employed with the TPP.  Yes, I voted, despite being forced into my USA citizenship and operating under USA domestic guidelines of nationality while being terrorized for being a Japanese national  at home, school, and church by white supremicists who sought to impact the future relationship with Japan.

So, for whatever it's worth.,,I voted. Went through the bogus process. Had I been given a fair chance at my own decisions;- instead of being a political tool & statement back at Japan, My life would have been on a very different path. Now, I get to see...what this toss up Presidency creates.

Big Waves already breaking at the North Shore of Oahu;- time to forget this political BS till surf contest season is over. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

my brother's death- head blown off with shotgun

Japan owns $1197.0billion USA dollars in debt. The average inbred homeland American whose reading comprehension is low thinks that they own Japan. 
So...what I have been forced to live a social experiment is absolutely unforgivable. especially after my brother's memorial service and his so called friends joking about beating the shit out of him because he is Japanese. My father & his friends silenced me from getting into a fight and then several people attempted to murder me, which exhausted me financially.
The White Pennsylvanians (clearly have strong white European supremacy) and my college schoolmates thought it was funny that another "dumb Jap" but the dust on the east coast. That's the crowd of Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers (as hateful of Asia and white supremacist in their progressive allotment of race") I had the most exposure to. The Americans  think it's amusing that my mother & I, & our family Akita woke up to the disaster of my brother's brains splattered in a family picnic area with a shotgun.  Apparently my father "found him" and then went to sleep until my mother found him. 
No, I don't have friends here in the states. The half Chinese and mixed race other Asians think it's amusing as well since they revel in Japan's failures.
41 years tomorrow of the USA is quite enough embarrassment and harshness. 
My aunt Junko should know my mother psychologically wrote me off as a representation of her Jealousy for Aunt Junko's beauty and refinement in Japanese society. I was born to an oil and water family;- or steel and steel that clash constantly. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rosicrucian and Depopulation of the Planet -- Introduction.

I grew up less than a mile from the actual 1940's Rosicrucian ceremony grounds in Bucks County, PA. My mother taught me that these people would shoot me because I'm half Japanese and half US Caucasian mix. And, throughout my life well into adulthood, They have attempted to kill me, as the Rosicrucians' founder's grandson (Lee Clymer) was a neighbor (with his wife Cathy Clymer) to me on the street I grew up on. You can find a blurb on these Rosicrucian in the "Atlas of Secret Societies by David Barrett ." This Rosicrucian Sect have been referred to as an abusive sex cult and have been ostracized from other Rosicrucian sects in the USA for their white supremacist views and practices. They also murdered my brother in 2005 in our backyard (we are both of half-Japanese nationality).

  1. My brother told me (2004) that Lee Clymer made him work extra to CNC machine custom guns that the Rosacrucians white supremacist network sold and ran privately throughout the USA. This may or may not be part of some ultimate plan to decrease the world's population. But none the less it is heinous. There are also Federal/CIA agents and their counterparts who seek to promote drugs through these networks of Rosacrucians and their wanna be's.
  2.  The Rosacrucians Clymers are related to Representative Clymer (PA) --and have close ties to Cheney. They use "divide and conquer" and many other tactics to smokescreen their white supremacist traditional values (that may go back to Hitler).
  3. They also forced my brother to work for the Quakertown, PA irradiation plant @2002-2004 through a temporary employment agency (to cover up). They already knew that we were not supposed to be near radioactive materials. They then labeled my brother a terrorist trying to obtain uranium (in a cobalt reactor) and sent their slews of Illuminati/white trash junkies to barrage me and my brother with more murderous attacks. 
 Personal notes and their abuse never ends
  1. Over the years growing up, I'm also quite sure they use mind-control protocols and that I've been exposed to their abuse throughout my childhood. I went through an intense period after the hypervigilant activist side of me emerged after leaving Quakertown and being politically torn at the age of 17 in my 1st semester Ithaca College dorm room and ignored.
  2.  And, I had inherited land/house there from my Great Grandmom Kelley as I'm part Kelley, but they have turned me into one of their "Indigent Ethnics" as they so proudly rub in my face as they have completely decimated happiness in my life over the past 30+ years. I became an activist in High School. I later dedicated my time to fighting "the good fight" and learning from whoever I could who has skills to battle with these people. However, I have to say "C.B. you were right!!!!" They attacked me when I returned to my hometown, and I barely escaped with my life... and a duffel bag of clothes to Hawaii. I still have near nothing as I'm attacked by others who feel that they will have a place within the USA military orders if they harm me here in Hawaii.
Anyway, financially decimated and physically harmed... I'm still here.