Showing posts with label Sprout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sprout. Show all posts

Monday, April 02, 2018

My stack of Keto Diet & Vegan Supplements 2018 Q1

2018 Q1 keto-vegan shopping list
Oils & MCT’s
North Shore Goodies (no honey)
         Original Coconut PeanutButter       
Laird - Hydrate Tumeric
Almond Butter 
Justin’s Maple Almond Butter 
Once Again Sunflower seed butter 
Artisana or Nutiva Coconut Manna 
Haleiwa Plantation Coconut oil

Organic Cacao Powder 
Organic Mustard 
Bragg’s Liquid Aminos (for tofu)

Daily 3-4.5 liters water - bottled or boiled only due to bacteria (Hawaii)
Nuts- almond, macadamia nuts, mixed nuts
Celery sticks
Raw tofu 1lb 
Teriyaki nori
Organic Lemons
1/2-3/4lb Alkaline vegetable salad (no lettuce)
2 small containers Vegan Pesto
Med side -lg side -bowl mixed steamed Veggies Panda Express.
Shredded Beets
Potato Chip weakness:- Almond oil smoked potato Chips
Other popular keto type snacks.

 Supplements -Keto Vegan
Creatine - A. Cre5  B. Cre-Elite (wake-up)
Protein - PLNT 
Green 2o Liv international 
Udo’s Omega 3-6-9 blend 
MK-7 Jarrow - Gummies or Capsule
Dry Vitamin A
Yohimbe HCL (before work)
Vira Guard 605 (2weeks)
Activated Charcoal

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

TBA: Honolulu, Philadelphia, Toronto screenings in November 2016

This independent documentary film will premiere on Oct. 4th at the Vancouver International Film Festival. I think I made a donation to help support this film back in 2012? So, anywhoo...I'm stoked that this film is making it's debut. It is already a difficult feat to contend the waves of of single race socio-political walls that can crush individual mixed-race personalities. I've already been personally grappling with the issues revolving around predominantly single-race Independent Asian Culture film makers. Now, here's part of the medical reason shared in a ground-breaking Mixed-Race film by a mixed-race filmmaker Jeff Chiba Stearns and his crew. Please share!!!  

Mixed Match

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

ChickPea Mayhem - Recipe

Grain-Free Chickpea Mayhem - Chickpeas aka Garbanzo's are the mainstay of many novice vegan protein plans. Loaded with Protein & Carbs by the can or cooked, these peas make the paste.
My 1st Hummus venture was out of a cookbook at my Great-Grandmother's old farm house. I was never allowed to receive funds from Japan, as the USA always threatened to jail me as an agent, so I took odd jobs. I went to work for A male Greek chef who owned the Cabbagetown Cafe before its closure. The only legitimate garbanzo cooking I had got me falafel'd out. I took a college summer month to serve falafels at NY State fairs for my summer rent money.
Over 30 years later, chickpeas are a rare main meal or salad item for me.  If chickpeas could walk, they are on my plank for taste fatigue. Though, I would plant them in the ground where they belong;- Here is my last Vegan-Keogenic-grain-free-fruit-free Chick Pea recipe from scratch.

Deconstructed Hummus Salad

estimated effective(net) carbs 20-25.5g 
estimated calories 227.5
  1. 2 tbsp - 1/4 cup hydrated chick peas (carb 11.5g canned, calories 72) 
  2. 1tbsp raw sesame seeds (carb 2.1g, calories 52)
  3. 1Tbsp parsley (carb .2g, calories 1 )
  4. Pinch natural sea salt to taste
  5. 1 tsp MCT oil (carbs 0, calories 75)
  6. 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  7. 1 Romaine or Other inner/outer lettuce leaf (carb .1g - .7g, calories 4)
  8. 1/2 a 301g cucumber - cut lengthwise & scoop out seeds. (Carb 5.5g, calories 23.5) 
  9. Optional 1/8 a Lemon= wedge (carb 5.5g)

  • Halve the cucumber lengthwise and scoop out seeds. Keep them if u want to eat them. Dice lettuce and parsley.
  • Mix lettuce leaf & parsley leaves, with sesame seeds, cayenne, salt, and sesame seeds (and cucumber seeds).
  • Then mix MCT oil with the chick peas.
  • After chick peas are evenly coated with oil, mix thoroughly with leaves & seeds mixture.
  • Spoon the chick peas and leaves & seeds mixture into the hollowed out cucumber. 
  • Let marinade overnight or its ready to eat.
  • Squeeze lemon juice onto salad as desired
Additional extras:- white pepper to taste 

ChickPea Mayhem - Recipe

Grain-Free Chickpea Mayhem - Chickpeas aka Garbanzo's are the mainstay of many novice vegan protein plans. Loaded with Protein & Carbs by the can or cooked, these peas make the paste.
My 1st Hummus venture was out of a cookbook at my Great-Grandmother's old farm house. I later went to work for the man behind the Cabbagetown Cafe cookbook. I also got falafel'd out. over 30 years later, chickpeas are a rare main meal or salad item for me.  If chickpeas could walk, they are on my plank for taste fatigue. Though, I would plant them in the ground where they belong;- Here is my last Vegan-Keogenic-grain-free-fruit-free Chick Pea recipe from scratch.

Deconstructed Hummus Salad

estimated effective(net) carbs 20-25.5g 
estimated calories 227.5
  1. 2 tbsp - 1/4 cup hydrated chick peas (carb 11.5g canned, calories 72) 
  2. 1tbsp raw sesame seeds (carb 2.1g, calories 52)
  3. 1Tbsp parsley (carb .2g, calories 1 )
  4. Pinch natural sea salt to taste
  5. 1 tsp MCT oil (carbs 0, calories 75)
  6. 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  7. 1 Romaine or Other inner/outer lettuce leaf (carb .1g - .7g, calories 4)
  8. 1/2 a 301g cucumber - cut lengthwise & scoop out seeds. (Carb 5.5g, calories 23.5) 
  9. Optional 1/8 a Lemon= wedge (carb 5.5g)

  • Halve the cucumber lengthwise and scoop out seeds. Keep them if u want to eat them. Dice lettuce and parsley.
  • Mix lettuce leaf & parsley leaves, with sesame seeds, cayenne, salt, and sesame seeds (and cucumber seeds).
  • Then mix MCT oil with the chick peas.
  • After chick peas are evenly coated with oil, mix thoroughly with leaves & seeds mixture.
  • Spoon the chick peas and leaves & seeds mixture into the hollowed out cucumber. 
  • Let marinade overnight or its ready to eat.
  • Squeeze lemon juice onto salad as desired
Additional extras:- white pepper to taste