Showing posts with label Minerals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minerals. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

USA harbors a diversity of Domestic Terrorists

I've fought domestic terrorists in the USA for my lifetime. It wasn't even a choice, but a matter of survival growing up in Pennsylvania. Now, today, and since I was cyberstalked online;-
I have been inundated with Asian (Korean & Japanese predominantly), Asian-American  & SE Asian terrorists in Hawaii of the same caliber as the white supremacy groups & European racists that were on the East Coast. They generally seek opportunity to capitalize of racial exploitation & stigma.
I find these people are intertwined with the sex trafficking trade.

Today, I'm getting wary of the vast number of money hungry Asian families that moved to the USA.
I feel that they see attacking me as an extension of the power that USA bestows on them as free citizens. They realize the USA didn't protect me from White Supremacy. They seek to attack vulnerabilities because Japanese didn't move to USA in families after Hawaii was overthrown & especially after Hiroshima.

I do not see how maintaining a security agreement with the United States of America is feasible.
These same terrorists in their free-time & hobby time can covertly be US Domestic Terrorists due to freedom of speech & association. I am not against the Constitutional rights.
I am AGAINST this turning into active hate crimes, domestic terrorrism, financial terrorism, and jeporadizing my life, and the lives of others who are more reasonable. Many of these people are employed in Government, Military, Security & technology industries of the USA.
I do not reccomend that Japan continue to supply USA with metals & minerals that are part of USA's 33% hold in military weapons manufacturing.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Find Vegan Energy in Toxic Mold Mycotoxin Poisoning

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
This week, my Alkaline mineral Energy Drink shipment arrived, and I got a couple bags of it to 2 people on island. When I was first introduced to Liv International  and the Green 2O, I was helping a handful of U.S. military members and guys I trained with who like the alkaline & paleo diet or who were contaminated with Mycotoxins from toxic mold strains. I learned that some were sick and couldn't move, like my symptoms, but were bed ridden at Tripler Hospital. So, their coach asked me what I was doing and did. So, I let them know my top two things that got me moving again.

 My top 2 things:
1. Green 2O by Liv International
2. Digestive enzymes for appropriate diet (ie, vegan enzyme)

Though it took a couple of weeks and they snuck the alkaline energy drink to the hospital, the marine was able to get moving enough to get out of the hospital. I mean, this Alkaline energy drink is AMAZING! The formulator's father is also a retired Army General. There were 3 other things I did (see below), aside from a total diet overhaul. 

Personal Update:
This morning I sat down with an Americano with my MCT oil and added some coconut water to write about my week. Early this week I found that I could barely swim half a lap at my local gym. The week before, I had done grocery/meal runs for an elderly someone who has mycotoxin poisoning symptoms. Even without entry at their recently abandoned residence wasn't enough to avoid re-exposure. I found black crud in my hair from standing outside and speaking with them. I'm guessing it fell out of the roof/awning as we spoke on the walkway in front of her residence. Also, On Tuesday;- I attended a Free seminar where the Rife Frequency Beam ray was on for the duration of the seminar and set to zap bugs and any possible Hepatitis A in the room, I was quite tired physically after attending only the tail end of the seminar. Hawaii recently had a Hepatitis A scare and closure of nearly a dozen Sushi restaurants. So, naturally the people I spend my time with are more aware of possible unintended contamination. On wednesday, I had scheduled a colonic since I feel the colon is a great place for mold to find matter to grow on. The Toxic mold is an unwelcome and difficult to digest organism that doesn't build the immune system like cheese molds. I took alot of extra digestive enzymes to break down these microscopic delicacies.

So, in the Banter of my continuing to live with toxic mold some things that I did last time are gelling. 

1. Daily sauna/steamroom 
2. Colonic
3. Consume oregano - In my original batch of Vegan Rainforest Chile- bio hack I used a quart of blanched oregano that I had frozen as my chile base.  I made this chile somewhere around month 3-4 living at the contaminated house.  I lived with the mold and parasites around me for 10 months and had allergy symptoms at month 1 of moving into the Pauoa Valley 12b microclimate on Oahu. At Month 8 I was unable to walk across the pavers and was winded before I could enter the house. At the beginning, I walked, sometimes barefoot on the walkway that was covered in mold slime. I mean we are talking a patch of sidewalk that was between the covered garage to the front door of the house over 12'x 3.5' coated with stachybotrys. It had the drippings of the roof awning and the cover of the rainforest vines to prevent major direct sunlight nearly 24/7. That is not to mention the interior bathroom, window opened over this walkway, that had something that resembled aspergillosis growing on the ceiling.     

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Vegan Hydrated for Toxic Mold Detox

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
While on my Vegan Toxic Mold Detox, I still had to hydrate properly.
Another thing that I learned was that my hydration level as a vegan is naturally higher (up to 15% higher) than an omnivore or vegetarian the same size. Though, this is a good thing, the Toxic Mold Detox I did required me to drink more water and alkaline minerals drink than normal to balance to Alkaline.

So, for example;- my 16oz Americano in the morning needed to be balanced with 2x16oz of H20.
That's 2x the water to 1 drink of ANYTHING that isn't water or alkaline. The list of acidic drinks is off the chart;- Coffees, teas, soda, juices, beer, smoothies, etc. So, I scaled my coffee intake to 1 coffee drink. I started having doppio machiattos just because the volume of acid was less around 4oz.
It is pretty much everything except clean purified water and the mineral energy drink I had added to my diet by April/May of 2014. Still having  hot or cold lemon water was O.K.

The other thing really important piece I added to my H20 intake was alot of water. Just water.
I weighed in around 118lbs and so 118/2= 59oz of water I needed to drink (mandatory) each day.
This was hard for me to do at first. Finally I just got used to purchasing 2-3 1.5L bottles of water to drink for the entire day. And, I'd get an extra 32oz to make up for the coffee I drank.

The formula is body weight divided by 2 equals number of ounces of water to drink daily.

Yes, this sounds ludicrous. But, I did it while taking alot of digestive enzymes throughout the day (never exceeding 5-6 enzyme caps at once). And, within 3-5 mos. my blood looked cleaner at a microscopic level to the point where I was encouraged to go for picture perfect blood.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Ketogenic Vegan with Night time carb load

My disclaimer is that this is about what I have done to be a Ketogenic Vegan for the past 2 years. I'm not saying it is good or great. Nor did I even know about Ketogenic diets until year 2 and 3mos.
My Ketogenic Vegan diet stemmed out of my fighting toxic mold invaders for my ability to walk, think, and breathe. That fight meant starving the pervasive mold and not giving up my vegan diet and personal ethics. Starving the mold meant not feeding it any type of sugar. Any type of sugar meant anything that I eat that is turned into sugar. Apparently, they haven't made carbs that remain dormant until they are needed to turn into sugar, so i took the practical option. I refrained from eating almost all carbohydrates. Or, I at least kept my carb intake below 50g a day until I was free from mold symptoms.

Sadly, even after over 1.5 years battling Hawaii's toxic mold, the mold is still in my body at least enough that I cannot resume regular consumption of carbohydrates. I experience symptoms of Toxic mold after 6 weeks of moderate carbohydrate consumption. However, since I live in a tropical climate with rainforests, it is safe to say that I could be revisited by different instances of Toxic Mold spore invaders.

So, after the initial battles eliminating ALL, and I mean ALL major sources of carbs, I was able to get better. In hindsight, it started after 3 weeks of moving into a place in Pauoa Valley on the outskirts of Honolulu City. I started having extreme allergic reactions to chemical air freshners that my housemates kept in  the house. I thought I needed a cleanse so I opted for colonics that I heard  other women discuss at work (their friends tried) for improving skin & allergies. I went 2x and the allergies subsided and the air fresheners were unplugged. Over 7 months later my symptoms started with extreme lethargy and being winded after going up 1 step. The visible symptom was my back having an unrelenting raised rash all over it.  And, it started with  included brain fog.
I went to a homeopath and World renowned nutritionist in Honolulu for dietary advice. And, I was shocked with what she suggested. But, I did it like my life depended on it and I got better in 3 mos.

I remained on Grain-free, Fruit-free Vegan diet because my attempts at eating carbs 2 years ago lead me to sickness after the holiday parties. No more fruit juice, no more bread, no more noodles/pasta, & no more rice. Not even in Protein Powder. We are talking about omitting the things human culture is built on till today, reluctantly. 

Until I heard a speech about the Ketogenic Diet from a professional, I was unwilling to relinquish (even to my prior nutritionist), my carb loading after work and before sleep. This I started adding on because I simply would collapse after work. I focused so hard to make it through my shift on low calories that I couldn't even drive home. I would fall asleep in my car outside work, then outside my residence. I would start falling asleep driving half-way there, pull over and nap for about 3 hrs to continue. So, my carb loading after work was somewhere around 100grams (from Taco Bell) with a cup of coffee that had a packet of sugar and a sploosh of non-dairy creamer. One of my customers somehow got a burrito for me one day with nothing but lettuce and their avocado/ guacamole sauce. Today, In a drive thru jam I  try ordering the 7 layer burrito without rice, cheese, sourcream & add a side of guacamole. I read on someone else's site that that burrito is vegan without the cheese / sourcream. Though, not all of these burritos are 100% if you're vegan and you know what I be careful every bite. I've had to throw some away.
Sometimes, it would be a trip to 7-11 and picking up a 20g Protein Cliff bar with a coffee.

Secret revealed. My night time carb load, stay in ketosis during the day. Still vegan, to the best of my knowledge.

Now, you might ask why the Burrito and not the Cliff bar? 
I eat the Burrito, not because I'm enthralled with the fast food magic flavor of Taco Hell. I eat it because the presence of vegetable matter helps to process the proteins better. I've also learned to be more efficient on the diet. Without fresh greens, it is difficult for my body to process protein alone.

In the Superior Athlete BG's presentation he carb loads up to 200g and maintaining ketosis during the day.  I'm not an athlete like that, nor do I claim to be, nor do I work out, nor did I run the Penn Relay's like my Brother did (RIP bro), nor am I an Olympic Gymnast from Japan like my mother was before her accident. I am me, a lazy Classical PIANIST who sold her last piano on the beach to some surfers and wound up with an old battered used Brewer board that people tell me not to use.

So, now that i've bored the miniscule audience I might have to death;- Here are my new dietary adjustments as a Ketogenic Vegan coming out of the rainforest,
and the proper order for me? (would love to ask) before adding more into my diet. This is after listening to Athlete BG's lecture

Breakfast & Lunch
1. wakeup- a bottle carbonated sparkling lemon flavored mineral water take nootropics
wait 15-20 min
2. 5g Creatine
wait 5-10 min
3. 2 vegetarian digestive enzyme caplets
4. Coffee powered MCT oil (1 tbs) + Vega Sport Performance Shake
5. piece of celery, green juice, or veggie breakfast salad (1/2lb veggies) or Green2o

Then repeat above for each meal.
I weigh 116ish so, I drink about 3 liters of water a day.

  • I take digestive enzymes for each protein shake
  • Days I feel super sluggish after carb loading on something, I take up to 5 enzyme caplets for the day. 
  • 2-3 TBS MCT oil works best in my stomach on the Heavenly Salad. MCT oil Doesn't work well with the Mineral drink. It's o.k. in Coffee (though CBD oil is preferred, but rare)
  • I take digestive enzymes when I can before my nighttime carb load that happens 3x a week.
  • I turn my gallon of H20 into a gallon of Green2o with 3 stix = 3-6lbs of veggies minerals, I consume 1 gallon of this appx every 24 hrs. Sometimes, less on the regular h20 sometimes more. depends on how hot it is and how active I am through the day. Or, if i'm just doing extra cleansing. 
Do I drink Alcohol?
I drink alcohol. Yes. However, it's not a daily pride item. 
I take shots, not fruity tropical drinks. In fact mimosas give me rashes. 

  • If I have a shot of liquor, I have a back of Clear bubbly Club Soda (lemon or lime added)
  • Once in a while I've had a beer. And, it is just A single beer. 
  • I like vodka martini's Dirty occasionally. 

That's about it.  
If someone wants to impersonate me and live like this full time, BE MY GUEST!!! good luck!