Showing posts with label USA homeland security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA homeland security. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

DHS harsh in Cities, confiscate property

Philadelphia, PA - tightened security over a decade ago to compete with terrorist actions. Everyone who DJ were talking about the severity of having audience members carrying drugs into concerts and losing everything to unrelated strangers. in Honolulu, HI - they say that different syndicate members hold the properties where smuggled narcotics that infiltrate Hawaii are sold. Despite the open fact that there is a high percentage of new construction going on;- it remains a party favor of Aloha to the imported  construction workers from different parts of the USA.
wondering how the current Honolulu behaviors affect the following:
-Building Construction integrity-
-U.S. Gov. Not possessing the properties
-Terrorism with an open gateway from Asians
-is Hawaii syndicate the same as US Feds?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Toxic Mold Legislation needed

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
They say that you won't know until you are on the same frequency. And, rightly so, noone really wants to be discussing toxic mold. I didn't know that some of the tent encampments in Honolulu were a result of sick buildings and mold ridden A/C ducts. Not all of the toxic mold and black mold on Oahu is posted notice. And, many landlords force the tenents out without any compensation for mold contaminated furniture, do a small repair of the moldy area and then re-lease the rental space. Due to the expense of furniture replacement, many tenents will take their mold contaminated furniture with them without proper treatment to the mold. Then, they move their belongings to a public storage unit or a new residence where the mold can continue to flourish. There is no Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) that I know of. Additionally, the issue of Toxic mold is that it is a biotoxin and classified as a biological weapon. So, anyone can see the double edged sword of this mold strain being a public liability.

If I were to start a HI-PIRG group- I would be lobbying Hawaii State Legislature with a bill that makes it mandatory for Hawaii residents to be tested for toxic mold strains bi-annually or Annually sometime soon after Hurricane season and before the Holidays. I doubt it would give a completely accurate picture of where toxic mold is accrued, but it might help define areas that are severely affected. I think that this is important because mold spores also can root in clothing, and workers can bring it with them to the international hotel setting in Waikiki. Workers in hospitality industry are already subject to mandatory TB (tuberculosis) testing. A toxic mold test can be very fast with the correct high powered microscope, a drop of blood or two from the finger for slides (amount of blood much like an anemia test).

According to Dr. Croft (on, 525,000 people died with toxic mold in 2003 with a 40% mortality rate. They estimate that the mortality rate has risen to 55% in 2005, 11 years ago.

Since 2014, when I learned I was contaminated with toxic mold;- I have learned of others who have gone through this experience. Toxic Mold survivors are typically left financially devastated.
In 2 years and 6 months, I have learned word of mouth of the following:

  • 1 person on Kauai who is mentally ill and incompetant from toxic mold
  • 1 person on Kauai (vegetarian) who had surgical removal of a tumor caused by toxic mold
  • 1 person PH Pauoa Valley loosing their home to toxic mold & has many toxic mold symptoms
  • 1 person in back of Pauoa Valley has a large tumor looking object (not confirmed toxic mold)
  • Me who in back of Pauoa Valley (the only 12B Oahu microclimate)contracted toxic mold
  • Renters in Chinatown living in tent encampments due to Mold affected air ducts.

Homeowner responsibility to tenants is low in Hawaii. Many renters have no rights as I learned there are laws that do not protect tenants who do not OWN the condo unit or rental room. This I learned is due to the land having separate ownership from the building owner. A condo owner who rented a room and bathroom to me in their penthouse was exempt from any human rights responsibility to me by Hawaii State Law. I learned this when the condo association shut off utilities and attempted to extort the condo owner's condo association fees from me. I had barely lived there for 1.5weeks. I learned that the Honolulu 1st District Court mandated that do not have basic U.S. Constitutional rights in Hawaii as a renter at all, according to Hawaii State Law.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

USA airports & Personal security

Racism plan that pervades the business scene of the USA:- Because I am non-white & born a dual-national.

Federal security discrimination stolen my belongings in air travel including;- important and crucial items to my personal security. 
My experiences as well as those of other non "Caucasian" friends of mine who make substantial money in USA domestic oil and other industries, are shared. 
It seems that the airports target us as terrorists and confiscate our baggage. 

Now tell me, did they turn around and give someone my clothing, cellphone, and ID if they take my ID this time? 
Oh, and there is no complaint bureau.