My notebook: intro of this symposium panel

This morning I went to the Carnation room at the Ala Moana hotel and sat down to listen to the morning symposium "Chasing the Dream: Culture, Capitalism, and Cinema" presented by Netpac@25. It was followed by the panel discussion on "Co-productions and Globalization".
"When Language is Outlawed, speaking it is a political act." ~ Ella Henry, filmmaker New Zealand
The only Panel Members I really think have the right mindset were-- New Zealand's Ella Henry, Philippine's Nick Deocampo, India's Nilesh Maniyar, China's Shayoi Sun.
"Word's are not innocent & have identity of the Colonizer. Identity is a negotiated process."~ Nick Deocampo, filmmaker Phillipeans.
They didn't give Kazakhstan Gulnara Abikeyeva's time with her more formal paper to share.
What I got out of the 2 panel sessions:-
•Trying to overcome borders and communicate to other "cultures". - whether to use Cultural specific language or globalization's English language.
•The people's film claiming to do combat artistically against some globalization and corporate film mindset emanating from Hollywood's "Wagnerianish" auture.
•Attempting to "negotiate" the use of language in a world where only America allows some liberal idea of "freedom of speech".
•Nick Decampo was the only one who ventured to mention ASEAN and making film footage of rice.
------ I did ask 1 question about use of English and tried to briefly explain That even if conversation is put into English that it does not mean there is much context for the rest of the English speaking/ Euro-centric world. --
That I went to a business Dinner where there was a table full of people all who spoke English -- who needed a translator to give in depth context of seemingly simple sentences--also broken down in English, to an American Businessman.
Still how the film world plans to cross globalization borders without similar dinner scenes to resemble & more like a cinematic Opera glance at the story from which the libretto has been derived, is beyond me. ---------------------
^The panel chalked it up to a "negotiation" of use of language over culture. Or how to "weave" culture specific material with Global English...without getting into cinematic style.
It also made me reconsider being more specific when I use the following terms;-
•indigenous (political term, geographical presence, personal experience of foreign body)
•culture & culturally specific vs. society
• cosmopolitanism (went unmentioned) vs. globalization