Showing posts with label JSDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JSDF. Show all posts

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Reporting USA persecution

My conversation with Chat GPT 3.5 mobile app today October 8, 2023 (see translation)この翻訳はChat GPTによって行われました。 #ChatGPT #日本語翻訳

My personal legal perspective since commencing ill treatment and cyber torture related communication with the United Nations has changed in 2022-2023; the approach I am taking is to file local reports with local police even if these reports include police officers and local officials. Then to cover the possible or ongoing retaliation from the same state actors, the local report number given online and or an email must be forwarded immediately to a federal agency. Earlier in the year the federal agency was the local FBI office in the US state it's based in. Recently, my approach is to contact Department of Justice and put it under FBI related inquiry. Then by contacting the consulate of close relatives abroad, and notifying them of the ongoing situation, then government may be able to f o i a any reports should they have the list of government agencies used. This is my personal approach for my case at this point in time. There have been no positive changes at the local level that allow me my human rights and freedom since Trump's call to the public to attack Asian Americans and specifically his Japan steel wars. My situation is different from other Asian Americans. My situation is because of us political targeting before my birth that has continued yearly and sometimes daily over a 40 plus year period.

Of course. Here's a translation of the provided message into Japanese:「2022年から2023年にかけて国連との関係で虐待やサイバー拷問に関連するコミュニケーションを始めたことで、私の個人的な法的見解が変わりました。私が取っているアプローチは、地元の警察に報告書を提出することです。これらの報告書が警察官や地元の役人を含む場合でもです。そして、同じ州の連邦機関にオンラインで地元の報告書番号やメールを直ちに転送する必要があります。年初には、連邦機関は米国の州に基づく地元のFBI事務所でした。最近は、司法省に連絡し、FBI関連の調査の対象として報告書を提出しています。そして、親せきの在外領事館に連絡し、継続中の状況を通知することで、政府が使用される政府機関のリストを持っていれば、情報公開請求法(FOIA)を使用して報告書を入手する可能性があるかもしれません。これは、現時点で私のケースに対する私個人のアプローチです。トランプ氏のアジア系アメリカ人への攻撃を呼びかけた以来、私には人権と自由を享受する機会が与えられていないため、前向きな変化はありません。その攻撃は特に彼の日本鉄鋼戦争に焦点を当てています。私の状況は他のアジア系アメリカ人とは異なります。私の状況は、私が生まれる前からの米国の政治的標的化に起因しており、これは40年以上にわたり年々または時折、日常的に続いています。」

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Lost in surveillance monitors

去年、私は母のためにキノコを湯通しして冷凍して作りました。今日、私は彼女が自分で調理したキノコを準備し、それを湯煎して缶詰にするところを目撃しました。私は彼女に、たとえ少量の塩水を加えた低酸性食品の水浴缶詰の危険性を話しました。しかし、彼女はとにかく蓋をしてみました。私は今、不快なキノコについて説明した日本語の記事を探しています。 そして家は再びテレビやパッシブWi-Fiレーダーを通してスパイする人々からの無線周波数送信による監視下にあるため、監視監視員は母にボツリヌス中毒を食べるように言っています。これは私がハワイから来たときの状態と似ていました。彼らは彼女に寄生虫や腐った食べ物を食べるように指示したのはどこだろう。どういうわけか、彼女は彼らからこのことを学び、パンデミックの間に重篤な病気になりました。彼女の胃から出血していたので、医師に彼女の健康状態をいじってもらう代わりに、私は救急車を呼びました。 RF、マイクロ波、または特殊な信号からの実験監視周波数を処理できる人もいれば、それができず、政府の実験者や研究者からの法外な有害な要求に従う人もいます。その人が音声変調器を使用していることがわかっているため、その人が誰であるかに関係なく、家に向けられたこれらの信号をオフにしたりブロックしたりすることはほとんど不可能です。

Sunday, August 11, 2019

JSDF Trade Wars affecting my personal safety

My United Nations complaint due to emminent danger threats & experiencing  another theft in NY (likely) or MD of some of my identification information to obtain a new passport.

I did speak with someone through a call I MADE TO THE FBI in March/April. For this reason, I am uncertain if the thefts of  my phone & ID, including a portfolio that held my overseas family information in Japan was civilian or Federal or Police. #JSDF

This is more than 50 thefts I have experienced of sensitive personal ID, information of mine.
It is not safe for me in Mainland USA with POTUS current immigration issues, DHS, and trade wars.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dual Nationa Targeted Individual - Japan/USA

The United States of America has NEVER respected my individual rights. After 42 years, they continue to torture, harass, and deny me basic human rights. It is not because I was lazy. i worked over 80 hrs. a week for decades and was not paid. I was targeted in Childhood and my Parents' attorneys saw to it that I was dehumanized to DNA that my parents were legally allowed to terminate.
By Junior High School, I was given a choice to Foster Care in the Highly abusive and White Supremacist Bucks County community where I was physically abused and on all levels of abuse by the teachers, students, students parents and church leaders to set the EXAMPLE for appropriate treatment of an indigent ethnic Japanese.  It has been 42 years and I and my brother suffered through their unrelenting DAILY targeting and Abuse by Department of Defense and other Military Contractor employees, Veterans, and other PATRIOTIC USA inhabitants from Doylestown, PA, Quakertown, PA and connected and surrounding areas.
In 2009 I arrived in Hawaii for a much needed vacation. I was abducted by a Federal Agent immediately and prohibited from leaving his presence to wait to pick up my rental car on my own.  Since that day, my life has been changed with my relatives with Japanese National Security conections  watching some while seeing me suffer without intervening in Oahu & the United States.

There is a vast amount of racism in Hawaii that I have had to endure. It made me a GAGGED PERSON where everyone involved lead others to believe that I was their family and did not need assistance. I was not permitted to speak freely for quite some time without physical harm being done to me.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

My thoughts today about Hawaii

Hawaii local & govt employees and others have become annoying as I hear them discuss what they are going to do with my life. Just like tsa & federal employees blacklisted me and stole my phone equipment claiming that I'm not white so my belongings aren't mine since I have a Caucasian name. And because they wanted to classify me as a terrorist per my father ex USAF Osi warrant officer to create slow kill and international incident.
They have harassed and terrorized me throughout my life. Hawaii State is no exception as many Asian-Americans and Japan haters attack me, gang stalk me, and add to the already hateful USA govt and military behaviors aimed at destroying me due to my Japanese national heritage from Japanese politics and infrastructure. The USA wants another Hiroshima & Nagasaki the way they act & reparations were insincere.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The post I hate

Apparently, Japanese threw a lot of money at the Hawaii favor that even makes a humble meal or a cup of coffee is returned this direction. Probably the most Humiliating post I'm making.
Do what my needs to be done to decimate the continuation of money flowing out of Japan to make American military & syndicate millionaire who are worse than Yakuza.