Showing posts with label fatigue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fatigue. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The best trainer

I realised today, that Fatigue is my best trainer.
I'm still battling toxic mold, trying to eat like normal ( even 1x a week), and staying in a diet that inhibits toxic mold in my body. 
Sometimes when i am the most exhausted (brain fog symptoms aside),
I learn correct movement for no other other reason than having nothing extra I can expend to complete the task.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Find Vegan Energy in Toxic Mold Mycotoxin Poisoning

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
This week, my Alkaline mineral Energy Drink shipment arrived, and I got a couple bags of it to 2 people on island. When I was first introduced to Liv International  and the Green 2O, I was helping a handful of U.S. military members and guys I trained with who like the alkaline & paleo diet or who were contaminated with Mycotoxins from toxic mold strains. I learned that some were sick and couldn't move, like my symptoms, but were bed ridden at Tripler Hospital. So, their coach asked me what I was doing and did. So, I let them know my top two things that got me moving again.

 My top 2 things:
1. Green 2O by Liv International
2. Digestive enzymes for appropriate diet (ie, vegan enzyme)

Though it took a couple of weeks and they snuck the alkaline energy drink to the hospital, the marine was able to get moving enough to get out of the hospital. I mean, this Alkaline energy drink is AMAZING! The formulator's father is also a retired Army General. There were 3 other things I did (see below), aside from a total diet overhaul. 

Personal Update:
This morning I sat down with an Americano with my MCT oil and added some coconut water to write about my week. Early this week I found that I could barely swim half a lap at my local gym. The week before, I had done grocery/meal runs for an elderly someone who has mycotoxin poisoning symptoms. Even without entry at their recently abandoned residence wasn't enough to avoid re-exposure. I found black crud in my hair from standing outside and speaking with them. I'm guessing it fell out of the roof/awning as we spoke on the walkway in front of her residence. Also, On Tuesday;- I attended a Free seminar where the Rife Frequency Beam ray was on for the duration of the seminar and set to zap bugs and any possible Hepatitis A in the room, I was quite tired physically after attending only the tail end of the seminar. Hawaii recently had a Hepatitis A scare and closure of nearly a dozen Sushi restaurants. So, naturally the people I spend my time with are more aware of possible unintended contamination. On wednesday, I had scheduled a colonic since I feel the colon is a great place for mold to find matter to grow on. The Toxic mold is an unwelcome and difficult to digest organism that doesn't build the immune system like cheese molds. I took alot of extra digestive enzymes to break down these microscopic delicacies.

So, in the Banter of my continuing to live with toxic mold some things that I did last time are gelling. 

1. Daily sauna/steamroom 
2. Colonic
3. Consume oregano - In my original batch of Vegan Rainforest Chile- bio hack I used a quart of blanched oregano that I had frozen as my chile base.  I made this chile somewhere around month 3-4 living at the contaminated house.  I lived with the mold and parasites around me for 10 months and had allergy symptoms at month 1 of moving into the Pauoa Valley 12b microclimate on Oahu. At Month 8 I was unable to walk across the pavers and was winded before I could enter the house. At the beginning, I walked, sometimes barefoot on the walkway that was covered in mold slime. I mean we are talking a patch of sidewalk that was between the covered garage to the front door of the house over 12'x 3.5' coated with stachybotrys. It had the drippings of the roof awning and the cover of the rainforest vines to prevent major direct sunlight nearly 24/7. That is not to mention the interior bathroom, window opened over this walkway, that had something that resembled aspergillosis growing on the ceiling.     

Saturday, August 20, 2016

My Vegan Original Toxic Mold Elimination Diet

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016

I published the following on August 28, 2014 as part of what I did as a human being surviving the debilitating effects of Toxic Mold invasion to my human body. This was my actual start Vegan Detox diet plan, immediate, without extra oils until after the 1st month to make it more ketogenic.

1. Drank 3-4 sticks of fulvic minerals with chlorophyllins each day in  3 liters of H20
2. Eliminated major sugar intake;- No grains including corn & heirloom & trendy health grains, No Fruit at all, No Dessert
3. Allowed cacao or nearly pure dark chocolate for dessert
4. Ate  appx. 3/4lb  Organic salad no  lettuce;- bed is sunflower sprouts, shredded beets, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds topped with olive oil and salt. (do not use Pink Salt!!!) 
   4b. No vinegar & no salad dressing due to acidity
5. Allowed 1 - 16oz cup of coffee a day 
6. Drank an additional 48oz of H20 to offset the Acid PH
7. My in between & later meals consisted of a vegetable curry broth with 1 potato (or less) with some carrot, cabbage, and broccoli in it. Or, eat celery with an avocado and salt, handful of Macadamia or Almond nuts too for fresh oils and calories
8. I added a vegan/ vegetarian friendly digestive enzyme supplement regime I increased from 2 enzymes per meal to taking up to 10 a day at various intervals throughout the day.

After months of detoxing I gave blood 2x despite Japanese spiritualists telling me that giving blood is likened to commiting suicide. I was never informed that the blood donation facilities tested for Mycotoxins after I did the detox. I felt it would assist my body to produce newer healthier cells after the Mycotoxin exposure. Just a thought, I'm suprised they don't test for mold;- even under a microscope. But, I was told they throw away the donations every 6 months.

Though I was never formally diagnosed, due to doctors in Hawaii attempting to harm me deliberately;- I consulted with the people of the rainforest. I took some photos of the mold present in my bloodstream and the particular strain is unidentified, and could have been a fungal infection;- though I was definately suffering from extreme Mycotoxin exposure.
____________________________________________________________________________The Original Post from follows:

Things about the World today;- have changed drastically. I don't recommend that ANYONE attempt what I have been doing over the past 5 months in order to get rid of Toxic Mold that entered my bloodstream that follows. It is extreme and takes extreme self discipline to follow. In order to follow it, I had to virtually separate myself from regular socialization.

The following (see below list) is a guideline to my own "Doctor heal thyself natural mold elimination protocol" while on a still vegan diet. This are components of the natural protocol I followed to reduce the Toxic Mold in my bloodstream as a vegan. I had little to No candida due to my strict vegan diet, so some speculate that the mold entered my bloodstream through a contaminated water or ice machine supply. Because eating fruit and grain adds to "feeding" the toxic mold that thrives in an acid environment;- I had to eliminate these vegan components of my daily diet.

1. Drink about 3-4 sticks of fulvic minerals with chlorophyllins each day in about 3 liters of H20
2. Eliminate sugar intake;- No grains including corn, No Fruit at all, No other dessert
3. Allow cacao or nearly pure dark chocolate for dessert
4. Eat about 3/4lb  organic salad without lettuce;- mostly bed is sunflower sprouts, shredded beets, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds topped with olive oil and salt. 
   4b. No vinegar & no salad dressing due to acidity
5. Allowed 1 - 16oz cup of coffee a day and drank an additional 48oz of H20 to offset the Acid Ph.
6. My in between & later meals consisted of a vegetable curry broth with 1 potato and some carrot, cabbage, and broccoli in it. Or, eat celery with an avocado and salt, handful of Macadamia or Almond nuts too for fresh oils and calories
7. I added a vegan/ vegetarian friendly digestive enzyme supplement regime I increased from 2 enzymes per meal to taking up to 10 a day at various intervals throughout the day.

The problems I experience while still on this diet;- are that my oils intake from nuts and avocados is the most crucial to keeping my heart from having pain. I've had to keep both fresh avocado & macadamia on hand in case as I was told (paraphrased) 'my body will start looking for oils to consume and your heart has plenty of fat and oils'.  I'm going to put this diet on the fringes and DON'T recommend it to anyone!!! Even for me a vegan of 30 years now, this diet is on the extreme and I'm using it to "starve out" the debilitating toxic mold that entered my bloodstream and had a nearly crippling effect on me. Toxic mold made my skin break out, extreme fatigue so I looked like a 90year old trying to walk up a stair or two. The protocol I followed for myself only, has mostly cleared my blood of the mold and under a high powered microscope has reduced the size of the mold groupings to being smaller than my red blood cells.