Showing posts with label Siberia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siberia. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

USA harbors a diversity of Domestic Terrorists

I've fought domestic terrorists in the USA for my lifetime. It wasn't even a choice, but a matter of survival growing up in Pennsylvania. Now, today, and since I was cyberstalked online;-
I have been inundated with Asian (Korean & Japanese predominantly), Asian-American  & SE Asian terrorists in Hawaii of the same caliber as the white supremacy groups & European racists that were on the East Coast. They generally seek opportunity to capitalize of racial exploitation & stigma.
I find these people are intertwined with the sex trafficking trade.

Today, I'm getting wary of the vast number of money hungry Asian families that moved to the USA.
I feel that they see attacking me as an extension of the power that USA bestows on them as free citizens. They realize the USA didn't protect me from White Supremacy. They seek to attack vulnerabilities because Japanese didn't move to USA in families after Hawaii was overthrown & especially after Hiroshima.

I do not see how maintaining a security agreement with the United States of America is feasible.
These same terrorists in their free-time & hobby time can covertly be US Domestic Terrorists due to freedom of speech & association. I am not against the Constitutional rights.
I am AGAINST this turning into active hate crimes, domestic terrorrism, financial terrorism, and jeporadizing my life, and the lives of others who are more reasonable. Many of these people are employed in Government, Military, Security & technology industries of the USA.
I do not reccomend that Japan continue to supply USA with metals & minerals that are part of USA's 33% hold in military weapons manufacturing.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

My genetics vs clandestine ops

For the record, my family parents especially, steered me away from early ROTC program in USA for a college payment option. Additionally, I was told not to get involved with clandestine ops even if CIA due to my relatives involvement elsewhere in infrastructure.
I am now over the age bracket to be employed for such industries. Additionally, I have not married or have had a family of my own.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Salt today, no hui?

So, I looked it up. Shaman hui. The term, It exists. the Shaman word is from part of Sibera that is in my dna bandwidth.
A little kid shouted, "It's da hui!" at me today as I walked by the beachgoers. I spent time collecting salt from volcanic rock pools today. After I finished my 1st collection, then meditations on the beach (pre-noon) followed by another collection,  I rinsed off and returned to my car.  At my car, I was putting shorts and a top on over my bikini when it began to rain. I got in my car ready to leave and realized i set something down and forgot it where I had been sitting. When I got out of my car the rain subsided. That's when the kid sitting nearby shouted "it's da hui!". When I got to the object that was under the tree, the birds started vocalizing loudly.  I picked up the object and returned to my vehicle. Then, I got in my car and it began to rain again.

Besides many people categorizing me as da hui, seperate from any of the pro surf league out here.  And/or being seen with anyone who I know or have met as happenstance of being around the North Shore of Oahu. So, I'm beginning to wonder... I thought da hui was a word for the Historical & authentic Hawaiian Surfing organization that's made it's brand sell to wholesale clubs. I try to be very straightforward that I'm not da hui in that sense. And especially not in the genetical Hawaiian sense. I'm mostly comprised "new species of human" of the Earth's northern cold water islanders and an Asian Siberian tribe that is at the root of Shamanic culture. And don't have much in the way of surfing skills yet, that I can recall.
Will try to work on it though. & Mahalos for the Coffee this week.

there's been too much going on in the Galaxy.

Friday, February 03, 2017

Galactic Shaman Crystals

My first crystals/ rocks that I was attracted to were those iron ore meteorites that I used to find daily and hang onto as a kid. However, after realizing they fell from outerspace and burnt up into small craterous chunks no bigger than a raisin. I was told they were just like me when brown in the summer, a kid dual national of several ethnicities Chinese, Sakha/Siberian, J. Ainu, Japanese, & British Isles descent.

I decided to leave them on the ground, though always looked for them from a distance. As a child, I guessed they were here for a reason just like me. 

 It took a couple decades, until one day  a few years ago, I saw the flash of laborodite in my my mind's eye. For a 1st time I went into a "new age" shop and looked around. I heard this high frequency sound, as I had been diagnosed with hyperacusis that allows me to perceive sound at higher decibal level. I took a look around, and hiding in the bottom of a locked case behind scrying stones was a tiny pendant. It wasn't on blatant display. It was hidden 4 shelves down from the pieces of laborodite that i saw in my minds eye. It was a piece of meteorite, a thin slice, encased in resin.
That was my concious return to the world of respectful earth conciousness.

It would be better for the earth, if these "unattractive" meteoric stones would be more popular. They can't be mined.

Galactic Shaman out...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Japan Trans-Pacific Partnership

Last night the Japan Rep who I met at ABAC 2011, a older white haired Caucasian man from Bucks County;- stopped by my stage. It finally made sense that his collegues and/or friends pressured my brother's death nearly 11 years ago in this volatile world of EX-IM. 
I'm tragically disgusted with what I realized, and that they are making me a laughing stock. 
I am not at all happy, and I agree with my family in discontinued business with the Caucasian-Americans, women included.

Whites are violent back stabbers who find the longterm game more satisfying and gratifying in their executions/murders of non-whites. I'm not sure that business with African-Americans will be much better as I have already experienced their agenda against Caicasian racism. They are biased at pushing their agendas and offer no internal domestic help that is actually appropriate for an international field.

Though, I've found some of the Russians (not the Georgia born) quite agreeable. I question their possession by Christianity in the ASEAN Environment. It is my biggest concern.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Most extreme Coldest town on Earth- Verkhoyansk

67° 33′ 0″ N, 133° 23′ 0″ E coordinates for Verkhoyansk or see Satellite Google Earth map

Verkhoyansk experienced a record low temperature exceeding -90 degrees Farenheit in 1892. Today the average winter temperature of this population of approximately 1500 people is -55 degrees Farenheight. The hottest extreme in the same locale ranges from 102 to 192 °F.

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