Showing posts with label Crystal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crystal. Show all posts

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Nano-tech polymersome


Darkfield Microscopy- Live blood (7000nm-1000nm cells)  of Angela "Kikuchi" Kneale
copyright 2014
Finger-points to the area of 'black nano scatter' biotoxin
appx 480-520nm Cyan polymersome or nanosphere & disintegrated structure 

Definition by size: Nanoparticle- is on the nanoscale, Nano-tech 1-100nm

1. Nanosphere (aka Bead - possibly PMMA or PGLA) aka polymersome 
These beads are responsive to signals and/or temperature changes.
Some of these spheres have the potential to trigger additional cytotoxicity and unknown long-term effects. 

2/3- Possibly disintegrated nanospheres- or triggered beads that released contents.

4. Red Blood cells - with hexagonal structural changes - indicate my blood's ability to adapt to recruit oxygen and/or to maximize surface area for efficient signals conductivity - note closest to the crystal and bio-toxins.

5. Crystal appx 30000nm- attributed to Uric Acid created due to bio-toxins. Unlikely it is a Nano Chip due to lack of luminosity. However, there is a black nanostructure within it that appears to be similar to known patented nano-chip circuitry.

Friday, February 03, 2017

Galactic Shaman Crystals

My first crystals/ rocks that I was attracted to were those iron ore meteorites that I used to find daily and hang onto as a kid. However, after realizing they fell from outerspace and burnt up into small craterous chunks no bigger than a raisin. I was told they were just like me when brown in the summer, a kid dual national of several ethnicities Chinese, Sakha/Siberian, J. Ainu, Japanese, & British Isles descent.

I decided to leave them on the ground, though always looked for them from a distance. As a child, I guessed they were here for a reason just like me. 

 It took a couple decades, until one day  a few years ago, I saw the flash of laborodite in my my mind's eye. For a 1st time I went into a "new age" shop and looked around. I heard this high frequency sound, as I had been diagnosed with hyperacusis that allows me to perceive sound at higher decibal level. I took a look around, and hiding in the bottom of a locked case behind scrying stones was a tiny pendant. It wasn't on blatant display. It was hidden 4 shelves down from the pieces of laborodite that i saw in my minds eye. It was a piece of meteorite, a thin slice, encased in resin.
That was my concious return to the world of respectful earth conciousness.

It would be better for the earth, if these "unattractive" meteoric stones would be more popular. They can't be mined.

Galactic Shaman out...